Not so nice...



  • gandydancer
    gandydancer Posts: 171 Member
    Try not to let it hurt you so much, I know that is hard, but they are the ignorant pigs with nothing better to do.
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    Long distance group hug to anyone who has been hurt by low-class stupid people. Living well is the best revenge. Smile.:flowerforyou:
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    People who say and do meaningless hurtfull things only do it because they are lacking something themselves. "Little man syndrome" etc. They try to put others down so that people won't catch on their own flaws.
    Keep your head up and stay motivated towards your goals, whatever they may be!
  • angeleyes1015
    angeleyes1015 Posts: 7 Member
    some people need to try and make others think less of someone so they can feel better about themselves. And yes, even knowing that they are idiots, jerks, and karma will get them in the end - doesn't make it hurt - remember you are better than them where it counts - on the inside in your soul and heart - and with perserverance you will look like that inner self on the outside one day ( that is my goal)
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    It sure does hurt! Some people are plain *kitten*!! No respect for others. I know exactly what u mean. I have been there myself. I personally think these people that are the said *kitten* should walk a mile in the person's shoes that they made fun of. See how they would feel.
  • I know people tend to treat thinner people better. I am wondering if you have ever had something terrible or hurtful happen to you because of your weight.

    And if you have lost alot of weight already, have you had anything happen that makes you realize how badly you were treated before losing weight?

    For me, I was out walking back from my daughter's bus stop and some teenage guys drove by and one screamed out the window "That's a fat b!tch." I tried to not cry but it hurts. Especially when you try to go out walking around the neighborhood to lose weight and people drive by and you can hear them talking about you as they drive by.
    Kids these days.
    I'm sorry that they treated you that way. There will always be obnoxious, shallow, vile jerks like them. Toughen up and be confident. It may be hard to be confident, but you can't let these adolescent oafs impact your happiness. No one can take away your happiness.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I'm sorry that happened to you. ^.^ Ive always been considered thin or normal size, but still have been treated horribly for many things.

    Today I went downtown and a hobo told me "You need a tan!" I was actually happy as I have been lathering on sunscreen and exfoliating like crazy to get PALER skin, but if I weren't into getting paler, I would have felt horrible. Even though a hobo told me that. <.<

    I've noticed when I dress down, ppl will walk all over me. I used to get made fun of for my teeth and hair when I was in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND JUNIOR HIGH.

    In HIGH SCHOOL my host parents when I was an exchange student would make fun of me for being a bleached blonde, for having pimples (i was 15...), and for being "too thin in the face." I remember the parents asking me at the dinner table, "Why do you have acne?" I responded, "If I knew, wouldn't I fix it???" They were just douche bags trying to keep up with the joneses through credit card debt and long hours at work though so meh <.< Although I liked one of the daughters (she was very sweet and beautiful inside and out).
    I was told my nose was big (which really hurt since it used to be very petite and straight...until one day I woke up and it was painful and swollen...I used to be a very heavy sleeper, so I think I hit it on a metal bar on the daybed I was sleeping on).

    In COLLEGE (still in college) my boyfriend at the time said my boobs were too small, I wasn't lean enough, and I had wrinkles around my eyes. He also said my stomach was too toned and it creeped him out. He would make backhanded remarks such as "You look beautiful. How much makeup are you wearing?"

    Even when Ive looked nice in my life, Ive had ppl treat me like crap before. Girls will knock into me, guys will stalk me on the streets, and people will assume I am a bimbo with no personality or hobbies.

    My point of this whole rant was that...some people just suck! Even if you are losing weight and ppl make fun of you, try not to let them get to you. Even if you have the body of a Goddess, there will still be people who will treat you like dirt.

    While generally speaking, ppl treat better looking ppl better...dont let these ppl get you down, because no matter how thin you get, they will still be *kitten* (in most cases) and will find SOMETHING, ANYTHING "imperfect" and magnify it to make you feel bad.

    ps: Noticed I commented on the first page before already. ^.^ Guess I've been made fun of a lot in my life xD

    pps: I just wanted to add that sometimes what people do is "mirroring" -- they take their insecurities and put them on you...
    My ex did this (I think he has bipolar disorder among other things o_O). If he was doing poorly in school he would tell me that I was stupid. He commented on my stomach, but was very conscious of his beer belly. He commented on shaving my arms, when he was extremely hairy. He would go crazy and start talking to himself and then tell me I was crazy...stuff like that.

    One thing Ive noticed is that a lot of the ppl who have been mean to me based on my appearance haven't been very good looking themselves. I tend to have physically prettier friends now that I am older, probably subconsicoulsy because of this observation ^.^
  • Strangers have never said anything to me, but I've let myself believe they were looking and/or judging me and my confidence took a huge hit from this. My brother got married when I was 14 and I was a bridesmaid so when I got my dress, I tried it on and 'modeled' for pictures for my mom. I had never had such a beautiful dress and wanted to send a picture to my grandma. Her reply was this, 'Beautiful dress. But look at your stomach. You would look good if you took care of that.' I was heartbroken. A year later, I helped her move and one morning, as I was eating a bowl of cereal, my grandma came into the room and said, 'You really shouldn't eat when you're bored. That is probably where all the weight came from.' I was eating breakfast. Its still hard for me to eat in front of her because I feel ashamed of myself, even if I am eating as healthy as can be.
    Other members of my family have been a bane to my self esteem, but now I figure I have a choice: Take it as a hit and let it weaken me or turn it into one more reason to keep on keeping on.
    You are all strong. I know you are. Character isn't developed from skating by in life and you all can attest to that. So take it and work with it instead of letting it take you. Let their words light a fire in you to keep you going towards your goals.
  • LisaMarieee
    LisaMarieee Posts: 176 Member
    Thinner people are not always treated better. I get a lot of awful and rude comments about my body ever since I lost 56lbs. I found I was treated better when I was overweight. Now, I get comments from friends/family saying I'm too skinny, I look gross, I look skeletal, I constantly get asked if I eat or why don't I eat (when I eat A LOT just to maintain my weight.) :sick:

    Some people are just awful with the things they say but the best thing to do is just try and let it slide. I know it is easier said than done though.
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    Sending you hugs....All my life i was over weight heaviest was at 286lb. All them negative comments ive used as motivation to lose it all.Yes they hurt at the time but on the days i felt like quitting ive replayed anything negative in my head and its kept me going to get to goal.Now im at 145lb i do notice im treated different, people seem more friendly and chat more etc why i don't know im the same person i was before just smaller. I do get the comments now that im to thin and i look sick, I say balls to them, im healthy now and happier and all those people who used to call me fat its a case of up yours to them and look at me now lol
    good luck on your journey xx
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    I had a similar experience a few months ago. I was walking with my husband when some young guys drove past, shouted "fatty" at me and drove off laughing.

    I was very, very upset, and it was a major wake-up call for me. I knew I was overweight but had never for a moment thought that I was THAT fat! Just a few years ago I would have been attracting wolf-whistles or suggestive comments, and whilst I do NOT like or approve of that kind of attention one little bit, it doesn't hurt me in the same way.

    Anyway, that incident was 12 weeks ago. I started MFP two days later and have since lost 27 pounds. *kitten* those guys.