Atkins Support Group



  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    They are like brainwashed lemmings! Hello the healthiest people on the planet the Inuits eat nothing but meat and fat and only develop cancer or other modern diseases when they stray from this diet. Meat has everything we need the "balanced diet" was a modern invention that was thought to be needed due to the wheat and other grains depleting the natural balance years ago and causing rickets, scurvy, etc. As for Dr. Atkins burning in Hell, he deserves sainthood for saving so many lives and being able to stand up to the diatribe of the FDA at the time. The man had to have had some thick skin! The newest Atkins book isn't even written by him but rather by doctors from Duke and other prestigious universities that used Atkins in medical studies and found it to be the BEST diet for weightloss and good health for a lifetime not just to drop a few pounds. Stanford did their own study and the head doctor on that study was a 25yr vegetarian and was shocked by the results but had to admit that of the diets they used in the study Atkins was the best and shoed the most marked improvement in the heart disease factors tracked in the study. It's on Youtube if you want to watch his overview- Diets who's winning at losing or something like that is the title.

    Martinah4- I started with induction then moved up but I have to keep going back to induction or I can't break plateaus. I follow a Paleo/Primal diet but I am allergic to beef, nuts (except hazelnuts), and spinach and broccoli among other things so my diet is limited to the veggies I can eat and the meats. I was at less than 20gm effective for 2 weeks to even lose a pound last time and I weigh 295 so it really shouldn't be that hard but my doctor says my body is resisting since it has lost almost half of itself which is a tough spot for all dieters. Hope once i am past teh 270 mark my body will be okay with it but I have a feeling the struggle is going to continue. I tried a reset this weekend and ate carbs then back to all protein except veggies at dinner yesterday and today so far all protein in shakes. Hope to shock my system back into losing.

    On protein shakes I do them several times a week and actually do the best when I replace meals with them then eat meat and veggies for dinner. I use Champion Whey Protein stack in chocolate, and It makes coffee taste like a mocha yum! It's 4gm and 1.5 of fiber per scoop so 2.5 effective gm of carbs.
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    Thanks for the link to your recipe blog. You have some awesome recipes that I cant wait to try out!!
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    So I am restarting induction tomorrow. I think I was not following the plan correctly. Anyhow...I have lost about 38 lbs doing low fat, calorie restricted diet and I think I have more body fat now than when I was 20 lbs heavier. Is Atkins right for me? I would ideally like to lose 10-15 more lbs. My BMI is normal but I am at the high end and I shutter to think what my BF % is. Any advice or insight?
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    the Inuits eat nothing but meat and fat and only develop cancer or other modern diseases when they stray from this diet.
    I took a class on the Sonoran Desert last year (I live in it) and part of what we studied was the diet of the native Tohono O'odham indians. When the Spanish came in they had them grow wheat and raise cattle here. While it certainly improved their subsistence level diet, they traded their tepary and mesquite beans for pinto beans and rice and in the last 100 years they've started eating the same processed crap Americans and Mexicans eat. They have some of the worst incidences of diabetes and other health related issues that you can imagine. Their bodies are built to eat what their ancestors ate and it isn't all of the processed carbs they are eating now. The point is, not everyone is made to eat the way the USDA says we should.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    So I am restarting induction tomorrow. I think I was not following the plan correctly. Anyhow...I have lost about 38 lbs doing low fat, calorie restricted diet and I think I have more body fat now than when I was 20 lbs heavier. Is Atkins right for me? I would ideally like to lose 10-15 more lbs. My BMI is normal but I am at the high end and I shutter to think what my BF % is. Any advice or insight?
    Follow induction to the letter and while you might feel a bit "off" for a little while, by the time you are done and into OWL you should be getting along just fine. Drink plenty of water. I'm betting you'll drop a few pounds pretty quickly and then settle into a nice loss. You don't have much to lose, so don't expect anything TOO dramatic, but it should help you to a lose a few % of body fat, at the least.
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    So I am restarting induction tomorrow. I think I was not following the plan correctly. Anyhow...I have lost about 38 lbs doing low fat, calorie restricted diet and I think I have more body fat now than when I was 20 lbs heavier. Is Atkins right for me? I would ideally like to lose 10-15 more lbs. My BMI is normal but I am at the high end and I shutter to think what my BF % is. Any advice or insight?
    Follow induction to the letter and while you might feel a bit "off" for a little while, by the time you are done and into OWL you should be getting along just fine. Drink plenty of water. I'm betting you'll drop a few pounds pretty quickly and then settle into a nice loss. You don't have much to lose, so don't expect anything TOO dramatic, but it should help you to a lose a few % of body fat, at the least.

    Thanks! I would be happy if some of this fat would be gone even if the scale stayed the same. I think I'm going to stay off trhe scale for the induction period.
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    They are like brainwashed lemmings! Hello the healthiest people on the planet the Inuits eat nothing but meat and fat and only develop cancer or other modern diseases when they stray from this diet. Meat has everything we need the "balanced diet" was a modern invention that was thought to be needed due to the wheat and other grains depleting the natural balance years ago and causing rickets, scurvy, etc. As for Dr. Atkins burning in Hell, he deserves sainthood for saving so many lives and being able to stand up to the diatribe of the FDA at the time. The man had to have had some thick skin! The newest Atkins book isn't even written by him but rather by doctors from Duke and other prestigious universities that used Atkins in medical studies and found it to be the BEST diet for weightloss and good health for a lifetime not just to drop a few pounds. Stanford did their own study and the head doctor on that study was a 25yr vegetarian and was shocked by the results but had to admit that of the diets they used in the study Atkins was the best and shoed the most marked improvement in the heart disease factors tracked in the study. It's on Youtube if you want to watch his overview- Diets who's winning at losing or something like that is the title.

    Martinah4- I started with induction then moved up but I have to keep going back to induction or I can't break plateaus. I follow a Paleo/Primal diet but I am allergic to beef, nuts (except hazelnuts), and spinach and broccoli among other things so my diet is limited to the veggies I can eat and the meats. I was at less than 20gm effective for 2 weeks to even lose a pound last time and I weigh 295 so it really shouldn't be that hard but my doctor says my body is resisting since it has lost almost half of itself which is a tough spot for all dieters. Hope once i am past teh 270 mark my body will be okay with it but I have a feeling the struggle is going to continue. I tried a reset this weekend and ate carbs then back to all protein except veggies at dinner yesterday and today so far all protein in shakes. Hope to shock my system back into losing.

    On protein shakes I do them several times a week and actually do the best when I replace meals with them then eat meat and veggies for dinner. I use Champion Whey Protein stack in chocolate, and It makes coffee taste like a mocha yum! It's 4gm and 1.5 of fiber per scoop so 2.5 effective gm of carbs.

    Wow, congrats on such a great loss. I have been the same weight for 3 months so I feel ya on the struggle!
  • Cici2329
    Cici2329 Posts: 35
    Been a crazy two weeks and I've eaten too much junk. Ready for next week when I can get back on a plan. Not sure if i want to do Atkins/induction, but definitely need to add more protein and cut back on carbs. I just feel gross right now and I'm tired of it. My goal is to lose 5-10 pounds, and that can be difficult.

  • hannavasgreen
    hannavasgreen Posts: 27 Member
    So I tried the MIM this morning and it was wonderful!!!! I was skeptical at first but was getting really sick or turkey bacon and eggs. Now I'm excited to try all the varieties y'all have been posting! I'll let y'all know if I come up with any. :)
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    hanna have you tried the rye version it is really good if like rye, you add caraway and dehydrated onion.
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Yea, I put a post over there earlier. If stupid were a career, some of those people would be professionals.

  • pork_belly
    pork_belly Posts: 144
    the Inuits eat nothing but meat and fat and only develop cancer or other modern diseases when they stray from this diet.
    I took a class on the Sonoran Desert last year (I live in it) and part of what we studied was the diet of the native Tohono O'odham indians. When the Spanish came in they had them grow wheat and raise cattle here. While it certainly improved their subsistence level diet, they traded their tepary and mesquite beans for pinto beans and rice and in the last 100 years they've started eating the same processed crap Americans and Mexicans eat. They have some of the worst incidences of diabetes and other health related issues that you can imagine. Their bodies are built to eat what their ancestors ate and it isn't all of the processed carbs they are eating now. The point is, not everyone is made to eat the way the USDA says we should.

    Same thing happen with the Pima Indians. They are one of the most studied groups as it pertains to obesity and diabetes.
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    Made some MiM pancakes this morning. OMG was that delicious. I just added a little water to the mixture to loosen it up some before cooking in the pan. Made 2 pancakes.
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    Mmmmmm... pancakes!

    I made a basic MiM last night in a small bowl, and made some banana whipped cream to put on top. It was awesome! Drank it with some un-sweetened coconut milk.

    Banana whipped cream:
    - 1/4 cup cold heavy whipping cream
    - 1/4 tbs banana extract
    - 1 tbs splenda (powder)
    Whip in blender until it gets to the thickness you like.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Dear Scale,

    Either move or die.

  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    I seem to stall every other week. I think I lost 0.2 pounds a couple weeks ago (I don't really count that as a loss), but found I lost 2 pounds since.

    Don't get greedy Alyssa! I've been doing this longer than you, and you're almost caught up to me! :laugh:
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    I seem to stall every other week. I think I lost 0.2 pounds a couple weeks ago (I don't really count that as a loss), but found I lost 2 pounds since.

    Don't get greedy Alyssa! I've been doing this longer than you, and you're almost caught up to me! :laugh:
    I know. I'm totally acting impatient. I've been staying under my carbs lately, but my food choices have not been so good. Yesterday for dinner, I had some grilled chicken tossed in Frank's wing sauce and one whole Hass avocado. I only drank about 45 ounces of water, as opposed to my usual 70 ounces. On top of that, this morning I was running late for work and only had time to pick up a Lean Body protein shake (1g net carb). The numbers are good, but the quality of the food has been lacking. I'm going to have to work on my time management so I have no excuses to make better choices.

    ETA: You saying that you stall every other week makes me feel better. I know that sounds a lot worse than how I mean to say it ha ha ha. I'm not happy that you tend to stall, but it makes me feel like I am not doing something wrong.
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    It's a common trend on this way of life. Some people call it "the whoosh fairy". There was some article written that compared it to your body holding the fat in a bucket until it gets filled, and then it dumps it out in a WHOOOOOSH. Errr... something like that. Lemme do some digging and see if I can find it. There's no science behind it, but it's an interesting read.

    Edit: Here you go!
  • Lisajoy1
    Lisajoy1 Posts: 22
    Hi there!

    I tried Atkins and was super you think I can do it without bread? I am thinking of trying just to have 1 slice a day and then rice for dinner. I am liking that my stomach isn't as bloated without the carbs, but then I don't like feeling dizzy and 'off'. Almost fainted in Target with my 4 year old maybe this lifestyle isn't for me?! HELP!
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    Hi there!

    I tried Atkins and was super you think I can do it without bread? I am thinking of trying just to have 1 slice a day and then rice for dinner. I am liking that my stomach isn't as bloated without the carbs, but then I don't like feeling dizzy and 'off'. Almost fainted in Target with my 4 year old maybe this lifestyle isn't for me?! HELP!

    Hi LJ... this is referred to as the "Atkins Flu". Think of it as a detox. I had it pretty bad the first 2 weeks (chills/hot flashes, stomach pangs, etc) but I promise you it will pass. If you tough it out, I guarantee that you'll be rewarded.