vegans did you know that.......



  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    If he brings it up again, remind him that the veal industry is largely driven by the dairy industry. Cows need to have a baby to make milk, so the farmers breed the cows, kill off any babies not needed for future breeding and sell them for veal, and take the mama cow's milk that was intended for her baby. Also remind him that humans are the only mammal who willingly consumes the milk of another mammal, and who does so past childhood. Milk is intended for babies, not for adults, and it's never intended for other species.
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    In a case like point at walk away with your head held high.

    It's ridiculous!
    I have people questioning me about how I choose to live and what I choose to eat....when in the end, it has nothing to do with them or what they think. (I am not vegan, I am pescatarian) and so I hear "what, fish don't have feelings??" - wtfe!

    And please no one be offended :)

    I didn't stop eating meat because I care about animals and that they have to die to be eaten. I quit eating meat because of how they are pumped full of crap that I don't need to consume. It was a choice that I made for myself, I don't need any one else to say a word to me about it....It was my choice and my choice alone. :)

    Who knows, maybe someday I will go totally vegan, but for steps! :D
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Crotch pheasant? That is hysterical. I'm writing that one down to use later!

    I've been thinking over the last couple of days of starting a thread with great comebacks to the omnivores who attack us about our diets, or insert their crazy, unsolicited advice. So this thread is very timely. Here's my favorite comeback:

    Q: Where do you get your protein?

    A: From eating people like you who ask me that question.*

    A little confrontational, but then again, I was minding my own business.

    *(By the way, I stole that remark from VegNews, 10th Anniversary Edition)

  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    In a case like point at walk away with your head held high.

    It's ridiculous!
    I have people questioning me about how I choose to live and what I choose to eat....when in the end, it has nothing to do with them or what they think. (I am not vegan, I am pescatarian) and so I hear "what, fish don't have feelings??" - wtfe!

    And please no one be offended :)

    I didn't stop eating meat because I care about animals and that they have to die to be eaten. I quit eating meat because of how they are pumped full of crap that I don't need to consume. It was a choice that I made for myself, I don't need any one else to say a word to me about it....It was my choice and my choice alone. :)

    Who knows, maybe someday I will go totally vegan, but for steps! :D

    I agree with you! It's the stuff they are pumped with that sucks as well. while I won't force hubby or my kids to become veggie or vegan I would like to somewhat lessen the amount of meat and dairy they consume. So I do try to have 2-3 complete veggie days a week, and if my kids choose to switch to other things so be it.

    Like just the other day my daughter asked to start drinking almond milk so I bought her a carton to have with cereal everyday, and last night she wanted a soy yogurt, but she also had tuna for lunch and some pork with I let them decide.

    My boy loves hummus and crackers and nutella sandwiches and could live off them.....both of which are vegetarian but he has no idea what that means.....but last night he ate steak like it was going out of style and a peice of cake.

    It's all steps.....I agree with you!
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    It isn't that I'm intimidated or that I have flimsy reasoning, I'm very firm in my beliefs. What it is is someone who seems to be curious about the lifestyle, taking things into consideration vs. someone who seems close minded and has their own views that aren't open to change. The latter are the people who ask you questions only so they can tell you why you're wrong and that isn't wanting to learn thats just rude. Sorry but I doubt you can really say you know how it feels to be .8% of a population and have people who are totally closed off to your way of life 'challenging' you on things constantly. Its really old.

    I AM curious about the lifestyle. However, I am not one to just jump into something without good reasoning... but given good solid reasoning I will stick to ideals with a vengeance. Part of "taking things into consideration" is learning all angles, questioning reasoning, checking facts, and comparing world views. That's all I was trying to do.

    Please don't whine to me about people "challenging" your life style. When you openly (posting on a public forum makes it "openly") go against the grain of social norms you will get challenged. Either prepare to defend your stance, or stand in silence.
  • jessbennett1986
    it's unfortunate that you had to deal with that situation. Like a lot of other people said I feel like many carnivores feel like we are shunning them for their decision to eat meat and become all defensive and try to talk you out of your decision to eat the way you want. I unfortunately have dealt alot with family members from my husbands side who laugh at my decision and mock me and are just plain RUDE to me! My sister in law even had the nerve to say "so are you going to make maddison be a vegetarian?" all snotty like. Maddison was 6 months old at the time. I told her of course not that's her decision when she gets older. I don't go pushing meat on my little one but I don't ban it from her diet either. I even cook meat all the time for dinner for my husband and child. What I really wanted to say to her was " no twit! And it's not a bad thing to be vegetarian either! Just like being a carnivore is someone elses decision."

    sigh..... That was 8 months ago and am still dealing with dumbass remarks like that. You would think people would just leave you alone and carry on with their lives. On another note, I never used to know anything about animal cruelty or different levels of vegetarianism or any of that 8 months ago. I decided to do it on my own because I feel bad for the animals, and for the reason that I witnessed last xmas a baby deer get it's head bashed in after it got hit by a car by a few people to "just put it out of it's misery". As a 24 year old I cried and never knew I felt that way until then. So I do understand people who don't understand vegetarianism or veganism. Because I was one of those people too. And everyone is way undereducated about the subject of both because of course factories don't go around telling everyone what they have to do to keep their business going.
  • Stumbleine
    Stumbleine Posts: 55 Member
    I could sure go for a burger about now...

    me too.....a veggie one of course! with non dairy cheese, and veganaise with a gluten free bun!

    Maybe with a side of TROLL???????

    Haha! This was great!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    personally, I think Vegans can tend to get a bad rep because of crazy fringe groups, like some of the lunatics in PETA (not all of PETA are crazy, but I think everyone can admit there are crazies there) that try and shove their anti-meat agenda down people's throats. So people tend to see vegan and automatically assume crazy.

    How is spreading awareness (which IS working, by the way) the same thing at all as shoving an agenda down people's throats? If you don't want to know about it don't read any of their leaflets or go on their website... it seems people like you are the ones with an agenda because you've let what you've been taught to do make up too much of who you are.

    I said the crazy people in it, not the organization in general. I actually agree with the things PETA stands for, but when members of PETA picket outside a McDonald's and show young children extremely graphic photos of slaughtered cows to scare them into not eating there, then yes, I do consider that, "pushing an agenda," rather than "spreading awareness."
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I just have to say, the best chocolate cake I've ever made (from a recipe in Joy Of Cooking, nevertheless) was vegan. Ditto with my favorite brand of donuts. Dude is missing out. More for me, then.

    I'm not even technically vegetarian, as I still eat fish twice a week, and I still get crap from people for that. The rest of the week, though, the only animal products I eat are honey and yogurt (due to a serious lack of non-dairy yogurt options around here...and just liking honey). People throw out the word "vegan" like an insult when I mention that. I just don't get why people get so offended by what I choose to eat or not eat.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    It isn't that I'm intimidated or that I have flimsy reasoning, I'm very firm in my beliefs. What it is is someone who seems to be curious about the lifestyle, taking things into consideration vs. someone who seems close minded and has their own views that aren't open to change. The latter are the people who ask you questions only so they can tell you why you're wrong and that isn't wanting to learn thats just rude. Sorry but I doubt you can really say you know how it feels to be .8% of a population and have people who are totally closed off to your way of life 'challenging' you on things constantly. Its really old.

    I AM curious about the lifestyle. However, I am not one to just jump into something without good reasoning... but given good solid reasoning I will stick to ideals with a vengeance. Part of "taking things into consideration" is learning all angles, questioning reasoning, checking facts, and comparing world views. That's all I was trying to do.

    Please don't whine to me about people "challenging" your life style. When you openly (posting on a public forum makes it "openly") go against the grain of social norms you will get challenged. Either prepare to defend your stance, or stand in silence.

    I know people will challenge me but really the first time we meet at a friend/family bbq...............please buddy have some class is what I'd like to have said to him. Or maybe next time I see him I'll MOO OR OINK the whole time he's eating to see if he likes it?

    I could take the "SWEET" approach though (literally) and make the most beautiful looking, fantastic vegan dessert over to my aunts house not say anything about where it came from or who made it or whatever and when compliments on how wonderful it is I'll burst his bubble when I tell him.....BUT IT'S VEGAN.

    Maybe I'll tell him he can't have any since he's a meat eater since he made sure to loudly tell me that I couldn't have any of the black forest cake in front of the other 20+ people that were around.

    oooooh the options I have :)
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    wow, what a dips***. im not a vegan but im not going to give anybody any crap for being vegan.
  • emma1488
    emma1488 Posts: 175
    and just for the record since no one else has posted anything similar--i'm vegan for many reasons including the environment, world hunger, animal liberation, and health.
    I don't believe everyone needs to be vegan but I do strongly believe everyone needs to knock down their meat/dairy intake to about once every 3 weeks or so rather than multiple times in a day. This would so greatly lesson the demand for meat we could easily do away with factory farming. In addition to that, we could save what little is left of the rainforest, stop climate change, fix most of the world's problem with hunger, and drive healthcare costs way down by being healthier and being less fat.
    While I would like to see humane practices for what animals ARE farmed for food and see the end of factory farming, even if every single farm in the world was as humane and healthy as possible I would not take meat or dairy.
    The only thing I would ever eat is eggs because they do not have to be impregnated to make these like cows do and it doesn't harm an animal like meat does. I would NOT purchase the eggs, however because i don't care what kind of "organic" or "free range" label they slap on there, big business always puts profits before people, animals, or anything else. i believe in sustainability and knowing where your food comes from. Once we move into a more permanent home with a decent amount of land, I plan on getting 2 or 3 chickens to live in my yard. since i will not be needing any baby chickies multiplying like crazy i will dispose of some eggs, give some away, and eat some.

    Hear hear!

    I became vegan for not only cruelty to animals, but because of the effect the meat, dairy and seafood industries are having on the environment, and I do not want to be a part of it!!
  • emma1488
    emma1488 Posts: 175
    Crotch pheasant? That is hysterical. I'm writing that one down to use later!

    I've been thinking over the last couple of days of starting a thread with great comebacks to the omnivores who attack us about our diets, or insert their crazy, unsolicited advice. So this thread is very timely. Here's my favorite comeback:

    Q: Where do you get your protein?

    A: From eating people like you who ask me that question.*

    A little confrontational, but then again, I was minding my own business.

    *(By the way, I stole that remark from VegNews, 10th Anniversary Edition)

    When I make something yummy and vegan and maybe post it on fb calling it 'vegan ....' i like to say 'i made it out of vegans' :) it just confuses them a whole bunch
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member

    "I would have no problem if I milked the cow. I have a problem with how these cows are kept and impregnated and stuffed full of crap to keep producing. If we went back to the natural order of things, I would be a meat eater."
    I have always wondered that. I know a lot of vegans and vegetarians who are more against the way the animals are treated than the killing of the animals itself. I have been curious if all animals were just wild or free range and taken care of all nice like would most go back to eating meat or even just drinking milk etc?

    That's the first time that I've heard that. That is a much better explanation than "It's not fair". So, do you eat honey? Or free range eggs? Or grass fed beef?
    *I'm not trying to be argumentative, I just like to understand other's choices.

    I eat honey. Free range eggs are a joke that is used to get people to spend more money and feel less guilty. I don't eat any of it. The system is broken and I don't want to feed my money into it.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Crotch pheasant? That is hysterical. I'm writing that one down to use later!

    I've been thinking over the last couple of days of starting a thread with great comebacks to the omnivores who attack us about our diets, or insert their crazy, unsolicited advice. So this thread is very timely. Here's my favorite comeback:

    Q: Where do you get your protein?

    A: From eating people like you who ask me that question.*

    A little confrontational, but then again, I was minding my own business.

    *(By the way, I stole that remark from VegNews, 10th Anniversary Edition)

    When I make something yummy and vegan and maybe post it on fb calling it 'vegan ....' i like to say 'i made it out of vegans' :) it just confuses them a whole bunch

    Hilarious!! I'll have to try this!!
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    My friend just built a chicken coup. I'm so excited, I'll get to eat some eggs again from happy chickens!

    Also, a couple of books for the curious Eating Animals by John Saffron Foer and Omnivores Dilema by Michael Pollan. I haven't read the latter yet but I've seen it reference a lot in other veg reading. It's on the reading list.
  • emma1488
    emma1488 Posts: 175

    "I would have no problem if I milked the cow. I have a problem with how these cows are kept and impregnated and stuffed full of crap to keep producing. If we went back to the natural order of things, I would be a meat eater."
    I have always wondered that. I know a lot of vegans and vegetarians who are more against the way the animals are treated than the killing of the animals itself. I have been curious if all animals were just wild or free range and taken care of all nice like would most go back to eating meat or even just drinking milk etc?

    That's the first time that I've heard that. That is a much better explanation than "It's not fair". So, do you eat honey? Or free range eggs? Or grass fed beef?
    *I'm not trying to be argumentative, I just like to understand other's choices.

    I eat honey. Free range eggs are a joke that is used to get people to spend more money and feel less guilty. I don't eat any of it. The system is broken and I don't want to feed my money into it.

    If you actually delve into and research what qualifies as 'free range' its a joke. Check this footage out of a 'free range egg farm':
  • candykay89
    candykay89 Posts: 110 Member
    I know how you feel. I am 98% vegan. Which makes me a vegetarian. I am tired of ppl asking me if i dont eat meat what do i eat. Are you serious? There are many different choices out there. You continue to eat me as i am not trying to convert you and i will continue to eat vegetables. Keep on being a vegan. It is awesome.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I know how you feel. I am 98% vegan. Which makes me a vegetarian. I am tired of ppl asking me if i dont eat meat what do i eat. Are you serious? There are many different choices out there. You continue to eat me as i am not trying to convert you and i will continue to eat vegetables. Keep on being a vegan. It is awesome.

    I plan on being 99% vegan, I have to allow 1% for human error aka accidental consumption.....or the best possible option such as I go to a restaurant or someones house and there is absolutely no vegan option and I'm hungry and have to eat whether it be eggs, honey, dairy etc.

    But at home.....100%
  • FaithsVegWorkout
    What I would have done in that conversation would have been to say, "Excuse me, sir, I don't really give a *&^% about your thoughts on my lifestyle."

    Interestingly enough, I noticed I keep going over my protein requirement which cracks me up because people always ask me where my protein comes from (more so when I was vegan, not so much now that I eat dairy).