vegans did you know that.......



  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    I've been an on and off vegetarian for 16 years. I never thought I could give up my eggs and cheese. Then I saw the movie "Forks Over Knives" and I felt as if I had just opened my eyes. I had been trying for years to convince myself to eat better out of concern for animals. This movie approaches it from a health standpoint, and it is VERY convincing. I wish I had known this information sooner. I no longer find dairy products of any kind tempting (even ice cream). The simple bottom line is milk causes cancer cells to grow. And most of us by age 40 or 50 have cancer cells in our bodies (they may not be growing). The studies are numerous and conclusive. And just about every other modern disease of the affluent (diabetes, heart disease, MS, lupus, fibroid tumors, etc) can pretty much be traced back to the food we are consuming (animal products).
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    haha, I'm not a vegan but vegetarian, and I can't tell you the number of times I've heard that I'm eating 'living things' (aka fruits and vegetables). I just ignore it.. because really what they want is a reaction out of you. If you respond, you just make their day. By ignoring them, we win. :)
    Reaction or not, I've always thought of it as a valid point. Plants are as much alive as animals are, why is one ok to eat and the other not ok to eat? Plants can be just as abused as animals in agriculture as well.

    personally, I think Vegans can tend to get a bad rep because of crazy fringe groups, like some of the lunatics in PETA (not all of PETA are crazy, but I think everyone can admit there are crazies there) that try and shove their anti-meat agenda down people's throats. So people tend to see vegan and automatically assume crazy.
  • Ghlt4
    Ghlt4 Posts: 241 Member
    I've been an on and off vegetarian for 16 years. I never thought I could give up my eggs and cheese. Then I saw the movie "Forks Over Knives" and I felt as if I had just opened my eyes. I had been trying for years to convince myself to eat better out of concern for animals. This movie approaches it from a health standpoint, and it is VERY convincing. I wish I had known this information sooner. I no longer find dairy products of any kind tempting (even ice cream). The simple bottom line is milk causes cancer cells to grow. And most of us by age 40 or 50 have cancer cells in our bodies (they may not be growing). The studies are numerous and conclusive. And just about every other modern disease of the affluent (diabetes, heart disease, MS, lupus, fibroid tumors, etc) can pretty much be traced back to the food we are consuming (animal products).

    I saw this movie, and have changed to a plant based diet too. I have been doing it for 30 days now and have never felt so good. I chose to do it from a health stand point.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    So, how does Forks Over Knives explain the fact that we didn't have all of these health problems over the last several thousand years of eating domesticated animals? I haven't watched the movie itself, but it sounds like an incredibly short sighted concept. Especially when they lump meat, dairy, and artificial processed foods all together. That seems to me like saying that I smoke and drink water, and got lung cancer, it must have been caused by the water.

    Again, I haven't seen the movie, but just reading the synopsis makes it sound more like propaganda to shill their books and diet plans (which you can conveniently order right from their website.)
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member

    He's a dumb *kitten*...

  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I could sure go for a burger about now...

    me too.....a veggie one of course! with non dairy cheese, and veganaise with a gluten free bun!

    Maybe with a side of TROLL???????
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    black forest cake is gross.

    OH NO.........I love cake all cake, even black forest cake.....I don't think I've had a cake I don't like (guess that's one of the reasons I used to be obese lol) .....I will find a way to veganize black forest!!!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    And just for the record, I'm not vegan. Or even vegetarian. And I do consume dairy. But I was healthier when I didn't consume dairy, and as soon as I'm finished with this jug of protein powder, I'm going back off the dairy. But the protein powder just doesn't taste right mixed with V8. :-P

    While not a Vegan, or Vegetarian myself I think the guy the OP was talking about would be classified as an *kitten*.

    Eww V8 and protein powder sounds nasty :-p I usually use water, but for an extra "treat" I use vanilla soy milk. It doesn't mix well by hand, by 10 seconds in the magic bullet and it's smooth and delicious. Of course Whey protein probably doesn't work so well with going back off dairy lol so it might not be too relevant :-)

    Yup that is all I was saying is how HE WAS THE ONE JUMPING DOWN MY THROAT EVERY MINUTE FOR EVERYTHING I DID. Including calling me an alcoholic when I had ONE drink to his 10 drinks.

    I don't care if you eat meat or not (my hubby and kids I don't judge anyone for their food choices) I just couldn't believe what a jerk he was.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    And I would rather come up with something freaky than say I had food allergies. Like ....I enjoy the screaming sound the tomatoes make or something lol

  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    mickmelie You may think you're being nicer about it but by going on a pro-plant based thread and arguing your views over and over again even if its done in a seemingly nice sort of way, you're still being just like that man this post is about. Obviously you aren't changing any minds here and we aren't changing yours. Best to be respectful to othersby keeping your opposing views to yourself. People say never get into a discussion about someone about religion or politics because it can start an argument. Veganism is the same way. We are tired of being picked on for respecting life and the way our bodies were designed by nature to eat.

    tiger, i could answer that for you, but it would probably be a big waste of my time. Perhaps if you really want to know you could try educating yourself a little bit.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    haha, I'm not a vegan but vegetarian, and I can't tell you the number of times I've heard that I'm eating 'living things' (aka fruits and vegetables). I just ignore it.. because really what they want is a reaction out of you. If you respond, you just make their day. By ignoring them, we win. :)
    Reaction or not, I've always thought of it as a valid point. Plants are as much alive as animals are, why is one ok to eat and the other not ok to eat? Plants can be just as abused as animals in agriculture as well.

    personally, I think Vegans can tend to get a bad rep because of crazy fringe groups, like some of the lunatics in PETA (not all of PETA are crazy, but I think everyone can admit there are crazies there) that try and shove their anti-meat agenda down people's throats. So people tend to see vegan and automatically assume crazy.

    I'm pretty sure comparing plants to animals is not the same. I'm sure my plants don't feel pain, or have a heart or brain, they don't interact, make good playmates, or companions (unless you are crazy in a padded cell) they don't bleed or cry or actually feel fear as they are being plucked from the ground or wherever they come from.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I've been an on and off vegetarian for 16 years. I never thought I could give up my eggs and cheese. Then I saw the movie "Forks Over Knives" and I felt as if I had just opened my eyes. I had been trying for years to convince myself to eat better out of concern for animals. This movie approaches it from a health standpoint, and it is VERY convincing. I wish I had known this information sooner. I no longer find dairy products of any kind tempting (even ice cream). The simple bottom line is milk causes cancer cells to grow. And most of us by age 40 or 50 have cancer cells in our bodies (they may not be growing). The studies are numerous and conclusive. And just about every other modern disease of the affluent (diabetes, heart disease, MS, lupus, fibroid tumors, etc) can pretty much be traced back to the food we are consuming (animal products).

    I saw this movie, and have changed to a plant based diet too. I have been doing it for 30 days now and have never felt so good. I chose to do it from a health stand point.

    I am so going to have to watch this movie!!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    sounds like this crotch pheasant was looking for a food fight with you. Haha that' what happens when self righteous douche bags drink too much.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I saw this movie, and have changed to a plant based diet too. I have been doing it for 30 days now and have never felt so good. I chose to do it from a health stand point.

    I am choosing to be vegetarian-vegan from a health stand point as well......all the additional positives are just bonus!!!
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    and just for the record since no one else has posted anything similar--i'm vegan for many reasons including the environment, world hunger, animal liberation, and health.
    I don't believe everyone needs to be vegan but I do strongly believe everyone needs to knock down their meat/dairy intake to about once every 3 weeks or so rather than multiple times in a day. This would so greatly lesson the demand for meat we could easily do away with factory farming. In addition to that, we could save what little is left of the rainforest, stop climate change, fix most of the world's problem with hunger, and drive healthcare costs way down by being healthier and being less fat.
    While I would like to see humane practices for what animals ARE farmed for food and see the end of factory farming, even if every single farm in the world was as humane and healthy as possible I would not take meat or dairy.
    The only thing I would ever eat is eggs because they do not have to be impregnated to make these like cows do and it doesn't harm an animal like meat does. I would NOT purchase the eggs, however because i don't care what kind of "organic" or "free range" label they slap on there, big business always puts profits before people, animals, or anything else. i believe in sustainability and knowing where your food comes from. Once we move into a more permanent home with a decent amount of land, I plan on getting 2 or 3 chickens to live in my yard. since i will not be needing any baby chickies multiplying like crazy i will dispose of some eggs, give some away, and eat some.
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    personally, I think Vegans can tend to get a bad rep because of crazy fringe groups, like some of the lunatics in PETA (not all of PETA are crazy, but I think everyone can admit there are crazies there) that try and shove their anti-meat agenda down people's throats. So people tend to see vegan and automatically assume crazy.

    How is spreading awareness (which IS working, by the way) the same thing at all as shoving an agenda down people's throats? If you don't want to know about it don't read any of their leaflets or go on their website... it seems people like you are the ones with an agenda because you've let what you've been taught to do make up too much of who you are.
  • ladybug11
    ladybug11 Posts: 87 Member
    Crotch pheasant? That is hysterical. I'm writing that one down to use later!

    I've been thinking over the last couple of days of starting a thread with great comebacks to the omnivores who attack us about our diets, or insert their crazy, unsolicited advice. So this thread is very timely. Here's my favorite comeback:

    Q: Where do you get your protein?

    A: From eating people like you who ask me that question.*

    A little confrontational, but then again, I was minding my own business.

    *(By the way, I stole that remark from VegNews, 10th Anniversary Edition)
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    mickmelie You may think you're being nicer about it but by going on a pro-plant based thread and arguing your views over and over again even if its done in a seemingly nice sort of way, you're still being just like that man this post is about. Obviously you aren't changing any minds here and we aren't changing yours. Best to be respectful to othersby keeping your opposing views to yourself. People say never get into a discussion about someone about religion or politics because it can start an argument. Veganism is the same way. We are tired of being picked on for respecting life and the way our bodies were designed by nature to eat.

    tiger, i could answer that for you, but it would probably be a big waste of my time. Perhaps if you really want to know you could try educating yourself a little bit.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with healthy discussion. Likewise, there is nothing wrong with questioning other's practices and actions and trying to learn about other's views. It seems to me that those who react negatively to (what you even referred to as) friendly inquisition are the people who are afraid their flimsy reasoning will fall apart with a little pressure. Most others on this thread are firm in their beliefs... and therefore aren't intimidated or upset by a little questioning because it only ENFORCES their beliefs.

    Healthy discussion expands the mind on all sides of the conversation. Mine certainly has been expanded by this discussion. I now understand that the bigger issue with most vegetarians is the treatment of animals prior to their death and consumption. I didn't know that before. Had I stayed off this thread and kept my questions to myself I still would not know that.

    Though I am still baffled by the "Milk is only for babies of that species" argument. Maybe someone will convince me someday... but that won't happen if I avoid vegetarian threads for the rest of my life just because you said so.
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    I saw a lot more argument against what someone else was saying to one thing or another rather than actual inquisition.
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    It isn't that I'm intimidated or that I have flimsy reasoning, I'm very firm in my beliefs. What it is is someone who seems to be curious about the lifestyle, taking things into consideration vs. someone who seems close minded and has their own views that aren't open to change. The latter are the people who ask you questions only so they can tell you why you're wrong and that isn't wanting to learn thats just rude. Sorry but I doubt you can really say you know how it feels to be .8% of a population and have people who are totally closed off to your way of life 'challenging' you on things constantly. Its really old.