women should lift weights?? wtf?



  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    :wink: I would be banking money right now with all these "shoulds" being thrown around.:laugh:

    here's my .02 cents.
    do what you want - if you feel comfortable with your training program - awesome - keep it up.
    if you want to try something new - then try it. at the end of the day - it's your body, what works for you may not work for others and vice versa.
    I personally enjoy a nice balance of cardio/strength/resistance/ sleep/ fun/ etc. (rather take a smaller dose of work - but hey can't complain too much) ;)

    anywho- hope whatever works for all of you - you keep it up mainly because it makes you feel good and you ENJOY IT! -

    that is all. have a lovely wednesday everyone :flowerforyou:
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Ok.. Let's kill this thread already:

    If you don't want to lift weights - THEN DON'T. Who cares what people say you "should" or "should not" do. They say you SHOULDN'T drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, drink diet soda, shoot heroin, smoke crack -- Doesn't stop people from doing it, does it?

    They say you SHOULD watch what you eat, exercise regularly, take vitamins, practice safe sex, say please and thank you -- Does everyone treat "Should" like it's friggin' law? No, absolutely not.

    Bottom line: If you don't agree with what someone says you "should or should not" do, block it out and let it go. Jesus.

    End. Of. Story.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Ok.. Let's kill this thread already:

    If you don't want to lift weights - THEN DON'T. Who cares what people say you "should" or "should not" do. They say you SHOULDN'T drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, drink diet soda, shoot heroin, smoke crack -- Doesn't stop people from doing it, does it?

    They say you SHOULD watch what you eat, exercise regularly, take vitamins, practice safe sex, say please and thank you -- Does everyone treat "Should" like it's friggin' law? No, absolutely not.

    Bottom line: If you don't agree with what someone says you "should or should not" do, block it out and let it go. Jesus.

    End. Of. Story.

    And this is why we love her lol.

  • DRetel
    DRetel Posts: 136 Member
    SHOULD is a suggestion

    Funny how words make a difference.


  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    Because lifting weights is good for bone health.
    even if you don't see the results, it's there : /

    this^^^ and if you do ever develop osteoporosis running is advised against. You say that you really enjoy running so weight bearing exercises now may help ensure that you can continue running later on in life.

    edited... I had not read every post before adding in my two cents. Never mind. Should, shouldn't - who cares.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    what about women like me who have very large frames? i'm already naturally strong and muscular to the point where men ask ME to open jars for them. i have very broad shoulders and big arms and legs. if i lift weights, i would look like a man. i did it in high school and college for sports and guys would always ask me, "how much can you bench?!?" and it didn't really make me feel very "hot and sexy". i KNOW i won't get bigger because i don't have the testosterone and so on, but i don't need there to be more visible muscles in my already very manly looking frame. the muscles in my legs are already leaning towards masculine, and that's with just WALKING everyday. i don't think i will ever use weights again, no matter how many people tell me i "won't bulk up". i would like to go out with a guy for once without feeling like i can take him in an arm wrestle.

    i'm all for women being strong and all that, and i'm not saying i want to look like a girly girl with pink ribbons and flowers. i'm just saying that because i ALREADY look big and strong, i don't want to make it worse by using weights. i'll stick to my cardio :flowerforyou:

    EDITED TO ADD - i understand the other points of view and i'm not trying to argue that using weights is BAD, because i know that they're not. i know weights are healthy and that MOST women look wonderful when adding weights to their routines. it's just my personal preference that i would like to keep doing what i'm doing. i've NEVER been a normal weight, so maybe when i reach my goal weight, i might have different thoughts about my own body. but for now, i feel that my exercise routine is fine without weights.

    Your post made me laugh. Unlike you, I have a small frame, but like you, I do have a lot of muscle just from genetics. My grandpa ate crap and never exercised and was lean with a six pack until the day he died. My mom does not work out at all and has legs that would put Miss Universe to shame. It doesn't take much to stimulate my muscles and body weight exercises combined with light dumbbells maintain what I have just fine and I burn calories like a furnace.

    I'm not against heavy lifting by any stretch and was considering it at one point, but I know how my body reacts to things and I know I would end up with a look that I don't want for myself.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Oh it was so much fun to read this! Thank you OP for commenting all the way through it.. I sometimes get tired of these endless rants over semantics when the OP isn't curtious to all the MFPeeps that take the time to comment and then doesn't respond to others opinions.

    It makes for a much more interesting read when the arguement continues to go on and on and on! It was my most eventful 20 minutes of the day! :bigsmile:
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    For me this has proven to be one of the most useful threads. It caused me to reflect on the areas of the exercise;/active life style where I might be wearing blinders. At first I felt quite virtouous. Then as I read through more posts, I opened my mind further and realized that I hate any exercise that emphasizes stretching and balance, but my long term health (not necessarily my weight loss) would greatly benefit if I add some focus to those two areas of fitness. I should and will try to incorporate them into my lifestyle.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    crisanderson27 i dotn think she means that - sorry suzy if im speaking on your behalf

    If she asked for the advice then fine!

    Its when you dont and people are like oh you should do this and you should do that and firstly your like a) not what I asked you, b) how do you know what I am or not doing and c) just because it works for you doesn't mean it works for everyone

    Its about people being able to appreciate that everyones path is diff so one person may lose weight through walking alone and someone else may feel that walking is not proper exercise and they only run. No one person is better than the other they just have a diff way of achieving a goal

    I'm sorry for the delayed reply...I was working, then had to go to the gym...weight training and all =D.

    That was a joke by the way...even though it was true lol.

    Anyway...I disagree with a couple things here. Lets take them one by one shall we?
    If she asked for the advice then fine!

    The thread that prompted this (and I don't give a damn if she says it was a hundred threads...ONE thread spurred it on) had nothing to do with her. It was ONE person's way of showing her success for us to appreciate. So I call bull on this part of your post. She didn't even have to read it.
    Its when you dont and people are like oh you should do this and you should do that and firstly your like a) not what I asked you, b) how do you know what I am or not doing and c) just because it works for you doesn't mean it works for everyone

    If you don't like unsolicited advice...may I suggest you not hang out at a forum that's full to the brim with helpful people? a) If you don't like their answer...IGNORE IT!!!, b) when you only list certain things, people have to make assumptions in order to help...if you want to respond to their reply...clarify, if not...IGNORE IT!!!, c) barring various medical conditions...this last statement is the least true of them all. The human body is a very, very complicated group of systems. Certain actions promote certain hormonal responses...in EVERYONE. This includes type of diet, type of exercise, and about a billion other things. But guess what? To within a relatively narrow degree, everyone's body will respond the same (yes yes, I know some people bulk easy, some don't...etc...but those genetic lotto winners are actually very rare). This crap about 'everyone's body responds differently' is bunk. What everyone's body is responding differently to is HOW they're going about doing it. Suzy is a prime example...x amount of time weight training and she gained nothing? She was doing it wrong...PERIOD.

    Now this, I agree with completely:
    Its about people being able to appreciate that everyones path is diff so one person may lose weight through walking alone and someone else may feel that walking is not proper exercise and they only run. No one person is better than the other they just have a diff way of achieving a goal

    The only thing is...don't go on a site full of people trying to help you do it the 'best' way...and not expect unsolicited advice. Or at the least...put in your freaking signature 'I'm doing it MY way! Don't bother trying to help me unless I specifically ask you for your help!!', because...in essence, that's what you're doing. The benifits of weight training are many, and proven. ANYONE trying to help you...that DOESN'T recommend it...is doing you a disservice...and I'm sorry, I care more about the people on this forum (yes, including Suzy) than that. We are all facing similar struggles, similar challenges, and we all share in each others successes. For that reason, I will ALWAYS recommend what my heart, knowledge, and experience tells me is right, regardless of whether I was asked, or not.

    If you don't like it...well, you're certainly not required to read it, are you?

    And by the way...the above sentence is EXACTLY why I'm not offended at Suzy's holier than thou attitude, her insulting manner, or her refusal to practice what she preaches.

    I didn't have to read it...did I lol?

  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    you can use your own body weight for push-ups, dips and lunges. You don't have to use weights. Or you can use resistance bands. If you are worried about building too much muscle it won't happen.
    I run too. I have done some reading on safe running and for women we obtain more injury due to weak glutes and quads. Do body weight squats and lunge to help and it will improve your run too!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    you can use your own body weight for push-ups, dips and lunges. You don't have to use weights. Or you can use resistance bands. If you are worried about building too much muscle it won't happen.
    I run too. I have done some reading on safe running and for women we obtain more injury due to weak glutes and quads. Do body weight squats and lunge to help and it will improve your run too!


    I went from 212lbs to 176lbs in just over 3 months doing nothing but bodyweight exercises. No weights, no resistance. 5x5 format, 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week. No cardio, and no other real form of exercise other than occasional tabata heavy bag workouts.

    Just in case this is misinterpreted, I am in no way implying anyone should do this, nor am I suggesting that others doing this might be benificial. I mean, who wants to lose fat, gain muscle, improve their cardiovascular health (yes, I run these exercises as a circuit...ALL the cardio I need), improve their strength...and overall just feel better?