August Day by Day Challenge (OPEN): 1 year anniversary!!!



  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member
    Good Morning!

    Okay Monday was not the best day I only walked about a mile before the rain came and I decided to not go back out after the rain. Three days in a row of 5 miles I was tired (that is somewhat of an excuse though huh?)

    Tuesday I completed one hour of pilates which was a great class! Missed my water intake by a few glasses. I did get a few of the curtains hung in the house slowly but surley its coming.

    Wednesday Goals

    1. Water Intake 6 glasses
    2. Clear house of all items that have to go out for trash
    3 Under calorie numbers
    4. Today is a 5 mile walk hour work out
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Aug. 16:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Stay on plan and log everything.--No and yes.
    3. Exercise for 20 minutes.--Yes.

    Going to a baseball game tonight. Food is provided so I don't know what will be there. It is different every night--these are box seats and sometimes they serve seafood and grilled chicken. Let's hope for some good choices!

    Niki--You are doing so good! Keep it up.

    Have a great day, everyone. I need to get moving!

    Goals for Aug. 17:
    1. Water.
    2. Exercise for 20 minutes.
    3. Watch choices and portions tonight at the baseball game.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Goals for tomorrow.
    1. some sort of exercise-small walk
    2. figure out a kid-free routine (at least until I get a job)-failed
    3. water-done

    Non-fitness goals
    1. Try not to cry too much after I drop my daughter off at school-didn't cry at all:)
    2. Clean the bathroom-fail
    3. Laundry(there is a 2 foot pile on the floor in my laundry room...) -got a few loads done

    Well happy hump day everyone!!

    I'm not posting goals for today as its most of the way over for me already anyways. Couldn't do much around the house as I can't let any water go down my sewer pipe right now. They are out there lining the sewer running under the street and we got told to not run any water down the drain from 7am to 7pm....makes for a really rough day at home so I went out:) Visted my parents and they feed me lunch. Then wandered around a few stores with no intention of buying anything. I love to just wander around and window shop:)

    Goals for tomorrow
    1. water
    2. eat healthy
    3. some kind of workout(probably a walk of some kind)

    Non-fitness goals
    1. laundry
    2. bathroom
    3. floors

    Hope you all have a good evening.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Goals for Aug. 17

    1. Healthy choices-part of the day was healthy and the other part, not so much
    2. Water, water, and water-4 out of 8
    3. Exercise for at least 30 mins, sometime after running all the errands/paying bills-fail, by the time I got home and relaxed for a bit, I wasn't in the mood, :embarassed:

    Good night everyone!

    Goals for Aug. 18th

    1. Walking
    2. water, water, water, water
    3. no soda
    4. stay under calories

    1. clean bathroom
    2. clean dining room
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Aug. 17:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Exercise for 20 minutes.--No, only 15.
    3. Watch choices and portions tonight at the baseball game.--Did well here, but did have a AWESOME brownie for dessert!

    Had fun at the baseball game and did okay on the food. Our team lost in the 9th, though.:grumble:

    Goals for Aug. 18.
    1. Water.
    2. Clean my room and get laundry done.
    3. Exercise for 30 minutes or go for a brisk walk.
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    Thanks pmjsmom
    1: Water 2L ........................yes
    2: 1 kitchen cupboard .................yes
    3: 30 minutes exercises ......................yes
    4: Wake up before 9:30 ...................yes
    5: Brush the dog .......................yes
    will be happy with 4/5!

    HeY! 5/5 ! Great !

    Feeling good about it!

    I just received my bodybugg. Now I have to figure how it works. More time on the computer !


    1: water 2L
    2: off exercise today ........( is this a goal ?)
    3: 1 kitchen cupboard....... already done!
    4: wake up before 9:30
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Goals for Aug. 18th

    1. Walking-Yup
    2. water, water, water, water-6 out of 8
    3. no soda-Yup!
    4. stay under calories-Done!

    1. clean bathroom-Nope!
    2. clean dining room- 1/2 way done....

    Goals for Aug. 19th

    1. Walking in the morning
    2 Water, water, water
    3. Ab circle

    1. Finish dining area
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Aug. 18.
    1. Water.--Not enough.
    2. Clean my room and get laundry done.--Yes and yes.
    3. Exercise for 30 minutes or go for a brisk walk.--No.

    Yesterday was quite the lazy day for me. I did get my laundry done (so much easier now that it's just mine and not everyone's!) and a good bit of my room sorted but I didn't get out for a walk and my food choices weren't the greatest. I did get the backyard mowed but that only took about 20 minutes. Today will be better.'

    Happy Friday, everyone!

    Goals for Aug. 19:
    1. WATER!!!
    2. Exercise for 30 minutes.
    3. Portion control and lots of veggies tonight. (Having dinner with a friend.)
  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member
    Good Morning!

    Okay Monday was not the best day I only walked about a mile before the rain came and I decided to not go back out after the rain. Three days in a row of 5 miles I was tired (that is somewhat of an excuse though huh?)

    Tuesday I completed one hour of pilates which was a great class! Missed my water intake by a few glasses. I did get a few of the curtains hung in the house slowly but surley its coming.

    Wednesday Goals

    1. Water Intake 6 glasses- Missed this
    2. Clear house of all items that have to go out for trash-- YES
    3 Under calorie numbers --YES
    4. Today is a 5 mile walk hour work out --YES

    Thursday was a lazy day no work out but under numbers

    This weekend

    Friday-Saturday & Sunday

    1. 5 mile walk/ with moments of running (hopefully)
    2. WATER- I dont do well on water when I am not at work
    3. I want to report not being in the 200's when I talk to you all next time PLEASE PRAY!!!

    No Fitness
    LAST WEEKEND OF MOMMY FREEDOM what am I doing preparing for the children by cleaning and getting the house in order, completing the shopping and waiting on payday for those last items.

    Have blessed weekend and I pray you meet your goals!

  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Back from 3 weeks of holiday! Nice to see new faces! I gained 4 lbs while away...and it was totally worth it. :laugh: But ready to get back on track!

    Aug 20 Goals
    1. Drink required water
    2. Do some sort of exercise (either run or family activity)
    3. Eat 5 servings of fruit/veggies today
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Aug. 19:
    1. WATER!!!--Just so-so.
    2. Exercise for 30 minutes.--No.
    3. Portion control and lots of veggies tonight. (Having dinner with a friend.)--UGH!!!

    Okay, I know I said that Friday was going to be better. It wasn't. I am getting back on the wagon today starting with a 45 minute workout (it's all set up) as soon as I post this. I am going to come back and update so I may be quoting myself a couple of times!

    Goals for Aug. 20:
    1. Water.
    2. Exercise for 45 minutes.
    3. STAY ON PLAN!!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Aug. 19:
    1. WATER!!!--Just so-so.
    2. Exercise for 30 minutes.--No.
    3. Portion control and lots of veggies tonight. (Having dinner with a friend.)--UGH!!!

    Okay, I know I said that Friday was going to be better. It wasn't. I am getting back on the wagon today starting with a 45 minute workout (it's all set up) as soon as I post this. I am going to come back and update so I may be quoting myself a couple of times!

    Goals for Aug. 20:
    1. Water.--Doing good so far!
    2. Exercise for 45 minutes.--Yes.
    3. STAY ON PLAN!!!--So far, so good!

    Checking in while I have a minute. Good day, so far.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I've been trying to set up my daily goals, even if I don't come on and write them on the board. It has been a crazy but fun weekend. Looking forward to a new week.

    8/21 goals:
    1. set up meal plan and eat accordingly.
    2. no soda all week.
    3. get in an early workout
    4. get daughter ready for school next week.
    5. finish laundry.
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    Well! I fell off the wagon.

    Let's start again

    yesterday I had no internet connection after midday:sad: . It came back this morning. :drinker:

    I had a good 50 min walk yesterday.

    Today is a rest day.


    1: water 2L
    2: wake up before 9:00

    That's it!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Aug. 20:
    1. Water.--Doing good so far!
    2. Exercise for 45 minutes.--Yes.
    3. STAY ON PLAN!!!--So far, so good!

    Had a good day yesterday and I plan on having another good one today!

    Goals for Aug. 21:
    1. Plenty of fluids--mostly water.
    2. Exercise for at least 30 minutes.
    3. Stay on plan!!!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I didn't get in an early workout. not sure if Im going to workout at all today! :(
    Just too many other things to do. I knew if it didn't get done early, it probably wouldn't get done at all.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    I've been really bad about being healthy recently, I've got to get better. Todays Monday and a new week so here goes:

    Mondays goals:

    1. Under on calories
    2. Water
    3. Run
    4. Work on bits for friends wedding
    5. OCme back on here tomorrow post more goals

    Hope you're having a lovely day.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Aug. 21:
    1. Plenty of fluids--mostly water.--Yes.
    2. Exercise for at least 30 minutes.--Yes+.
    3. Stay on plan!!!--Yes.

    Did well yesterday. Back to work today. Need to stay on plan!

    Goals for Aug. 22:
    1. Water.
    2. Exercise for 20 minutes.
    3. Stay on plan.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Monday's goals:
    1. eat clean, including no soda.
    2. workout early (this has been a struggle for me lately)
    3. finish laundry that's lingering from the weekend.
  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member
    [GREAT MORNING!!! Guess what guys! I am less than 200 pounds HOT DOG!!!!!! Now to keep it up!
    I also pushed this weekend Leela and ran for 6 minutes (not all together but total) LOL Thanks for your ideas!!!

    August 22 Goals:

    1. Workout 5 miles of walking with 4 minutes of running thrown in]
    3. Be very watchful of calorie count and food today a few bad choices could take me backwards.

    Non Fitness

    My babies will be home on Saturday!

    Make sure everything is ready for first day of school which for mommy's is a giant task......

    Have a great day!
