women should lift weights?? wtf?



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    i can lift what i need to, when i need to, and that includes carrying my 70 odd lb 10 year old all the way down the street on one hip with one arm when he was crying his eyes out and distressed and refusing to walk the other day (hes autistic), so i dont think im particularly weedy. I push a massive phil and teds double buggy up hills with my 4 and 3 year old in it when im doing the long nursery run, and its not a problem for me, and i do a lot of things with no problem...

    In other words, you DO plenty of resistance & strength training, without lifting one stinkin' dumbbell. :drinker: Good for you! And I mean that, sincerely.

    I do some weights and other machines at the gym, and I enjoy the results, but to be perfectly honest... It really seems stupid to me. The "I Lift Things Up and Put Them Down" mentality. Running or cycling in place. Silly! It makes me think of what our ancestors - those who worked their *kitten* off from dawn til dusk... fighting, farming, hunting - that our lives are so cushy now that we have to do these bizarre exercises. I mean... do you think Viking pillagers did bicep curls?!

    Yeah, yeah, yeah... it's good for you and all that. I know. And I do it. But if you can get the results you want just living your normal life... all the better!
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    Well I"m offended:smile: by people telling me I should try Zumba! Did it... hated it! :noway:
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    I think the main point is you need to focus on all three aspects of fitness. Cardio, strength, and flexibility. If you neglect one it'll affect the others.

    Many runners do resistance training to build leg strength. This helps them run farther. Many body builders do cardio training. This helps them lift heavier and longer (from a cardio standpoint, they don't run out of breathe as quickly and can go longer). Flexibility is just the important tie in to both.

    Finding what you enjoy could just mean finding the right lifting regiment. I hate lifting weights. I got a D in weight lifting in High School!! I hate P90X, I hate going to the gym and doing the machines. I just can't get into it. I found ChaLEAN Extreme, bought a set of Powerblocks, and lifted straight for 90 days. It improved my running pace, my flexibility, and I dropped quite a bit of body fat.

    Find what you love, but try and incorporate all aspects of fitness into your routine :)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I lifted weights last night at my gym... and the only reason why I liked it, is because all the guys were staring at me because I was pretty much the only women lifting on her own... all the other women were with their trainers. Made me feel kinda special.. and want to do it again! :)

    If its not in the cards for you then, then don't do it.. I think that's pretty much what this thread was trying to get at for 8 pages. Just like I'd never run.. and anytime my trainer tries to get me to run, I throw the nearest medicine ball at him.. He soon stopped trying after that.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    I enjoy running on the treadmill & I had a guy tell me I “should” bump up my incline to bla bla bla. This jerk doesn’t run let alone exercise. WhatEV!
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    Eh, I wasn't gonna respond to this thread, but here are my $.02.

    If you asked me 2 years ago, do I need to lift weights to be in good shape? My answer would have been no. I was skinny, 102 pounds, fit in size 0, barely ate and thought I looked terrific. Meanwhile I got sick all of the time, my skin was flabby, I had cellulite on the back of my legs, and I was literally a frail waif who probably couldn't lift a 20 pound box.

    Fast forward 2 years, lots of education, a leap of faith and urging of a friend to try Crossfit, now I am 110 pounds, strong as a damn ox, feel great, eat TWICE what I used to, my skin isn't flabby, I have no cellulite, and I look like I'm 25. I helped move my mom and was able to lift everything the guys could. My size 0 clothes fit better now, I sleep better, my skin is better....the list goes on and on. My hubby says I have a "Benjamin Button thing going on". :laugh:

    So, do I think women should lift weights? The answer is HELL YEAH, and I am living proof. Cardio still has its place, I do still run (but I don't spend countless hours on the treadmill like I used to) and do many aerobic-type activities (way more hard core than I used to), but I believe lifting weights is the biggest reason I look as tight as I do now.

    I'll have what she's having! :drinker:
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    This thread is just a very long semantics game based around the word should...

    well yeah, and i cant believe its taken 8 pages for some people to realise that its the implication that its necessary or should be done, rather than having anything to do with weight training in particular

    I can't believe it's taken you 8 pages to realize the fact that you creating a post telling other people they should NOT do something is no different, and is in fact...more telling smoeone what to do than the instigating post was.

    The worst part of it though...is she wasn't even saying YOU SHOULD! She was posting picture reasons why she BELIEVES ANY woman should!!
  • Lillyzar
    Lillyzar Posts: 46 Member
    This thread is just a very long semantics game based around the word should...

    well yeah, and i cant believe its taken 8 pages for some people to realise that its the implication that its necessary or should be done, rather than having anything to do with weight training in particular

    I can't believe it's taken you 8 pages to realize the fact that you creating a post telling other people they should NOT do something is no different, and is in fact...more telling smoeone what to do than the instigating post was.

    The worst part of it though...is she wasn't even saying YOU SHOULD! She was posting picture reasons why she BELIEVES ANY woman should!!

    AMEN!!!! The Op is basically "You SHOULD word things a certain way when you are talking about your success"
  • P90XCertifiedCoach
    The Moderators SHOULD delete this thread, it just wont DIE
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i can lift what i need to, when i need to, and that includes carrying my 70 odd lb 10 year old all the way down the street on one hip with one arm when he was crying his eyes out and distressed and refusing to walk the other day (hes autistic), so i dont think im particularly weedy. I push a massive phil and teds double buggy up hills with my 4 and 3 year old in it when im doing the long nursery run, and its not a problem for me, and i do a lot of things with no problem...

    In other words, you DO plenty of resistance & strength training, without lifting one stinkin' dumbbell. :drinker: Good for you! And I mean that, sincerely.

    I do some weights and other machines at the gym, and I enjoy the results, but to be perfectly honest... It really seems stupid to me. The "I Lift Things Up and Put Them Down" mentality. Running or cycling in place. Silly! It makes me think of what our ancestors - those who worked their *kitten* off from dawn til dusk... fighting, farming, hunting - that our lives are so cushy now that we have to do these bizarre exercises. I mean... do you think Viking pillagers did bicep curls?!

    Yeah, yeah, yeah... it's good for you and all that. I know. And I do it. But if you can get the results you want just living your normal life... all the better!

    thats exactly it. Thankyou xxxx
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    This thread is just a very long semantics game based around the word should...

    well yeah, and i cant believe its taken 8 pages for some people to realise that its the implication that its necessary or should be done, rather than having anything to do with weight training in particular

    I can't believe it's taken you 8 pages to realize the fact that you creating a post telling other people they should NOT do something is no different, and is in fact...more telling smoeone what to do than the instigating post was.

    The worst part of it though...is she wasn't even saying YOU SHOULD! She was posting picture reasons why she BELIEVES ANY woman should!!

    well no, explaining it irritates me when people try and tell people what to do, is not the same as telling people what to do.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    This thread is just a very long semantics game based around the word should...

    well yeah, and i cant believe its taken 8 pages for some people to realise that its the implication that its necessary or should be done, rather than having anything to do with weight training in particular

    I can't believe it's taken you 8 pages to realize the fact that you creating a post telling other people they should NOT do something is no different, and is in fact...more telling smoeone what to do than the instigating post was.

    The worst part of it though...is she wasn't even saying YOU SHOULD! She was posting picture reasons why she BELIEVES ANY woman should!!

    AMEN!!!! The Op is saying basically "You SHOULD word things a certain way when you are talking about your success"

    It's ok hun...her blinders are still firmly in place. Soon everyone who opposes her opinionated original post will get bored with the thread and she will have won =D.

    Yay for persistence!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    and it wasnt in response to one thread. It was in response to several posts over a period of time, and not just about weights either, if you care to read the whole thread and what ive actually said, rather than what you think i might have said.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    and i appreciate the people who have actually seen what i meant here and not just assumed, and all the people who've PM'd me about it too :flowerforyou:
  • lcarter25
    lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
    I understand suzys frustration.

    Too many times the diet place are quick to state what we should and shouldn't do when truth is everyone has a diff path to success.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    and it wasnt in response to one thread. It was in response to several posts over a period of time, and not just about weights either, if you care to read the whole thread and what ive actually said, rather than what you think i might have said.

    I have read the entire thread, and responded to what you expressed.

    Basically, you want 90% of the MFP community to change the way they speak, for your comfort level...when you've clearly no interest in doing the same for others. The fact that you were willing to come out here, and make a post telling others what they should do in order to avoid offending you says it all. Key word in that last sentence is 'should'...and good luck with that.
  • lcarter25
    lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
    crisanderson27 i dotn think she means that - sorry suzy if im speaking on your behalf

    If she asked for the advice then fine!

    Its when you dont and people are like oh you should do this and you should do that and firstly your like a) not what I asked you, b) how do you know what I am or not doing and c) just because it works for you doesn't mean it works for everyone

    Its about people being able to appreciate that everyones path is diff so one person may lose weight through walking alone and someone else may feel that walking is not proper exercise and they only run. No one person is better than the other they just have a diff way of achieving a goal
  • lcarter25
    lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
    crisanderson27 i dotn think she means that - sorry suzy if im speaking on your behalf

    If she asked for the advice then fine!

    Its when you dont and people are like oh you should do this and you should do that and firstly your like a) not what I asked you, b) how do you know what I am or not doing and c) just because it works for you doesn't mean it works for everyone

    Its about people being able to appreciate that everyones path is diff so one person may lose weight through walking alone and someone else may feel that walking is not proper exercise and they only run. No one person is better than the other they just have a diff way of achieving a goal
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    youre incredible. Youve totally missed the point. I absolutely dont tell people what to do, i just said i was irritated at being told women should lift weights. One post. people dont get it, so i explain myself. Thats all. Im not offended ffs, but i was slightly irritated so started a thread, but i wouldnt have bothered if id realised i was going to get so many moronic answers by people who cant even understand basic english.

    I have no expectations that people will stop insisting their way is the only way. Not at all. Was vaguely hopeful before starting the thread that people might be more open minded, but hey ho.
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Not saying anything particular about OP or responses, but I got a headache jus reading some of this. Sheesh.

    We don't all have to see eye to eye, but we can surely try and get along. We are all adults here. :)

    Give peace a chance!