Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-August 2011



  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    ... He's also worried that perhaps I'm not eating enough protien. Which is a new challenge for me, since everything heavy that hits my stomach doesn't due so well...

    babeed854, if you are having hard time eating meat, try other forms of protein, like tofu, beans.

  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    ... He's also worried that perhaps I'm not eating enough protien. Which is a new challenge for me, since everything heavy that hits my stomach doesn't due so well...

    babeed854, if you are having hard time eating meat, try other forms of protein, like tofu, beans.


    Hey Atomdraco- Yeah I'm pretty good at eating beans (I'm on a bit pinto bean kick) and I can eat tofu but I guess he thinks its not enough?? Not sure, going to ask when he calls me with my results.

    I'm also doing good at eating bits of wild salmon here and there...but I find fruits much more better at the moment!! :heart:
  • 80lbslost
    80lbslost Posts: 93 Member
    Good and bad news.....heard baby's heartbeat today but Dr. found a mass growing in my gestational sac and he doesn't know what it is. I'm being referred to a specialist and need to limit my activity level. Guess I'll be walking for exercise for awhile until we figure out what's growing with my baby :cry:
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Anyone one else at the 11-14 week mark get starving all of a sudden? seriously, i'm constantly hungry. I'm kinda scared because i'm really trying to watch my diet this time around and limit the weight gain because last time I gained 75 lb. But is this normal?

    There are days that I start feeling hungrier towards the evening. I know what you mean I gained 40lbs with my first and have yet to lose all that after 13 yrs. lol

    I don't want to gain too much either.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Good and bad news.....heard baby's heartbeat today but Dr. found a mass growing in my gestational sac and he doesn't know what it is. I'm being referred to a specialist and need to limit my activity level. Guess I'll be walking for exercise for awhile until we figure out what's growing with my baby :cry:

    Best wishes, hope you have good results.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Hey Atomdraco- Yeah I'm pretty good at eating beans (I'm on a bit pinto bean kick) and I can eat tofu but I guess he thinks its not enough?? Not sure, going to ask when he calls me with my results.

    I'm also doing good at eating bits of wild salmon here and there...but I find fruits much more better at the moment!! :heart:

    Hope result will be good. You can try to track your food for a few days, and see how much protein you've got. I think articles I've read say something about prego women need about 70g'ish. Just log for a few days to get a feel about that and you can adjust your intake accordingly.

    Yeah, I want fruits, carb and vegi most of the time too.

  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Good and bad news.....heard baby's heartbeat today but Dr. found a mass growing in my gestational sac and he doesn't know what it is. I'm being referred to a specialist and need to limit my activity level. Guess I'll be walking for exercise for awhile until we figure out what's growing with my baby :cry:

    You are in my prayers.
  • ladydeee
    ladydeee Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Has anyone adjusted or customized the mg of nutrients they needed on MFP? I don't feel like I am getting enough protein (currently set to 61 mg) and I have been eating way more fat than MFP allotted. Does anyone know how many miligrams pregnant women need of carbs, fat, protein, sodium and iron?
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good and bad news.....heard baby's heartbeat today but Dr. found a mass growing in my gestational sac and he doesn't know what it is. I'm being referred to a specialist and need to limit my activity level. Guess I'll be walking for exercise for awhile until we figure out what's growing with my baby :cry:

    You are in my thoughts and prayers!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    ladydeee pregnant women should be eating closer to 100g of protein a day. I'm not sure the exact amounts on everything else. If you are looking for a good eating plan to follow during pregnancy I recommend Googling the Brewer Diet. It is a healthy rounded well balanced eating plan that focuses on nutrients rather than the amount of calories you consume.

    Super exhausted today...I got 3 hours of sleep last night. I just can't get comfortable anymore. And now Charlee is kicking what seems like all night long! I'm not complaining...just saying more sleep would be better! lol! My 3d u/s is this morning! I can't wait!

    Hope you ladies all have a wonderful healthy day!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    80lbslost ~ Thoughts & prayers are with you! :)

    heathercrist1 ~ YAY for your 3d u/s this morning! How exciting!!! Sounds like you'll need a nap this afternoon then ;)

    I got my question from yesterday figured out (vaginal bleeding after pooping). Totally normal! (Not any less scary though). I was freaking out over ever cramp & just needed peace of mind, so the doctor's office said I could go in for a heartrate check. Better than nothing I thought. Baby's heartrate is strong at 164ish! :) Still having some brown spotting, but it seems less & less -->that can go away at any time though!!!
  • 80lbslost
    80lbslost Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks for the prayers.....I'll keep you all updated!
  • stephfilako
    stephfilako Posts: 113 Member
    80 lbs lost--

    Keeping you and baby in prayers for a healthy, strong outcome!

  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    deanie0515 - Welcome & Congrats!!

    80lbslost - Praying for you! Please let us know what you find out.

    H_82 - Glad to hear that you got that figured out!

    Heathercrist - I was 31 weeks yesterday and thankfully I am still sleeping pretty well! But Kallon sure loves to kick up a storm!! Anytime I sit still he takes it as his cue to start moving. LOL!! I hope you will be able to get some good rest in the next 10 weeks!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    80lbslost - praying for you!

    Heathercrist1 - so exciting about your 3D u/s today!! That will be amazing, can't wait to hear all about it!

    Happy Friday everyone! I'm SO glad it's Friday...feeling like I may be getting a cold...reeeeealllly hoping I"m not.
    I went to bed at 8:30 again last night, completely exhausted. I had a circuit training workout at 5PM after work and it was really hard for me, harder than usual...and I kept getting cramps on my left side whenever I had to bend over on the spin bike or bend over to dead lifts or speed skaters...weird. I think it's just the ligaments stretching that I've read I took it slow and made sure not to push myself too hard.
    SUPER tired this morning...really shouldn't be considering I had like 10 hours sleep last night! WTH?

    Got super good news from a friend who was TTC for awhile now, positive test! I'm sure she'll join this thread soon! :bigsmile:
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Also random question...think I'm coming down with a sinus/throat type it ok to take halls? I'm sure it's fine but just wanting to make sure!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Happy Friday to all!

    It's a beautiful morning here in Seattle. I got my four mile run in this morning - although I don't know if I can really call an 11 minute mile "running" anymore ;-) Still working out the junk from this cold, but definitely feeling better. Yesterday was my last day of work. I don't work Fridays so it hasn't quite sunk in yet that I am officially on maternity leave. I went to the fair with my niece and nephew last night and spent about five hours walking, the weather was warm and beautiful. Fair food normally grosses me out anyway, but it was especially revolting yesterday. I did have to support the local Women's Dairy Association and have an ice cream cone though!

    Kalee, you have me worrying about you! I sure hope they can get your infection under control. I'm keeping you in my prayers.

    Heather, the 3D ultrasound should be pretty cool. Is this something normal that your doctor provides? I bet it's going to be awesome to see! Glad to know your mother in law will look good with her ironed pants ;-) As for difficulty sleeping, I feel your pain. I tend to be a back sleeper and this side sleeping thing is not fun. It hurts my shoulders, which take a beating from my profession anyway, and I find also makes my hips quite sore. Not to mention that I have been HOT lately. Normally I am the coldest person in any room so this being hot thing is very strange.

    Ash, oh your story brought tears to my eyes. You are in my thoughts and prayers as you deal with the loss of your friend. Hopefully your husband can find a way to support you through this.

    Kristy, I have no hurricane experience. My best friend just moved to Virginia and the storm is new for her too. Hoping you are safe.

    Sylvia, you too are in my prayers. Sending good thoughts that the mass turns out to be something benign and not significant.

    Rayna, definitely listen to your body with the workouts. Sounds like you are doing the right thing by not pushing too hard. I think I started getting my energy back around week 15/16 so hopefully you'll be feeling that soon too. Great news for your friend!

    Welcome to all the new faces, this group of women are fantastic and committed to fit and healthy pregnancies. Good luck to all with your fitness and nutrition goals.

    Amy, Lexi and Nicole, it is definitely countdown time for all of us - thinking of you and praying for safe deliveries for all. Cannot wait to hear about the birth of these bambinos!!

    I have my 39 week appointment this afternoon. I'm curious to see how things are progressing since last week......

  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Rayna, my doctor says cough drops/throat lozenges are in the safe category.
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    Hey Fabulous Ladies :)

    I found out last night that my cute sister in law is 3 weeks prego too! I'm so excited to have a pregnant buddy and that my babes will have a cousin to play with. As for me, I am feeling more and more tired every day. Still no morning sickness, but I'm not too upset about that. I don't know if I posted this yet, but we get our first ultrasound on September 15th and I'm really really excited!

    Rayna: Sorry you're not feeling well! But that's great news for your friend :)

    80lbslost: I'm definitely praying for you too. Positive thoughts coming your way!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    This tread is HUGE!!!! I love it though, takes quite a while to get caught up and I'm on here everyday. :smile: I finally also took my first pic the other day, still think I was more pregnant looking with my first pregnancy than I am now. But I will try and post some new pics soon. I've been so tired lately. I never take time to relax it seems like, and I think it may be catching up with me. I can't even believe it, but I have gained 1.5lbs in the last 4 days, baby must be growing because I've been super busy and eating healthy. I know I'm going to gain weight, but after 4 months of strictly excercising and dieting, it's hard to be ok with it. I got so much done yesterday, after working all day, I did yard work, watered my garden, plants and flowers, make dinner, did laundry, washed my car, hung more pictures around the house and even went for a walk, while my son rode his bike. Geeze, busy day for me. I'm tired today though. I thought my energy would be back by now, but I still feel tired every day no matter how much sleep I get. Maybe a few more weeks???:yawn:

    Kalee - Hope you start feeling better and your infection clears up very soon.

    svgarcia - Congrats!!!!

    Stephfilako - Congrats!!!

    Heather - So sorry you can't sleep. I remember that from my first pregnancy and that is not fun at all! When all you want to do is sleep and your so tired, but you still can't! I remember taking naps on the couch and for some reason I slept better then, than I did in my bed. Good Luck with your 3D u/s! Can't wait to hear what you thought!!!

    badbeed - a 6lb weight loss does sound like a lot, but maybe a lot of if was water weight too?? You'll make up for it in the 2nd trimester for sure. I've heard of lost of people losing weight in the 1st trimester, and still being totally fine and ending up with a perfectly healthy baby in the end.

    kristy_estes - Stay safe and good luck. How scary. I definately wouldn't want to be alone.

    deanie - Welcome and congrats!!!

    abeare - Glad to hear your cousin will be with you this weekend!! Praying for you!! So sorry.

    80lbslost - So sorry to hear the bad news! Will be thinking of you and praying for a good outcome. Good Luck.

    Rayna - I've had a stuffy nose for a few weeks now, thought I was getting sick, but turns out it's a common pregnancy symptom and will go away after the babys born. Hopefully sooner!!! I did ask my doctor about taking ccough drops and she said it ws fine, aslo recommended me taking vit C drops if I feel like I have a cold starting. Good Luck and great job on the work outs!!!

    Smile girl - 5 DAYS LEFT!!! How exciting....any news from doctor? Are you expecting to go past your due date??

    Hope I didn't miss anyone. Have a great weekend everyone!