30DS starting August 1st...Anyone? :)



  • mehs04
    mehs04 Posts: 184
    I'd like to join here if that's okay. I first posted on another 30 DS Aug. 1 main thread, but there were SO MANY people posting there already, I couldn't keep track. I see that this is a smaller group, and I think we can get to know each other better this way.

    On 7/29 I actually just completed the 30 DS that I started 6/23. Did the whole 30 days (10 days of level 1, then 10 days of level 2, then 10 days of level 3), taking Sundays off. Hubby started doing it with me on day 10 and then did the rest with me. Now we're planning to do another 30 Days of the Shred, this time doing 2 days of level 1, 2 days of level 2, and 2 days of level 3 each week, again taking Sundays off.

    After completing the Shred for the first time, I lost 9 lbs, 3/4" on my neck, 1" each on bust and hips. Can't find my pre-shred waist measurement though. I thought I was down 1 1/2" on some of those, but it's hard to measure yourself.

    This morning I was down another lb, and I hope to lose 5 more lbs this month and hopefully some inches doing the Shred again.

    This morning I did something I should have done before starting the Shred the first time ... I had Hubby take pics of me today so that I can compare the before Shred pics with the after Shred pics. I do have some pics from the beginning of my weight loss journey but not right before shredding.

    Yesterday (8/1) Hubby and I did day 1, and today (8/2) we finished day 2.

    Even after just having completed 30 days of shredding, my muscles are sore again. You use your muscles in different ways at each level. I noticed that every time we switched to a different level, different muscles got sore. I know some of us are going to be REALLY sore for a few days at the beginning, but I want to encourage you to stick with it. You will be amazed at how much stronger you are at the end of the 30 days. Even though I'm a bit sore today, I was able to do more push-ups (still girly ones) and deeper squats than the first time around. The cardio on levels 1 and 2 was hard for me, but now I can get through without stopping and am even doing the cardio with weights. I'm not saying this to brag, just to encourage everyone that you WILL get stronger doing the Shred and what is hard today may not ever be easy, but will be easier in time.
  • mehs04
    mehs04 Posts: 184
    Is there an easier way to post exercise?? I tried to post after doing L1 tonight, but looks like I have to go through and do each individual exercise?

    I log mine under "circuit training - general".
  • xxangelaxx
    xxangelaxx Posts: 13 Member
    I've lost track of which thread I was in and the other one is huge so I'm bookmarking this one!

    I did day 2 earlier. It was harder due to achy muscles but I timed it better around meals unlike yesterday :sick:

    Taking photos is a good idea. I took measurements yesterday but might do some pics tomorrow.

    See you all on day 3! :smile:
  • SaraStanton
    I started the 30DS yesterday too! I was really skeptical about it working but after two workouts my quads are so sore I really think it will work. I joined MFP today to help track my eating. My goal is to get through these 30 days. I have never challenged myself this way. I have to get up at 4:30 -5:00am to get my shredding done but so far so good. I weighed, measured and took pictures of myself before on Sunday. Hoping to see results come September! :wink:
  • beckyard
    beckyard Posts: 107 Member
    Hi, I'm new here and would like to join this challenge, I am also new to MFP so I hope I am replying to the correct place.

    Come on in. We're not restricting anyone, it's just a group (not a challenge) to help encourage each other. Welcome to the group :) Have you started 30 day shred yet or ever done it before? This is my first time and I'm on day 2.
  • beckyard
    beckyard Posts: 107 Member
    I'd like to join here if that's okay. I first posted on another 30 DS Aug. 1 main thread, but there were SO MANY people posting there already, I couldn't keep track. I see that this is a smaller group, and I think we can get to know each other better this way.

    On 7/29 I actually just completed the 30 DS that I started 6/23. Did the whole 30 days (10 days of level 1, then 10 days of level 2, then 10 days of level 3), taking Sundays off. Hubby started doing it with me on day 10 and then did the rest with me. Now we're planning to do another 30 Days of the Shred, this time doing 2 days of level 1, 2 days of level 2, and 2 days of level 3 each week, again taking Sundays off.

    After completing the Shred for the first time, I lost 9 lbs, 3/4" on my neck, 1" each on bust and hips. Can't find my pre-shred waist measurement though. I thought I was down 1 1/2" on some of those, but it's hard to measure yourself.

    This morning I was down another lb, and I hope to lose 5 more lbs this month and hopefully some inches doing the Shred again.

    This morning I did something I should have done before starting the Shred the first time ... I had Hubby take pics of me today so that I can compare the before Shred pics with the after Shred pics. I do have some pics from the beginning of my weight loss journey but not right before shredding.

    Yesterday (8/1) Hubby and I did day 1, and today (8/2) we finished day 2.

    Even after just having completed 30 days of shredding, my muscles are sore again. You use your muscles in different ways at each level. I noticed that every time we switched to a different level, different muscles got sore. I know some of us are going to be REALLY sore for a few days at the beginning, but I want to encourage you to stick with it. You will be amazed at how much stronger you are at the end of the 30 days. Even though I'm a bit sore today, I was able to do more push-ups (still girly ones) and deeper squats than the first time around. The cardio on levels 1 and 2 was hard for me, but now I can get through without stopping and am even doing the cardio with weights. I'm not saying this to brag, just to encourage everyone that you WILL get stronger doing the Shred and what is hard today may not ever be easy, but will be easier in time.

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. My legs are mostly sore today and I know its from the lunges lol. I hate lunges haha but I'm working them. Whether this is TMI or not, I feel my butt muscles are sore as well. Guess the lunges are doing their job then huh? lol. Yesterday was day 1 for me and last night I took pictures (i'm flabbergasted by the way...didn't realize it was that bad...I hide it very well) and I took all my measurements. My kitchen is closed as of 745 this evening so I'm hoping not to snack lol. Day two today was a little hard since my legs are sore (I even look in pain when I'm walking lol) but I did it and I'm proud to say i did. It's good to hear that you have the different affects from the different weeks. I may give that a try next go round but I'm going to try to do the full 30 days to start off with.

    I weigh in tomorrow for a different challenge I'm in so I guess I'm weighing myself on Mondays and Wednesdays lol. Other than that I'm not looking at the scale.

    How did everyone else do today?
  • Jesse13
    Jesse13 Posts: 72
    Just finished day 2, and I'm super tired. My whole body is sore, don't think I could do it tomorrow, but I'll wait and see.
  • kansasblueyez
    kansasblueyez Posts: 6 Member
    Can I join you all i just started the 30DS
  • mehs04
    mehs04 Posts: 184
    Finished day 3 this morning, and discovered when I stepped on the scale before exercising that I finally I broke through the 180 mark! I've been going back and forth within 2 lbs above 180 for a while but just couldn't break past it. When I weighed myself this morning, I weighed 179.4!!!!!!!!!!!!! So if you see me doing the happy dance today, you'll know why!!!!
  • julie_safc
    well, 30 day shred arrived in the post this morning, so not wanting to waste any time i got straight into it! so day 1 level 1 done!!

    it was a good workout and am looking forward to the rest, although i wasn't so eager during it when i was sweating like mad and turning a lovely shade of purple!

    i hope it's not too late for me to join you all :D
  • SaraStanton
    Day 3 done. I noticed a considerable change in my endurance. I was able to get through the Jumping Jacks without stopping or it hurting my hips. Pushups are still tough and I do take one 5 second rest so my back doesn't hurt. My quads are still sore but that is lessening as well. I feel stronger just after 3 days and look forward to completing this shred. Happy Wednesday!
  • Jesse13
    Jesse13 Posts: 72
    Finished day 3 this morning, and discovered when I stepped on the scale before exercising that I finally I broke through the 180 mark! I've been going back and forth within 2 lbs above 180 for a while but just couldn't break past it. When I weighed myself this morning, I weighed 179.4!!!!!!!!!!!!! So if you see me doing the happy dance today, you'll know why!!!!

    Great Job!!
  • beckyard
    beckyard Posts: 107 Member
    Congrats on everyone getting through it. My calves/thighs are still sore from day 1 and 2. Good news is my glutius maximus doesn't hurt anymore lol. I'm off to do day 3 (oh the dreaded lunges lol)
  • beckyard
    beckyard Posts: 107 Member
    by the way...how are you doing your workout shoes wise? with shoes or without shoes? I've been doing it with shoes due to the jumping jacks but was thinking about trying without them. what are your thoughts?
  • beckyard
    beckyard Posts: 107 Member
    Can I join you all i just started the 30DS

    Absolutely :) what lvl/day are you on? I'm on level 1 day 3 (about to do it now actually when i get the tv back lol)
  • mommybear0922
    mommybear0922 Posts: 59 Member
    Day 3 done. I noticed a considerable change in my endurance. I was able to get through the Jumping Jacks without stopping or it hurting my hips. Pushups are still tough and I do take one 5 second rest so my back doesn't hurt. My quads are still sore but that is lessening as well. I feel stronger just after 3 days and look forward to completing this shred. Happy Wednesday!

    So have I! I absolutely hate the push-up's, but I can now do them a little easier. And the crunches have goten a little easier for me too! Can't wait to see how I do by day 10!
  • mommybear0922
    mommybear0922 Posts: 59 Member
    by the way...how are you doing your workout shoes wise? with shoes or without shoes? I've been doing it with shoes due to the jumping jacks but was thinking about trying without them. what are your thoughts?

    I have been doing the work outs without shoes. It's more comfortable for me that way in the summer.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    I have also noticed a change in my endurance. Amazing after just three days! I still have to do knee push-ups and I have a hard time with the lunges. I think I might not be positioning my back leg correctly but I'm not sure, and I keep sliding (in shoes)!
  • mehs04
    mehs04 Posts: 184
    by the way...how are you doing your workout shoes wise? with shoes or without shoes? I've been doing it with shoes due to the jumping jacks but was thinking about trying without them. what are your thoughts?

    I wear shoes when doing the Shred. Hubby doesn't.

    Day 4 completed. Yea!
  • SaraStanton
    by the way...how are you doing your workout shoes wise? with shoes or without shoes? I've been doing it with shoes due to the jumping jacks but was thinking about trying without them. what are your thoughts?

    I wear shoes. I thought about not wearing them but so far it is working out. I tried Bob Harpers without shoes and the jumping hurt my ankles.