Weapons of Mass Reduction : Team August Challenge!



  • Aloxander
    Aloxander Posts: 121 Member
    I feel extremely run down today... my body is weak and I feel very low on energy. I am going to do the challenge today but I don't think I will complete my miles today. I need to listen to my body and slow down for a day.... I will add a mile tomorrow and the next day so that I won't let my team down since I committed 12 miles this week! I wish I could pedal my miles on a bike! I can only walk them as I don't have a gym membership AND I have to lug my 5 year old behind me (and she starts whining after the first mile, lol)!

    Hope everyone has a good day today!

    Take it easy! We don't want you getting injured or hurt. You are a winner already by trying so hard. Truly inspirational :flowerforyou:
  • klbtransformation
    Staying within goal!
    Water complete!
    Excersise challenge complete!
  • AJDistel
    AJDistel Posts: 93
    Here's today's stats.

    50 mins of BL Last Chance Workout (Need a good cardio/strength training workout, this is it!)
    1 mile walk (4 out of 10 for the week)
    50 Ab Crunches
    100 Mountain Climbers

    Not doing so well on my water so far (only 40 oz), but I plan on getting to at least 96 oz by the end of the day.

    Will be under calorie goal as I'm making Sweet and Sour Chicken stir-fry (submitted recipe in the forum) which only has 221 calories per serving. :happy:
  • PaulC9554
    PaulC9554 Posts: 117 Member
    My workouts today:

    1st gym session (am): 50 ab crunches, 50 mountain climbers Tread climber: 46mins, 4.78km, 6.3kph ave pace, treadles min, cals 426,

    2nd (additional) session (pm) - for the team: Rower: 10000m, 42:47mins, 2:08 / 500, 29 s/r, 110 drag factor, cals 451, 50 shoulder press * 30kg, 50 swim press * 10kg. This one was towards the 100 miles challenge.

    I reckon by week 4 we'll all be packing in our jobs to allow time to get all the challenges done. :smile:
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Water - 112oz down so far! +1
    Food - Logged and I will be under! +1
    Challenge - Even though my body was screaming at me to stop, I did 100 in-air-bicycle cycles (a modified exercise for my bad knee for those mountain climbers) and 100 ab crunches (50 regular, 25 left side, 25 right side) +1

    And I *did* get 1 mile done this evening to make my miles walked so far this week as 5 out of 12.
  • brotherjeem
    brotherjeem Posts: 18 Member
    Water - 104 oz
    Food logged..under calories
    40 minutes at the gym...no way I could do those climbers...bad knees and hip
    2 miles logged
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member

    Convict Conditioning Day #20:
    Wall Push ups - 1 set of 50 and 2 sets of 40
    Knee Tucks - 1 set of 30 and 2 sets of 25

    August Team Challenge:
    50 Crunches
    50 Mountain Climbers

    WOD#2 Will be C25K W2D2 (Complete 29 minutes 1.80 miles)

    edited to include WOD#2
  • Aloxander
    Aloxander Posts: 121 Member
    Water 180 oz+
    Stayed under calorie goals

    Elliptical 17 m 1.5miles
    C25K 1.9 miles

    Miles: 3.4

    145 jumping jacks
    50 ab crunches

    Geez looks like nothing compared to anyone else but I am going to catch up and get some sleep! Good night.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Today I did 50 crunches and 50 mountain climbers in addition to my regular workout, plus did 2 more miles to bring my total to 12 out of 15. I'm within my calories for the day, but don't think I had enough water. :(
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    3 set of 21's and 100 jumping jacks already done for the day.

    Now we just have to see what else I can knock out today. Have a good one!
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    We are currently at about 65 miles. I need some folks to post what they will commit to by Saturday. I still have an additional 5 to give you today for a new total of 70....who can give me the additional 30?
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    Here is my recipe for the upcoming fall season! All time favorite.

    1/2 cup of pumpkin....not the presweetened kind
    1/2 cup of 2% Milk or Almond Unsweetened
    1 tsp of pumpkin spice
    1 tsp of vanilla
    1/2 cup of Oikos Plain NONFAT Greek Yogurt

    addtl you can add a scoop of protein powder if you have vanilla. I don't care for chocolate with this.

    Makes a great fall protein shake or remove the protein powder for smoothie.

    Feel free to add addt'l sweetner to your liking.

    Nutritional Value varies due to type of milk and protein shake.

    This should come in between 250 - 400 calories.

  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    We are currently at about 65 miles. I need some folks to post what they will commit to by Saturday. I still have an additional 5 to give you today for a new total of 70....who can give me the additional 30?

    I have about 7 more to give you! (I don't know if you included that but I had committed to 12 total).
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    3 sets of 21's done.
    100 jumping jacks done.
    5.5 miles done, putting me at 17.5, 2.5 miles past my goal for the week. I can give you another 10 miles by Sunday.
    Water goal met!
    Will be within cals for the day.
  • Sadie_sal3267
    Sadie_sal3267 Posts: 44 Member
  • AJDistel
    AJDistel Posts: 93
    P90X Chest and back (26 regular pushups & 138 knee pushups!)
    100 JJ completed
    3 sets of 21 completed
    1.5 miles done ( 5.5 out of 10 committed)

    Water is at 48oz so far
    Looking good for under calorie goal

    Good luck everyone!
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    Something Different!

    Tomorrow I thought we should have some FUN! And do a FUN Challenge. Now I realize the guys are probably going to groan.....but gentlemen let's do this for the ladies. I promise I'm planning something for us guys next week! 4 Minutes of Fun With Beyonce! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc_PizWNp6k Let me know if you did it tomorrow!
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    Something Different!

    Tomorrow I thought we should have some FUN! And do a FUN Challenge. Now I realize the guys are probably going to groan.....but gentlemen let's do this for the ladies. I promise I'm planning something for us guys next week! 4 Minutes of Fun With Beyonce! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc_PizWNp6k Let me know if you did it tomorrow!

    Crude...I did it today! Oh well..I will do it tomorrow too
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    150 leg lifts
    100 jumping jacks
    5 sets of 21's
    4 minute quick dance (fun challenge)
    bike riding 12-14mph 20 minutes (3.5miles)
    64 ounces of water
    calories under for the day

    I have gotten in 13 miles towards our 100 mile goal so far this week!
  • Aloxander
    Aloxander Posts: 121 Member
    We are currently at about 65 miles. I need some folks to post what they will commit to by Saturday. I still have an additional 5 to give you today for a new total of 70....who can give me the additional 30?

    I can do another 5 miles by Saturday evening! I don't want to compromise to more but most likely I will do more. I stilll need to post my recipe.