Weapons of Mass Reduction : Team August Challenge!



  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    ATTENTION : Weapons of Mass Reduction! A challenge has been issued by the smurfettes...I'm sorry the curvettes they don't think we can do our extra mile and an addtional 100 jumping jacks ! What do you think? Can we do it! Yes we can! says BOB THE BODYBUILDER! WOO HOO If you are up to it lets push it hard. Entering Beast Mode!


    I am ON IT!!!! I've already done the water, am in line to stay well under cals, did my first mile (this morning) so I will do 50 jacks right now and another mile tonight with 50 more jacks!!! BRING IT ON CURVETTES!!!!
  • penny39
    penny39 Posts: 266 Member
    Hi! I am Penny and I am ready to join this challenge!
  • penny39
    penny39 Posts: 266 Member
    I have already done my jumping jacks and will get my mile of walking in tonight!
  • missysmission777
    missysmission777 Posts: 82 Member
    Atta girl....... Welcome Penny........ whoo - hooo
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    I don't see next weeks challenge list????
  • penny39
    penny39 Posts: 266 Member
    I just sent a request for the facebook page!
  • penny39
    penny39 Posts: 266 Member
    The only things I don't know about are up and downs and the squat lunges. How are they done?
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    Extra mile walk in at a 4.0 pace and 100 jumping jacks completed!!! Plus 96oz of water in and calories goal is under for the day!

    We are kicking butt WMR!!! :bigsmile: :wink:
  • klbtransformation
    Hi! I'm new to the team too! btw I finished the jumping jacks and water. I'm walking the 2 miles tonight and will def stay within my calorie goal:)
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Challenge done for today, including doing 130 jumping jacks. Also did 6 -3 minute rounds of MMA style work out on my 75 lb. heavy bag. I'm at 74 oz. of water so far and have roughly 500 calories left for the day. Keep it up WMR and welcome to the new people! If you need any help I am always around.
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Water - I'm at 104oz now +1
    Food - WAY under cals (and not hungry enough to even net 1200! Yikes...) +1
    Challenge - Walked 1 mile this morning, 1 mile this evening +1
    Also answered the Curvettes challenge and did 100 more jumping jacks. And guess what?! They were easier to do today!
  • missysmission777
    missysmission777 Posts: 82 Member
    1 Mile + Extra Mile - COMPLETED - My legs fill like JELLO :sad: :sad:
    104 Heart-Attack Jacks - COMPLETED :explode:
    14 Glasses of Water ( 112oz chugged) :laugh: :laugh:
    Under Daily Calorie Intake :tongue:

    Getting ready to destroy my room and move furniture around.... :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    GO WMR TEAM!!!! :drinker:
  • penny39
    penny39 Posts: 266 Member
    I did it I met the challenge! I got my extra mile in and my jumping jacks! I also got my water and I am under for the day!
  • Eats_With_A_Fist
    Protip: TO get the most out of your crunches this morning, if you are able, drag a bench over to a cable machine, add some weight and let it pull against you when you come up and hold it! I used the crossbow and added 170 lbs. to mine this morning and it was straight up sick!
  • penny39
    penny39 Posts: 266 Member
    I've got my regular 100 crunches plus the extra 50 finished this morning!
  • penny39
    penny39 Posts: 266 Member
    Ok, got the up downs, now what are the squats?
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    Please welcome our newest member timjai everyone add to friends and please send a message of encouragement to penny39 as well welcoming them both! You are the best team ever! Looking for great numbers this Sunday!

    Regarding week #2 Challenges I'm going to post them on Friday!. They are much more challenging and I dont' want people freaking out! Nothing real crazy but definitely pushing us to better health!

    Keep up the great work and please feel free to harass the other teams with friendly banter!


    Just wait til you hear what I've planned for our STEPPING IT UP IN SEPTEMBER CHALLENGE!
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFAq4piErv4 These are squat lunges! Hope this helps! Don't rush these you will get a better burn and better results!
  • timjai
    timjai Posts: 113
    Hey new team!!!
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    I'm reposting this week's challenges because I think it got lost in the shuffle:

    This is the week one team challenge. This should be done in addition to your normal workout routine.
    This is a challenge and is not a replacement! If you need a beginner workout please contact your team
    captain for ideas.
    Week One Daily Exercise Challenge
    Each team member that completes their daily exercise challenge receives one point, if all team
    members complete each daily exercise for all 6 days the team is then awarded an additional 5 Bonus
    Day 1 Exercise Challenge - 100 Jumping Jacks*
    Day 2 Exercise Challenge – Walk, Run or Jog 1 Mile (extra)
    Day 3 Exercise Challenge – 50 Situps or Ab Crunches*
    Day 4 Exercise Challenge – 40 UP and Downs *
    Day 5 Exercise Challenge – 25 Pushups *
    Day 6 Exercise Challenge – 25 Squat Lunges*
    Day 7 Rest! You deserve it!
    If you are uncertain on how to do an exercise get with your captains as they will have a weblink to each
    Week One Weekly Team Challenge
    Each team member in order to get the weekly team bonus points must all log every day and not go over
    their target calories and log at least 64 oz. of water each day. If each team member does this all 6 days
    your team will be awarded 5 Bonus Points.
    *Feel free to do these exercises in sets if you are unable to do them all at one time. Please do your best
    as you are much stronger than you believe.
    Please note each week the exercises will increase in difficulty. This will push each team member.
    Modifications will be provided for those who unable to complete the exercise as intended. "