Senior Golden Sneakers............August



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Becky I was going to called it that but did not know how to spell it. Parfait Thanks.It was really good.

    I found a real nice plastic containers at Walmart Plasic bowl with a steamer. I I cooked a can of Navy beans for lunch and without adding anything and they taste so good. So for Lunch I had 1/2 cup navy beans, 1/2 c cole slaw, 1 cup of muster green 1 whole wheat roll At 3 I will have a 100 calorie snack.

    Jeri Your grandkids look like they were having a ball. I tried to find your pictures on Flicker but get get you name right You do such a marvelouse Job.

    Judy when are you coming home?

    Been looking for GiGi too

    Also missing Donna.'
    Who elde have we got Missinf in Action
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sandy, thank you so much for the words of wisdom. Funny thing...I liked the toilet paper roll the best. I can certainly relate to that.:sad:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, it is so sweet of you to be concerned about those not posting. You have a very caring spirit.

    :flowerforyou: Shirley, not sure of the spelling of the drink but I love the bumper sticker. Very funny.

    Speaking of alcohol. I logged in 1/2 bottle of wine. It isn't as much as it sounds. Only two glasses (small ones at that). It just sounds like a lot. My husband and I split the bottle with each of us getting two glasses. So, since I had the wine I will pass on the popcorn.

    I stopped at the YMCA after work today. I had my youngest daughter added to the health center which allows her to take most classes without any additional cost. Then, I signed us up for two classes. They each meet two times a week. This has us exercising four days a week. When I am not at the Y I will be Zumbaing at home. (I don't think that is a word).
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    I think I will just take 2 Stars

    I get a star. made it thru the day. Still have 2- 100 snacks left, Becky made me hungry for popcorn That will be one of them for one and take a yogurt to bed with ne to bed in cse i get a low blood sugarHopefully I dont. I think Monday will be my WI Day.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Doc saw elbow today; says the tendon is inflamed and the elbow has arthritis, so just rest and heat or ice (or frozen peas?) and it will eventually return to normal.
    Just a couple of comments on everyone's posts, though I enjoyed each and every one!
    JERI--- your picture of driving into Monument Valley is EXACTLY as I remember it! What a shot!

    And SHIRLEY... we met a couple in Bermuda who had chucked their 11 room home in Montreal, packed it all up or gave the rest away, and were now LIVING on their 26' boat and loving every second of the freedom from owning what they called "stuff"!!! We met them during a blinding rainstorm on that beautiful island and it absolutely made our trip the most memorable time we had spent in Bermuda. They seemed to be in their early 60s.

    SANDY, are you that gorgeous slim lady in your newest picture? WOW!
    MARIE, sorry about the heat returning so soon!, too! Just love chicken and dumplings!

    YAWN...ZZZZzzzz! Guess where I'm headed right now!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    I am having a Technological breakdown today. My sportswatch wouldn't update the firmware and I had to talk to their support for about an hour to get it fixed. Then I had trouble updating my iPad and now my main computer won't boot up. I've had troubles with my desktop computer before but this may be it for it. I hate having to reinstall everything. You can never get it back the way you had it before. ERRRRRRRRR :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad hank

    But on a good side, thank you all for the compliments on my photos. Here's one from my front yard. they make me smile.

    More Poppies by FancyLady, on Flickr
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Just beautiful Jeri! The lighting is great, you must study before you snap your picture. It must be a great way to envision the world, through a photographers eyes.
    before you send it to pc heaven, or the other direction, try this, unplug everything that is connected but not necesssary. I had issues when I left my ipod plugged in. My pc wouldn't restart. Once I removed the ipod, it was fine. Just a guess though.
    Im drooling for an all in one pc, but so far,I've managed to resist the purchase. I dont use my pc so much and I dont want to buy before I need to. Technology just keeps rolling out better gadgets!

    Buzz, so glad you have a diagnosis for your pain. That arthritis is mean stuff! Take care of yourself.
    sandy, it was a great photo, and resizable, too bad your gd wasnt in it. Great photo and you and her.

    Marie, glad you like Bubba, everyone does! We have several at home. I make koolaid in them. Your food sounds good on this plan. Maybe a few more fresh vegetables, not canned. But you can always drain and rinse the canned ones.
    Welcome back Becky, sounds like you had lots of fun.
    I'm supposed to be asleep, so here I go
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: : Good morning pjsattic. I know what you mean about technology gettting ahead of us. As soon as I buy a new laptop it becomes obsolete. Frustrating. !!!!

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, one good thing about arthritis is that they say that exercising can help it. So, there you to your doctor for an OK and then work you pain away.

    :flowerforyou: Jeri, I had my computer go screwy a couple of weeks ago. I couldn't get it to boot. And, I was concerned that I had gotten a virus. If I remember right, I shut it all down and then removed the battery. Put the battery back in. Now it is running fine.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, you are doing so good. Congratulations. I brought a 100 calorie pack of microwave popcorn to work with me today. I will be driving all my co-workers crazy with the smell. :laugh:

    Well, my daughter and I are both signed up for two classes in the fall session at the YMCA.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I just lost my post when I went to enter my reply so I will try again. :explode:

    :smile: Buzz: I hope your elbow gets better soon. Arthritis added to the problem just
    makes it worse. It will heal but you have to be patient it might take a

    :smile: Jeri: I love your beautiful pic of the poppies. Our trumpet bush I planted this year
    because our clamatis was not doing well. I looked at it last night and the
    clamatis is growing like crazy and I have two trumpet flowers bright orange.

    :smile: Becky: Have fun with your classes. I used to take yoga at our Y but you have to have
    a membership you just can't pay for classes. Since I work part time I had to
    quit it was getting to expensive.

    Beautiful day today I think I will walk at lunch today.

    <<<It is always the simple that produces the marvelous>>>Amelia E. Barr
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Shirley, I have lost more posts then I want to think about. I just keep hitting the wrong key.:laugh: As for the YMCA...I have a wonderful deal. My employer paid for my registration fee plus 20% of the membership.

    We are having beautiful weather. Not too hot like it has been lately. No rain. Just perfect.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Blast it all ############## You wouldn't really know what I said. And what i think.
    I got to go make me some cornbread So will check in later and post my Happy Star. I am going to earn it. You bet'chm How do you spell what I am trying to post?

    Have a wonderful Dinner.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I lost my post on the above post

    Anway I came back to post my Happy star Me and Bubba made it thru dinner in flying colors
    i still have 2 -100 SNACKS left Will have one before bed time popcorn and take a yogurt to bedroom with me to eat during the night if I need it.
    So far I haven't had to used it. I think it will be pop corn Now

    HAPPY ME my third Star.Bubba is watching out for me. See you'al in the morning.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Marie - you are doing great. You deserve those stars.

    Becky - back at work - how long were you off? I remember when I worked that I'd get back and after the first few hours it was like I'd never been away. I'd like to keep that nice time off feeling for a few days at least but it never stayed.

    Shirley - your weekend sounded like so much fun. I haven't done a corn roast in a long, long, time.

    I went to the doctor today and everything looks pretty good with my breast. I still have a bit more healing to do. I got a letter today about radiation and it looks like I'll start that in October. Good news and bad news. I'd really like to get that out of my hair and on with my life but on the other hand I'd sure like to be able to go camping next week if we have good weather. This whole breast cancer thing has stopped us from camping. We have a travel trailer and like to go mid week when there aren't any crowds around.

    Good night all. Here's another picture of some of my poppies. Hope you enjoy them.

    Poppies by FancyLady, on Flickr
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. Life is good and we have been busy. No time for watching tennis today! Thinking about you all. Gayla :heart:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Gayla...glad to see you checking in.

    :flowerforyou: Jeri, why not get your camping done before you begin your radiation? Enjoy yourself..this weather will not last forever. I started my vacation at noon on the 3rd. Took a jet to Florida that night. I arrived back home on the 9th. Got me a pretty good tan.:laugh: That is I have it after the burn peeled away.:wink:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I don't know what you said in your posts but I enjoyed reading them.:laugh: I will be looking for you to be here later today.

    The cafe at work is having taco salad today. I will just have to go buy one of those.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    :smile: Marie: I had the same problem yesterday trying to post. It just disappeared on me.
    Very frustrating when you write a long one. :tongue:
    :smile: Jeri: Beautiful picture of the yellow poppies. You have such wonderful colors
    surrounding you. I have been to Calgary years ago skiing. It is beautiful

    Day off today, they called me from work this morning. I am getting a scanner so I
    can start scanning files. Lucky me! I guess you could say job security.
    They needed my password to get into my computer. Now I have to learn how to use
    it and what needs to be done.

    Well I finished 25 mins. of doing weights this morning. Now shower and get my *** moving
    for th rest of the day.

    Have a great one ladies.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey everybody.

    :flowerforyou:Jeri your yellow flowers are too pretty for words. Lovely photo. Do hope you get to go camping.

    :flowerforyou: Barbiecat was hoping to hear from you today. Hope all is well!

    :flowerforyou: Gayla glad to hear from you and that you are all doing fine

    :flowerforyou: Shirley your job keeps you busy

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe I never know where you are at? Sounds like you are on the road again. Have a wonderful

    :flowerforyou: Judy for you young lady its about time for you to get bAck home

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    Flowers and love to everyone. What a great bunch we have here.

    Sandy is off to the casino again..Wish her luck.

    Got to go back to to see if anyone else post last night. I miss more post that away.

    Jerry and I went to Walmart to get our weekly grocery. have a diabetic Dr. appt after lunch. I have some questions to talk to her about.

    I think I got the happy star off of one of my embroidery site i stole it. and may make a floppy dish of it and embridery on some Kithen towels.To remind me of my goal.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Look like another slow day here.
    Just got back from the doctor office Sent me to get blood work done Know in about week. how everything going. But he approved my diet and said all is looking good.
    I think I got a system going on my eats.

    Will be back after dinner to post my Happy Star. Gonna make it another day. YIP YIP.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member

    Have a great one evryone...

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Buzz, what a pretty image that is, nice and cheerful.
    hope your arm/elbow is mending, good thing you dont talk with your elbow, lol, jk, just had to tease you!
    marie, Im glad you are keeping your dr. Appts in this heat. Glad your diet looks good to him too. Jim sees a new dr a week from Friday, sure hope he likes him. If it doesnt work out with this dr, I want to get him on the veterans medical benefit program, and then I dont think it will be so easy to change drs.
    We are in Arkansas heading toward home. We will leave again on Saturday. Next weekend, we are taking off, for the docotrs appts and a family reunion on Saturday. It is Jims mothers family, a good bunch of people every one of them. There is so much good food there. Desserts and home cooking. Mostly, I just hope to get a bite of sage dressing/stuffing. We will take a platter of chicken tenders from Bojangles. They go fast, kids love them.
    We are grateful for a very good ac in this truck, coz it sure is hot outside, everywhere we go.

    Some of you have really gotten a lot out of your summer this year and I am glad for youm :-) it goes by so fast, even when it is so hot, hope those of you in cooler climates are getting ready for a wonderful fall season, I cant wait for that, it is my favorite time of year. Mostly because spring means weeds, and fall means almost gone weeds! Lol, lazy me!
    Jeri, here is a hint, Im looking forward to your fall photos! Barbie and Jake, hope you got moved safely.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey I am ready to post my star

    Day 4 for me.