Ladies who do pullups...



  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Update: So this morning I was feeling like Wonder Woman after getting my new body fat % figures, so I did my pullup/pushup superset first thing after warm-up... (I think last time it was more towards the middle after some other upper-body sets)

    1st set MAX pullups: 7!!!
    10 standard pushups
    2nd set pullups with explosive 1st & negatives: 5
    10 DIAMOND pushups
    3rd set of pullups with explosive 1st & negatives: 4
    5 DIAMOND pushups (to about failure) 5 standard pushups

    Those diamond pushups KILLED.
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    So because of this thread I decided I wanted to get on the pull-up bandwagon! I hadn't even attempted a real pull-up in years... I'd been doing assisted pull-ups for quite a long time but didn't think I was capable of doing one without assistance. So this week I tried and I'm stronger than I thought! I was able to do 2 palms forward and 3 palms inward. I'm stoked now! I'm going to keep working on them a few times a week. I'd like to be able to do 5 or more by the end of the year.

    I've watched videos on how to do kipping pull ups and it seems there is a technique to it. I want to try them but I'm kinda scared to...

    Anyways... thank you wonderful ladies for inspiring me to push myself! MFP rocks!!!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I have a female friend of friend on FB claiming she can do 9 muscle ups. I've asked for a vid as that seems a tad optimistic to me. If she posts it up, I'll link it.

    Good luck to all the females working on the upper body squat :smile: I love my pullups/muscle ups!
  • irongirl73
    irongirl73 Posts: 98 Member
    I wish I could do a pull up. I've never been able to do one. :(
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    I wish I could do a pull up. I've never been able to do one. :(

    How are you at pushups? If pullups are heroin or meth, then pushups are the gateway drug.
  • karrenbennett
    September 1? I'll join the challenge.
    I'm currently at 0 as well. I've been following the 'entrance/exit fee' training plan with my door bar and I've increased my pushup time as well and that is helping.
    I may not make it to 1 unassisted in good form in 4 weeks but I'm game.
    I might consider taking you up on that, although you've definitely got the age advantage on me - except I don't think I'll have a prayer of making it by Labor Day. Maybe by Thanksgiving!

    I just saw your response on my throw-down challenge to Swimgoddess about chinups.
    This is awesome! I would love a friendly challenge!
    Let's do it. September 1 may be too early of a date. How about we make the new date December 1?
    How many we can crank out in one session by December 1?

    What do you think? Are you game?
  • georgiajuly
    georgiajuly Posts: 126
    I just saw your response on my throw-down challenge to Swimgoddess about chinups.
    This is awesome! I would love a friendly challenge!
    Let's do it. September 1 may be too early of a date. How about we make the new date December 1?
    How many we can crank out in one session by December 1?

    What do you think? Are you game?
    I'm in! Had a little setback this week, though - I was working so hard on it my pecs and biceps were very sore for a couple of days! It will happen - I was able to "pulse" a little at the lower end of the hang, with the aid of the band.