10 people who need to lose 50 pounds Challenge!



  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member

    Id love to do a spreadsheet :), i got confused when you said SS lol! Will kick me up the bum to get back on track (even though i have done, and ive got rid of weighing daily, i just get "depressed" for no reason and thats it a couple of days gone here or there, they really amount up!)

    If everyone sends me their starting weight, weight now, and your target weight :) I'll sort it all out, and look at putting it online somewhere, or if everyone wants to send me there email addresses i can email it weekly :)

    Nessy x

    Ohhh sorry hehe!!! Yeaaaahhh to getting back on track! :) Well done!!! Thats would be great for the group babe! Thanks!!

    You will get there!! just gotta stick at it hunny!!!

    My starting weight for this group I think was 188? Im now at 184.4 :) My goal weight is 140! :)

  • airica25
    airica25 Posts: 50 Member
    start: 205
    current: 203
    mini goal: 199
    goal: 150
    ultimate goal: 140

    I started myfitnesspal at 215 I think but over the past 2 years I have lost 80 pounds I gained while being pregnant. I think I was about 286 when I had my daughter.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Start weight is 191.5
    Current weight is 190.0
    My Goal weight is 130
    I started myfitnesspal in January of 2011 at 236.0 and have done really well ! Its hard for me to believe that i have lost a total of 46 pounds !
  • Stagezz
    Stagezz Posts: 124 Member
    start: 212
    current: 208
    mini goal: 199
    goal: 170
    ultimate goal: 150

    I am also 5'8...

    Started myfitnesspal in January 2011 too...I was actually lighter then...like 204...but apparently didn't take it all too seriously.

    This time is different!!
  • pumpkinmoccasin
    start: 220
    current: 215.4
    mini goal: 199
    goal: 180
    ultimate goal: 150

    I'm 5'2" :)

    My highest weight was 239, I lost 39 lbs and then went back up to 220 gradually over the last year :/ At least I kept off almost 20 lbs! I'm finding it so much easier to keep myself on track using MFP, though my weightloss is sloooow.

    My mini goal is 199 because I was at 200 flat when I fell off the wagon last time, talk about defeating myself! I'm totally pissed that I let myself do that.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    If you still need people I would love to join!


    start: 186lbs
    current: 175.6lbs
    ultimate goal: 125
  • vmrink
    vmrink Posts: 42
    start: 289
    current: 271
    mini goal: 250
    goal: 199* just to be out of the 200s.
    ultimate goal: 185

    HW was 299 a couple of months before MFP.
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    How did you do in the friday weigh in everyone? I'm up 0.2 kg to 114.7 kg, but no problem,because it's my TOM, so I'm not too worried about it.
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    Srah thats great! that is not a lot to be up during TOM! U really are a great motivator and friend on here - Im so lucky to have you :)

    Im at 184.2 this week! had a bit of self pity binge last night! but im ok! Just gonna try harder!

  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am at 188.5 this week .
  • airica25
    airica25 Posts: 50 Member
    I am at 188.5 this week .

    Awesome job! Keep it up !! :) xxx
  • airica25
    airica25 Posts: 50 Member
    previous current: 203
    today's check in: 201.5
  • Stagezz
    Stagezz Posts: 124 Member
    previous current: 203
    today's check in: 201.5

    Great Job Girl!!!

    I was 208.8 last week
    Today I am at 207.2.
  • agreenmess
    agreenmess Posts: 94
    Hey everyone so im getting a spreedsheet done up and i need some info from everyone

    Start Weight - Jochubs, fatgirlwalking, stporter, alesiaburris, umdlabored, lajojo.

    This Weeks weight - drakies, charli246, carteremma, jochubs, random143, fatgirlwalking, stporter, obirdieo, alesiaburris, umdlabored, lajojo

    Goal weights from - drakies, charli246, carteremma, jochubs, sarah_uk, random143, fatgirlwalking, stporter, obirdieo, alesiaburris, umdlabored, lajojo

    Also if you want me to include your bmi, and what class you fit in (e.g overweight/normal) please can you provide me with your height in feet and inches!

    I have looked on the forum for everyones weights so please either post here or email me them. I am looking at getting the spreedsheet done and set up around 8/9 tomorrow night (London time) as im in a field all day so wont be able to check me email before then!

    Well done on everyones loss so far!!!! and hope everyone is doing well

    Nessy x

  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    Shall I convert mine to pounds,because it seems like I'm the only one using kgs?

    Im 5ft10 and my goal weight is 165 pounds. Current weight. 252.3. Last week 251.9. Start weight 312.4. My current BMI is 36.6.
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    And by the way, ObirdieO had her appendix out,so I'm not sure if she'll respond on here. She's probably still recovering as it was quite recent.
  • airica25
    airica25 Posts: 50 Member
    previous current: 203
    today's check in: 201.5

    Great Job Girl!!!

    I was 208.8 last week
    Today I am at 207.2.

    Good Job my friend! Keep up the good work!
  • drakies
    drakies Posts: 8
    Hi Everyone,

    Sorry for being a bit AWOL, been away on hols for a week and as usual best intentions went down the drain with the dregs of a wine bottle or two. Back in action now though.

    Starting weight - 197
    Current weight - 197 !!! :drinker:
    Height - 5' 0"

    Thanks for doing the spreadsheet Nessy, much appreciated by all I'm sure.

    Have a good Sunday everyone.
  • agreenmess
    agreenmess Posts: 94
    Hey everyone,

    I looked into getting the spreedsheet online and the best way was a website :)

    If you could toodle pip over everyone should be on it, look at the bottom tabs for your name :), i need to do a bit of spring cleaning with the spreedsheet, though it does work perfectly.

    What does everyone think? Anything else anyone wants to add? I know its only one page so filler would be good :)

    Website: http://www.wix.com/agreenmess/20peopletolose50

    Hope everyone is ok!

    Nessy x x
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    Coll Nessy that looks great!!! :) Thanks so much!!

    How was everyones weekend?

    What did you get up 2?

    Eat anything new? or try n e new type of exercise? xxxxx