

  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    Lori, How do I join? Is it to late?

  • Lori_menorahlover
    Hi Tridrill, unfortunately it is too late to join this team BUT if you contact Gary6030 who started the challenge he might have some available slots still open on another team. We had to make the cut off limit 20 per team and this team filled up already.
  • Lori_menorahlover
    Wow that was a blast to read!!! Went out to run at the track and come back to find all of you here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Right now Gary has requested Team Captains to submit challenge ideas to him. Then he will go over everything and report to the captains what the challenges will be each week. I will then post them here in our forum. This is also where we will all post our results that I will then turn into Gary each week.

    A few things about me. I was born to a career Marine, adopted and raised by a Vietnam vet who served in the Air Force and who made me jump over a hurdle before he would let me land in the long jump pit, lol!

    I'm highly competitive by nature. I'm a HUGE NFL fan and my team is the Kansas City Chiefs. I have a sense of humor.

    Most of all I am a cheerleader. When you feel like throwing in the towel or like you just can't go any further I will be there to help you up and carry you across the finish line if I have to.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Well I guess if we are doing intros. lol My name is Christina, I've pretty much always been overweight since grade school. But it was never by a lot (maybe between 10-20lbs)...then around sophomore year of high school till now I really packed on the pounds! Finally at my highest of 272lbs, I got on MFP thanks to a friend of mine, and am almost down 50lbs. But I still have a long...LONG...ways to go. I'm really wanting to be under 200 by Christmas, so hoping this challenge will really help me gear up and get out the rut I seem to be in.
  • Lori_menorahlover
    Virgo the poster is brilliant and exactly the type of thing I love to see posted!!!

    LOVED getting to read about each of you and what your goals are!
  • Trans4mations
    Trans4mations Posts: 90 Member
    Hello everyone!! My name is Reesa and I'm 35 years old. I've been overweight my entire life. I'm currently 345 -- down 38 pounds, with 30 of those pounds coming off within the last 5 weeks... since joining MFP!!!!! Wooohoooo!!! I'm so excited about this challenge and I can't wait to get to know you all better.

    Hugs to all! Now, let's do this!!!

    ★Go Team Perseveranceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! ★
  • boosmama98
    boosmama98 Posts: 38 Member
    I think I shall join the bandwagon. :)

    I am Jessica and I am 33 years old. I have always felt as though I was overweight, even though in reality, it was all in my head. It was not until my son was born when I was 20 that I reaaalllyyy started to gain weight. A failed marriage and 10 years in college have caused me to keep most of the weight and now I hang out at about 185. Three years ago, I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes (which I had when I was pregnant as well and have a huge family history of). Oral Medication seemed to to the trick until about 6 weeks ago when the doctor gave me insulin. I was less than happy about that. Last year, I was doing really well and managed to get myself down to about 157, only to learn that is was because my thyroid was not working properly. The medication I was given gave me all my weight back and then some. It has been a real struggle this year, but I have been doing good so far this week.

    My son is my biggest cheerleader. He was so happy when he saw me lose the weight last year, but I can see the disappointment in his eyes when we talk about it now. I really want to see that sparkle again.

    And now I have got all these MFP cheerleaders...I think I may be ready to to this! :)
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    Ok, I guess I'll take my turn here! I'm Jill, 48 yrs old, wife and mom from Colorado! My kids are teens and older now...17, 18, 20, and 21, so it was time to take a bit better care of myself. I had alot of travelling opportunities this summer, which is why I started my journey (again)...in January. I would say I'm a textbook "yo-yo'er" and I'm dying to find the secret to take it off and keep it off!! So, instead of doing any of the fad stuff, I decided to do this again...eat what I want, but in moderation. I did MFP some time ago, but started having neck issues, couldn't keep up with the exercising...yada, yada...you've all heard (and made!) excuses too, I'm sure! At any rate, when we planned all of these trips, I gave good incentive to do something about my weight. It's been a sort of frustrating journey so far as the weight is not coming off NEARLY as quickly as I'd like...I started in January at 194. I saw that number be SO close to the 200 mark and I knew I had to do something. I lost a few pounds the first few months, but it was SO slow. Finally, in April, I decided to come back here strictly for the logging/journalling so that I would have something hard -copy for my doctor to look at. I'd forgotten how wonderful the support is...I've met some really wonderful people that actually make this whole thing much more fun than it would be otherwise! So, where I was coming for the recordkeeping (which I'm still doing and have my Doc appt on the 11th!), I've so enjoyed the people and support! Oh...I guess I better put that my ultimate goal is 150 lbs.....I would love to get down to my younger weight, but I'm just being realistic here!

    Lori....I, too, am a HUGE NFL fan....so glad the lockout is over!! My favorite team is the now-lowly Broncos, but we'll spend some time rebuilding!! ;) I love the Rockies baseball too (no matter how bad they are this year!)....you'll see me post things about stadium food quite a bit!! Also a HUGE fan of College football....Buckeyes and Volunteers!!

    Let's see....my personality....I love to laugh, can be a tad (well, maybe more than a tad) sarcastic...but am 100% behind everybody!! I just like to joke and have fun doing it!! ;) So, if you see snide remarks from me, they are NEVER serious....ALWAYS meant in a fun way!!

    I'm really excited to get going on this...I know we're going to do great!! Last chapter of my book....the END.....or, maybe, the BEGINNING!!!
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Hi Team Perseverance!!!

    I'm Jules, I'm 45 and live in the UK with my husband and two teenage sons. I am a counsellor for school children (aged 10-16) but do not worry - I will be too busy to analyse everything you say!! lol

    I have been 'big' since I can remember!! Yo-yo dieting throughout my life! Last summer my husband suffered a heart attack at the young age of 42 and it hit us hard - but it also made us realise just how our lifestyle was the cause and HAD to change. The frying pan went out in the trash that same day - as did all the unhealthy, convenience foods we had in the cupboards!! After all, children learn behaviour in which they live - there is no way I want my boy's health to suffer because of weight!

    I have rediscovered my love for sports recently - I run 10k's for fun and regularly take part in 'Boot-camps' - both I love for different reasons.

    So, I'm ready for this challenge!!

    Bring it on :wink:
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    Hi there everyone!!

    My name is Julie - my friends call me Jules - I will answer to both, or even HEY YOU! I am 37, mom of 3, married for 15 years next month. I am fairly blunt and at times offer WAY TMI. I have been too big since I was around 10. I never knew what a healthy weight was really. I saw that I was bigger than the rest of the kids - but not as big as some. Then junior high happened. Being ostracized is never fun. Especially at that age when all most girls want is to fit in with everyone else. (I never got that 'I wanna be different and I don't care what people think' attitude.) Thanks to the 'twins', I figured out what group would not ostracize me all the time... boys. But most didn't really want to be my friend. Tough lessons.

    I remember being called a hippo (thanks dad), a bubble butt ('tis true - and now thanks to JLo - I can keep that part and still be considered sexy), and having people stare. I remember that as a child I had to clean my plate or else. If I made a face or said 'yuck' about something, I was given a second helping. My parents were just doing what they had learned from their parents. Well - I am going to BREAK THE CYCLE.

    I am taking steps to repair my self-esteem. I have stopped caring so much about what others think (sorry, sometimes - LOL). I want to be healthy for ME! I want to be an example to my kids. I want to stop shopping in the plus sized section/stores. I want to stop the back pain, the knee pain, the IBS, etc. I want to look better than I did in high school for my 20 year reunion next summer!! Then - when I go on a cruise next December - I want to be able to wear a bathing suit and not cringe at the sight of myself in the mirror!!

    I am STOKED that we are doing this!! It is just the sort of thing I need to kick me in the booty and keep me honest and motivated over the weekends. You will probably see some 'yuck' food and alcohol in my diary. I am lazy and I absolutely HATE cooking. I do try to work it all off though when I know I am going over. I welcome constructive suggestions and I look forward to cheering all of you on!

    Thanks so much to Gary for starting this and to Lori for being our team lead!

    "Perseverance is a positive, active characteristic. It is not idly, passively waiting and hoping for some good thing to happen. It gives us hope by helping us realize that the righteous suffer no failure except in giving up and no longer trying. We must never give up, regardless of temptations, frustrations, disappointments, or discouragements." Joseph P. Wirthlin

  • fitnhealthyccthatsme
    fitnhealthyccthatsme Posts: 359 Member
    Just my humble opinion here... but we have a really great team! :-)
  • fitnhealthyccthatsme
    fitnhealthyccthatsme Posts: 359 Member
    Question: How do you post pics here?
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    Question: How do you post pics here?

    Haven't done it yet... but here is a thread I found doing a search of the forums...

  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Just my humble opinion here... but we have a really great team! :-)

    By far the BEST and WINNING team!!
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    So this is basically what I look like now at 151 lbs. This was taken a while ago but like I said my weight has been fluctuating. This picture is of me, myy husband and our daughter who is 4 years old now. I am doing this for my daughter to be a good role model for her and expecially for myself because I am tired of feeling like garbage and because I did'nt feel good about myself I did'nt make any efffort to look good. I don't want that to be me anymore. Time for a change!

    Lets go Team PERSEVERANCE!

  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    The pic did'nt show up, let's try this again.

  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    I'm 5'2" so the weight really shows on me.
  • AmandaR910
    AmandaR910 Posts: 991
    I'm really excited to see what a great team we have here!!! We've got this!
  • Lori_menorahlover
    I just got on here this am and will be reading over everything you guys have posted. Love the pics soooo much!

    Wanted to throw this out there if any of you want to change our team name speak up. I chose Team Perseverance because I love the definition of it BUT we are a TEAM and if you all want to change it just let me know and we will take a vote.


    TY for the email this am Jules about spread sheet help, etc. Perfect way to wake up this am!!!
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Hi Lori, I think you picked I great Team name and I personally don't want the name changed.