Have you ever eaten a whole pint of icecream?



  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    I could sit down and eat a pint of B & J's Dublin Mudslide, Flourless chocolate cake, or Haagen Dazs' coffee or vanilla swiss almond. I wouldn't be hungry for the rest of the day, but it goes down soooooo easy :love:
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    Yup! I have also eaten an entire can of frosting before in one sitting.
  • not an icecream kinda girl...so no..I haven't....but an entire bag of chips...no problem!! I used to work at Dairy Queen when I was in highschool, having unlimited access to icecream and all the toppings kind of ruins it I guess.
  • kbrogan78
    kbrogan78 Posts: 158 Member
    I'm also part of the "eaten a pint" club. Although it's been quite a long time since I've done it and I generally chose really rich flavors like Phish Food so even I could only get down 1/2 the pint at a time.

    Ben & Jerry's now sells single serving containers (3.6oz) of certain flavors. I've been meaning to check them out to see if you still get the "I finished the whole container" satisfaction when it's such a small container.

    Oh, and I've eaten frosting straight from the container as well. So nice to know I'm not the only one who has done that! :)
  • gnat45
    gnat45 Posts: 833 Member
    Yes, many times, though not recently.
  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    a pint is the Ben and Jerry's size right??? yeahhhhh eaten bunch of those though I TRY to only do half and save half for another day. I have Edy's mint brownie in my freezer right now. YUM
  • Tinasmythe
    Tinasmythe Posts: 45 Member
    Yes many times I am guilty of eating a whole pint of ice cream... Worse ever, I ate an entire viennetta which is ice cream and chocolate layers...mmmm they don't make it anymore or at least it is not here
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    ARCTIC ZERO IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :love:
  • Yep I sure have........Ben & Jerry's Phish Food is my ultimate favorite! As a matter of fact, I had a whole pint a few weeks ago.....
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Oh yea! OP- You really haven't??

    I haven't either. I think I got close once or twice but for the most part I take a few spoonfuls and put it away. Sometimes I eat as much as half but only when I'm really wanting to eat - otherwise thats just all the ice cream I really want to eat. Didn't grow up with it (lactose intolerant and my family didn't have sweets often) so I never had a habit of filling a huge bowl with ice cream like some people did. Ice cream was something we went otu for and we would get a small scoop in a cone.
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    A pint for me is nothing. I can finish a 1/2 gallon EASY.. I can't have ice cream in the house or I'll eat it all.. then blame it on the kids when my husband asks where it all went...:embarassed:
  • Rowann
    Rowann Posts: 86
    My husband and I can very easily share a pint... put the pot between us, two spoons, sorted... :) B&J Cherry Garcia has got to be the nicest ice cream ever.

    We then discovered B&J do a frozen yoghurt Cherry Garcia, and it's every bit as lovely as the real stuff, but a lot fewer calories. We discovered this by accident as we didn't notice until the pot was empty that we hadn't actually been eating ice cream... fortuitous mistake... ;)
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    Sadly, too many to count :blushing:
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    Yup! I probably shouldn't have read any replies at all, because now I can't stop thinking of how delicious Haagen Daas Peanut Butter would be right now...

    that is best flavour ever

    or marble slab birthday cake.

    hmmm...it's a toss up
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    how could someone NOT have is the real question! :tongue:
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    I dont think ive ever eaten a pint of icecream in one go.
    Ive probably eaten half a pint though
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Nope, but then icecream isn't really my treat of choice (and I'm not sure how much a pint is anyway)
    Cookies, cakes, chocolate (Dairy Milk.... yum!), those I have eaten way more than is good for me at a whole sitting.

    I think this is a scary development - surely part of the process of losing weight is to learn about healthy portion sizes, so making artificially low calorie foods that encourage you to stuff yourself doesn't seem like a great idea to me. As usual, I think it is a win for the manufacturer, but a loss for the gullible consumer.

    I haven't seen this stuff in Australia, hopefully you can keep it over there in the US!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I am so lactose intolerant that YOU would know if I had ate a whole pint. lol:explode:
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member

    I think this is a scary development - surely part of the process of losing weight is to learn about healthy portion sizes, so making artificially low calorie foods that encourage you to stuff yourself doesn't seem like a great idea to me. As usual, I think it is a win for the manufacturer, but a loss for the gullible consumer.

    i kind of agree. Its kind of encouraging a binge culture if people are expected to actually eat the whole tub. Id have thought a pint of icecream would be at least 4 decent size portions.
    Saying that, if someones going to binge anyway, then at least its a low cal way of doing it, although i often find the ultra low cal versions of stuff leave me unsatisfied and with a weird taste in my mouth.

    Its not available in the UK anyway
  • melodie5
    melodie5 Posts: 3
    Im sooo lucky that icecream is one of the things I can't over do it on, for some reason it makes me thirsty. Now cheese or bread thats another story!