TEAM FLAB TO FAB Forum 2 (Closed Group)



  • CarmenSox
    CarmenSox Posts: 110 Member
    I will commit to atleast 10 miles this week. Hope everybody is doing good. So thankful for the break we had today!!! I needed my Sunday/funday!!! Bring on Monday!!!!!!!!!!
  • All challenges met this week

    water-64 + 24 extra
    food log completed
    under calories, yes

    See y'all tomorrow morning after my workout and challenges

    We CAN Do This Ladies !!!
  • cindy0716
    cindy0716 Posts: 135
    I will commit to 5 extra miles for the team challenge this week.
  • vemaddox
    vemaddox Posts: 133 Member
    Good everything ready for this weeks challenges?!?! I am!!! very happy that my hubby has now gotten on the wagon for losing weight....he needs to and tells me all the happy that he is finally on bored....

    lets kick these squat kicks today!!!
  • ivygirl328
    ivygirl328 Posts: 121
    Good Morning! Just checking in with everyone. I wasn't too happy with the scale with only 1 pound lost, but I did lose with the measuring tape, so I cannot complain too much.

    Put me down for 15 - 20 miles for this week for the 100 mile challenge. I have been doing around 1.5 to 2 miles a day, but this will give me motivated to up that even higher.

    Now I'm off to print out our challenges for this week. Everyone have a great day and drink your water!!!!
  • heatherlee33
    heatherlee33 Posts: 113 Member
    Good Morning! My internet was down this weekend so I could not check in so...all challenges done! As for the scale.... plateau! Frustrating but I realize that it happens. So on the 100 mile thing, I will commit to 15 miles, I have a treadmill at my house so it's not too hard for me to get the walking in. Besides....the more calories I burn, the more I can eat! I saw the challenges for this week, now it's starting to look like a challenge. All I could think was 'Wow, week 4 in gonna suck!'

    Have a great day ladies! We are doing awesome!
  • vemaddox
    vemaddox Posts: 133 Member
    ok so today is 50 squat my cardio dance video she does a wide leg (pleay (not sure if i spelled that right)) squat....i challenge everyone to do an extra 50 wide leg squats....

    heres a video just incase i didnt explain it good enough
  • fitmommy2012
    fitmommy2012 Posts: 451 Member
    Good everything ready for this weeks challenges?!?! I am!!! very happy that my hubby has now gotten on the wagon for losing weight....he needs to and tells me all the happy that he is finally on bored....

    lets kick these squat kicks today!!!

    Thats great! My hubby needs to lose some weight too, but he is on and off the wagon too much! LOL, he will get serious about it for a few weeks then he will fall off again....LOL - oh well, maybe when he sees me shedding he will want to too!!!

    So ladies, I am done with my Squat Kicks for today, and I am also going to hit the gym tonight and get on the treadmill and run a few miles! :bigsmile: SO yeah, I am ready to kick the heck out of this week!
  • Hey Hey all you fabulous teammates....How are ya today? Me, I am Fantabulous !!!

    This week is gonna be HARD yet I know we can do it.

    Squat kicks--Done
    4.9 miles on elliptical---Done
    Water---24 oz so far but I'm chuggin' my next bottle as I type this

    Y'all have a wonderriffic day now, kk !!!
  • Wednesday, 3 Aug:

    Daily Challenge: 50 situps, then 25 more
    Completed Food Diary: yes
    Under Calories: yes, 77
    64 ounces of water: yes

    Thursday, 4 Aug:

    Daily Challenge: 40 Ups and Downs
    Completed Food Diary: yes
    Under Calories: yes, 74
    64 ounces of water: yes

    Friday, 5 Aug:

    Daily Challenge: 25 pushups, then 25 more
    Completed Food Diary: yes
    Under Calories: yes, 242
    64 ounces of water: yes

    Saturday, 6 Aug:

    Daily Challenge: 25 squat lunges
    Completed Food Diary: yes
    Under Calories: yes, 18
    64 ounces of water: yes

    *Please excuse me, but I really don’t want to weigh-in until the end of the challenge. Glad to hear such great results everyone!

    **As for the 100 mile walk, I will commit to 5 miles this week and we’ll see if I add more.

    PS - Ladies, as enduring as it might seem, don't try to build a staircase for an old barn with your 'know-all' uncles. It will not end well.
  • where do i find this weekes challenge?
  • vemaddox
    vemaddox Posts: 133 Member
    its on page 9
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Put me down for 10-12 miles! I already completed 2.69 miles today!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    8/5 :
    Challenge exercise - 25 pushups
    Water : done
    Food Logged-done
    Under Calories-done

    8/6 so far:
    Challenge exercise - 40 squat lunges
    50 jumping jacks
    10 push ups
    Water : done
    I'll come back later tonight for calories and diary!!!!!!!!

    8/6 so far:
    Challenge exercise - 40 squat lunges
    50 jumping jacks
    10 push ups
    Water : done
    Under my calorie count : check
    logged food : check!
  • vemaddox
    vemaddox Posts: 133 Member
    50 squat kicks - done
    50 wide leg squats - done
    miles done - 2.16
  • Alright Ladies! I think we need some additional motivation and a while back, I asked for a Co-Captain. I received no volunteers (hmmm....I wonder why?? LOL) so one brave soldier signed up for the job! F2F...join me in welcoming vemaddox as our Co-Captain! She is a great leader and will be a great assistant to me! So if she pays you a visit, just know that she is motivating as she has been asked to do.

    Now, on to a heavier side of business! As a captain, I try to be very patient, supportive and fair. Yet, when I ask for something, that is truly what I expect, as this is a challenge. It has been troublesome and time consuming for me to have to WAIT for weigh ins that I STILL have not received! I am not speaking of those who posted in the forum, because posting via forum or inbox is fine! However, I am speaking of those who just did not post at all. Weigh ins are DUE on Sunday mornings. If you do not post your daily challenge information, then that will be due along with the weight. If I do not have your weigh in information by Monday morning (or some type of email communication or contact), I will assume that you are dropping from the challenge.

    With that said, we have lost two teammates...Heatherlee and JolieBlossom. I truly do apologize, but I cannot hold the tabulations any longer and TRUST ME, if you saw this sheet, you would KNOW that I do NOT intend on going back to plug in anything after I have submitted. So, let's be timely with our weigh in info...I am much more flexible if you do not post daily because I skip days sometimes, but weigh in dates are non negotiable. that that is out of the way...let's get these miles organized....see the next post for that...this one is LONG and full of sad energy! SORRY!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    No need to apologize! I can imagine it is frustrating to keep up with all of the numbers for so many people who post so many different places. You have a right to ask your teammates to make this task easier for you since you are serving in a big role for us. THANK YOU for everything you do for us!!!
  • ivygirl328
    ivygirl328 Posts: 121
    What she said :smile:
  • MoonChild_69
    MoonChild_69 Posts: 28 Member
    Had to go to a funeral this morining, then lunch, then haircut. I will get my workout/ challenge in this afternoon and post then. 64 oz. of water so far.

    WTG Team!
  • Okay, here is the fun part of things...


    IrisT9975 for losing a WHOPPING 8.1 pounds for Week 1 and is 2 pounds away from her goal.

    Also, congrats to PrettyPrPro and Emswanson on being half way to their goal for the month of August!

    I was going to release a spreadsheet of the losses, but did not want to make those who did not lose or did not lose as much feel, I decided to just put the congrats out there!

    Ladies, we have a tight crew. Some have weeded themselves out and others have made different, but amicable choices to move along. So, let's MESH and LOSE...weight that is and not our MINDS! LMBO

    Oh and PS...shout out to your Captain..on being half way to her goal for August as well! YYYYYYYYEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHH!

    I am truly proud of you for taking care of you and standing behind our slogan...WE CAN DO IT...WE WILL DO IT..CONSIDER IT DONE!

    With More Love For Fab than Flab,