Positive Praise for Poor Eating?



  • whitejessamine
    "I don't need to be judged on what I eat or don't eat. For now, I am doing the best I can."

    For me, that's where it stands. We don't know where other people are coming from, or how their habits now compare to their habits before. Certainly, feel free not to comment, but try not to judge another person's habits based on where you are...we are all taking our own path, and what is defeat for some of us may be a major victory for others.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    When I see someone regularly eating less than 1000 calories I usually drop them and certainly cannot praise someone for that. Your body needs nutrients and that is not healthy. I do like to offer help and encouragement to folks who are just doing what they can. Maybe they do fast food once in a while, maybe they go over now and again....I do and sometimes I binge but the support of folks here for those bad days is what it is all about.
  • Amyding115
    Amyding115 Posts: 120
    I agree. But on the flip side, sometimes those foods are treats every once and a while. So if you can treat yourself and stay under, that is good. But I agree, it shouldn't be a regular inclusion.
  • alslau02
    alslau02 Posts: 64

    By the way anytime some starts out saying "I'm not trying to be offensive is a sure sign of someone being offensive."

    Very True!

    Maybe I am a freak, but I lose weight/inches at the same rate no matter the "cleanliness" of my diet.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    i think everyone is entitled to fast food if they want it - i personally have takeaway once a week - it keeps me going.
    My doctor and nurse say its about healthy eating 80 % of the time and not 20 % - i believe people need to 'cheat' on healthy eating else they will stop it all together - so therefore i believe people should say well done to fast food as it is saying everyone has cheat meals and well done for keeping within goals

    i personally change my diary settings from 1 week to another normally its on friends only

    I really like this post and I totally agree with you.

    This is a topic that could go round and round. Some people think that eating junk food is a poor choice and ought not to be congratulated, others think that eating any kind of meat is unhealthy (and in some cases inhumane), for some it's dairy products, there are people who have allergies and certain "health" foods would most certainly NOT be healthy choices for them.

    I guess the bottom line is personal choices are just that. I would never criticize someone's choices especially since I have no idea what led up to them choosing them.

    This. Its just *wrong* to criticize every bite someone puts in their mouth, that way lies an eating disorder. Its bad enough when people do it to themselves, but no one that isn't that person has a right to judge someone who is at least TRYING to do well.

    The only exception I would make is if someone says explicitly that they are eating some particularly healthy diet its probably not out of line to feel this way if they're constantly eating crap, but for people who are trying to change from a lifestyle of overeating or bad eating to a slightly healthier one that brings them weight loss, then staying within a reasonable amount of calories and choosing the chicken sandwich with no mayo at mcdonalds is probably worth praising them for. But whatever.
  • kayleeblue
    kayleeblue Posts: 273
    Different strokes for different folks...My diary isn't the greatest but it's a lot better then it was 6 months ago..and it's working for me! And thats ALL that matters. What works for one may not for the other. But I feel sorry for the poor soul who thinks they can tell me I'm not allowed to have my Chocolate milk!! :devil: We will have issues! Have a great day!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,248 Member
    I enjoy my junk every now and then. I don't expect praise for eating half a pizza - I don't expect praise for anything I do because I'm only doing it for myself - but I'm not ashamed of my choices, either. That said, I think there's something positive to be said for keeping on track with the occasional indulgence.

    Life throws us all curveballs, and sometimes after a bad day, or just a poorly planned day... a frozen pizza or trip to McDonalds is what's going to be the right choice. And I'd rather someone say, "Yep. This is what I ate. So be it." than feel like a failure because they didn't pick a perfectly balanced meal. I'd rather someone look at my food diary and think, "She's doing alright... and she had a little bit of ice cream just about every day this week. Maybe there really IS something to this 'everything in moderation' thing," than have someone feel overwhelmed or weak because they feel they need to eat clean all the time.
  • kellydharriso
    Wow...I had no idea there was so much drama on here. I really hope you aren't discouraging people from being on mfp because of your haughty attitudes. I am ashamed of the ways some people judge others...that makes you no better than the people judging you!!!
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I think most people aren't looking at the persons diary. They just see that they're under their goal for the day and praise them, which isn't always a good thing, either.
    I don't praise people for their food diaries saying they're under their goal all the time MFP gives you a goal for a reason, you're supposed to eat that much, not aim for below it. Would you have a goal to finish a 5K and only finish half? No.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,523 Member
    Okay.... so I'm not trying to be offensive in this post. But over the past few days, I've seen soooo many people give each other positive praise for food diaries that include poor food choices, like fast food. I don't get it? I understand that some of those people have remained within their calorie goal for the day, but really? I'm more likely to give praise to those who eat a well-balanced meal, as opposed to those who are eating food that is pretty much bad for you. Isn't it the quality of food that you intake, rather than just the number of calories? Surely a 500 calorie dinner that includes whole grains, veggies, meat (or a source of protein), etc., is better than fast food? Just because you've stayed under or near your goal doesn't mean that you can eat fast food and see results.

    I understand that no one is perfect, and I'm far from it.... but if we're being supportive on here, why are we commending food choices like that? Maybe someone can explain it to me.... again, the goal of this is not to offend anyone, I'm just concerned that we're often sending the wrong message!

    Thanks! :) Have a great Saturday everyone!
    I don't advocate dieting to my clients and won't insist that they change their food choices unless they make the decision to do it and then consult me on their own.
    That said of course it makes more sense to eat better and have foods with better nutritional profiles, but let's face it, there are "bad" foods that some of us like that no "good" food could replace. Nothing "nutritious" to me tastes like a pizza that made with "the works" and is 300 to 400 calories a slice. And if I have it with a beer....................

    Anyway, most of my clients ate bad to begin with and now are overweight which is why they are working with me. I could bombard them with things they SHOULD eat, and have the refrain from any of the "bad" items that help to put the weight on. They would lose weight, and many have. Problem is, is that if they indulge a little (after reaching goal) the weight repiles back on.
    The last 7 seven years, I gave up on instructing how to "eat right" and just taught them how to eat and exercise to be in deficit. Amazingly the majority of clients haven't relapsed into gaining the weight back since now, even with "bad" eating, they've learned now to moderate it and combat it with activity.

    Just because you eat "healthy" doesn't ensure that that will be the case. I know many a vegetarian who could lose quite a few lbs. And genetic predisposition has a lot to do with whether or not you're more suseptible to disease more than the foods you actually eat.
  • kathywoo10
    kathywoo10 Posts: 139 Member
    I'd rather have people logging everything and staying under calories than making them feel ashamed of what they ate and not log it. For some people just paying attention to the calories is a HUGE step. And for the record I am happy that I don't have any MFP friends that have EVER judged me in this way. No one on MFP has any right to judge others because they wouldn't need MFP if they made awesome food choices all the time.
  • bailer1310
    bailer1310 Posts: 11
    I personally love reviewing food diary's. I gain so many idea's on things I can incorporate into my meal times. However, we're here to encourage and motivate each other. If you see an area of improvement, privately submit a suggestion. Praise anyone who chooses to make their health a priority. Fortunately for you, you have the will power and knowledge to refrain from junk food and fast food but for a lot of American's, that's all they know. Hence, our high obesity rates.
    Let's continue to support each other, provide tips and suggestions...one day hopefully, we can ALL reveal our new body's.
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    They aren't making the comments to you or asking you to do so for them.

    I fail to see how it concerns you in the least. There is plenty to worry about in this world with out getting bent over things that are none of your business.

    Learn to let it go, you will be much happier for it.
  • jamiealdridge02
    jamiealdridge02 Posts: 93 Member
    I definitely agree that a healthy diet with healthy foods is the absolute best, but I also think people need to be realistic and enjoy some of their old favorites so they can maintain weight loss long term. For example, my husband has recently lost almost 16lbs and would like to drop about 20 more. The first week all he did was eat regular portion sizes. Every week he makes a few little changes. One thing he's done is if we go to fast food, he doesn't get fries, just a sandwich. Is that the best, no, but it is certainly better than sandwich and fries. For him, eating a fast food sandwich once a week helps him eat really well the rest of the time. Just a thought about fast food! Good luckto everyone losing weight!!
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Every time I read one of these topics it still shocks me how judgmental and 'holier than thou' some people on this site are.

    I eat fast food if I want to and I drink beer when I want to (and no I won't change to watered down low cal beer). Yes, I try to make healthy choices for the most part, but I am not going to avoid fast food forever, I'm not going to quit drinking, I'm not going to spend the rest of my life never going out to eat or eating salad when I go out. And for me if I'm not going to do it forever, I'm not going to do it just to lose weight.

    Personally there are days that all I care about is calories and that's MY choice. Some days I know that I want a burger and fries and a few beers and even do a longer run just so I can stay under my calories. I figure that that is better than not exercising and having a burger and fries and beer. And it works for me! So why does anyone care if people aren't eating 'healthy enough' maybe they planned their day to have something that they really wanted, maybe they spent an extra hour at the gym so they could have a big-mac.

    Until you walk a mile in someones shoes don't judge them, you never know what is going on in their lives or what their habits used to be. Just because someone isn't doing things the way you think they should doesn't mean that it isn't the 'right way'.

    If someone wants to eat junk and can still lose weight, then that is their choice.
  • lalalazzz
    lalalazzz Posts: 131 Member
    I have a MFP that practically starves herself usually netting 500-700 cals and she is a breast feeding mother and peeople are always commenting way to go!! and such on her status. It grosses me out. That baby is probably starving. I don't comment unless I read the diary and actually think it was well balanced and I only read the diaries of friends I feel are doing MFP the righr way.
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    You are what you eat...

    I truly believe that.
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    well i work at mcdonalds... so i eat "fast food" everyday i work but i get oat meal, parfaits, apples, and salads. i did have someone comment on my diary about eating so much fast food and i deleted her. it wasn't that she said i was eating too much fast food, it was how she said it and the fact that she said my salad had no nutrition while HER diary showed she ate an oreo and a pack of nuts....

    people may not like that i eat at mcdonalds so much but they can shove it. considering i could be eating a big mac or something like that, my salads are just fine.

    OMG!!! SHE ate an OREO... and a Pack of NUTS! That is just nuts...

    Nuts are good for you by the way.... So are Oreo's in moderation. :)

    Sounds like you are making healthy choices with what is in front of you. I could only imagine what a temptation it would be working at McD's or any other restaurant for that matter.
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    "getting it together" takes time. This is a long proccess for many of us. I used to eat tons of junk. I'm slowly weaning that out of my system. I don't have my food diary public for exactly that reason. I don't need to be judged on what I eat or don't eat. For now, I am doing the best I can. My decisions over time are getting better and better. Not every person can come to the same realization at the same time. Just staying under calories is a HUGE accomplishment for some... don't discredit that. They're here... and they're trying. Baby steps...

    I agree!
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    I think calories are calories. As long as you are consuming less calories than you burn, you will lose weight, even if your diet consists entirely of ice cream and Whoppers.

    The problem is that in order to keep the weight off you have to change your eating lifestyle. If you don't teach yourself to eat properly, odds are when you stop watching your calories and your weight you will continue to eat garbage but blow your calorie intake and bam! The weight will come back on.

    I don't think people should necessarily earn praise for eating bad food, but calorie intake is the most important part of losing weight.