Sexy in Six Week 5



  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    That's true Kristin, it will probably get attention regardless :wink: BUT, on the side of not making people feel unwelcome, shall we keep it "holiday" generic rather than Christmas-centric? We don't want to make people feel unwelcome who don't celebrate that particular holiday, and trust me - Hannuka comes with its own oil-laden calorie challenges!!! hahahaha
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Okay...trying to see who all is still with us. Please add your name if I forgot you...there are SO many now.

    Tammara (drtamm)
    Tan (tjones)
    Kerridwen (is your name Kerri?)
    And myself...Kristin

    Am I missing anyone? What do you guys think about "Skinny Santa Challenge" to take us for 6 weeks when this is finished? Who's going to stick with us through the holidays? Feedback would be fabulous! Thanks!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    That's true Kristin, it will probably get attention regardless :wink: BUT, on the side of not making people feel unwelcome, shall we keep it "holiday" generic rather than Christmas-centric? We don't want to make people feel unwelcome who don't celebrate that particular holiday, and trust me - Hannuka comes with its own oil-laden calorie challenges!!! hahahaha

    We could do that too...just trying to think of something catchy.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Okay...trying to see who all is still with us. Please add your name if I forgot you...there are SO many now.

    Tammara (drtamm)
    Tan (tjones)
    Kerridwen (is your name Kerri?)
    And myself...Kristin

    Am I missing anyone? What do you guys think about "Skinny Santa Challenge" to take us for 6 weeks when this is finished? Who's going to stick with us through the holidays? Feedback would be fabulous! Thanks!

    I'll be joining in on the next challenge.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Yay Lauryn! Glad to have you continue with us!!!
  • kerridwen
    Wow I'm so behind!! I'll catch up!

    -toast, homemade whole wheat bread, little bit of raspberry jam, egg small juice + vitamins
    -Ham and some salad for lunch.
    -No idea what dinner is yet! :D

    Sounds like everyone's doing pretty well with staying on track! :D

    I'm all signed up for some aquafit with a friend in the new year ( broken arm is kinda limiting, but I need to keep the shoulder and muscles moving so this seems like a good fit), plus swimming before then.

    The new exercise program is at least tiring, so hopefully that means it's working! :laugh:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good for you with the aquafit Kerridwen! That will be good for you and with a friend makes it really fun!
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hi Girls,

    Just a quick check in before I have to go take test 2 for the day.

    For our next challenge "twenty-something holiday challange" or whatever we end up calling it. May I suggest that we weigh in on Tue & Fri, since most of us seem to weigh in more than once a week anyway.

    I am starving, no time for lunch or snacks today with this schedules. It's almost 4 pm and really want a burger. Should I or shouldn't I. Tomorrow is weigh in, but I don't crave often. I am just rambling here.

    Have a good day ladies.

    Check in tomorrow:tongue:
  • pdxmomof2
    Happy monday!

    I had a good weekend but my body is totally out of wack. I am having a problem with water weight in the middle of my cycle. I usually dont. I get ovarian cysts and I think they have my hormones out of wack.

    Got my good walk in this morning. I am sore but feel great.

    Breakfast- special k red berries, 1 c milk

    Lunch - banana, carrots , special k red berries again

    dinner- not sure yet

    snack - not sure yet.

    I am totally in for the next challenge. I think it worked well for alot of people to set a goal of a certain percentage. I didnt do well but I know what my issues are and am working on them!
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hi Ladies,

    Just procrastinating and thought I would check in.

    Amy - that is so frustrating! But at least you recognize that it is water weight and that after this week it won't be there.

    Deb - I like the idea of weighing twice but then again I cheat every week and do it anyway!! :laugh:

    How about something like "Holiday Hotties Challenge?" To cheesy? :bigsmile: would probably draw a lot of attention though. :wink:

    I fought a battle with a California Pizza Kitchen craving at lunch today and lost BIG TIME!! So definitely will be shredding tonight and eating light the rest of the day. Not to mention gulping water to get rid of that sodium! Why I do this the day before weigh-in I will never understand!!! :huh:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    "holiday throw down" or "holiday take down".
    iam so tired right now. everyone is dumping their stress on me, can't take much more of this. will have to turn my thoughts and feeling over to my higher power to take care of and release me.
    later girls.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Oh my gosh ladies...sounds like there are lots of rough days today! I am sorry for all of you. I like all these suggestions...

    Deb...YES...we will weigh Tuesday and Friday.

    Amy...YES...we will do another 15-20 percentage of our remaining weight to lose!

    Okay, so maybe we will need to vote.

    1. Holiday Throw Down

    2. Holiday Hotties Challenge

    3. Twenty Something Holiday Challenge

    4. Skinny Santa Challenge

    5.Sixers Holiday Challenge

    Any other suggestions?

    I'm getting ready to leave work and head to the gym...add some ideas, I will check this thread again tomorrow and re-post in the new thread so we can continue this discussion.

    Make sure and look for the new thread tomorrow ladies...Week 6!!!!! Have a GREAT night!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    ok, feel better, released and no one is going to bring me down, that's not the type of person iam. i am always there for people, that's me. i just need not to take on their problems as mine. i don't want them or need them. i am doing just fine without theirs.
    so, hope i sleep good tonight. i think since i go by the gym after i take son to work i might as well stop in and jump on the treadmill. no weights two days in a row. thursday is a full day. it's just getting the timing all straight.
    well, time to read my book.
    weigh in tomorrow, night all.
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Wow...yum..mmm.. Had to come and tell you ladies.. I made a pecan pie.. and I wasnt going to eat any until tomorrow..but I did. I am. Its yummy..still a lil warm from the oven!! I just got a tiny sliver too..seriously, wasnt much wider than the butter knife I cut it with..and wasnt that long. Just enough to hit that craving spot.

    Didnt do exercise today, I am about to do ball stuff for a few minutes though. Tomorrow its back to business- GRR! :angry:

    Ive got 6 weeks til I go on vacation and I need to make them count!

    Wasnt really hungry today, my stomach has been acting up again..In addition to the prilosec I already take 2x/day I picked up some pepcid complete to take 2x/day as needed and tums to chew on between that. Ive got RX for prevacid..but it is really expensive- 7 pills are $48!!!! (No generic available.)

    For the next challenge, I agree with you Pedal- something a little more low key for a name - I know a challenge named anything will draw attention at first, but with something so catchy -that gets alot of attention . Not that I mind, but I get so overwhelmed the first few weeks with so many coming and going!!! But its up to the consensus of the group!! Im down with whatever :) My faves from the list was Twenty Something Holiday Challenge & Sixers Holiday challenge!

    Hope everyone has a great evening and I'll check ya out in the new post :bigsmile:

  • pdxmomof2
    Katy- I feel your pain with the stomach problems. I have had severe acid reflux for 6 years now. I took Prevacid 2X daily for the past year until about 2 months ago at 150.00 per month. About 6 mths ago I underwent some tests to see if I was a candidate for surgery to tighten the muscle at the top of the stomach. I was but elected not to have the surgery. I figured I would try out loosing all the weight first. I try not to take any meds as it has now been found that they dont allow you to absorb calcium properly putting you in danger of bone issues later in life. You have to be on them long periods of time. A year was long enough! I hope this is temporary for you! Just the 13 pounds I have lost so far has helped out alot.

    I like all the names. I was thinking about something that talked about starting the New Year Healthy but that would attrack alot of attention! Newbies are always nice but it does get really really busy on here and its hard to keep up!

  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hey Ladies... I seem to have been having it rough lately. Not w/ my fitness because I worked out 6 days last week but I am craving everything. I have no valid excuse...... still trying to think of one. Maybe its TOM or my hormones either way, I have had some homemade cookies and some sweet tea. I know its okay sometimes but I am worried because all it takes is some slacking off for me to get in a rut. I am holding strong. I have lost 14 lbs since Aug 08 and I am proud. I don't want to sabotage myself..... :explode:

    Wishing everyone well!!! Take care. I will be happy to do another challenge w/ you ladies.... I have learned alot and have enjoyed getting to know yall.
