Christmas Countdown Challenge - Starting 7/25



  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    I'm back with my measurements. It is a little scary for me to put it out there, but here goes...

    SW 220
    CW 210
    GW by 12/25: 185


    Bust: 44.5"
    Waist: 42"
    Hips: 49.5"
    Thighs: 28"
    Arms: 15"
    Neck 14"
  • MaeKhaleesi
    MaeKhaleesi Posts: 61 Member
    I came on to read everyone's posts, because I was too tired to yesterday, and I realized I didn't post my measurements.

    Starting Weight: 155
    Current Weight: 152.6
    Goal Weight by 12/25: 120 or less!

    Bust - 41.0
    Waist - 34.5
    Abdomen - 40.5
    Hips - 42.5
    Arms - 12.5
    Thighs - 25.75
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    WOW!!! :noway: Look at all you awesome people ready to make a change!!! I am super excited to see the results that come out of this! I hope you all are too! There are a bunch more people than I originally thought so I am going to do my best to have everything posted by tomorrow night. (I am in NJ so that gives you a time reference.) Thanks for your patience and get ready to get started!!!!
  • abjedi
    abjedi Posts: 114 Member
    I would like to join this challenge.. Is t too late?
    I'm a mom to a 3 year old girl.. She and her daddy are my world..
    I gained 30 lbs while pregnant and have not lost itt, I was already about 30is lbs over weight.
    I got motivated because I want to live a long happy health life. I want to be able to dress in cute clothes and not feel like I'm dressing like an 90 year old.. My total weight loss goal is between 60-70 lbs.

    By Christmas goal is to loose 20-25 more lbs...

    Thanks for the challenge...
  • allybally6
    allybally6 Posts: 142 Member
    Hi I'm Ally. I just finished my masters and I started working at a really good company. I can already tell training has hit me a lil harder than I expected but I'm ready to be on the right track again. I'm 22 and would like to build healthy habits now that last a lifetime. My inspiration is my boyfriend and my family. I just want to feel good in my skin and my clothes again.
    I've never been in the 130s so I can't wait.
    I'm mixing c25k and 30ds. So far so good.
  • lisateachawa
    lisateachawa Posts: 166 Member
    count me in. My name is Lisa. I am the proud mother of a fantastic teenager, Rachel, who is 14. I am a teacher of special needs children, and I am actively involved with my daughter and the school in which I work. I try to go to the gym 3x a week at the very least, but I need to bump up my exercise and keep track of my eating a little more. I lost 54 lbs last year - but have gained 20 + lbs back - of which I have re-lost 7 of my regain. I am going to lose the rest of my regain and more. I want to be under 200 by the new year. I have lots of medical issues but that just means that jI need to try harder and be consistent. It is all about calorie deficet - right?! I can do this!~

    Heaviest 254lb
    current 224
    Christmas goal 200
    ultimate goal 154
  • Zockera
    Zockera Posts: 8
    This sounds like a grate motivation drive :) I'm Jessica and I'm trying to be more fit and healthy before school starts. :D I'm going into collage.

    Starting Weight: 132
    Current Weight: 132
    Goal Weight by 12/25: 120
  • lotusthrone
    lotusthrone Posts: 87 Member
    Yay! This is just what I need. I'm Katie, an undergraduate student in Art History and I work part time at a non-profit. I was raised vegan and vegetarian, but when I started college I discovered how expensive and time consuming it is to maintain those eating habits. I recently bumped up my exercise and found that my body has never gotten used to eating processed foods, so now that I'm back to eating clean portion control and cravings aren't as big of a problem. I want to ramp up my exercising routines, start running and doing yoga regularly. Right now I'm staying within a 1200-1350 calorie range, walking and doing Pilates and 30DS.
    My stats:
    5' 4"
    SW: 218
    CW: 214
    xMas GW: 175
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Hi, all! I'm Sandra, graduate student, wife and mother to a wonderful 3yo little girl. I have gained weight since my pregnancy (and did not lose my pregnancy weight. Knowing that weight loss and fitness FOR ME require a tremendous amount of focus, I only recently started feeling sufficiently motivated to do something about it. I've been exercising regularly for the past month, and a week ago I joined MFP and have been following the calories there. I have enjoyed some modest weight loss success so far but have increased my fitness substantially and have become a faithful exerciser. I have some important job interviews at the end of the year and January, and I would like to look as well as I can at that point - I am in the medical/health industry and the jobs I am applying for are very competitive, and I believe my appearance is something that may subtly influence interviews. I am looking for as much support as I can find, so far I have found MFP to be a wonderful community.

    Starting stats:
    Starting Weight: 227.0 (219 on MFP)
    Current Weight: 218.2
    Goal Weight by 12/25: 190.0

    Bust: 38.5 (band)
    Waist: 39
    Hips: 44
    Arms: 14
    Thighs: 25
  • coloradotara
    coloradotara Posts: 29 Member
    Count me in! I just joined MFP and am excited to take part in this challenge! I am happily married and have 2 great kids (2.5 years and 8.5 months). After having baby #1, I didn't lose very much of the weight but, after I stopped nursing at about 10 months, I was able to lose about 10 more pounds. Which put me still 10lbs away from pre-baby. I was hoping to lose the weight and then some before getting pregnant again, but that didn't happen! So now here I am just about 5lbs away from what I was when I got pregnant with baby #2 and stuck! A large part of my problem is motivation and sticking to something...this is just what I needed! This last week, I have started working out about 45-60 minutes almost daily and changed my eating habits.

    The stats I am giving are as of Wednesday, July 20th:

    Height: 5'3"
    Starting Weight: 175
    Current Weight: 175
    Goal Weight by Christmas: 145

    Bust: 41.5"
    Waist: 34"
    Hips: 44"
    Thighs: 26"
    Arms: 13.5"
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    Hi! :bigsmile:
    I am a junior in college majoring in Elementary Education. I decided that it was time for me to lose weight when I hit my heaviest weight (166lbs!):sad: . I realized that I needed to make a change. I am 20 years old and I have a heard time walking up stairs. I am young. I am suppose to be at my prime health right now! I not only want to lose weight, but I want to become healthy.

    SW for the Challenge: 155lbs
    GW for the Challenge: 140lbs

    Thank you for putting on this challenge! I hope I am still able to join!

  • Felesina1
    Felesina1 Posts: 142
    My starting measurements:
    Waist: 32.5
    Hips: 37
    Legs: 22
    Chest: 39
    RA: 12.5
    LA: 12.25
  • psychofied
    psychofied Posts: 138
    Hi I want to join! I've been fat all of my life but that's going to change! I wanna end this year as a better person and start next year as the best I can be!

    SW: 157 lbs
    GW by Christmas: 130 lbs

    UGW: 120 lbs
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    Well, I need to change my starting weight to 253! I lost over 8 pounds this week :happy: JustJenn - can you change mine please? :flowerforyou: Thanks!

    Starting Weight: 330
    Current Weight: 253
    Christmas Goal Weight: 210

    Thanks! And I am super excited to see how far we all come :happy:
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Any challenges for today?
  • APO_Katie
    APO_Katie Posts: 79 Member
    New start weight: 179.4 lbs.

    Bust: 43
    Waist: 35
    Hips: 43
    Legs: 24
    Arms: 12
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Today is the day!!! I'll be working on getting everyone's info together so please please please make sure your have posted your stats so that I can put it all together :)

    Heeeeeerrreeee we go!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    My starting weight: 257.8
    My goal weight: 230

    This is what I measure and my most current numbers:
    Waist 45.5
    Hips 54.5
    Arms 18.25
    Thighs 31.5
    Chest 48.0
    Belly 53.0
    Band 43.0
  • anrev42
    anrev42 Posts: 331
    Happy Monday ya'll!

    Here's my current measurement:

    Chest: 40
    Waist: 38
    Hips: 43
    L Thigh: 26
    R Thigh: 25 1/2
    L Arm: 16
    R Arm: 15 1/2

    See you friday :smile:
  • I'd love to do this challenge.
    CW: 148
    Goal: 122