Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-August 2011



  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Welcome Ash - I'm not sure how long you'd been running prior to taking the three weeks off. I know you are still looking to find your practitioner, but I'd feel better with you getting their advice since I am not all that familiar with your activity level nor am I an M.D. What I can tell you is that I have been a runner for years (started 20+ years ago and have run consistently for the past 10 years) so I have run throughout my entire pregnancy, still getting in 10 miles minimum per week through last week. I do know that you should not try to start something new to your body during pregnancy and if you are questioning if it's good for you or not, having a professional opinion is probably a good idea. I'm sure you'll be able to find some great activities to keep active with during pregnancy.

    So I managed to make it into my 38th week before getting sick during pregnancy and WHAM! got a nasty cold over the weekend. Had to lay low and miss yoga and also decided not to do my Monday run. Am feeling so much better and think I will be able to get a run in tomorrow. :-) Two more days of work and my maternity leave begins.

    Hope all my fit, fabulous and pregnant friends are doing well!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Kalee, how is your leg?

    Lexi & Holly, you two are amazing for persuing school while pregnant, you will have great inspirational stories to tell your kids!

    Sabrinafaith, I think you're right about it being sodium related. The weight balloon started the day after I had some nice and salty jamaican soup! I am trying to be more careful, already lost 2lbs of it.

    It is like the most amazing, best Christmas present in the world that you can carry around with you, but you aren't allowed to open!
    This is sooo true! I can't wait to be at your stage but I'm already fantasizing about having my own little one to kiss and hold!

    With a little bit of communication and little bit of understanding I think he finally understood that I just cant keep up with him anymore. So as he continued to do things around the house/run errands most of the weekend I retreated myself to the bedroom for a good long nap! Helped him when I could, as much as I could without over doing it. Things definitely were much better after that.

    Lesson learned for both of us this weekend.

    Any of you experienced anything similar?

    I know what you mean, babeed. Hubby is always pestering me to get up early with him when I don't have to, even though I am working extra hours and not getting much sleep. He also doesn't get my issues with certain smells. Sometimes I wish he could be pregnant for just one day to know what if feels like!
    Your vacation sounds great, I wanna plan one too!
    Wearing a super cute and SUPER comfortable maternity jean skirt today...oh man I can't tell you how much better it feels not to have something cutting into your bump all day! lol
    I have another workout with my personal trainer tonight doing circuit training - I'm excited, I did it twice last week and I'm hoping to keep it up like this for as long as I can. Need to keep up with my prenatal yoga, I've been letting it slip - didn't do it at all last week.
    Rayna, your bump is so adorable! I am about 2 weeks off from an ultrasound and can't wait, finding out the sex will be too cool! I'm definitely gonna get some dried apricots today!

    Lunarocka, congratualtions on sailing into your 2nd trimester and being able to let everybody know!

    Welcome Ashley, how exciting! Your hard work finally paid off! It sounds like you ended up conceiveing through plain old sex, after all that, is that right? :wink:
    I don't know about the 5K thing since you are novice, but you could start training as if you will do it and see how it goes in terms of your breathing, etc.

    She showed Eric the baby on the monitor and it was moving around and doing a little dance (which Eric has been imitating ever since. lol), but she never turned the screen towards me and I was too dumb to ask her to. I don't know why I didn't ask. I'm so mad at myself. Oh well, I suppose it's only fair since I saw it during my kidney ultrasound and he didn't. lol She said the scar tissue on my cervix from the LEEP could cause some issues with dilating during labor, but we won't really know until the time comes. Also, since my meds are keeping my blood pressure in check she said that everything should be fine with that, but they're going to keep a close eye on it.

    Awww, Kristy your pic is sooo cute! I can't wait to have my own! Ever since I saw your post I have been fantasizing about my baby also doing a little dance :laugh: Next time don't be afraid to speak up!

    atomdraco, thanks for the critical update on the seats
    rgtierney, I already gained like 7lbs, hopefully at least half is water weight. My appetite was crazy the last few weeks but I tried to limit it and kept exercising. This week I don't really feel like eating as much so it is easier. They say that a lot of water gain falls off as you enter the 2nd trimester, so both of us should take heart! my goal for now is no sweets!

    misitbergman, I'm totally jealous of your weight gain, hoping to eb clsoer to your numbers when I hit your stage!
    BetterBalance, I'm glad to see things are getting better after the storm and you are doing so incredibly well with your exercise and weight gain!
    So I managed to make it into my 38th week before getting sick during pregnancy and WHAM! got a nasty cold over the weekend. Had to lay low and miss yoga and also decided not to do my Monday run. Am feeling so much better and think I will be able to get a run in tomorrow. :-) Two more days of work and my maternity leave begins.
    smilegirl, i will be praying you feel better. you are such an inspiration! You make me want to start running! you are my hero, so get better soon

    As for me, I have been working out almost everyday and eating less sweets. Still nauseated and low energy while having to work extra hours but I am surviving. My water fluctuations and seeing one of those "all baby" pregnant women the other day prompted me to search the internet on how to be one of thos skinny pregnant women. I found some interesting articles.

    This one talks about how there is so much pressure on women these days to be svelte even while pregnant.

    Gone is the heyday of pregnancy, when you could finally eat what you wanted and not worry, now pregnancy seems to be a time that women watch their eating more than ever. I think there is definitely a healthy balance to be found. What do you ladies think?
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Rayna, I love dried apricots! I make my own granola bars and often use dried apricots and figs to sweeten them up.

    Cutmd, thanks and yes we managed after all the medical interventions to finally conceive naturally, Murphy’s law right! That sucks that you’re having to work extra hours while feeling that way, is there no way you job can give you a more reasonable workload?

    Thanks for all the running feedback, to answer a few questions, I am new to running (only the last 4-5 months or so) and the three week break means I probably would need to go back to intervals of walking running for a couple weeks before I could run a full 5k again. I’ve been speed walking for the past few days in hopes that it works some of the same muscles that if/when I get an ok from a Dr I won’t be so far out of the routine. I’m seeing my RE next Thursday so I’ll ask his opinion before he refers me over to a OB and I can no longer be considered a fertility patient!

  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Have a doctors appt this afternoon, doc wants to double check everything before we leave for 8 days. Love my doctor :heart: so I'm sure I'll have some updates tomorrow.

    Hope everyone has a great day. If your on the east coast, stay safe, if your mid region, stay in doors we have another 103+ heat wave hitting and west coast well you guys are just too cool!!

    CutMD- I completely agree wtih you. I wish we could all wave our magic wands and make hubbys preggo for a day. maybe then they could understand this Blood Hound nose we have, how we can have hiccups and have our tummys growling at the same time, how our moods can go from fine to furious in a split second and when we say we're exhausted- we're just that. Exhausted!! Until then, we can keep hopin!! :laugh:
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Hey all!

    Mind if I join you? After nearly 3 years of ttc, several treatments later, we are finally pregnant! I will be 12 weeks tomorrow. It's been a rough first trimester, being nauseous off & on throughout the day & at night it hits hard. No puking, but man, sometimes I think I'd feel better if I would!

    I'm trying to get back into the routine of working out & eating right. I worked out & ate healthy regularly up until our ivf. After that, I was very leary of working out (as if the baby would fall out, haha). And now the doctor has told me to not start running again, so I'm on to other things.

    My healthy dinners that I used to have just completely grossed me out for a while, not to mention cooking anything at all while feeling nauseous isn't fun at all.

    I look forward to getting to know all of you & feel free to ask me anything - I'm an open book :)

  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning ladies! Sorry I've been MIA. With Al home and trying to stay busy so this week flies by, I've managed to actually stay busy and I can't believe it is already Wednesday!!

    babeed communication is key in any situation! Glad you were able to sit down and talk honestly. Sometimes we as women just assume our husbands think like us and then are shocked when we realize they hadn't even considered the same thoughts as us! lol! Sometimes they can't infact read our minds and we have to tell them what we want/need. Most of the time that's all it takes. I learned that lesson pretty early. My husband is not one to even attempt to read my mind and unless I ask for it he most likely won't get it. So I applaud you on telling him what you need! And good luck at your appointment!

    Rayna yay for maternity clothes! :) No need to be uncomfortable anymore! And now I need to go buy some dried apricots too! lol!

    atomdraco sounds like you had a crazy busy weekend! Sometimes we just need to let our bodies recoup a little and then get back on the wagon. :) Glad you posted that about the carseat safety. As a pediatric RN I'm a big stickler on this one. I discussed it with one friend who said that the new regulations were "ridiculous" and "a ploy to get people to spend more money on buying more/expensive carseats". I can't imagine not following these safety regulations in fear that if something did happen and I could have prevented it by following these recommendations it would all be my fault!

    Luna glad you are feeling good and happy you had a good vacay!

    Ash I'm so happy to see you back! I hope you had a wonderful time on your vacation! Have you and hubby decided when to tell people? Have you chosen an OB or midwife? There really are so many things that when you are ttc you don't even consider! Welcome to the madness! lol! And as far as the running goes...I suggest listening to your body. If you start jogging and are out of breath then stop. If you feel decent then baby is just fine. You are not out of shape so it isn't like you are taking up working out for the first time in 10 years or something. You are young and healthy and if you take it easy on your first couple runs I'm sure you will be fine. I'd start out by walking/jogging and see how things feel from there.

    Kristy your weekend sounds wonderful! I'm so glad your u/s went well and everything is going as it should! When is your next u/s??

    Misti congrats on your wedding! Glad everything turned out just as you had planned. Glad you are getting more energy. The 2nd trimester is awesome!

    Ashley I love my HRM too! :) I only wear it when I'm doing some serious heart pounding, sweating mowing. Who would have thought that pushing a mower would burn 800 calories?!?! I'll take that as a workout thank you! lol! Glad your repairs are almost done. And how exciting about your u/s coming up!!!

    Holly I'm so sorry you go sick! That stinks! You are so close!!! I'm glad you are feeling better though. And yay for maternity leave! What are you going to do with your spare time while you wait for the big birthday?!

    cutmd I too had dreams of being this svelte pregnant woman with nothing but a cute lil baby bump...until pregnancy hit and I realized that "svelte" is not what is important but healthy is! I workout almost every day of the week and I watch what I eat 90% of the time and yet my body has still decided to do what it does. I feel very healthy and have had an amazingly complication free pregnancy thus far. I was reading on a board on Babycenter where a woman from Japan was saying how the doctors there recommend only gaining 8-10lbs the entire pregnancy. In America it is 25-35lbs. But is a 25lb gain that came from fasting, eating mac n cheese and ice cream when you do eat and not working out at all healthy? Or is a 40lb gain where the person ate lean proteins, veggies and fruits, worked out for an hour every single day unhealthy?? My belief is that the quality of your nutrition is what is important for you and baby. I follow the Brewer Pregnancy Diet and I believe in it wholeheartedly. It focuses on health vs weight gain. Now don't get me wonderful it would be to eat healthy, workout, and still be svelte...but lets be real, some of our bodies have a mind of their own during pregnancy. And you are right, this is no longer the age of eating as you please, because I'd like to think we are more educated than that. But I hope that we are taking care of our bodies and our baby's for the right reasons and not to simply be svelte. :)

    Everything is going pretty good here. My mother in law comes tomorrow so she can come to the 3d u/s on Friday with us. Besides that nothing new. Baby is getting so big and pushing and jiggling my belly like a little alien. Al just watches my belly in awe that something so tiny can make suck a racket in there!

    Hope you all have an awesome healthy day!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Hey all!

    Mind if I join you? After nearly 3 years of ttc, several treatments later, we are finally pregnant! I will be 12 weeks tomorrow. It's been a rough first trimester, being nauseous off & on throughout the day & at night it hits hard. No puking, but man, sometimes I think I'd feel better if I would!

    I'm trying to get back into the routine of working out & eating right. I worked out & ate healthy regularly up until our ivf. After that, I was very leary of working out (as if the baby would fall out, haha). And now the doctor has told me to not start running again, so I'm on to other things.

    My healthy dinners that I used to have just completely grossed me out for a while, not to mention cooking anything at all while feeling nauseous isn't fun at all.

    I look forward to getting to know all of you & feel free to ask me anything - I'm an open book :)


    Hi Heather,

    Welcome! There are several of us on here and it's jsut best if you just jump right in. Soemtimes it's kinda hard to keep up with everyone, LOL! Congrats, I'm sure you and your hubby are just estatic!

    is this your first? This is my first baby and like you my doctor told me to put working out on hold for a while. Hopefully, I can get approval today to do some type of cardio.

    Have you tried small snacks to keep the naseau at bay? Hot water with lemon also seems to do the trick for me...

    Feel better
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I forgot to respond to the part about husbands. I don't mean to brag, but mine is the best! :love: He is typically the one telling me to not do this or that and to just relax. We've been busy moving into our new house and finishing the basement and I am a pretty motivated person who likes to get things done. After overdoing it one weekend and having to leave work Monday b/c I felt like crap, I learned my lesson and am now actually liking taking it easy. For instance, I don't have to help my sister in law move this weekend. :smile: I mean, I wish I could help, but moving really sucks. In general my husband Eric is very sweet and sensitive to my needs. The only times I've gotten mad at him were a couple times he's had too much to drink and come to bed late and woken me up. We were big drinkers before and I haven't been one of those chicks to tell him to quit drinking. We're very social and are around alcohol and friends often. We had 6 people at the house last Saturday and I just went to bed at midnight while a couple were still over drinking. That's what I do now....go to sleep when I get tired. And then I can give him a hard time when he's hungover and I'm not.

    Also, Ash, I meant to tell you what's even weirder than us both being Ashley B's is that my family calls me A-bear or Ashley Bear on a regular basis. Funny...

    My workouts have been nonexistent this week so far. But yesterday I went to Home Depot with Eric to get some mirror glue and we ended up getting tile for our bar top in the basement and also found 2 5'x7' nice rugs on sale for $50 each! Score! It was way more fun spending the evening with him. Maybe next week will be better. And my logging has been TERRIBLE lately. However I generally keep track in my head and think I'm staying around 1800-2000 a day. Maybe less.

    Welcome new peeps!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    My workouts have been nonexistent this week so far. But yesterday I went to Home Depot with Eric to get some mirror glue and we ended up getting tile for our bar top in the basement and also found 2 5'x7' nice rugs on sale for $50 each! Score! It was way more fun spending the evening with him. Maybe next week will be better. And my logging has been TERRIBLE lately. However I generally keep track in my head and think I'm staying around 1800-2000 a day. Maybe less.

    Ashley, that is a great point! How are you ladies doing with logging!?! Because my absoultely sucks!! I eat so much so often that I can't even log it...because 1) I don't know how many ounces of what I'm eating and 2) I just eat way too often!!

    Is there an easier way to keep track, or how do you guys each keep track?
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member

    Kristy your weekend sounds wonderful! I'm so glad your u/s went well and everything is going as it should! When is your next u/s??

    I don't have a 2nd u/s set up yet. I still haven't called Tricare about it, but there are signs in my doctor's office that say Tricare doesn't pay for routine u/s unless they are medically necessary, like if you're high risk and the doctor needs them. I think it's funny they call then "routine" yet won't pay for them because they're not "necessary". Such BS. We can drive up to the DC area and go to a Navy clinic there and have one done though (I think), which we plan on doing. We decided we'll even pay for one if we have to. We want to find out the sex AND make sure everything is going well. I'm assuming we'll try to do that around 18-20 weeks. We want to do the 3D u/s too, but we'll see when the time comes. If we do it then I want to wait till I'm 25-30 weeks I think.
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Thanks! Yup, this is our first. I was okay'd by the doctor to do other workouts - just not running again. And to also keep my heart rate under 150.

    Of course the nausea is worse when I'm hungry, so I try not to let it get to that point (by eating frequently). But at night, there's no helping it. Around 5/6pm is when it starts & at 8:30 it hits hard...So I try to make bedtime 9pm :)

    Hope you get your approval today!
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    Hey Ladies!!

    I had my first Dr. appointment yesterday :) I'm only six weeks, so it was pretty uneventful (no ultrasounds or heartbeats), but it was still nice to confirm that we are pregnant! I'm really nervous for a miscarriage though...I know it's probably normal. I just hope this first trimester goes quick so that I can be somewhat put at ease!

    babeed854: My logging is lacking!! I was so on track before being pregnant, and I'm still doing okay, but I can see it getting harder as time goes on :)

    better_balance_2: My husband is pretty up there on the great scale too!! I'm only six weeks along and he won't let me lift a finger! He does all the dishes and the laundry every day.,, so cute. I hope he keeps it up cuz it's really nice!

    About running, I'm a semi-new runner too and have continued running thus far. My doctor told me to maybe take it down 20%, so I just run a little slower, but I try to get in about 10 miles a week. I hope I can continue to run througout the whole pregnancy because I love it!

    Happy Hump Day to all my pregnant friends!!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Babeed, best of luck at your appointment tomorrow!

    Heather(H-82), I remember you from the TTC thread, Congrats!!!!

    Heather(heathercrist1), Thanks, our vacation was really needed and helped with time to discuss all the new things that will be happening. After my 6week u/s and seeing the heartbeat we decided to tell immediate family. My worries stick that Bobby’s (DH) family can’t keep a secret to save their lives but he almost begged me to be able to tell them. So the fear that extended family and work may find out at any moment due to social networking sites (facebook) is still there. I plan on telling my boss next week before my next u/s and asking her to keep it to herself for a while, this way she doesn’t find out by accident either! So we’ll see how things unfold, if they all manage to keep it to themselves until my 12th week then I’ll tell them to all go to town and tell whomever they want!
    I love that you’re getting to feel this little baby inside of you, you deserve this!

    Ashley, that’s too funny about the names! Oh and I know how you feel about your husband, mine has been fantastic. He’s been reading my books and freaked out when he read I shouldn’t be near chemicals and has told me I’m no longer allowed to clean the house! I haven’t told him that not all cleaning products are hazardous :laugh:
    But the one situation I really needed him so far he kinda fell short. There has been a tragedy in our area, there was a house fire that killed a young couple (husband 31, wife 28, son 3) and the wife/mother was my high school best friend. Now this normally would have really upset me, but it seems to be ten times harder not crying every time I think of it now that I’m pregnant. So I asked that he comes with me to the funeral to help me keep myself together and he said he didn’t want to go because he couldn’t stand the idea of seeing a child’s coffin. I told him I understood why he didn’t want to go but, that I still needed him to come with me, nothing has been resolved and the funeral is this weekend. We’ll see if he actually comes with me.

  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I have to give myself a pat on the back! I had the most productive night last night of my ENTIRE pregnancy so far lol
    I made myself a lofty to do list & accomplished every task! I got carrots & potatoes from the garden and cooked them up, made lemon kale chips, and made apple cranberry coleslaw with cabbage from the garden!
    Then I took my dog for an hour long walk and did my prenatal yoga video when I got home! I slept sooo good last night lol

    It feels good to actually be productive and get some things done! :happy:

    I wanted to share a couple recipes - one for the kale chips & one for the cranberry/apple coleslaw, both SUPER yummy!

    I hope you ladies enjoy them as much as I do!

    14 weeks tomorrow & SO excited...people at work have been asking me if I am sure that I'm only carrying one baby :noway: what? I know I have a bump but I didn't think it was THAT big...sheesh! Honestly I've only gained like 5 lbs and my bump is hard not flabby so I'm not too worried - plus I'm really short waisted and I think that might be why I'm showing so much?
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Rayna, good luck trying to ignore unhelpful comments like that. With my first pregnancy, I did not show much, and people would not stop commenting on that - "you don't even look pregnant." You might think that sounds flattering, but with crazy mama-to-be brain, it sounds like criticism, like the baby's not growing or you're doing something wrong, and no matter what the content of what is being said, it's still inappropriate focus on your body, which really is no one else's business. I hope you're able to shake it off, even if you are showing a lot, I think it's wonderful - you're growing a person in there, how cool is that?
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Heather(H-82), I remember you from the TTC thread, Congrats!!!!

    And congrats to you as well! Yup, I was in the ttc thread, but just didn't keep up with it good enough. I think it also got to a point where I wanted nothing to do with anyone ttc b/c I wasn't ending up successful. So I lost track of the thread.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Smile girl - So sorry your sick, but glad to hear your feeling better.

    Rayna - Your pic is so cute. Perfect little pregnant belly. :)

    Cutmd - I'd say eating right is the best thing to do. I also think in the first trimenster the ups and downs of weight gain is water weight. I felt super huge all of a sudden, but the scale hasn't showed it. After the first trimester things kinda evend out. Lost the bloat and so far haven't been gaining like crazy. I've been eating healthy though, which really helps.

    Badbeed - Good Luck with your appt.

    H_82 - Welcome and CONGRATS!!!

    Heather - Good Luck with your u/s on Friday!!! How exciting! Hope your baby's nursery is coming along just the way you want it to.

    Better Balance - You sound a lot like me. We are social people and drink often, (I used to anyway), it's not hard to not drink at all, I get more annoyed now than I used to with other people drinking. But like you said, just go to bed when tired, thats what I do too. I have to admit, it's nice to not be hungover or feel like crap from drinking though. I always give my husband crap when he don't want to get up on a Sat or Sun mornin because he drank too much.......self inflicted now get up and help me get stuff done.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Rayna, good luck trying to ignore unhelpful comments like that. With my first pregnancy, I did not show much, and people would not stop commenting on that - "you don't even look pregnant." You might think that sounds flattering, but with crazy mama-to-be brain, it sounds like criticism, like the baby's not growing or you're doing something wrong, and no matter what the content of what is being said, it's still inappropriate focus on your body, which really is no one else's business. I hope you're able to shake it off, even if you are showing a lot, I think it's wonderful - you're growing a person in there, how cool is that?

    Thanks MadBabysMama :smile: I'm totally shaking it off! Honestly the person who said it opinion doesn't really matter to me that much :wink: but I just think it's so funny how when you are pregnant people turn off their filters and just say WHATEVER comes into their mind, any comment, any form of advice they just hand it to you straight up without even considering that you might not care or want to know what they think...interesting! lol...and also the getting into your personal space...I am a very private person and enjoy my personal space and I'm having a hard time with people (especially at work!) not respecting I right ladies?? lol oh well, don't mean to sound like a huge cow or to complain too much but seriously!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    I finally took my first picture of this pregnancy. I have a bump but not as hard/round/big as Rayna. Don't get me wrong, Rayna, your bump looks so awesome. I guess I'll take one sets of pictures a week from now on too. Never did that from my 1st time.

  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    :wink: Rayna,

    I have to agree with ^^ Atomdraco your baby bump is too cute!! I have a mini-baby bump and only noticeable when I wear certain clothes. Which I guess is a good thing, considering I havne't officially announced it at work yet. Hubby and I are going to wait till the 2nd trimester (within the next week or so) to tell them.

    I'm thinking after vaction, that way I can come back and not be stressed about the cross training changes to come ....

    Atomdraco- you should post your baby bump. We would love to see it!! :wink: