Sexy in Six Week 4



  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    cathy, good plan taking a walk outdoors. That will help your muscles! They can't heal as well if they're all pent up with lactic acid so flushing that out with light, non-weight-bearing exercise and lots of water will give your muscles the optimal conditions to heal and strengthen! :drinker:

    Kristin, *hug* That is SO frustrating. But yesterday I read someone's great quote: "my goal is progress, not perfection" and that's where we all need to focus. We are not, nor will we ever be, perfect. It's not how you fail, it's how you recover that will determine your success :flowerforyou:

    Well, I need to go see about a work-out for myself!! Back later... and I hope to see posts from Deb, Amy, Katy where are you girls??
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks Rhiannon...I can ALWAYS count on you to make me feel a little better! **Hug back**

    I'll check back throughout the day as it is a slower day at work!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Ummmmm....I said no to the cakes and cookies that some co-workers brought in today...YAY for small victories!!!!!!
  • pdxmomof2
    Good morning ladies.

    I have not been checking in much because the last few days I have been under the weather. I just feel yucky. I am slight nasuea, a headache, a annoying cough and am a bit achey. I keep waiting for it to pass but its not working. I am not doing any exercise today and am eating as I feel hungry. Not much of a plan but it is the one I have for the day.

    Kristin, sorry to hear of your frustration with your back. I have always had sympathy for those with a back problem. I am always thankful not to have a bad back as it can just put you down in a instance! I hope you are better soon.

    We are coming up on a 4 day weekend for the kids and school. They have monday off and veterans day is Tuesday. My exercise next week is going to be a struggle. I am already trying to figure out a solution to that!

    Everyone , have a wonderful day. I will be being lazy today so may be posting more than often with laptop in hand!
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Hello Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    yesterday was bad for me. i didn't eat anything nutrious until 9:00p..m I left my lunch and water at home. No exercise beyond cleaning my apartment. BUT TODAY will be better

    B. banana nut muffin and water
    L chicken salad
    D. tuna
    S Yogurt
    Tryng to do 7 liters of water per day.

    I will dance for 1 hour tonight.

    Stay in the Fight
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Kristen, Please take it easy with your back, better safe than sorry (words my mom pounded into my head as a kid). Hope it heals for you soon. I love a hot pad on my lower back when it aches.

    Pedal, Thanks for the recipe. It looks so good, but I don't have much time for baking. Maybe I will make it the week of Thanksgiving. Finding aquave nectar & gogi berries will be interesting. Good for you for not overeating because of the moron at the pharmacy. That is so frustrating. It's really hard to understand why some people behave so awful. I hope you have a great day today.

    Amy,(pdxmomof2) Sorry to hear you are feeling down. Take a rest & get your body back to feeling good again. Hug.

    Cathy, Glad to hear your not worried about the scale right now. You are working so hard; the scale will head back in the right direction soon. You mentioned that you don't like to say getting back on track again so, I looked for something I got from my doctors office about diet thinking verses non-diet thinking. It's very interesting how we think about things compared to someone naturally thin. I could not find it, but I will keep looking. I keep hearing that what we really should be doing is making a "lifestyle change". When you change your lifestyle you continue new habits even when you've had a bad week/day rather than saying I'm done, I quit, or I'll start again some other time. It's the all or nothing thinking (On a diet vs. off a diet) I have been like this and have really tried to stop thinking this way. I am just sharing information I found interesting. I think you have done an awsome job at losing weight and we can all probably learn a lot from you.

    Amy, I have slowly become addicted to coffee lately. How many calories is in your latte? This morning I drank my coffee before breakfast, which is unusal for me. I noticed that I was not hungry this morning after that cup of coffee. Did you know it actually decreases your appetite?

    Our septic system was so full it was causing some issues, so I had to deal with that last night and this morning. We could not flush the toilet. Of course I am trying to drink all my water, so that was becoming very unpleasant. We take so much for granted. Thank goodness for indoor plumbing. Anyway that is all taken care of now.

    1: skim milk, coffee & cream, pumpkin bread
    2: skim milk & special k bar
    3: soup & sand. & apple
    4: popcorn
    5: Chicken stir fry
    6: depends on cals left

    Exercise: Shred dvd
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks Deb and means a lot to me. I have been using a hot pad a lot...when I'm home, that is. At work I'm just taking it easy and my supervisor is more than happy to help me out. I work with a great group of people. Tonight I'm going to try and go shopping a bit...I REALLY need some new workout clothes as mine are getting SO many holes in them! So...gonna do that for a while...hoping it doesn't bother my back too much...but if so, I will head home. I then plan on taking it easy. My husband has been working on our basement (we're re-doing the whole thing) and so I might just watch a couple movies or something. Tomorrow we have a wedding...I was counting on my spinning class to get me some extra calories to eat there...but that's not happening, so I will just try and be careful and eat very light beforehand. Should be okay. Gonna sleep in a bit since not going to spinning...weird for a Saturday for me. Oh well. I decided I'm not weighing in next Tuesday...maybe that will help me relax a little and not stress SO much...because I really am. And I'll just have to see how I feel about starting back into exercising...I'm gonna have to do it slowly. Well...I think I've rambled enough about my problems. Just needed to vent a little more!

    Love you gals!
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Aww, Kristin- dont stress! I know its hard, but just relax and enjoy your down time. I know it can be frustrating dealing with an injury but you must be patient..! Just think of this as your week off and enjoy it! Dont rush back into workouts either..slowly ease into it week by week- within 3 or so weeks you should be back to normal. That is what I have been having to learn with my back injury! The more I pushed, the harder it makes it to heal!

    Pedal- Good job for avoiding the temptations!!

    Deb- I agree with the looking at this as a lifestyle change and not just a diet..diets are temporary plans to get you to your goal. I am doing this as a lifestyle change, and that makes it so much easier to eat something bad or skip a workout and not stress about it and think that it has just ruined all my progress.

    Amy- I hope you get better soon :flowerforyou:

    Cass- Im sorry things arent going well for you right now, I hope you can work through this and come out shining :) We are here for you!!

    So, my good friends wedding is in like 2 weeks daughter is the flowergirl, and I ordered her dress today. I have been eyeing this dress in the store for months now, but havent tried it on bc I wanted to wait until the last minute...and in this dress store, you have to go up like 1 or 2 sizes in if you are a 12 then you would need a 14 or maybe 16...if you are 16 you would need an 18 or 20...Well I tried on the dress today! They only had in stock a size 16 or 22. I know Im not a 22 anymore but I was thinking I would still need an 18 (thinking a 16 would be still way too tight)...Saleslady talked me into trying on the 16..and WOAH! It FIT!!! And not only did it fit, but it looked GREAT! I wasnt even wearing a tummy slimmer either!!! It was strapless and I really hate my arms so I have been thinking if I bought the dress I would wear a shorter cardigan over it.. but it really didnt look bad. I was ecstatic! I didnt end up liking the pattern of the dress on me, but the fit was just fabulous.. I am so thrilled and cant wait to go back to find a dress I like in that cut.

    Foodwise today-
    fiber one cereal, then for lunch had 2/3 of a cheeseburger from a local burger place, and 1/2 order of onion rings..YUM :) I drank a medium cup of sprite, it was the only drink that didnt have caffiene, I chose that over diet coke bc I stopped drinking caffiene about 2 wks ago. I would rather the calories than the caffiene- I know I can burn off the cals!! Not sure for dinner- but it will be something light- soup and salad or something.

    No exercise yet, but when I sign off here Im going to go pop in the office and use the treadmill for atleast 30 min! I am going to try and go to the gym later if I can get my babysitter, but if not I will go to the gym tomorrow morning!

    My appetite has just been off lately..Im feeling much much better , only a little bit of a sniffle left now..but my appetite is weird. Im hungry in the morning- but get full after my cereal and have to make myself eat the egg whites for my protein. Im not even taking my weight loss medicine either! So who knows!

    Okay ladies, I will check in later- Have a great afternoon!!

  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248

    Thats great news about fitting into the size 16 dress. I hope you have a wonderful evening and get lots of compliments that night. Please post a picture of you in that dress.

    Thinking of this as a lifestyle change does really make a difference. Just as you said it doesn't feel so bad to treat yourself, as long as you know you will not do it as a habit and get right back to the healthy lifestyle you have been working at. I think I'm finally starting to behave in this way for good. I hope so anyway. Getting through the winters are hard for me, so this coming season will really test me. I usually just want to hibernate & eat comfort food. If I maintain this lifestyle I will really be looking forward to getting into my box of old "smaller size" clothes when spring comes.

    Have a great day:flowerforyou:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    can penicillian affect weight gain or maybe cause some water weight?
    i just thought of that. my scale is creaping up. it was up from tuesday weigh in by over a pound. thought maybe cause of what i ate caught up with me. well, i just started thinking i started on some penicillian on sunday and maybe that could be causing this. just wondering....
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    :glasses: aaaahh... feeling full after an impromptu pizza dinner with friends but I don't mind going over for a day. And although it was still pizza, it was at least this awesome teensy little organic pizza place with fresh, wholesome local ingredients... counts for something :wink: :laugh: See, I decided I'd go for it and celebrate today since FINALLY, 12 years over-due, I got my driver's license!! :bigsmile: I've been really nervous about it and have stalled for ages and it was (for some reason) a psychological barrier for me to overcome. That must sound so ridiculous to you drivers but there it is. It was about fear of failure. Anyway, my journey with my weight and my health and my balance in life has allowed me to heal and move on from other unhealthy or destructive issues in my life like this fear of taking a stupid little test that has kept me without the freedom to drive around! I'm so proud of myself today!!!! And the pizza was DELICIOUS, I had no guilt about it, and I have a nice hard workout scheduled for the morning :happy:
  • pdxmomof2
    Pedal- Congrats on that huge accomplishment! Wow, you must feel wonderful!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Thanks Amy, I DO FEEL WONDERFUL!! :bigsmile: :drinker: How are YOU feeling? Better I hope :flowerforyou:

    So here is my day tomorrow:

    1: homemade multi-grain porridge
    2: chocolate protein shake after work out
    3: WW tortilla w/ skim milk cheese, light tuna & low-sodium salsa (tuna melt)
    4: 1 med banana & 1/3 cup blueberries
    5: sesame rice cake w/ almond butter & apple butter
    6: 1 med carrot w/ 1.65 tbsp hummus
    7: 1 cup steamed broccoli, 3/4 cup baked sweet potato, mixed baby green salad w/ olive oil & balsamic & toasted sesame seeds, 1 organic turkey burger (no bun) w/ 2 tbsp natural relish
    8: 5 cups air-popped popcorn & chocolate protein shake

    workout: 75 minute cardio class, C25K week 1 day 3 & some chest & shoulders weight training

    A lot of my foods that I planned on having today I'm having tomorrow instead since I didn't eat as much earlier in the day as I'd scheduled, had little in the afternoon (license test) then the pizza for supper. At least tomorrow was easier to plan!!

    Katy, congrats on the dress!! That's AWESOME!!!

    Cathy, I think that's possible. Our bodies like to hang on to water as a precaution when they "aren't sure" of something that's going on and the same can be said for fat. Fortunately in this kind of circumstance both come off as easily as they came on!

    Deb, I'm with you about this year being different, looking forward to smaller warm weather clothing and so on. For me, I write a new year's entry in my journal every year and each year I've said I want to finally find the THING that will help me improve my health. I can't tell you how excited I am that finally THIS year, I won't be in that club any more! I'll be able to say I'm more than half way to my healthiest, leanest possible weight! Now THAT'S a happy New Year!!!

    Kristin, how did the rest of today go for you? I'm with ya girl! Keep strong :flowerforyou:

    I'm not doing at all well trying to get more sleep. It just seems like there's so much to do after Ava and Leith go to bed, but they have also had a couple of late nights this week. We were with our best friends again today and we can ALL play all night.. the kids and the adults. So I need to get myself to bed now. Although the pizza (being real pizza and all) was of course high in sodium and since I have such a low sodium consumption my body is feeling deathly dehydrated. I've had more than 1 day's water allotment since supper alone! I get the feeling I'll not be sleeping tonight so much as resting my eyes between trips to the loo!!! :laugh: :drinker: Good night ladies!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    congrats pedal...let freedom ring. i didn't get mine until after i was married either.

    ok, i am really pi******ed:mad: :explode: now. i gain another pound. so i am now up 5 since i started on the penicillian. i stopped taking it. i only had 2 days left anyway. it just so upsetting.

    off to do something.....
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hey Cathy, I think that is one of those medicines doctors say you must finish. It would be worse if you had to start it all over again. You will get past your 5 pound gain, I know you can do it.

    Pedal, congrats on the drivers license. Glad you enjoyed your pizza. Hope you got a good nites rest.

    I am home all weekend, studying and making a huge batch of chili to freeze and send some up north with dh for his guys weekend. I put lots of veggies in my chili and this time tried a mix of turkey & ground sirloin. Actually trying out 2 recipes this weekend, both based on lower calories.

    I will rake leaves for my exercise today, since it really needs to be done and I know it burns a good amount of calories. Plus I don't have time to do another workout along with leaves, cooking, & studying.

    1: 1egg, 1 toast w/ smart balance, 2 pieces of bacon coffee w/cream
    2: apple
    3: soup & 1/2 ham sand.
    4: popcorn
    5: chili & cornbread
    6: skim milk & 100 cal. pack snack

    Have a great day everyone. Lets try to stay within our calories this weekend and drink all of our water.:happy:
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Yuck..feeling like crap this morning!

    So yesterday afternoon I did exercise..for a lil over an hour. Made me feel better about my lunch choice (chzbrgr, onion rings)...and planned on eating light for dinner..well a friend came over with her daughter and she made a yummy grilled ckn salad for us, then I picked up a chz pizza for the girls. Well, the salad was excellent! But..we had some prly like 500cals in beer for me..then I wasnt even that hungry, just kinda wanted a snack..well I ate almost an entire piece of pizza..So with the lunch I had yesterday, then the beers, then the piece of pizza...I feel like a cow lol. I know I should have only had 2 beers, and no pizza- should have drank more water last night, and snacked on some baby carrots or a cheese stick.

    Today is a fresh day though..nothing I can do about yesterday but learn from it and make better choices today... :) I already started by turning down a Waffle House breakfast trip..I am eating breakfast now-> luna bar, egg whites and strawberries. When I get done, Im getting ready and going to go to the gym for awhile...Maybe try and purge yesterday out through alot of exercise!

    Snacks will be baby carrots, fiber water mix, string cheese, fresh fruit or rice pudding cup (sugar free, cinnamon flavor-been dieing to try it!)

    Not sure about lunch, probably leftover grilled chkn salad and more fruit. Dinner, not sure but lets just say some soup and a wrap maybe. I may swap lunch and dinner.

    Pedal- CONGRATS on your license! :drinker: :drinker: Awesome!!!

    Cathy...I am a health professional so I have to harp lol..PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE finish your antibiotics, even though you only have 2 days left! It is extrememly extremely important to finish all antibiotics..I know you do not like the weight gain- but it is just temporary and will level its self out. Are you eating more carbs the past few days? Carbs make you retain water in your body and if you have increased carb levels unknowingly the past few days then this could attribute to the numbers going up...Also, since you are increasing your workout intensity and adding weights this could be causing a temporary increase in weight as well. Try increasing your water intake for the next 2-3 days and see if the scale goes down by tuesday..the best way to fight water retention is by drinking loads of water- and reducing sodium- that way your body releases all the water it is holding onto. I hope any of this helps, even though you know probably all of it lol :) Just please finish the antibiotics.. For me??? lol :happy:

    Tomorrow is my nephews bday party..but since I had a full day of cheating yesterday I am going to avoid bday food tomorrow. I am going to take with me healthy stuff to eat. Everyone understands my weight loss journey down there so they wont push food on me or look at me funny! :smile:

    Okay so breakfast is now finished, Im going to get dressed and go hit the gym...

    Have a great Saturday ladies, be strong!!!!

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    I only have a second but I had to echo the same... Cathy, PLEASE FINISH YOUR COURSE OF ANTIBIOTICS!!! The medication kills the bacteria in order from weakest to strongest. When people stop their course even a day early they leave only the strongest bacteria alive, they reproduce and your illness is worse and significantly harder to treat. Just two more days :flowerforyou: and you will be able to proudly say that you are NOT contributing to the ever-growing problem of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

    Okay, on with the day! Back later... I've got a busy one!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    ok, i will finish my meds. i thought it was only for a week, checked bottle and it's for 10 days. but, i will increase my water intake.

    pedal....i see that you use acai berry in your recipes. where do you find it in the health food stores? and how do you buy it? we went to whole foods this morning and found with the juices, mixed with other juices. so we got some $10. we also got some agava. been wanting to try that. dr. oz talks about it all the time. being diabetic i am hoping this will help and get me off the slenda. do you use the agava all the time, even in place of reg. granulated sugar?

    drive by later.
  • pdxmomof2
    Hello to all! Happy Saturday. Sounds like everyone has lots to do today including working out! Way to go!

    I am still not feeling great but now its my stomach. Since my nose has been draining down the back of my throat and into my stomach it has triggered my acid reflux. It was so bad last night I thought I was going to vomit. I have anxiety issues about that so I couldnt sleep. I finally managed to sleep for about 6 hours. Not too bad but I am still tired today. Not sure about jumbling my tummy with exercise. That would be my only reason for not doing it. We will see how the day progresses.

    Katy-way to go for making up for your slip up. We have to figure that we are going to have those days and we just make up for them by hitting the gym and making sure it doesnt happen too often. You are on the right path!

    Chipper, hang in there. Your body will bounce back when the meds are finished. You just keep doing what you know you should and I bet that your body lets go of that extra weight quickly!

    Chat with you all later!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Cathy, I use goji berries - they have been placed in the same kind of hype category as acai though. I just like to mix it up with the antioxidant-rich foods we consume. I buy them in bulk at my grocery store, but I AM in British Columbia, hippie mecca of Canada :wink: It's really easy for us to find whole, natural, organic products. And as for the agave nectar, yes I use it instead of granulated sugar. I've never had a recipe go awry. The other thing I use if I'm just using a little bit is Stevia. It's made from a plant, is diabetic safe, has no calories or glycemic index rating and doesn't affect blood sugar. I use a sprinkle of that on my porridge, for example.

    Amy, I hope you feel better soon. No fun!

    Well, I had a GREAT work-out this morning!! 1h 45m and over 1000 calories. I did my cardio class then my C25K running then weights then walked home (didn't count that in my cals of course :wink:) I have loads of cleaning to get done today and hope to take the kids to get some rain gear. TTYL! :bigsmile: