Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-August 2011



  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Well, I just called the nurse and they said that my results are normal so I don't know if someone entered it wrong online or what. Whew!! Well, now I feel better. haha!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. Hope you all had good weekends. Ours was nice. Did our usual walk to the coffee shop Saturday and then checked out a new farmers market across the street. It was lovely. I think it will need to be added to our Saturday morning routine. The weather was great this weekend so I spent some time sitting out in the sun reading, pretty much my favorite thing to do. We saw Another Earth on Saturday night which was good. Sunday we finally went and got our groceries from our friends' place (from power outage) and the frist thing my friend Chad said when I walked in was, "gosh, you look pregnant". My husband jumped on him for being rude, but I actually am glad I am starting to look prego now instead of just chubby. I got some pics to upload but I forgot my camera today. Oops. Speaking of pics, Heather, I think if you go to Photobucket (which I have never been able to make work) it will give you a url or html code that you shouold just be able to copy and paste into the body of your message and it should show. But i have never been able to get Photobucket to work.

    I also attempted to buy some maternity pants yesterday but my Walmart (I really don't like WM but didn't want to spend a ton soooo....) has no maternity section and Target literally had 2 pair of pants that were ugly and fit me terribly. I'm 5'2" so everything fits me weird. They were $35 and plus alterations, they would cost me near $50 so I said no way. I got creative with leggings and mini dress today. I wish I had more mini dresses to wear with leggings. May have to check out Motherhood this week. Anyone know if they have petites? I heard Kohl's may have stuff too.

    I didn't get too much working out in but did a good amoutn of walking Saturday, also did some yard work, and Sunday I cleaned for a while and walk around and shopped for a couple hours. I ate reasonably well and since I got our food back was able to cook again.

    My ultrasound is Friday! I can't wait!

    Anyone have anything fun planned for the holiday weekend? We are finally moving the last of our furniture into the basement from storage Saturday. I also have a 2 year old's party to attend and a family party Sunday. Hope you all have a great week!

  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    Holly I'm so glad everything went well at your appt.. 2 days left on your ticker!!! Oh my! Looks like you will be the first on our board to welcome a new member! :) I was thinking about what we will do after we have our babies?! Change the name? Start a new board? Hmm....

    I've been hoping someone will start a new mommy board. I'd love to hear everyone's progress post baby. I cannot wait to start working out again and would love to have all you amazing chicks for motivation! I'm up 21 pounds at 32 weeks, which I know isn't bad, but after 7 months of not working I'm definitely going to be left with a big jelly belly!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    I really need to get my crap together when it comes to planning meals & grocery shopping. Thank goodness we have a garden & Jay's parents have an apple tree so we constantly have fresh fruit & veggies coming in to our house, but I am not planning anything and eating on the fly. I need to make a plan and stick to it and grocery shop more consistently -

    Does anyone else have food allergies/sensitivities? I am not supposed to eat gluten/wheat/eggs or dairy - which is REALLY difficult at times especially when I crave breakfast sandwiches and pasta all the time! lol
    But I just need to find some recipes and plan ahead and I know I can make it work!

    Sorry just had to vent a bit and try to make myself more accountable! I know I probably shouldn't stress so much about it, but I really want to make sure I am eating as clean & healthfully as possible! Especially since I am studying to be a Registered Holistic Nutritionist! I should be practicing what I preach! lol

    Sorry about the rant...anyways, hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. My hubby and I finally made some serious progress on our backyard and are almost done landscaping, just need to lay the sod & it will be done. Now hopefully we will have a nice long fall so we can enjoy it! It's also our 2nd wedding anniversary today! We've been together a total of 9 years - I can't believe how fast the time flies! Crazy.

    Going to be 15 weeks this Thursday, feeling pretty good overall still getting some nausea & my fatigue is still pretty bad, but some days I have a lot more energy which is good! ;)

    Sounds like everyone is doing great! Happy Monday all! :flowerforyou:
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Hi ladies I would love to join the board. Im about 5 weeks pregnant with my second. Excited and aprehensive as I know what it was like first time around. I am generally fairly active mainly running. I ran 8kms on Sunday and was already feeling tought. Not sure what to do about my running really nervous about gaining wieght I gained 65lbs first time round! I did lose it fairly quickly as I started running quite early. I started with a 5kms, 10kms 1/2 marathon then a full marathon! Im not by any means over wieght now. I know its going to be a challenge keeping in shape and losing weight will be tougher when I have 2 kids to take care of or pawn off on my husband to go run. Anyways glad to be here and hoping everything goes well! Cheers :drinker:
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi ladies I would love to join the board. Im about 5 weeks pregnant with my second. Excited and aprehensive as I know what it was like first time around. I am generally fairly active mainly running. I ran 8kms on Sunday and was already feeling tought. Not sure what to do about my running really nervous about gaining wieght I gained 65lbs first time round! I did lose it fairly quickly as I started running quite early. I started with a 5kms, 10kms 1/2 marathon then a full marathon! Im not by any means over wieght now. I know its going to be a challenge keeping in shape and losing weight will be tougher when I have 2 kids to take care of or pawn off on my husband to go run. Anyways glad to be here and hoping everything goes well! Cheers :drinker:

    Yay Tara!! :bigsmile: Welcome!! So happy & excited for you! I know you'll do great and have a fantastic, healthy, happy pregnancy :flowerforyou: so glad to have you on the board!
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    jrueckert - That's neat about your SIL! My sister and I were pregnant together it was cool. It's really cool now that there 4 and their best friends!

    cutmd - Hang in there you will start showing soon enough, I promise!!

    smilegirl - Glad to hear that everything is good with baby. They definate have their own time table!! Hope for your sake that it is soon!!

    red_rubies - Hi! Welcome!! I set my profile to maintain for the first trimester, and then I moved it up to gain 1/2 a lb. a week for the 2nd & 3rd trimesters.

    RootedRedwood - Welcome!

    lexi - Hang in there only two weeks left!! You can do it!!

    Better_Balance - Hurray for the coming U/S!!!

    I am feeling good!! Leg is still swelling just a little by the end of the day, but my rash is getting better! Couldn't get it worked out to the dermatologist this week for that second opinion, so I'm going to try to get back in with my Dr. to check blood counts.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Red Rubies - Congrats and Welcome to the group!!!

    RootedRedWood - Congrats and Welcome to the group to you also!!!!

    Taldie01 - Congrats and Welcome to you as well!

    This is an awesome thread, and like I've said before it's almost addicting to check it out and see what's new with everyone.

    Better Balance - Do you have a Ross near you? That's where I have found most of my maternity clothes for really cheap. They have some cute ones too. I was lucky and 3 of my friends had babys recently and I got all the hand me down maternity clothes. :smile: Good luck at your u/s. What are you and hubby hoping for? Any pereference in gender?

    Heather - Glad your u/s went well! Can't wait to see pics. I went with a friend of mine to get a 3-D u/s and it was amaizing!!!! Not sure how to post pics though, sorry.

    As for me.....not so sure what is going on. My doctor is gone until next Tues. which is my next appt, but all of a sudden my feet and hands are swollen, lower back ache and a start of a migraine. I hate taking any type of meds, but I have a huge problem with migraines and if I don't stop it before it gets too bad, they sometimes last up to 9 days!!! Not sure what to do. Don't feel to great though. As far as the swelling, I really hope it's nothing major. I had toxemia/preeclampsia with my first pregnancy and was put on bed rest. (TOTALLY SUCKED)! Baby feels so low, constant bladder pain. I think thats what it is anyway. Can't wait for my appt next week. I love summer but I think I'm ready for fall. Never thought I would say thay, but it was 116 degrees yesterday and 109 on Saturday!!! Way too hot for me. I'll take some 90 degree weather. :glasses:

    This week should be another busy one. Thank god for a three day weekend! Huge camping trip planned. Should be fun, just hope I feel better. My son starts school tomorrow. He's so excited to be a 1st grader. LOL! With school starting, sports will be starting soon and time is really gonna fly by now.

    I hope I feel better soon!!!! Hope everyone else is doing great!!!
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Welcome to all the new comers :) You'll love this forum.

    mistibergman: I also have a big camping trip planned for this coming 3 day weekend - I'm hoping to SLEEP ... a lot :)

    Rayna: I don't have any food allergies, but I do know what you mean about grocery shopping more diligently. I feel like I'm always tired, so I've gotten lazy with cooking and shopping! I really want to get better so that I can eat more nutritiously.

    taldie01: Welcome! And I think you've found the right support group for staying shape while prego :)

    As for me?? Well, I joined the nausea club this weekend. I feel like I'm constantly car sick - no good! Oh well, at least I know there's a baby in there making me sick.

    Have a great week gals!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    I think I figured it out! Yay!

  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Awe so cute Heather. Such a cute little face!!!!! How AWESOME!!!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Heather! She is beautiful!! That is SO cool, must have been such an amazing experience! :bigsmile:
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Thanks ladies! It was hard getting a good pic but this one was the best. I think it looks like she has a bow on her head. She already knows how to do cute! lol! You can even see her umbilical cord under her chin. So weird how clear some of the features are.

    So last night my husband and I were watching Army Wives on Netflix (our guilty pleasure lol) and the episode was about one of the women coming back from a deployment in Iraq and her baby didn't recognize her and only wanted her daddy. So my husband paused it and said "I wanna tell you something but I don't want you to freak out...." So he told me that the deployment that had originally been planned to start in 2 years looks like it is going to be moved up a year and will be happening in 1 year from this October. His deployments are a year and a half so essentially he will miss Charlee's first two birthdays.... We knew he was going to have to deploy again, I just didn't think it was going to be so soon. It makes me sad to think he will be away from me and Charlee for 18 months of her life in such a critical growing period of her life. I feel for him for having to miss all of the firsts that he will be missing and I feel for me that I will be a single mom for 18 months...This is the life we chose and I will be strong for my baby and for my husband. I guess I'm just a little sad right now and needed to vent....

    I did get in a good hike followed by tracy anderson workout this morning. Besides that my day has been a little blah...
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Heather I am so sorry to hear that :cry:
    I grew up in a military household and my dad was gone for up to 10 months at a time when I was younger.
    He was also away on a peace keeping mission in Cyprus when I was born, he didn't meet me until a was a few months old.

    My mom had 3 young girls all one after the other and my dad would be away for long periods of time. It was difficult but my mom made sure there were pictures of him everywhere and they sent tapes back and forth so we could hear his voice. When we were older we also helped our mom make care packages for him and sent him all his favorite things and that helped a bit.

    Anyway, I just want you to know that my father is my favorite man on this planet (save my husband of course!) we have a very strong relationship and I love him so much! I got to spend a lot of wonderful times with him throughout my childhood and I think I cherished the time I had with him all the more because we really made them count!

    Anyway - I just wanted you to know that in some way I understand what you might be feeling, not fully of course, but I just wanted you to know that I've been on the other side and got through it and my father and I have a wonderful relationship!

    Stay strong :flowerforyou: *hugs*
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Ok, I need advise!!!! I called my doctor and she's on vacation and her nurses are out until Wednesday. My hands and feet are swelling more and more today. I know keeping my feet up will help, but does anyone else know any other ways to reduce swelling? I've already drank about 9 cups of water today..............Think I will leave work early (in the next few minutes and go relax, but any ideas would be really helpful!

  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Love the picture Heather!

    I applaud you and Al for your dedication to his career. Being in the military is not always an easy journey and it can be especially hard on wives with young children. I, like Rayna, grew up in a military family. My father was a Navy aviator and would also be gone for long periods of time. We also sent lots of care packages and it was always incredibly exciting when he came home. My dad is truly my hero for many more reasons than I could ever tell you all about. Gosh, getting teary eyed just typing this - can we blame the hormones?! I think of how much technology has changed - do you have a Skype account? email and digital pictures. Although there is no doubt about it - it will suck having him away! - he will get to have some interaction with you all. You are also going to be such an amazing mother that I know Charlee will know who her dad is and how much she is loved and cherished by both of you. And even though we are friends from a far, you have all of us to lean on for support too!

    Heather, as for a post pregnancy board, I would love that. Like Danielle I think it would be fun to keep up with all the new additions to our families. Plus, I feel like many of you are my friends and it would be great to be able to keep each other motivated with losing the baby weight and toning back up. I think most of us are pretty self-motivated, but it's nice to know that you have others dealing with the same or similar issues.

    Lexi, ahh...crazy front-loading school schedule. Keep it up girl! You are so close to that RN! It will be tough through these last weeks of pregnancy and the early months with your little guy, but time will fly. Keep us posted.

    Rayna, good luck with the meal planning. It can seem overwhelming in the beginning, but I can tell you once you have a good plan it makes everything so much easier! I usually have a game plan for the week with no particular order of meals, but all the ingredients to make good, clean, nutritious breakfasts, lunch and dinners. Often I will leave a note on the counter in the kitchen with all the options so if my husband is feeling ambitious and wants to cook a meal or if he just wants to put in a specific request for the week, he knows what the options are. I stared this about six years ago and it has taken so much stress off "what to make today", which is a lifesaver when working and being tired.

    Misti, hey girl, hope you are feeling better. I am not sure what to offer in regards to your symptoms. Please take care of yourself and listen to your body. If things aren't improving maybe a call to the doctor on-call or an ER visit?? I am not usually a run off to the doctor kind of gal, but don't think pregnancy is anything to mess with. The swelling and low pressure are what have me more worried...and the headache....these sound like symptoms to something and I am really praying for you that it isn't preclampsia.

    Ashley, glad you had a great weekend. Sounds like you are just about wrapped up on your house project. Doesn't it feel great when you complete something like that?

    I know I've missed several of you, but my mind cannot remember at the moment. Wishing you all a great week ahead with fantastic nutrition and fitness choices!

    As for me, now officially on maternity leave so let's hope this bambino makes a sooner, rather than later arrival, as I want as much time with him or her before going back to work! Ran this morning and off for a long walk with my furry daughters - I figure any downward encouragement is good at this stage right?!
  • Pups83
    Pups83 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    What a great thread!! I was using MFP after my second baby and lost all my baby weight very quickly! However I was pregnant again when she was 5 months old!!! I stopped using it not thinking it would be suitable but this thread had showed me that it still is!!!
    I had a freak out last week when I put on 3kg between visits (althought all my clothes still fit and most things i wear are my pre pregnancy clothes stetched out!) so obviously I still need to keep track!
    Im currently 28 weeks pregnant.
    Im just wondering how many calories a day im suppose to eat..? Im still exercising 6 days a week and chasing around an 11 month old!!
    For my height and weight MFP says 2000? Is this about right?
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Red_rubies, sounds like you’re right on track with your gain! A healthy gain for the whole pregnancy is like 2 stone, so congrats!

    RootedRedwood, I remember you from other places around MFP, welcome! I’m sorry you were so sick, even if you have to resort to bars just keep something around to snack on. It should get easier from here on out.

    Lexi, I love your pic, you look great!

    kristy_estes, glad the storm wasn’t as bad as you thought

    Better_balance, congrats on the noticeable pregnancy, lol. I am petite also and I agree with the Ross suggestion, they have all kind of great stuff, especially loose dresses

    Rayna, as you know I am allergic to wheat/gluten. I also have a mild dairy intolerance that makes me retain water a bit. But hey, I am already retaining. My wheat allergy is too severe to mess around with but I do eat some cheese. I buy a bunch of healthy stuff and then plan out my day meticulously. I try to leave a few calories because inevitably I will find something extra to nibble on. I make gluten free breakfast sandwiches, salads, veggie stir fries, yogurt and also bring some fruit. It would be harder without the dairy and the eggs, for sure, but I know you can do it!

    Welcome, taldie, the more badasses the better!

    Kalee, I’m still praying your leg makes a full recovery!

    mistibergman, it is early in the pregnancy for precclampsia, but you should at least go to a local pharmacy and check your BP. You should consider going to the ER to get your kidney function, etc tested to be on the safe side

    jrueckert, sorry to hear about the nausea, but you’re right – it’s the one thing that reminds me I am still pregnant :happy:

    Heather, your girl is soooo cute and beautiful! I am definitely getting one! How much was it? I am so sorry to hear about your hubby leaving for so long, I wish the military would put more family friendly breaks in. I can tell you’re tough and will pull through

    smilegirl, so exciting being on maternity leave! I know what you mean about the baby coming on time though. Good luck encouraging your bambino to come out. I heard your hubby can also help in that department :wink:

    pups, sounds like you’re doing great and gaining appropriately. Your cals sounds good too, though I don’t know your height and weight

    As for me, I am trying to stay positive. I have not gained any more weight since week 6 but the increase in my thighs is really bumming me out. I don't notice it as much in my scrubs, but when I put on my skinny jeans - WHOA! :noway: Why my thighs? I was really hoping to wear my pants until late and now I feel like a cow squeezing into most of my stuff. If it's not water weight I will be super depressed. I have been eating better this week and still working out 6 days/week even though I'm exhausted, mainly cause I fear my growing thighs. Do you think getting into jogging would help? I know I am having some major body image issues, so I just started reading “Does this Pregnancy Make me Look Fat?” to help me get a grip. In slightly less neurotic news, I will see my primary doc (who did my first US) tomorrow, hoping she will do another one even though I have my 10 week appt with my OB scheduled Sept 8th.
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    cutmd- with my first pregnancy, my thighs got HUGE. It goes down, don't worry. Just try to go for a walk every day to keep them somewhat toned. I found that the size of my thighs reduced drastically just from a 20 minute walk every day.