BIggest Loser Challenge - The Unstoppable Panthers (closed g



  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    Thanks bhurley... I am SO competitive, but more than that I want to see us be succesful!! I do 30 minutes of exercise 4 days a week and 65 minutes 3 days a week.. So...just have to keep on keepin on to meet this challenge...

    I heard a speaker say once that there are some decisions that you make once and never make over again.. To be honest...To be truthful, etc.... Well, when I started this journey I told myself that eating healthy and exercising are two of those choices... Yes there are bumps in the road, but when that stinking alarm clock goes off at 5am for me to get up and run before the Texas heat gets me...I don't have to decide if I'm going to do it or not... I made that decision once.... Now I just have to follow through... That has really helped me when it gets rough... because it does get rough....

  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    ardeornellis - I agree; I'm slowly coming to that realization. It gets easier every day for the most part. It's the getting up early I have a problem with! :laugh: I mostly do workouts in the evening after the baby is down but I do try to get up early to exercise on some days (when she's not up 3 or 4 times during the night). I don't run so I just use dvd's mostly; some walking. I am also in Texas and heat is a killer!! Ugh - I can't wait for it to cool off so I can go for walks in the afternoon after work with my daughter. What part of Tx are you in? I'm in San Antonio.

    Ok, looking forward to the week to come!
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    I live in east Texas.. We are in Redwater, about 13 miles west of Texarkana.. I am NOT a morning person at all, but started forcing myself to run at around 5:15 to beat the heat and before work. I work from home, but I start at 6a, so if I don't run before then by the time I can it's just TOO hot... But you know what... doesn't matter when we do it, just as long as we fit it in.. YOu are doing a great job of fitting it in.. It's also VERY hard when babies aren't sleeping all night.. Thankfully my 4 month old sleeps from about 8:30 until 6a... I couldn't run that early without good sleep.... Let's make is a great week!!!
  • gsterlingdiva02
    Discipline is remembering what you want.

    Let's make it a great week Unstoppable Panthers!
  • gsterlingdiva02
    We post them on the other board...

    The good news!!!!!!! We were in third place last week...

    The bad news:( 3 of our teammates didn't report!!! Come on guys!!!!! We all have something to add and contribute!! I know we have all heard the acronym for TEAM...

    T - Together
    E - Everyone
    A - Achieves
    M- More

    I think of you guys each day when I run, when I choose what foods to put it my mouth.. There really is strength in numbers, and EVERYONE has a contribution to make.. We all want this.... Let's do it!!!

    This weeks challenge - 30 minutes of exercise at least 5 days this week.. I know life is hard and busy, but this is doable... If we all work together we are quite a team!!!

    It isn't until we get to the end of our excuses that we will really see true life change!!!!! Let's change our lives...

    [/quote]Well said!
  • gsterlingdiva02
    I must be doing something wrong! How do I quote someone?
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    LOL, go to the bottom of the post and click "quote" this will pull it up in a reply window and you can type below it.. :)
  • gsterlingdiva02
    LOL, go to the bottom of the post and click "quote" this will pull it up in a reply window and you can type below it.. :)
    Thank you! (Let's see if this works) (LOL)
  • gsterlingdiva02
    Hello "Unstoppable Panthers!

    I couldn't get my challenge in yesterday, but I WILL get it in today and the rest of the week! Were you all able to get your 30 min. challenge in on yesterday?
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Yes, I've done at least 30 minutes Friday, Sunday and Monday so far. :bigsmile:
  • gsterlingdiva02
    Yes, I've done at least 30 minutes Friday, Sunday and Monday so far. :bigsmile:
    That's great! I will get mine in today!

    Let's Get it Team!
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    Lookie there!!! You figured it out:) YOu will be quoting like crazy now.. So far I have done 30 minutes 4 days.. Only 1 more to meet the challenge and tomorrow is my run day.. TOM came to visit today...:(:( That will surely mess my numbers up this week.... :( That just means next week should be AWESOME right!!!! Here's hoping...:)

    How's everyone doing this week???
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    4 days of 30 minutes done - think I might need a rest day tomorrow but will pick it back up on Thursday to make my 5 days. Way to go Panthers!
  • gsterlingdiva02
    Got my challenge in for today and my oatmeal/raisin/whey protein shake hit the spot!

    Make it a great day Unstoppable Panthers!:smile:

  • gsterlingdiva02
    Lookie there!!! You figured it out:) YOu will be quoting like crazy now.. So far I have done 30 minutes 4 days.. Only 1 more to meet the challenge and tomorrow is my run day.. TOM came to visit today...:(:( That will surely mess my numbers up this week.... :( That just means next week should be AWESOME right!!!! Here's hoping...:)

    How's everyone doing this week???
    Yes, I will be quoting like crazy! (LOL)
    Thank you again!
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    Ok, at least 30 min sat, sun, mon, tues, wed!! Challenge completed. Acutally did 65 minutes today...Running, walking, 30DS... Today I ran for 28 minutes without walking at all for the 2nd time this week... I really love the C25K. I'm almost up to 5K... I more week...

    Remember......this is not a diet... This is life!!! We are changing our lives Panthers!!!!!!
  • Charlotte012
    Charlotte012 Posts: 139 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    I am so sorry I disapeared for such a long time! As you might have saw on my profile, I just move (from Montreal, Canada, to Virginia) so it was long and intense. I finally have the internet and I'm ready to keep up with you. I saw you are doing fantastic, and I'm really proud to be in your team!! I didn't know about this challenge, but I assure you I did my 30 mins each day this week.

    Go team!
  • gsterlingdiva02
    Glad you are back and the move with great!

  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    Welcome back!!!!!!!!! So good to see you up and going again... Moving is SO hard and that was a BIG move!!!! Great job on meeting the challenge!!
  • Charlotte012
    Charlotte012 Posts: 139 Member
    Good morning fantastic Unstoppable Panthers!!! How are you doing today! What are your plans?

    I wanted to play badminton with my bf but the courts are closed for maintenance.. so i'll hit the gym for a run, then work and curry tofu for dinner. I couldn't find low fat coconut milk here... getting used to new grocery shopping is gonna be a challenge...

    Have a wonderful day!