Who wants to be a HOT MAMA group 4 (closed group)



  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    My weight last Friday was 167, but I was 168 on Saturday. I have been really having a hard time getting off the 168 mark! I am going to try the Jillian Michaels kettle ball DVD this week and watch my carb intake more than I have been. I will just keep my weight at 168, I dont' want to mark down a pound unless I can stay there longer than a day :(

    Even though the scale isn't moving for some reason my body has changed. I am comfortable in a size 8 pant and the slim fitting shirts fit me so much better and I feel perfectly comfortable! If I could even get down to 160 I think I would feel very content, I have never been striving to be a size 2, although that would be amazing!!!! I have 2 small children so I never get to sit down maybe that's helping?

    that is awesome that you are in a size 8. If your body is changing I wouldnt worry too much about the # on the scale. Keep up the good work and yes small children can diffinately give us some added exercise
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    Good Morning ladies!

    I gained 2 Ibs on vacation :-( while iam sad about that, Iam glad that it is alot less than I thought I would gain. We did ALOT of walking, swimming, and I went running with my dad a few times while on vacation. That kept the weight gain to a minimum. I ran the Maui Taco's 5k on our 2nd day there, and it felt really good. I decided to make a longterm goal to run the Maui Half Marathon in 2 years when my family goes back. My dad made a great running buddy, and even encouraged me to sign up for the Bolder Boulder 10k in May.

    As for exercise I hike alot during the spring, summer, and fall. I also try and run around 10 miles a week, and I do one hour of zumba class on Tuesdays. Iam adding back in my turbo jam work outs from here on out.

    Like I said ladies, this weight will come back off. I won't let my ladies down!!!

    sounds like you had an amazing time on your vacation. That is awesome that you ran the 5k and signed up for the 1/2 marathon and the 10k . WOW that is a great way to stay in shape. I love to go hiking but am not real fond of running. I have no doubt that you will get the vaca weight off quickly. Just get back on track
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
  • ashleystetzer
    ashleystetzer Posts: 43 Member
    Thank you, it feels really good!
    My weight last Friday was 167, but I was 168 on Saturday. I have been really having a hard time getting off the 168 mark! I am going to try the Jillian Michaels kettle ball DVD this week and watch my carb intake more than I have been. I will just keep my weight at 168, I dont' want to mark down a pound unless I can stay there longer than a day :(

    Even though the scale isn't moving for some reason my body has changed. I am comfortable in a size 8 pant and the slim fitting shirts fit me so much better and I feel perfectly comfortable! If I could even get down to 160 I think I would feel very content, I have never been striving to be a size 2, although that would be amazing!!!! I have 2 small children so I never get to sit down maybe that's helping?

    that is awesome that you are in a size 8. If your body is changing I wouldnt worry too much about the # on the scale. Keep up the good work and yes small children can diffinately give us some added exercise
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member

    Good Afternoon,
    It sure is quiet this week. What is everyone doing this week? I am doing appts and errands all week, YUCK. The puppy has his training on thursday, yeah. What did everyone do for exercise today? i am doing walking and some weight training today.....
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    I am finishing the last day of Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 tomorrow, and I think I will hit the 20 lb lost mark this week, so I am having a GREAT week!!!! I will post some pics on Friday from before and after the Ripped in 30!
  • LPC020409
    LPC020409 Posts: 74 Member
    My weight for this week is 159.8. I'm so excited to have made it into the 150s this week.
  • lildevil968
    lildevil968 Posts: 152 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Today my weight is 162.8. Iam almost down to pre-vacation weight so that is good. Next week I will hopefully see a loss. I haven't had the chance to run this week so I have no miles to report. Hopefully I will get a chance to go running for a while tomorrow. I hope this weekends plans stick because if they do it is chalk full of exercise. We plan on taking the kids hiking this weekend to see the colors in Mueller state park. I wear about 60 Ibs pack on my back, so that alone burns major calories....lol.
  • ashleystetzer
    ashleystetzer Posts: 43 Member
    167 this morning, hope to start going down again.
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    163.8 this morning.... just .8 away from losing 20 pounds! I finished the 30 days of Jillian's Ripped in 30 and took pics today too, so I will share them. They are from before and after the 30 day shred and before and after Ripped in 30.

    Have a great weekend, everyone!


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    my weigh in this week is 171.8. it was a rough week. Hopefully next week is better
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    I hope next week will be better for you!
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327

    Hi Ladies!

    I decided to create a new "Hot Moms" group thread that will include all moms in all groups. I'll start posting weekly charts there instead of posting them in each individual group thread. Hope you'll join us!

  • ashleystetzer
    ashleystetzer Posts: 43 Member
    Just have to say it was a great weekend to be from WI! Brewers, Badgers and Packers all won!! :) Not weight loss related at all but oh well!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member


    We are doing great, are team rocks, week after week we show losses and hang in there. We do not give up, there are times when we want to but we hang in there and our results show it. Good Job ladies, Weigh to go
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    where is everyone? It seems we have really tapered off as far as posting, encouraging and motivating each other. If you have any ideas I would love to hear them. Hope everyone has a great, active healthy week.

  • LPC020409
    LPC020409 Posts: 74 Member
    My weight this morning is 157.5.

    This is huge milestone for me because it means I am no longer obese. At only 5’1, I am still overweight but I can see getting into a healthy BMI or at least having a healthy body fat %.
  • lildevil968
    lildevil968 Posts: 152 Member
    My weight this morning is 162!! That means I lost all the vacation weight, and can start in on the old stubborn stuff. My next gift is a pair of running tights for winter, and I cannot wait to get those for myself. This weekend is supposed to be freezing, so no running outside this weekend :-(

    Also ladies I had a very scary encounter with a man in the park last weekend while running. I ran by him, and he said something to me but I couldn't hear him because I had my head phones on, and I continued to run. I ran by him again, this time I took one ear bud out of my ear to listen if he said something again. He did again, and it was very derogatory, and then he grabbed my butt. I ran away from him, and headed straight to my car to head home. I thought about reporting it, but I turned on my police scanner instead, and he had already been reported. This is just a reminder to please do your exercises outside with a buddy, or a can of mace. Had I of had a can of mace I would have maced his *kitten*. You can get them at d!cks sporting goods, or any other sporting goods store that sells hunting stuff. Protect yourselves ladies!!