vegans did you know that.......



  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    I was a vegetarian for about 15 years. I have now added fish back into my diet (but I have my own whacky rules about that too). My wife is vegan.

    I find that people think that vegetarians/vegans are judging them for their dietary choices. Not sure why, but they are not comfortable with that.

    Frankly, I don't care what you eat. But I don't need to hear anybody's opinion about my choices. I know what I am doing. :-)

    While I do have some beliefs and moral guidelines that apply to my dietary choices, I do not tell others about them unless they ask. And I freely acknowledge that some of them are sort of arbitrary and can be viewed as whacky. That is fine.

    Humans have the luxury of choosing what we want to eat--at least most in the developed world do. So I am exercising my choice.

    BTW, my family STILL makes veg jokes. Which are still not really that funny.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    To each their own.

    However, I really don't see any difference between the following things:

    1.) Me taking milk from a cow.
    2.) A bee taking pollen from a flower.
    3.) An ant taking honey dew from aphids.
    4.) A Brown-headed cow-bird laying eggs in another bird's nest.
    5.) A wasp laying its eggs into the body of a caterpillar.
    6.) Any scavenger or predator eating a carcass.
    7.) Any number of animals taking eggs.
    8.) Vampire bats drinking blood from live mammals.
    9.) Rodents lining their burrows with the fur from other creatures.
    10.) And so on and so forth.

    It's not just about health.... eggs, honey, milk... they are all good for you.
    So it must be about "morals". Basically, "it's not fair to take what doesn't belong to us". Right? But, like my Mama always said "Life ain't fair". A lion would eat you with out second thought if it had the opportunity and a coon would steal your lunch right from under nose. Evolution... survival of the fittest... this is the NATURAL order of things.

    I just don't understand it.

    The difference is that the bee and the ant and the vampire bats and the rodents are not cramming their food source into inhumane living conditions, shooting them up with chemicals and antibiotics, and generally torturing them along the way. The cows on a factory dairy farm are not 'happy cows'. Nor do insects and lower mammals have the ability to think and reason, so they are acting solely on instinct, and over millenia these relationships have evolved symbiotically so the actions are often integral to the life cycle in many cases (ie, bees taking pollen allows cross-pollination of other plants, etc...). I have respect for the smaller farmers who are trying to go back to the old-fashioned style of raising animals for food, where they are treated humanely throughout their life, and at the end killed in the most humane way possible.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member

    My dogs willingly drink milk.

    They drink milk that you put in a bowl for them - they do not go out and hunt down lactating dogs and milk them to get their fix. Can't say I've ever seen a mother dog with a pack of adult dogs attached to her teats... Dogs will also eat bread and pasta and veggies and all kinds of weird things their humans feed them - it's not their natural food source, and generally the dogs that eat a lot of people food are overweight and less healthy.
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    "I would have no problem if I milked the cow. I have a problem with how these cows are kept and impregnated and stuffed full of crap to keep producing. If we went back to the natural order of things, I would be a meat eater."

    This quote thing is not working ^^^^^

    I have always wondered that. I know a lot of vegans and vegetarians who are more against the way the animals are treated than the killing of the animals itself. I have been curious if all animals were just wild or free range and taken care of all nice like would most go back to eating meat or even just drinking milk etc?

    I'm a pescatarian who will on rare occasion eat meat, and my problem is mostly with the way the animals are kept and treated, and the hormones and stuff used to grow them bigger on factory farms. I used to love chicken growing up, but noticed it didn't taste as good over the past 10-15 years - and when I wtached Food Inc, I understood why - these birds practically aren't even chickens anymore - they are just artificial hormone- and antibiotic-laced meat factories with legs. I will occasionally get grass-fed organic beef (sorry, addicted to it in my spaghetti sauce), and it tastes completely different than what is in the average grocery. I don't think I would ever go back to being a full-fledged carnivore even if the industry cleaned up it's act, but I don't have as much of a problem when the animals have decent or wild living conditions, and I don't get upset at folks who hunt wild animals to actually eat - although I do have problems with trophy hunters and people who shoot things just for sick fun.

    quote thing not working lol

    See but how are the fish treated compared to the other animals?When I was younger I went to a fish farm and all the fish were in a huge pond thingy and sectioned off, how is that different? I have a friend who claims she is a vegetarian but eats fish because they do not have feelings. i know she is a twit but, I also know so many people who think like her lol

    I eat mostly chicken and fish and have cut out red meats for my diet. I also sometimes eat all vegetarian meals. I personally would love it if all animals were treated well.I know it is hard to imagine a carnivore who loves animals and wishes they were treated with respect even if we are gonna eat them later we do exist though haha...but I like the taste too much to give it up all together.
    like you said. I also feel that as a country we eat too much meat as it is so I can understand and agree with not going full carnivore even if the animals are treated better.

    Now correct me please if I am wrong because I am just curious. If anyone would eat some meats or use animal products again if said animals were treated better, why not buy all your products from farmers who do just that rather than not eat any at all?
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    If he brings it up again, remind him that the veal industry is largely driven by the dairy industry. Cows need to have a baby to make milk, so the farmers breed the cows, kill off any babies not needed for future breeding and sell them for veal, and take the mama cow's milk that was intended for her baby. Also remind him that humans are the only mammal who willingly consumes the milk of another mammal, and who does so past childhood. Milk is intended for babies, not for adults, and it's never intended for other species.

    My dogs willingly drink milk.
    Also... they're not mammals, but you should google ants milking honey dew from aphids. It's pretty neat. Minus the hormones and stuff, they treat aphids just like we treat cows. Build them shelters, protect them from predators, and milk them to consume their secretions.

    It's almost Twilight Zone material!

    As someone else pointed out, they'll drink or eat just about anything you put in their bowl. Wild dogs don't drink milk. And you're right, ants aren't mammals, and what they're taking from the aphids is not milk, so that example is really apples to oranges. It is cool though. My kids have a whole book about it.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    And just for the record, I'm not vegan. Or even vegetarian. And I do consume dairy. But I was healthier when I didn't consume dairy, and as soon as I'm finished with this jug of protein powder, I'm going back off the dairy. But the protein powder just doesn't taste right mixed with V8. :-P
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    And just for the record, I'm not vegan. Or even vegetarian. And I do consume dairy. But I was healthier when I didn't consume dairy, and as soon as I'm finished with this jug of protein powder, I'm going back off the dairy. But the protein powder just doesn't taste right mixed with V8. :-P

    I tried it with soy milk and even almond milk but it wont mix with either so I have gone back to skim milk.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member

    My dogs willingly drink milk.

    They drink milk that you put in a bowl for them - they do not go out and hunt down lactating dogs and milk them to get their fix. Can't say I've ever seen a mother dog with a pack of adult dogs attached to her teats... Dogs will also eat bread and pasta and veggies and all kinds of weird things their humans feed them - it's not their natural food source, and generally the dogs that eat a lot of people food are overweight and less healthy.

    Lol. That's an awesome visual! I can just see a pack of wolves sneaking up on a cow with buckets hanging from their snouts. Hahaha.

    Dogs have been domesticated for around 15,000 years. I think it is safe to say that at this point that "whatever humans feed them" IS their natural food source. Whether it be dog food (which has only existed since the late 1800's) or "table scraps". Dogs started their journey to domestication by eating our garbage we left outside our camps. Stray dogs today usually forage in garbage cans. Most would die if left in the wild with out a source of human scraps because, unless trained to do so by people, they have lost the instincts and skills to successfully hunt for their food. (I work at an animal shelter and for a vet). Milk and milk products are often ingredients in dog food and in dog treats. I rarely give my dogs table scraps ONLY because I don't like them to beg at the table. So, milk, though they won't go hunt down a cow and milk it themselves (neither would I) COULD be considered a part of their natural food source. :)
  • chelraeb
    chelraeb Posts: 33 Member
    I'm not a vegan (yet) but I'm a vegetarian and my husband is a vegan and we get all kinds of people telling us all sorts of stupid crap... people we know and people we have never seen before. I just usually look at them like I'm lost in a daze and don't understand a word they're saying. They shut up eventually. And I go on having a good time knowing that I'm doing the environment, the animals and myself a huge favor. :)
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    And just for the record, I'm not vegan. Or even vegetarian. And I do consume dairy. But I was healthier when I didn't consume dairy, and as soon as I'm finished with this jug of protein powder, I'm going back off the dairy. But the protein powder just doesn't taste right mixed with V8. :-P

    While not a Vegan, or Vegetarian myself I think the guy the OP was talking about would be classified as an *kitten*.

    Eww V8 and protein powder sounds nasty :-p I usually use water, but for an extra "treat" I use vanilla soy milk. It doesn't mix well by hand, by 10 seconds in the magic bullet and it's smooth and delicious. Of course Whey protein probably doesn't work so well with going back off dairy lol so it might not be too relevant :-)
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    And just for the record, I'm not vegan. Or even vegetarian. And I do consume dairy. But I was healthier when I didn't consume dairy, and as soon as I'm finished with this jug of protein powder, I'm going back off the dairy. But the protein powder just doesn't taste right mixed with V8. :-P

    I tried it with soy milk and even almond milk but it wont mix with either so I have gone back to skim milk.

    I love my protein powder with almond milk....but I use unsweetened chocolate almond milk......its so creamy and delicious this way. I also use strawberry protein powder.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member

    My dogs willingly drink milk.

    They drink milk that you put in a bowl for them - they do not go out and hunt down lactating dogs and milk them to get their fix. Can't say I've ever seen a mother dog with a pack of adult dogs attached to her teats... Dogs will also eat bread and pasta and veggies and all kinds of weird things their humans feed them - it's not their natural food source, and generally the dogs that eat a lot of people food are overweight and less healthy.

    Lol. That's an awesome visual! I can just see a pack of wolves sneaking up on a cow with buckets hanging from their snouts. Hahaha.

    Dogs have been domesticated for around 15,000 years. I think it is safe to say that at this point that "whatever humans feed them" IS their natural food source. Whether it be dog food (which has only existed since the late 1800's) or "table scraps". Dogs started their journey to domestication by eating our garbage we left outside our camps. Stray dogs today usually forage in garbage cans. Most would die if left in the wild with out a source of human scraps because, unless trained to do so by people, they have lost the instincts and skills to successfully hunt for their food. (I work at an animal shelter and for a vet). Milk and milk products are often ingredients in dog food and in dog treats. I rarely give my dogs table scraps ONLY because I don't like them to beg at the table. So, milk, though they won't go hunt down a cow and milk it themselves (neither would I) COULD be considered a part of their natural food source. :)

    So by that logic, we could say that potato chips are part of our natural food source, because it's readily available and they've been around for a long time. And there ARE wild dogs around still. They don't eat dairy.

    "Natural food source" refers to what an animal would eat if left to fend for himself in the wild. And a dog would not go seeking dairy. Neither would a cat, a mouse, a bear... or a human. Milk is for baby mammals. End of story.
  • Stumbleine
    Stumbleine Posts: 55 Member
    I was a vegetarian for about 15 years. I have now added fish back into my diet (but I have my own whacky rules about that too). My wife is vegan.

    I find that people think that vegetarians/vegans are judging them for their dietary choices. Not sure why, but they are not comfortable with that.

    Frankly, I don't care what you eat. But I don't need to hear anybody's opinion about my choices. I know what I am doing. :-)

    While I do have some beliefs and moral guidelines that apply to my dietary choices, I do not tell others about them unless they ask. And I freely acknowledge that some of them are sort of arbitrary and can be viewed as whacky. That is fine.

    Humans have the luxury of choosing what we want to eat--at least most in the developed world do. So I am exercising my choice.

    BTW, my family STILL makes veg jokes. Which are still not really that funny.

    You hit the nail on the head. I often feel like people will take me saying I'm vegetarian as a personal attack, as if I'm judging their eating habits just by revealing mine. It was somewhat upsetting in the beginning, now I just don't tell anyone.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I'm not a vegan (yet) but I'm a vegetarian and my husband is a vegan and we get all kinds of people telling us all sorts of stupid crap... people we know and people we have never seen before. I just usually look at them like I'm lost in a daze and don't understand a word they're saying. They shut up eventually. And I go on having a good time knowing that I'm doing the environment, the animals and myself a huge favor. :)

    I'm not vegan yet either (but in the transition right now) so If I had wanted that cake last night and didn't care about healthy eating I would have like 4 peices and I would have eaten the chips as well that had modified milk ingredients and even gotten drunk but I chose to bring my own salad, bean chili, tortilla chips and daiya cheese and drink my one wine cooler and be happy with that.

    I know this will happen again and again in the future but I was caught off guard since I do still consume dairy and I didn't even know what to say, I just tried to talk to everyone else and avoid this man.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I was a vegetarian for about 15 years. I have now added fish back into my diet (but I have my own whacky rules about that too). My wife is vegan.

    I find that people think that vegetarians/vegans are judging them for their dietary choices. Not sure why, but they are not comfortable with that.

    Frankly, I don't care what you eat. But I don't need to hear anybody's opinion about my choices. I know what I am doing. :-)

    While I do have some beliefs and moral guidelines that apply to my dietary choices, I do not tell others about them unless they ask. And I freely acknowledge that some of them are sort of arbitrary and can be viewed as whacky. That is fine.

    Humans have the luxury of choosing what we want to eat--at least most in the developed world do. So I am exercising my choice.

    BTW, my family STILL makes veg jokes. Which are still not really that funny.

    You hit the nail on the head. I often feel like people will take me saying I'm vegetarian as a personal attack, as if I'm judging their eating habits just by revealing mine. It was somewhat upsetting in the beginning, now I just don't tell anyone.

    I'm already beginning to think it would just be easier to say that I HAVE FOOD ALLERGIES!! That way people can't pressure you to eat stuff that could make you sick.

    Or just say I'm on a diet and brought my own food......people will still try and get you to eat the forbidden foods but you know at least you have an excuse they may feel more comfortable with!!!
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member

    My dogs willingly drink milk.

    They drink milk that you put in a bowl for them - they do not go out and hunt down lactating dogs and milk them to get their fix. Can't say I've ever seen a mother dog with a pack of adult dogs attached to her teats... Dogs will also eat bread and pasta and veggies and all kinds of weird things their humans feed them - it's not their natural food source, and generally the dogs that eat a lot of people food are overweight and less healthy.

    Lol. That's an awesome visual! I can just see a pack of wolves sneaking up on a cow with buckets hanging from their snouts. Hahaha.

    Dogs have been domesticated for around 15,000 years. I think it is safe to say that at this point that "whatever humans feed them" IS their natural food source. Whether it be dog food (which has only existed since the late 1800's) or "table scraps". Dogs started their journey to domestication by eating our garbage we left outside our camps. Stray dogs today usually forage in garbage cans. Most would die if left in the wild with out a source of human scraps because, unless trained to do so by people, they have lost the instincts and skills to successfully hunt for their food. (I work at an animal shelter and for a vet). Milk and milk products are often ingredients in dog food and in dog treats. I rarely give my dogs table scraps ONLY because I don't like them to beg at the table. So, milk, though they won't go hunt down a cow and milk it themselves (neither would I) COULD be considered a part of their natural food source. :)

    So by that logic, we could say that potato chips are part of our natural food source, because it's readily available and they've been around for a long time. And there ARE wild dogs around still. They don't eat dairy.

    "Natural food source" refers to what an animal would eat if left to fend for himself in the wild. And a dog would not go seeking dairy. Neither would a cat, a mouse, a bear... or a human. Milk is for baby mammals. End of story.

    The main ingredient used to make potato chips is POTATOES... and YES potatoes are a part of our natural food source.

    It really isn't the END of the story.... or everyone would agree with you and no one would drink milk anymore. We go seeking dairy and have done so for 7,000 years. So, it is a part of our natural food source. Certainly, when you consider it, it is a strange concept. However, most of what we people do, is strange.

    No other creature creates its own electricity, or rides horses, or travels into outer space, or uses birth control, or gives each other vaccinations (which have saved millions of lives over the past 100 years. So should we stop doing all these things, too?
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    I saw a pack of wild dogs in NC a few years ago eating a deer they had killed covered in blood and just chomping away. The idea that left alone they would not make it is not true. It made me happy I did not like the taste of deer that is for sure.

    And I would rather come up with something freaky than say I had food allergies. Like ....I enjoy the screaming sound the tomatoes make or something lol
  • missellenk
    Ridiculously inaccurate and foolish.
  • Pink_turnip
    Pink_turnip Posts: 280 Member
    black forest cake is gross.
  • JediMaster_intraining
    JediMaster_intraining Posts: 903 Member
    This same man proceeded to tell me how mean I was being to tomatoes by eating them since they once were alive (as with all other veggies)

    Well this makes me want to have a tomato in my salad now. And I'm sure cows go through enough torture besides being milked for hours a day. Meh, I guess he IS a farmer.