Christmas Countdown Challenge - Starting 7/25

This is my first time trying my OWN challenge but I have found each one that I have joined to be so motivational that I wanted to start one myself. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

Monday, July 25th marks 5 months until Christmas. :noway: That gives us 22 weeks to shed the pounds and inches and prep for a New Year's Resolution that does NOT revolve around what we didn't do at the end of this year. :sad: Let's get ready for a New Year with a new body! :drinker: :drinker:

Check-Ins will be weekly Fri-Sun. I will compile all information Sunday evening for a Monday Results posting and link to the next week. Each week will include a mini-challenge just for fun and other little tidbits to keep us motivated. Perhaps some Christmas preparation tips and recipes as well! Nothing like getting an early start to make the holidays a little LESS stressful!

Since becoming healthy isn't just about the numbers on the scale, I would like to incorporate some measurements as well. This way we can watch our inches melt when our scale may be telling a different story. We will only track our measurements on a monthly basis (the week 25th of each month falls) so it's not too overwhelming.

Tell me a little about yourself, why you're here, and your weight loss goal for 12/25. On Monday 7/25 I will put everything together and we'll get started together!!! You can follow the format below when posting your stats.

Are you ready to join this challenge?!?!? Are you ready to have jaws drop when you walk in to Christmas dinner with a rockin' hot body?!? :noway: :love: :love: :noway: Are you ready to start 2012 already in the swing of things?!? Or possibly ready to maintain the awesome job you've done already?!?



  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    JustJenn419 - I am a single mom of one B-E-A-U-TIFUL little girl who just turned 3 in June. She is my motivation for everything in life. I am currently trying to get my Educational Interpreters Certification so that I can start doing what I've wanted to do for years. I just started running this year for the first time in my life. I ran my first 5k on June 12th and it marked one of the biggest accomplishments of my life. I find that my motivation comes in swings and I am looking for more consistency in that area. I love MFP and all the people it's connected me with. Can't wait to connect with all of you!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Starting Weight: 190.4
    Current Weight: 190.4
    Goal Weight by 12/25: 175.0

    Bust: 43
    Waist: 35
    Hips: 44
    Arms: 15
    Thighs: 25
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    I think I may join you...sounds like fun and I am a *sucker* for challenges!
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    OMG Im ready Im ready Im ready !!!!!!!!!

    Ok My name is Lori , and I am a single mother of 1, He is almost 18 and he is my world. Fot the last 17 years my whole focus has been on him and Now its time to switch it up a bit and get me healthy, hott and happy !!!!!!!!1

    So here I am , I found this site onday just by looking up the calories on something we were debating in the office . So out of pure curiosity I sign up and guess what IM HOOKED !!! I love it and all the new friends I have met, So please count me in on the challange becasue I want to look good in my Ms.Clause suit this year **WINK** where do I start?
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    I'm with you!!!! :smile:
  • gennybunny1
    gennybunny1 Posts: 209
    I am so ready for this!.

    My name is Genevieve and I am a proud momma of a beautiful young lady who is 11yrs old and 3 fur babies. I work in a dental office and have been here for almost a yr. I started my weight loss journey many years ago and after 11 years I am ready to complete this. I started MFP about 2 years ago and I just couldn't stick with it. Back in April I started Jenny Craig and so far have lost 36lbs. I guess I am just getting bored with this program too so I thought I would give MFP another try. I am really liking the bar code scanner so far!

    Starting weight: 251 lbs
    Current Weight: 214.8lbs
    Goal weight 12/25: 175lbs
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    I am so in.....I hav been telling everyone I want to be sexy by Christmas time!!!

    Angievaughn-I am 36 years old. I have 4 children, all girls from ages 14 to 5. I am married to my best friend for 15 years. I am a social worker. I started my weight loss in December after the doctor told me all my female problems were due to my weight. I started then and have never looked back. To date I have lost 65 pounds (it was 67 but I gained 2 pounds last week).

    Starting Weight: 287
    Current Weight: 222
    Goal Weight by 12/25: 175
    measurement as of 1st of July ( will measure again August 1st)
    Bust: 41 1/2
    Waist: 40 1/2
    Hips: 48
    Arms: 15
    Thighs: 27
    My Christmas goal is to be able to start MMA training!!! It will be a Christmas gift from my husband if I make my goal!!!
  • kappy_hollowell
    I'm ready for the challenge. Time to pick myself up out of this rut I'm in and get going.

    Hi! I'm Kappy; I'm a 28 year-old loan processor (sit-on-my-butt kind of job). I love to hunt, fish, swim, paint, and do pottery, sculpture, Zumba, TurboFire, walk/run. I did a couple of 5k walks last year, and did pretty good if I say so myself. I got 2nd overall in one and 1st place in my age division in another. I'm walking in another 5k on 8/27, and looking forward to stomping the competition! Well, maybe not, but it's at least a good challenge.

    Today, I have a new attitude. I'm not going to let little things get me down like I've been doing. I want to look good and feel great and be healthy! My motivations are my bathing suits and clothes that have been hanging in my closet for a year now and I still can't fit them. I have such beautiful professional work clothes that I would love to wear again. I can't get rid of them, especially knowing how much I've paid for all of it together. I want to do this for myself!!!

    Starting Weight: 150
    Current Weight: 150
    Goal Weight: 120

    Bust: 38
    Waist: 32
    Hips: 42
    Arms: I think about 15
    Thighs: I think about 25

    Thank you for a new challenge. I want to stick with this one!
  • caitlinlws
    caitlinlws Posts: 401 Member
    I'd like to join!!!

    Caitlin - I am a graduate student finishing up my masters, so along with Christmas, I will be graduating in december, which is all the more reason to have my weight loss where I want it to be!

    Starting Weight: 161
    Current Weight: 152.6
    Goal Weight by 12/25: 140 (or maybe 135...will decide when I get a little closer)

    Bust: 38.5
    Waist: 36
    Hips: 39
    Arms: 11
    Thighs: 24
  • sfalk1977
    sfalk1977 Posts: 142 Member
    Never done a challenge before but I'm keen!

    sfalk1977 - I am 34 ,married to Jason with two children, 1 boy (4) and 1 girl (2.5). My children are also my motivation - I want to be able to lead by example and teach them how to eat sensibly and lead a healthy life. I am a neonatal nurse but am currently taking time out to be with my children at home while they are young. I love to swim but haven't since the birth of my son in 2007 due to lack of childcare options (my husband is self employed and works long hours). Youngest is going to nursery two mornings a week from september so I am hoping to get back to swimming then. My current exercise consists of lots of housework and walking the dog twice daily.

    Starting Weight: 197
    Current Weight: 189
    Goal Weight by 12/25: 154

    Bust: 44
    Waist: 40
    Hips: 44
    Arms: 15
    Thighs: 27
  • jackelyn14
    jackelyn14 Posts: 59
    Hey - I'd definitely love to be a part of this challenge! I have two little boys, 2 yrs old and 5 months old. I've lost all the weight I gained with pregnancy... now its just losing the weight I gained before I got pregnant. I'd love to be back at the weight I was when my husband and I were dating. :)

    Current weight : 215 lbs
    Goal weight for Christmas: 150 lbs

    Bust: 42 in.
    Waist (at belly button): 42 in.
    Hips: 47 in.
    Arms: 14 in.
    Thighs: 24.5 in.

    I'm so excited to do this! ( Do we post out weekly weight on here or msg it to you personally jenn?)
  • woodyschic
    woodyschic Posts: 21
    this sounds like a perfect challenge to be involved in!! five months is plenty of time to make some big changes and see results. so far i have just used MFP to track my caloric intake, but i've been wanting to get involved on the boards, so i'm glad to have found this.

    woodyschic: i'm a 5'4", 33 yr old mom to two boys (5 and 16), a wife to my wonderful husband of 16 yrs and i'm currently in nursing school. i've struggled with my weight over the past 15 yrs or so. i've always been an emotional eater and my hubby was involved in the military and gone a lot...the stress and lonliness packed about 80 lbs on to my body over that time. as a future RN, i don't want to be the hypocritical nurse telling my patients to be healthy and lose weight...i want to practice what i preach! i started this journey at 205 and i'm down to 187 as of this a.m. my goal is to reach a healthy BMI, so i have another 42 pounds (at least!) to go. i haven't done any measurements so far, but i can wear pants that were too small, so i am seeing the difference. it will be interesting to take measurements and see the numbers go down! i'll get a pic up this weekend and take those measurements and get them on here. my goal for 12/25 is to weigh 160 lbs.
  • want_it_25
    want_it_25 Posts: 219 Member
    I'm in.

    I'm Tabby. I'm 31 yrs old, married and have 2 beautiful children. I am preschool teacher.

    I was athletic in high school and I want to be that again. I would love to be able to do a 5k sometime soon. I ordered Zumba so I hope that will kick this weight loss in gear.

    I am the type of person who does good and then for some reason sabatoges myself. I know this is the place that I need to be and to have accountability.

    Starting Weight: 245.2
    Current Weight: 244.6
    Goal Weight(12/25): 194.6
  • misssmiles
    misssmiles Posts: 207 Member
    i'm in!!

    Jenna- i live in North Dakota with my boyfriend and our dog and cat. i am a graduate student working towards my masters in education. i am hoping to have a teaching job this fall... and if that doesn't work i will be subbing. I started this journey last november at 190lbs. I have had many ups and downs... but would love to hit my goal and finish the year strong!!

    SW: 190
    CW: 151.0
    GW: 135

    i walk and bike everyday. i was running but then i hit a plateau... lowered my exercise and started eating more and the plateau was busted. i am starting C25K soon because i miss running!!
  • KimertRuns13_1
    HI, I am Kimert (Kim) mom of 2 and a coach's wife. I started this journey a little over 2 years ago and am successfully down 70 lbs with 19 to go until my goal. I am a runner and have completed many 5ks, an 8k, a 10k and ran my first half marathon in the spring. I am currently in half marathon training for a race coming up in Oct and if all goes well another one in November. I've got the bug for sure. My goal is to reach my weight loss goal by Christmas.

    Current weight - 168
    Goal weight - 149

    Measurements to come.
  • adrehe
    adrehe Posts: 36 Member
    I'm in! My name is Amanda. I am 24 years old. I am married and have a fantastic four year old son. I am studying Elementary Education. I need motivation and think a group challenge would help. I have not done one yet and would love to give it a try! I would love to be able to run my first 5k this fall.
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    FemmeRides - Hi! My name is Tabitha and I am a hard working wife and a full time mom to two little angels. :love: Shelby is 3 and Jackson is 1.5. I weighed my heaviest in February of 2007 at 252.8lbs. Since then I have lost 70lbs, gained back 70lbs with my pregnancy with Shelby, lost 70lbs, gained back 60lbs with my son and now i am down 63lbs and only have 50lbs to go! I am doing this mainly for me. I want to be happy and healthy and strong. My next reason for losing the weight and making healthy choices is for my kids AND my husband. I grew up very poor so we ate a lot of beans and rice...and i mean A LOT! :laugh: we always had seconds and thirds. i never knew what portion control was and so once i married my husband and he starting cooking and taking me out to dinner, the pounds just packed on because i was eating HUGE portions. I don't want my kids to struggle with their health or their weight. I want to teach them how to be healthy and how to LOVE being healthy. :flowerforyou:

    Starting Weight: 252.8lbs (or if we're counting from today for this challenge, then it's 189.6lbs)
    Current Weight: 189.6lbs
    Goal Weight by 12/25: between 150lbs and 167lbs (150 if i lose 2lbs a week and 167 is i only lose 1lb a week)

    Bust: 42
    Waist: 36
    Hips: 45
    Arms: 12.5
    Thighs: 25

    Yay! I can't wait for christmas now! and for totally different reasons than usual! :heart:
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I would like to join!

    ashlinmarie- I am a 22 year old newly wed whose husband will be leaving for BMT in the next 6 months or so (though no clue WHEN exactly). I was anorexic in high school, weighing in at 103 lbs at my lowest weight before my friends sat me down, told me I had a problem and helped me get through a tough time. I was lucky to have them, but it made me afraid to diet and I worked my way up to a whopping 195 lbs. BUT enough is enough and I knew I had to make a change before I hit the 200s! I've mostly been biking, but living in Michigan's upper peninsula, there is so much beauty that I have plans to hike, kayak, and get my diving certification! MFP has helped keep me going when I've wanted to quit during this 5 week plateau and hopefully I can get back on track with this challenge!

    Starting Weight: 195
    Current Weight: 179.2
    Goal Weight by 12/15: 150.0 (overall goal weight!)

    I will have to take my measurements later when I have help as I burned my arm at work and can't bend it at the moment >.<
  • nhill2733
    nhill2733 Posts: 20
    I'm in too!! This is my first challenge but I've been thinking about a Christmas wow for awhile! I started mfp earlier this month and have lost two pounds so far. I'm finishing my bachelors degree and starting the masters program for speech language pathology next summer. I am married to a great guy and have a beautiful eight year old son at home. Bring on the challenge!!

    SW 292
    CW 290
    GW 250 or more!!
  • jiminyc
    jiminyc Posts: 63 Member
    I've been considering jumping in on a challenge and since I love Christmas, this one seems to be right up my alley, so I'm in!

    So...hiya, I'm Chris! I'm a good bit older than most of you (so far) at 47, but since jumping on the fitness train back in April, have found so much new energy that I feel WAY younger than that! My kids are grown up & moved out, but my husband and I have an adorable pug, Biscuits (that's him in my icon), who is the recipient of all our love & affection these days. My motivation to get fit is the strong desire to be healthy when my husband and I retire - we have awesome retirement dreams and I realized I don't want to be too overweight and lazy to enjoy them once we get there!

    Current weight: 258
    Christmas goal weight: 220

    Measurements to follow.

    Pleased to meet you all! Looking forward to the next five months! We can do this!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hi I'm Judy - I have had my fitness pal on my phone for over a year. Now I have gotten on my labtop and it has opened up a whole new world!!!! This is what I need. I have been dieting for over 25 years. I have kept 20# off for 6 years...over that time I have lost and gained the last 25 about 3 times!!! It's time to finish for good! I have a husband and 1 daughter 20 and a son 17. I regularly and have signed up for the Rock & Roll 1/2 marathon in Jan. It would be great to run/walk that at my goal weight!!! My challenges are wine and night time snacking. Looking forward to making some new friends!!!!!!!

    My measurements are super close to yours except the bust...I got nothin :) THANKS