Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-August 2011



  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    my worries stick that Bobby’s (DH) family can’t keep a secret to save their lives but he almost begged me to be able to tell them. So the fear that extended family and work may find out at any moment due to social networking sites (facebook) is still there. I plan on telling my boss next week before my next u/s and asking her to keep it to herself for a while, this way she doesn’t find out by accident either! So we’ll see how things unfold, if they all manage to keep it to themselves until my 12th week then I’ll tell them to all go to town and tell whomever they want!

    Speaking of not being able to keeping a secret, my family is horrible! We are close so I had to tell my mom and dad, but since then my mom has told about a dozen people because she's close to them, or they "figured it out" because she kept beaming. I keep hearing "um, I HAD to tell so and so because..." :laugh:

    Worse yet, my dad keeps letting it drop at his church and then posted a big pic of my husband and I on Facebook saying "new parents to be, 7 months to go!" a week after I told him we were waiting until the first trimester was over. When confronted, he said he didn't know it was still a secret! :laugh:. So can't wait till this trimester is over!

    I can't believe how many posts went up in 6 hours! :noway:
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    Hey guys, I forget to check on you guys for 2 or 3 days and then it takes me an hour to catch up. Wow!!

    Better_Balance_2 - Glad to hear that the repairs on your house are coming along!

    Ashley - Welcome & Super congrats!! I have a friend that had for kids using tti and then ended up pregnant with a 5th one naturally!! God is amazing!!

    Rayna - Thanks for the information about the apricots!!

    Smilegirl - Only 1 week to go, hurray!!!

    H_82 - Welcome!!!

    Misti - Congrats on your wedding this weekend!!!

    Cutmd - Too funny about your parents!! Cut them some slack their just extremely proud!!!

    Babeed - The first part of my pregnancy I was sick unless I ate all the time. Second trimester things got better. About 3 weeks ago I finally started logging my food again. I set my profile to gain half a pound a week. I usually stay under by a couple hundred calories, but sometimes I am right on. Now that I am in my 3rd trimester, I am starting to get hungry again. I can make it about 2 hours before I feel like I am starving again!! LOL!!

    I went to the Dr. yesterday. He was not happy with my progress. My white blood cell count & my bacteria count were still high. I finished my second round of antibiotics yesterday, the Dr. wants to see what my body does without them. But, he is sending me to another Dr. on Monday to get a second opinion. I am praying that things will start clearing up and that I won't have to keep the appointment on Monday. I don't know what they will do if things aren't progressing enough by Monday, makes me nervous to think about it. On a good note, I feel fine, just hungry all the time. The problem is just my counts and the swelling & rash on my leg. The rash does look a tad bit better, but the Dr. said it should have been gone after 10 days on anti's and I just finished 14 days. And if I don't keep my leg elavated it is still swelling some. I just can't wait till Kallon gets here and maybe my body will get back to normal!!!
  • princesspurple
    There is no way I can catch up! I have been so busy at work so I haven't had a chance to go on here! I don't get on the computer at home and I find the iphone impossible for me to go to the community board...unless someone knows a secret!!!

    I am 36+ weeks, due for my c-section in 2 weeks and 5 days. I am up 31 pounds, I am still working out 30mins/dy 5dy/wk. I am quite tired by noon everyday. I just can't seem to shake it but that is ok. Everything seems to be going great! I am hoping I make it to 9/12 and don't go early. If I don't oh well:)

    I hope everyone is enjoying the fact that the weather has been cooler all over the country!!!!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I went to the Dr. yesterday. He was not happy with my progress. My white blood cell count & my bacteria count were still high. I finished my second round of antibiotics yesterday, the Dr. wants to see what my body does without them. But, he is sending me to another Dr. on Monday to get a second opinion. I am praying that things will start clearing up and that I won't have to keep the appointment on Monday. I don't know what they will do if things aren't progressing enough by Monday, makes me nervous to think about it. On a good note, I feel fine, just hungry all the time. The problem is just my counts and the swelling & rash on my leg. The rash does look a tad bit better, but the Dr. said it should have been gone after 10 days on anti's and I just finished 14 days. And if I don't keep my leg elavated it is still swelling some. I just can't wait till Kallon gets here and maybe my body will get back to normal!!!

    Hmm, this worries me. It sounds like they should do an ultrasound to rule out a clot, get some blood cultures, and maybe even admit you to the hospital for IV antibiotics. This kind of thing is nothing to play with, especially with a pregnancy at stake. If bacteria get into your blood stream at high enough counts it can threaten Kallon, so please be careful and go straight to the ER if you get worse in any way off the antibiotics.
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    I can't keep up with all these posts. :-) I am almost 18 weeks and feel amazing. We are on vacation and have been so active and busy. My last appointment was great with no problems. I go back on 9/16 for an ultrasound. Oh and I am signed up to take the AFAA Primary Group Exercise certification on September 9th!
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Hi everyone. I just found out I'm pregnant (home pregnancy test). I'm going to the Dr tomrw. So glad I found this thread as I wanna be fit and fab while pregnant.
    I already have 3 boys 18, 7& 6.
    I think I'm about 1 or 2 months. Not so sure as I was irregular. Hope to find motivation and support here..
  • stephfilako
    stephfilako Posts: 113 Member
    YAYAYAYAY!!!! I posted yesterday asking if there were any preggers out there and only had a few! So glad I came across this today!!! I am about 5 weeks. Due in April! I have done this 5 times already (yes, 5). We LOVE our kids and although I thought I had retired from pregnancy-- guess there was a different plan. I was completely freaked out at first but now settling in and have that excited feeling. Lets cheer on our FIT pregnancies. I will say after doing this 5 times--- being fit makes a HUGE difference in labor!! Mine are FAST and I have had 2 w/o any meds (and 3 wonderful epidurals!) No matter what- your recovery and pregnancy will benefit from MOVING a lot while preg.

  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers! Jump right in!

    Amy I've been thinking about ya! Hope all is well.

    Nicole glad everything is going good. 2 more weeks! How exciting!!!

    Kalee hope they figure out what is wrong with you. And I agree with cutmd that if things seem to not feel right or get worse you should go to the ER asap!

    Rayna on any given day I get a million different "compliments" from people saying "Oh you are so big!" "Oh you are so small!" "Oh you must be having a girl cause you are carrying wide" etc...etc...I just take it all in stride and press on. People find pregnant women intriguing and feel the need to tell us what they think, even if we didn't ask for their opinions! lol! My husband tells me every single day how beautiful and sexy (I find this one hard to believe...but whatever) I am and at the end of the day hearing that is all that matters to me. You are beautiful and healthy...what else matters? ;)

    To everyone else, sounds like you are doing awesome. Keep up the great work on eating healthy and getting in your sweat sessions!

    I think I've reached that stage where no matter what position I get into, I just can't get comfortable at night! And it seems like laying on my left side is the only halfway comfortable position. When I roll over onto my right side it feels like she is pushing down hard on my right side and it literally hurts. I'm a tummy sleeper so this side sleeping has been hard enough...but now with only having one side to lay on is even harder... So this leaves me exhausted. Well last night I showered and climbed into bed by 730 and read for an hour and was asleep by 830...until my mother in law called me at 9pm (aarrghgh!!!) to ask if it is okay if she could iron her pants at my house before we leave for the u/s Friday morning! REALLY!?!? You call at 9pm at night to ask something so ridiculous? That would be like her calling and asking "while I am at your house may I drink a glass of water?".... So needless to say I couldn't fall back asleep and then I got heartburn and then the baby started kicking like crazy... I'm going for a hike this morning and hoping for a nap this afternoon. It is such a beautiful day I'd hate to waste it being tired.

    I hope you ladies have an awesome healthy day!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    But the one situation I really needed him so far he kinda fell short. There has been a tragedy in our area, there was a house fire that killed a young couple (husband 31, wife 28, son 3) and the wife/mother was my high school best friend. Now this normally would have really upset me, but it seems to be ten times harder not crying every time I think of it now that I’m pregnant. So I asked that he comes with me to the funeral to help me keep myself together and he said he didn’t want to go because he couldn’t stand the idea of seeing a child’s coffin. I told him I understood why he didn’t want to go but, that I still needed him to come with me, nothing has been resolved and the funeral is this weekend. We’ll see if he actually comes with me.


    OMG! That is so sad! I'm so sorry about your friend and her family. I can't even imagine how hard this is for you right now and it's obvious you need the extra support of your husband. I understand where he's coming from about not wanting to see a child's coffin, but you NEED him. I really he hope he decides to go to support you. :(
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Morning!! Doctors Appt Update :flowerforyou:

    My doctor was not a happy camper with me :grumble: I have lost 6 lbs. I didn't think it was that big of a deal but he thought it was a HUGE deal. So he put me on some meds to help me sleep through the night and to help with the nauseau in the morning. Because I have lost 6 lbs he did not approve me working out. He said I can walk around the block at a "walk the dog pace" for 30 minutes. He's also worried that perhaps I'm not eating enough protien. Which is a new challenge for me, since everything heavy that hits my stomach doesn't due so well...

    Meanwhile, we did a U/S and the baby would just NOT stop moving! :laugh: he took some measurements and ran a few test to check for down syndrome. he said he'd call me as soon as they got the results back but from what he saw he wasnt concerned. Baby seems to meet all the measurement requirements for 11 weeks.

    We were able to diagnose that I officially have a "thumb sucking" baby. Regardless of he position or how much it moved that thumb would NOT come out of his mouth! :smooched:

    The fact that I'm pregnant is starting to set in. :ohwell:

    Kalle- definitely take care of that infection! and I agree if you feel bad got to the ER before anything else. This is a very critical time for us.

    Rayna - love your baby bump girl. Can't wait for mine!

    Ash- I read your post and cried. Yeap, I cried. I hope that your hubby is able to attend even if it breaks his heart. Do not let fear win. We are all with you in spirit and that family is in our prayers.

    Heather - I think I just hit that point. I tossed and turned most of hte night not being able to get comfy!! I need to find some supportive pillows and quick!

    Steph - welcome!

    to everyone else that I missed ((hugs))
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    YAYAYAYAY!!!! I posted yesterday asking if there were any preggers out there and only had a few! So glad I came across this today!!! I am about 5 weeks. Due in April! I have done this 5 times already (yes, 5). We LOVE our kids and although I thought I had retired from pregnancy-- guess there was a different plan. I was completely freaked out at first but now settling in and have that excited feeling. Lets cheer on our FIT pregnancies. I will say after doing this 5 times--- being fit makes a HUGE difference in labor!! Mine are FAST and I have had 2 w/o any meds (and 3 wonderful epidurals!) No matter what- your recovery and pregnancy will benefit from MOVING a lot while preg.


    Welcome! I'm 6 weeks along, also due in April! Congrats!
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    princesspurple - Hang in there you are almost to the end!!!

    svgarcia - Welcome!!

    stephfilako - Congrats!! I agree my last 2 pregnancies have been my best, because I was in better shape than my first 3.

    heathercrist1 - It's not good to sleep on your right side while you are pregnant anyway, the left side is best.

    Babeed854 - Sorry Dr. wasn't happy about weight loss, I'm sure as soon as the nausea stage passess you'll start gaining. Glad the baby is doing good!!

    I will be watching closely for any signs of trouble over the weekend. On top of all this other stuff, I have a cold that is trying to get into my chest and I yeast infection from all the antis. Took something for the yeast yesterday since I'm finally done with the antis. Hopefully this cold will move on out soon!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    I'm a little nervous for this hurricane that is supposed to hit this weekend. Eric is on a hurrivac crew, which means he will have to help fly the planes away from the base. That means I'll be left to fend for myself during the storm. Yikes!! We've been working on our emergency preparedness kit so we do have some things, but it's still nerve wracking. I could drive up to his aunt's house in PA (about 4 hours away), but I think it's supposed to hit them too and I'm worried I'll get stuck in bad traffic and then there could be flooding when I'm trying to come back. It's just all a big mess. I would rather just stay at our house, but I'm a little scared to be alone if it gets really bad. There are a couple big trees by our house. We're not directly on the coast, but I don't know how much that matters. We're in the Chesapeake Bay area, which is pretty close to the coast.
    Anyone else ever experience a hurricane? lol I've dealt with tornados in Oklahoma before, but never a hurricane.
  • deanie0515
    deanie0515 Posts: 85 Member
    Hello ladies!!! I am in desperate need of support.... I'll try to not make this an essay LOL. I had a spontaneous loss Father's day of this year and as time went by with no cycle I started to worry. So yes my suspicion has been confirmed, I am 6weeks 5days :happy: . I took a home pregnancy test then started spotting. An u/s was done and baby's heartbeat was a little slow but there was also a good deal of bleeding. I've been on progesterone supplements and had a follow up u/s on Tues. Everything looks great. Baby's HR was up too. :bigsmile:
    I was really stressing on top of quite a bit of food aversions and flip flopping stomach :sick: !! I didn't experience that with my son (18 month). So with the stress of worrying about this pregnancy and the upset stomach I have just felt OUT OF IT. Not myself at ALL. Nothing good I was eating and being really successful with my weight loss sounds appealling at all. I haven't worked out for going on two weeks, I hope it's not me just making excuses but I just haven't felt that drive. Now that I have confirmation that this pregnancy is looking better, I know I need to get back on track. So that's where I'm hoping to have yall' s support :happy:
    Home life is stressful also, my relationship is rocky and I really want to be able to stay healthy and embrace this beautiful gift. I've known in my heart that I want another child, I just didn't know if it was going to be in the cards with my relationship and the problems we've had. It's HIS plan not mine and I feel blessed. Looking forward to being a part of this group!!! Thanks for reading:flowerforyou:
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    babeed, my baby was also sucking its thumb during the nucal. lol.

    And don't worry about the weight loss, the baby at this point will get what it needs regardless. In a week or two you won't be as nauseated and you'll be able to gain 6 pounds plus. lol... So many women loose weight in their first trimester and have completely healthy pregnancies and babies.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Kristy, never been in a hurricane but I've survived 2 tornados in Dallas. if your a woman of faith, hold fast to that. Make sure you stock up on your necessities and have lots of DVDs on hand to keep you busy! Keep us posted.

    Deanie, I'm sorry about the rocky relationship but if this happened it was for a reason. Be strong, keep taking your meds and just give it time...

    Sabrina, yeah I kinda figured that I have time to make up the lost weight, LOL....and I'm only a few weeks short of the 2nd trimester. So fingers crossed!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Heather (H-82), I know how you feel about needing a break from anything TTCing related, I had to take a couple too. I’m happy to hear you were finally successful, was it IVF? When are you due?

    Cutmd, I think I’d freak out if Bobby’s family did what your parents did! I tried to be very clear that I would be hurt if my grandparents found out from a stranger rather than from me, I hope this keeps them from blabbing too much. My father did admit that he told someone, but the person he told is work associate that lives in a different city and doesn’t know our families, so he felt confident he could blab safely.

    Kalee, Fingers crossed for you that the infection clears up soon!

    Welcome to anyone that came in after me!

    Heathercrist, I love the new photo! Sorry to hear about your sleep troubles, I have no helpful tips on that whatsoever, I’m in the opposite boat actually I can barely stay awake! Enjoy your hike, I’m so jealous I wish I was doing that right now!

    Babeed, I’m so sorry to hear your Dr.’s not happy with your weight loss. Did he give you suggestions on dealing with the nausea to avoid further loss? Also sorry I made you cry!

    Jrueckert, I’m due in April Too!

    Kristy, Yikes! Hurricanes, I’m so happy to not have to deal with those here. I’m sending good thoughts your way so that you and your family stay safe during this.

    It looks like my cousin may come with me to the funeral instead of my husband. She changed her mind about not wanting to go, and so tonight I’ll tell Bobby that he doesn’t have to come with. He’ll be so relieved.

  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    abeare - Yup. We did 1 fresh & 1 frozen that were unsuccessful (among other treatments over the last 3 years). Our last frozen transfer was a success. Due Date is March 8th. Today marks 12 weeks for me.

    TMI Question for you all.....keep in mind that I've done googling & doctors calls already, but looking for other experiences...Any of you ever have pink slimy-ish blood come out (of vagina) after a bowel movement? Happened to me today & had a freak out....
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    H-82 I'm due March 12th!! Woo hoo to March babies!! I'm praying we don't have a re-occurance of the last two years here in Texas were we have had tons of snow and some thick ice!!

    and to answer your TMI question, when I noticed the pink mucus was about the same time the doctor called me to tell me that I had a kidney infection. Put me on anti's twice a day for 8 days and lots of rest.

    Once the kidney infection cleared so did the mucus. I would suggest finding a doctor asap...more for peace of mind than anything else.

    Good luck!
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Anyone one else at the 11-14 week mark get starving all of a sudden? seriously, i'm constantly hungry. I'm kinda scared because i'm really trying to watch my diet this time around and limit the weight gain because last time I gained 75 lb. But is this normal?