30 Day Shred Group- August



  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    Thanks so much for letting me join!!! I just finished day 5 and I thought I'd be a bit cocky and try level two. Well, let's just say it REALLY kicked my butt!!! I wanted to quit less than half way through but the only way I would let myself do that was if I'd start completely over with level one....NOT!!! I sucked it up and stumbled through it and then I did a 31 minutes on the treadmill.

    I started on Monday and up until today my quads have been killing me!!! It was so bad that I need to brace myself just to sit down or I'd fall. I kept up with the workout everyday and made sure that I stretch really well everyday. I plan to take Sundays off because I NEED a rest day every week and I don't feel guilty about it. I workout 6 days a week 2 - 3 times a day. Everyday I do the elliptical for an hour and every afternoon while the kids are napping I do the shred and 30 minutes on the treadmill. I'm also doing C25K Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Today I am on W5D3 and I'm scuuuuurd!!!! :frown: :sick: This will be the first time running for 20 minutes. The longest I've run is 8 minutes so will see. I always do C25K at 5mph with a 3 incline so I'm hoping that if I take off the incline I'll be able to sustain my pace. :ohwell:
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    Hey I only started 30ds yesterday. Today was day 2 so I'm 3 days behind most of you. I'm ok with cardio. I'm crap with strength! Cos my arms are useless and I'm ok on the abs until the bicycle ab thingy! Delighted there's loads doing it. I'm also doing c25k and I did D1W2 on Monday but I was suck during the week. I'm doing D2W2 Tomo but I might repeat W2 next week, I'll see how I get on
  • AiJahya
    AiJahya Posts: 84 Member
    On day 4 level 1 and getting better! I've not missed a day so far. The only thing I hate is the initial weight gain. Hoping that goes away by Monday.
  • hanharr
    hanharr Posts: 9
    joining a little late 'cause today was only day 2 for me. anyone else have really sore quads for a few days after? that's why i've never been able to stick with the 30ds for more than a few days (until now, hopefully!!). it ends up getting so bad that i can barely sit down without my legs seizing up and stuff :( i make sure i have good posture for everything, so i don't think it's an actual injury or anything. lol, i can't even really complain because i'm used to shin splints because i have high arches and i haven't had any shin splints with this routine!!
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    joining a little late 'cause today was only day 2 for me. anyone else have really sore quads for a few days after? that's why i've never been able to stick with the 30ds for more than a few days (until now, hopefully!!). it ends up getting so bad that i can barely sit down without my legs seizing up and stuff :( i make sure i have good posture for everything, so i don't think it's an actual injury or anything. lol, i can't even really complain because i'm used to shin splints because i have high arches and i haven't had any shin splints with this routine!!

    Oh yeah!!! I started on Monday and when I woke up the next morning I was in soooo much pain. I had to stretch constantly. I couldn't or stand for very long without becoming very stiff. Heck it was even a chore just to go to the bathroom....the toilets too low ya know. LOL.....I know TMI. After all of the stretching and sucking it up and pressing on, my quads hurt no more than the rest of my body. You just have to keep with it and stretch really well.
  • Recovery101
    Sure! When are we starting??
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Sure! When are we starting??

    I started on the 1st, but some people in this group started before the 1st, and some started after the 1st. =) So don't worry! Welcome to the group!
  • Ceceamanda
    Ceceamanda Posts: 91 Member
    Started on Monday again so glad to find a group to pull motivation from during this month. I've done the 30 day shred before and I think the first few days of level changes are the worst! Monday and Tuesday I couldn't hide the soreness as I walked around work. I was moaning and groaning with each move, reach, kneeling, sitting and standing up motion I made. But it only makes me love Jillian that much more. And it's like being reunited with a great old friend lol No one can make me hurt more than her and my body always responds to her workouts.

    Today was day 4 on level 1 for me as I had to take Wednesday to rest to prevent injury and allow my body to rest so it can catch up to my sheer determination to get back fit again! :wink:
  • jms88
    jms88 Posts: 49
    Welcome to the jungle everyone that's just joining us!! :laugh:

    I finally got my L1D5 in this evening. Mornings work best for me because I can't put it off. Once I got dressed to do it tonight, I kept procrastinating. As of day 5, I can tell I'm improving. The soreness is better, my cardio and endurance is better, I don't feel like I'm going to be sick, etc. However, I am seriously shocked at how weak my upper body is! I had no idea! It's a good thing I'm doing this now.

    I just want to say great job to everyone! I know this isn't easy. I just keep telling myself that if I want to get to the body that I want, I have to work for it. I guess I've been listening to Jillian too long :wink: LOL! Let's keep it going Team August!
  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    I'm so Jealous of everyone!!! I can't wait for the 10th so I can start my 30days
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    I completed L1D2 today. For those of you who have completed it in the past, did you take any rest days at all from the video?
    And those of you doing it now, are you planning on having a rest day or two ? =]
  • FullmetalAlchemistMommy
    I completely fell asleep before I could do day 8. I am planning on doing it before work and then before bed to knock out both 8 and 9. So excited that I will be on day 10 by Sunday!!! I'm so looking forward to it.
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    Even though no way did I want to do it tonight, I did it. Day 6 complete! (losing track of what day I'm up to nearly!)
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    Welcome to the jungle everyone that's just joining us!! :laugh:

    I finally got my L1D5 in this evening. Mornings work best for me because I can't put it off. Once I got dressed to do it tonight, I kept procrastinating. As of day 5, I can tell I'm improving. The soreness is better, my cardio and endurance is better, I don't feel like I'm going to be sick, etc. However, I am seriously shocked at how weak my upper body is! I had no idea! It's a good thing I'm doing this now.

    I just want to say great job to everyone! I know this isn't easy. I just keep telling myself that if I want to get to the body that I want, I have to work for it. I guess I've been listening to Jillian too long :wink: LOL! Let's keep it going Team August!

    Good to hear! Did day 4 today and less sore thank goodness :)
    I've been feeling sick at various times during the day the last few days after feeling a little iffy during the workout - am wondering if it's to do with 30DS or I'm just feeling a bit sick anyway!
    I'm also really weak in the upper body and the backs of my calves hurt like hell with the second sets of jumping jacks and skipping - OUCH!
  • kalcide
    kalcide Posts: 120 Member

    did Day 3 today of Level 1.

    at one point through the cardio i thought i was gonna die!

    i thought this was meant to get easier. !??

    the easiest day i found was day 1. is that odd??

    hoping to do a day of C25k tonight, so i hope my body is up to it!!
  • Amybcb
    Amybcb Posts: 292 Member
    My dvd just came in the mail last night (bought it on ebay for $5!). My only question (as I didn't have time to watch it yet, I work Fri-Sunday 7am-7pm) is if the DVD itself will tell me what level to do and when? Or would I have needed the pamphlet that should come with it? I don't have that :(
  • lottanorde
    I am in!
  • elliej3
    elliej3 Posts: 29
    Just finished L1 DAY 6! Feel so much more energized than i did in the first few days and i can kinda sorta see a bit of a difference. Good luck all of you just starting, power through the first few days and trust me it gets better. LETS KEEP THIS UP! WOOOH!
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    Just finished L1D6 of 30DShred...it is easier than the first day but still a challenge on a few of the moves. I have lost 1 in of hip and waist this week so I can most def see a difference.
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    My dvd just came in the mail last night (bought it on ebay for $5!). My only question (as I didn't have time to watch it yet, I work Fri-Sunday 7am-7pm) is if the DVD itself will tell me what level to do and when? Or would I have needed the pamphlet that should come with it? I don't have that :(

    There is not a pamplet that comes with the DVD...my thought is it is 30Days so I am going 10 days each level...
    Good luck.