Christmas Countdown Challenge - Starting 7/25



  • tuffie565
    tuffie565 Posts: 22
    I'm intersted if it is still open. I have been overweight after having kids. I want to have a healther life style and want to look good!!

    SW 190
    GW 155

    I will get measurments to you tomorrow
  • I'm in! I'm Erin mom to 2 beautiful girls ages 4 and 11. I would love to be down at least 25 lbs if not more by Christmas. I will post my measurements shortly :-)
  • Hey there, I would love to be a part of this challenge. My name is Arianna, I live in Idaho, hence the name, haha, I'm 25 and weigh the most I ever had, I started here at my heaviest at 333, i am now back down to 326. I am starting the journey to get down to about 150 because i want to become an Air force nurse.

    SW 326
    12/25 Goal 250

    Bust: 57"
    Waist: 53"
    Hips: 57"
    Thigh: 36"
    Arm: 17"
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    My starting weight is 88.9kg, I would like to at least be down in the 60's by christmas. The only problem is I have joined a group "No scales August" so will not be able to post my results until September.

    Bust: 117cm (46inches)
    Waist: 112cm (44 inches)
    Hips: 99cm (39 inches)
    Arms: 31cm (12 inches)
    Neck: 37cm (14 inches)
  • kjnicol
    kjnicol Posts: 192 Member
    Good morning everyone,
    Well I finally found my measuring tape so here are my numbers

    Bust: 47.5
    Waist 45
    Hips 54.5
    Thigh 31
    Arms 16

    My weigh in is today so my new SW: 110.5 KG (243 lbs) Goal for Xmas 90kgs (198lbs)
    Good luck everyone and can't wait until we are all looking amazing come Christmas!!!
  • roseagee
    roseagee Posts: 26
    Hey I hope I am not to late for this group. I am new to thej group thing but I really need HELP!! lol I do SO much better when I have help. I am Mother of 3, wife and a hairstylist. I have 2 girls and 1 baby boy! My kids and my husband are my life. BUT for once I need to concentrate on my health for once :wink:

    I don't exactly know what I need to do or where to look for this group again. So if I am accpeted can you PLEASE personally message me and let me know how it work :bigsmile: Like I said before I am new to the group thing. Thanks in advance!!

    SW: 137lbs
    CW: 119lbs
    GW: 140lbs but 169lbs before christmas

    I dont have any tape to measure that way but as soon as I do I will post it. :bigsmile:
  • roseagee
    roseagee Posts: 26
    haha well I messed my weight all up! I was dreaming or something:laugh: :laugh:

    SW: 237lbs
    CW: 219lbs
    GW: 140lbs but 169lbs before christmas :glasses:
  • I would love to join!

    My name is Tiffany I am 21 with a daughter who came into my life on Christmas morning :) I have been struggling with my weight since I was on the depo shot back in 07 i was about 185 my highest weight ever. I stopped that birthcontrol and overtime I went down to around 158, that was my weight when I found out I was pregnant. I am currently 163.8 and my goal is to go down to 130 by christmas. I would love to show off my new body to my family and friends when my daughter turns 1.

    SW 163.8
    GW by 12/25: 130


    Bust: 39"
    Waist: 36"
    Hips: 37.5"
    Thighs: 24.5"
    Arms: 12"
  • FLmom2J
    FLmom2J Posts: 67 Member
    I would love to join as well!!!

    My name is Sara, I'm happily married to my best friend and we have a 2 year old handsome little dude. My weight loss has stalled and I need some major motivation. I'm so looking forward to this :)

    Starting weight- 148lbs
    Current weight- 135lbs
    Goal weight for this challenge- 115lbs

    I'll update with my measurements tomorrow.
  • JenMac18
    JenMac18 Posts: 5
    Great idea! Add me to the group, please!

    I'm Jen, married and have two little boys who are 4 and 5. I went from 247 to 217 last year by counting calories, doing Wii Fit and cycling. I'm back up to 225 and need to do something before more weight creeps back on.
    I don't have a measuring tape, I'm 5'9" and a size 18. I am a scientist, which means I can sit most of the workday.
    I would like to lose 20 lbs by Christmas. I'm a stress eater, and hope to change my habits.

    Good luck everyone! Let's go! :smile:
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    hells yeah! lemme in!

    current weight: 188
    goal weight: 170

  • sarah61587
    sarah61587 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm in!!
    My name is Sarah, I'm 24 and have been married to a navy man for a little less than 2 years. I have a wonderful 5 year old son and a 4 month old daughter. I am currently a SAHM and working on my MBA online. It has been really challenging for me to lose weight, especially since I'm a stress/emotional/bored eater. I feel like I have been on a weight loss journey my entire life, but this week I finally hit the ground running. I am sick of being embarrassed about my body and can't wait until I feel comfortable just being me. I always start to lose weight and then end up getting frustrated and quit, so I really need the motivation and support. I would love to feel good and not be embarrassed when we go visit family for Christmas!

    SW 242
    CW 235
    1st Goal - 230 by August 7
    2nd Goal - 215 by October 2
    Christmas Goal - 199!
    GW 140


    Bust: 47
    Waist: 43.5
    Hips: 51.5
    Thighs: 26
    Arms: 15
  • Sugs94
    Sugs94 Posts: 375 Member
    My name is Heather. I am single and a recovery room RN. I am 41 and the 30's decade of decadence brought on 70 lb weight gain. I see my goal in the distance...but have had trouble working towards it due to mindless eating and too much junk food. Really want to improve my eating habits and loose the weight!!!! I have a dog that I walk a ton...2 times a day for about 40 min/day and I am going to dedicate myself to daily exercise of some other sort. Here's to a new body for Christmas!!!!!

    SW 189
    CW 189
    goal wt. by Dec 25th- 150

    Bust: 43
    Hips 48
  • yramesor333
    yramesor333 Posts: 152
    hello my name is Rose,
    i have 3 grown children, boys 23,22 and girl 20 ,a beautiful grandaughter 8 months old and is the joy of my life !!! and i have a wonderful husband i met on the internet 11 years ago!! on icq chat . he is from england ,we chated for a year before he came 2 the states to meet ! we will be married 10 years oct 1st !! he is a rocker and in a band and i know he loves me as i am but i would love to lose enuff 2 wear some banging sexy outfits at his gigs so he can say oh yeah thats my hotty !!!!! lls. but firstly im doing it for me !!! i just want to have energy and be active !!!
    my highest weight ...324 pounds
    my weight now .....216 pounds
    i have many mini goals but my main goal is 150 pounds !!!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I'm in! I'm in another challenge, but it doesn't have a deadline, and I think this group would be a nice supplement to that one and keep me on my toes. I've been slacking lately, plus life keeps happening and its been an awful combination for my weight loss :)

    I'm Bronwen. I'm 25, and sick of being overweight and not feeling well. I've lost 17 lbs so far and I want to get down to 230 by Christmas this year. That will put me at 45 lbs down so far! I've really been working on rebuilding some terrible habits I've been accumulating since childhood, so seeing my ticker move slowly is okay with me as long as I'm not giving up!
  • shaverkl191
    shaverkl191 Posts: 131
    Count me in, this sounds perfect!!! I'm 23 years old, gained a lot of weight through terrible eating habits and lack of exercise. This year I have decided to take back my health. I started running in February and ran my first 5k in April! Looking for some motivation because I still have some challenges before I am at my goal!

    SW: 142
    CW: 135
    GW by 12/25: 120
  • dianerenem
    dianerenem Posts: 14
    ohh! can I jump in last minute?? challenges help me stay focused ;)

    I'm diane - mom to 4 in southern california.

    SW - 174.3
    GW - 140
    christmas goal (to be at least half way there) - 156

    bust - 39.5
    waist - 37.5
    hips - 40.5
    thigh - 34.5
    arm - 13.5
  • gardenimp
    gardenimp Posts: 185 Member
    Love to join a challenge.

    Starting Weight 204
    Current Weight 160
    Goal Weight by Christmas 140
    Overall Goal Weight 125-120

    Bust: 41
    Waist: 33
    Hips: 43
    Arms: 12
    Thighs: 20
  • I'm definitely in!

    I'm Deandra, wife, mother and grandmother to an amazing little guy. I've battled my weight for years and in 2006 had gastic bypass surgery; unfortunately, I've gained some of my weight back but at least this time I know I can lose it.

    Pre surgery weight was 244
    Lowest weight after surgery was 135
    Current weight is 177
    Goal weight is 155
    Will post measurements tomorrow.

    Thanks for kicking off this challenge :-)
  • APO_Katie
    APO_Katie Posts: 79 Member
    I'm in too! I'm doing this for me. Kinda selfish, I know, but I want to be the "skinny *****" again! I have a 60 gallon rubbermaid FULL of clothes that I want to be able to fit into again.

    SW: 185
    Goal: 150

    I don't know my measurements right now, but I'll post them tomorrow sometime.