Team 20... Team Persistent Determination (closed group)



  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member
    I am SO excited to see what is gonna happen with our team this month!!!! And it's already started!!! Jumping jacks! Water! Calorie goals! Photos taken! Woooo~whooooo!!!!!
  • wilsonshome
    Sonia, I messaged you the stats you were looking for, I sent it last Friday as well but I guess you didn't get it. Let me know if you don't receive a message from me today.

    Did my 100 jacks, all at once. It was a good calf workout but my dogs thought I was playing with them.
  • cshore54
    cshore54 Posts: 70
    Haven't done jumping jacks in 40 years...but today I did 100! I wasn't even sure IF my body would come off the ground. But it did, 100 times. In sets of only 10, but who knows what else this body can do if I make it or will it :smile:

  • megansmom311
    Name: Julie
    Start weight as of this morning: 219
    Total lost so far: 42.5
    Goal for August: 10 pounds

    Let's go team! :smile:
  • kmcginley613
    Hey Team 20!
    I am Kerry, a student at Penn State, about to finish my 5th year of undergrad, in an integrated undergrad/grad program where I am getting my B.S. and Master's in Forensic Science, minoring in Biochemistry and Molecular Bio. I hope to eventually go to Med School to be a ME or go into oncology!

    I just turned 22 and my senior year of being 21 at school caused me to be the heaviest I have been, around 125 lbs. While not overweight, I had some flab and I hated the way I looked. At the end of the semester (May) I started to kick it in gear again to try to get the body I use to have, toned with a totally flat belly. That is my ultimate goal again. I don't care about weight as much as how I look.

    My goal is to keep up my exercise routine, drink less, and eat a lot more healthy, especially with the school year starting again, August 22nd. I hope to be down to 108 lbs by January.

    For this month I hope to lose 3 lbs to get down to 119 lbs and keep toning up. This is my first challenge, and I think it is a great idea and I am super excited. While my bf is not in this group, he is losing weight with me and is doing all the challenges with me as well:) Let's go Team PD!!
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    Everyone is doing GREAT with their jumping jacks! I love reading the success of those who weren't sure they could. Yayyy YOU! My 100 are DONE and I'm just about to finish the rest of my workout for today. On my 8th cup of water now....

  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member

    Since we have team members in multiple countries I am posting the challenge for tomorrow now!

    The Challenge for Tuesday is to RUN/WALK/JOG a mile you wouldn't normally do!

    Good Luck my lovelies!!!!

  • SunshineKisses_2012
    SunshineKisses_2012 Posts: 471 Member
    I did my 100, then added another 100 later!! Just to prove that I could. The knee protested a bit and the back smarted a couple of times, but it was totally worth it!!! I managed to do 25 all at once the first go round! I was actually quite proud of myself!! The second set of 100, I managed 40 at once before having to take a short break. So excited!

    Considering tomorrow is the extra mile, and I don't usually do a mile of anything (at least not that I can point to and say "that is a mile."), I'll just hit the on-site gym here at my apartment community and see how long i last before I get bored or tired (I'm gambling for the boredom to set in before the tiredness).

    Goooo Team Persistent Determination!!!
  • megansmom311
    Jumping jacks done! Woot! :smile:
  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member

    Let me know if you see anything wrong. :huh:

  • megansmom311
    Mine looks right. Thank you so much, Sonia!

    Cute chart, btw! :flowerforyou:
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    SunshineKisses_2012 Posts: 471 Member
    Looks great! And I am the heaviest one on the team. Sweet! Ego boost for me tonight (I'm going to go drown my sorrows in yoga).
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Christi, and I'm from Ohio. I am a CPA and work for a large financial institution in downtown Cleveland. My weight has gradually increased over the past 11 years. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism ten years ago, and although that didn't help, I can't blame it on that. I worked a ton of hours, ate out all of the time, and my marriage fell apart during all of that as well. At the beginning of May I decided enough was enough, and I have been slowly and steadily losing weight ever since. I still hate to work out so these daily challenges will be good for me.

    I know we will be successful as a team, and I look forward to sharing all of your individual successes as well!
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    Looks great! And I am the heaviest one on the team. Sweet! Ego boost for me tonight (I'm going to go drown my sorrows in yoga).

    No problem!! Just you'll probably out-lose us all!!
  • shortee75
    shortee75 Posts: 164
    DANG...wish I had got in on this challenge before it closed!

    Although, I can't help you all earn extra points, if you all don't mind - I would like tag along with your team through the daily challenges, staying within my calories, and just chat in general.

    Here is my info if anyone would like to know:

    First name: Angie
    start weight: 121.4 (as of 7/31)
    want to lose this month: 2-3lbs
    loss on MFP up til now: no loss yet

    Since I am just now seeing this thread, I haven't done the 100 jumping jacks and won't be able to (it's about 9:30 my time and getting real close to my bedtime).

    I will get a mile done on the treadmill as well as my regular Zumba session tomorrow :happy:

    Sonia - could you add me to your email/message list so that I get the forum link each week?
  • jah1165
    jah1165 Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks Sonia for doing all this for us.....I just hope that I can keep up with you guys you are killing me with the water intake and the excercise....I am going to try my hardest to not let any of you guys down..... I hope I motivate you and MUCH as you motivate me to get up and get my butt moving everyday!!!!!!
  • psychofied
    psychofied Posts: 138
    You can call me Chari guys! :)

    @sonybalony: can I change my gw just in case I reach it early?
  • CookieGem
    CookieGem Posts: 197 Member
    I have such a fantastic feeling about our team, I really do think we have the best team and the best team leader. Thank you Sonia for doing all of these things for us.

    Lets have a great day NO. 2 Team PD

    Gem x
  • psychofied
    psychofied Posts: 138
    DAY 2:

    Challenge [done]
    Under calorie goal [yes]
    Water intake [64 oz]
  • wilsonshome
    Hey Sonia, I sent you a message but my goal to loose is 7 pounds and GW is 130. Just a clarification. Do you want us to report each day here or send you a message?

    Thanks for all your leadership work.
