Pet Peeve @ the Gym



  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Oh and the curlbros. So many curlbros. Preacher curl, dumbbell curls, EZ-bar curls, barbell curls (in the squat rack), cable curls, machine curls. This is literally all I see some people do. And it's usually done with more weight than they can handle, swinging their back or hitting using momentum + their quadriceps to get the weight up.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    This whole thread made me giggle. and here is my pet peeves.

    1. There was this lady in our locker room one time and she was a larger woman, and she was just hanging out in front the mirror in a thong and a bra, doing her makeup, fixing her hair... I swear to goodness that my eyes just about burned out of my head after that.

    2. The other day i was in one of the studio doing my free weight work(squats, lunges, bi-cep curls, etc) and these are girls are stretching behind me, but staring at me like they've never seen a girl lift weights before. Uh hello, just because I got boobs doesn't mean I can't pick a weight up.

    3. Don't follow me around the gym.
    I once had a guy follow me from the cardio area, to the studio where i was doing my free weights and then proceed to pretend like he was doing something just so that he could watch me.. I was like ugh, creep!
  • Mrs_TrimWaistFatWallet
    Smelly dudes, silent farters, and chatty kathys.. "like, omg!"
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    There's a row of treadmills then a row of ellipticals behind it. I absolutely can't stand it when I'm the only one on the treadmill and someone gets on the elliptical directly behind me. Like seriously?!?

    LOL Ok, so Im not the only one with "personal space issues". I feel better now. ;)
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    There are a few specific people i can not handle:
    The Angry Birds Guy: he plays angry brids on his phone while working out, he looks pretty funny trying to do it and use the arc trainer, but the worst one is when he uses the ab machines. He just lays there for 15 minutes, does a crunch, and lays there another 15!

    I don't have a name for this lady but I feel like she tries to live at the gym. They close on the weekends so I am not sure where she goes but she will spend hours in the bathroom doing here hair and make up! the worst part is she does it at the sinks instead of the area where you are supposed to. That is really my biggest issue, there is a whole seperate area for you to stand around in your bra!
  • bf41382
    bf41382 Posts: 51
    How 'bout the folks who put their treadmill on the highest incline and then hold on to the display and lean back to walk? What's the point? Just put the thing on zero and walk, or let go of the display and actually walk on the incline!

    Also, there's a guy at the gym who wears one of those plastic sweat suit thingamijigs and about every 15 minutes dumps his sweat into the trash can! (not drops of sweat, more like he has a water hose up his sleeves) I had to quit working out the first time I saw him do that cause I couldn't get the vomit to go back down...
  • deewildwoman
    deewildwoman Posts: 120 Member
    I work out at home so the gym is my basement. So here is my pet peeve....

    When my husband lets our 90lb Great Dane/Pit mix downstairs when I am working out. If I am doing a cardio DVD, Loki thinks it is a game and chases my feet. If I am doing any floor ab training, I get a big sloppy kiss eveytime my back hits the floor. :laugh:
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    How 'bout the folks who put their treadmill on the highest incline and then hold on to the display and lean back to walk? What's the point? Just put the thing on zero and walk, or let go of the display and actually walk on the incline!

    while not a pet peeve - there is this one lady at the gym who like rail thin, older (but not elderly) and she uses a resistance band to "strap herself in" to the elliptical - like - attaches it to one side, puts it behind her waist and attaches it to the other side and then leans back and does an hour on the elliptical!
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I work out at home so the gym is my basement. So here is my pet peeve....

    When my husband lets our 90lb Great Dane/Pit mix downstairs when I am working out. If I am doing a cardio DVD, Loki thinks it is a game and chases my feet. If I am doing any floor ab training, I get a big sloppy kiss eveytime my back hits the floor. :laugh:

    I take the dog for a walk right after I do the shred and the dog knows it!It is almsot like she is working out with me. I run on the trails behind our house and the dog likes to play a game of chicken and run at me head on and turn off at the last second, always kicking dirt in my face and eyes! It was cute a first but now it just makes me mad! It throws off my grove, or she decides she has to run infront of me but stop to sniff and I have to jump around her.
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    How 'bout the folks who put their treadmill on the highest incline and then hold on to the display and lean back to walk? What's the point? Just put the thing on zero and walk, or let go of the display and actually walk on the incline!

    while not a pet peeve - there is this one lady at the gym who like rail thin, older (but not elderly) and she uses a resistance band to "strap herself in" to the elliptical - like - attaches it to one side, puts it behind her waist and attaches it to the other side and then leans back and does an hour on the elliptical!

    I always walk on the treadmill at an incline and hold on, I burn a ton of calories doing this, but I never did lose any weight, i will have to reconsider do it.

    the band on the elliptical is pretty inventive!
  • Cathy92
    Cathy92 Posts: 312 Member
    People who complain, it's too hot/cold!! There's a yoga instructor who does a very simple class directly under the AC vent and incites her class to riot due to the cold! (she could have moved herself away from the vent) and closed up the AC vents. Especially after having a heat spell,no air conditioning when they'd all disappear to another air conditioned room as they couldn't stand the heat. They never work up a sweat anyway. I wish they'd be a little considerate of the rest of us working up a sweat on the cardio machines who are thrilled at 'new' air conditioning...

    I like working out without listening to complaining women!
  • Cathy92
    Cathy92 Posts: 312 Member
    Also, I do walk on the treadmill on an incline and hold on as I'm afraid my balance isn't that good. I burn calories and lose weight when I walk uphill. I incline it also as it's easier on my knees than speeding it up fast and jogging..
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I had so many I now have a mini-gym at home :bigsmile:

    You know you've got issues if you have pet peeves when you work out in your own private gym. :laugh:
  • como5324
    como5324 Posts: 7
    My parents have a workout room in their house though I prefer to go to the gym, because I feel like I can work out harder then at home and because I go to the gym mainly after 10am or in the evening after 730am, there are less crowds. I like to go the gym so I can workout hard and watch other people while I do my cardio, it's a form of entertainment to my brain. My two pet peeves is when the cardio machine are practically empty and the same person keeps working out next to me and looks down at me, why don't they just find another one. The other pet peeve is when most of the machines are full except for the one next to the girls who are talking about work and family drama, I call it how can you get a good hard workout if you're talking. These things bother me, that's why I prefer to go to the gym in the evening.
  • lawhite1969
    I have no problem with people chit chatting on the phone...what skeeves me is the one who use their phone in the locker room texting! How can you be sure they are really texting and not taking your naked pic!!!!!! We shouldn't have to worry about that!
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    guys walking around the locker room with their meat hanging out.................its ok to change, but dont try to strike up a conversation with me bare-assed................its creepy
  • giaciccone
    giaciccone Posts: 257
    jerking someone off a cardio machine is exercise too, right?

    those things don't bother me as much as the ppl who don't wipe
    People who don't wipe their machines down gross me out.
    it's like... SERIOUSLY, I didn't pay to use the machine with all your nasty sweat all over it.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    guys walking around the locker room with their meat hanging out.................its ok to change, but dont try to strike up a conversation with me bare-assed................its creepy

    No ****!! It's so gross... there's men at the gym that will come out dry off and stand their naked. They'll put a t-shirt on, then put some socks on, go brush their teeth, shave, but do you think they'd put some damn drawers on, NOPE! GROSS.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    I love how grossed out people are by sweat in this thread. Apparently nobody has been to a punk show in a small venue before.