Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-August 2011



  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Heather, I LOVE the picture! She is adorable! That is the coolest thing ever and I am definitely going to get one around 30ish weeks. I am so sorry about Al leaving sooner than expected. Eric is in the Navy and is luckily on shore duty right now, but there is a chance he could be leaving for a year in a couple months. He's an alternate for an IA deployment. We're all praying that the primary goes as planned. I can't imagine an 18 month deployment. When Eric was on sea duty he only deployed for 6 months at a time and I thought that was hard! I know you guys will pull through though. You are strong and you will have a beautiful little girl to keep you busy. Not sure what his internet capabilities will be, but Skype is wonderful. There are lots of little things you can do to try and keep him involved in Charlee's life too. I read up on ideas for when babies are born during deployments. One was to send the rag you use for the babies first bath and a picture of you giving him a bath with it. There are a lot of different things. It really stinks that supposedly troops are supposed to start coming home soon and now he'll have to go sooner. It just doesn't make sense, but like you said, it's the life we chose. My heart goes out to you guys. Stay strong momma!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Morning ladies! I'm feeling better already this morning. Talked with Al last night and he said there is still a 50/50 chance that they will deploy in 2 years as opposed to 1 year. I truly appreciate all of your kind words. It is amazing how different we all are, but in reality how much we really have in common and can relate. I too am a military brat. Probably why I find this lifestyle so much easier to deal with than most women. It is still a lifestyle that takes some getting used to, but I agree with you ladies in that technology now a days is amazing and it will be so much easier to remind Charlee who her daddy is! Thank you again for all the support!

    I also feel good cause I slept in today (well a whole hour more than I usually wake up at). Looks like it is going to rain so no hike for me today...guess I will dust off the old mill in the basement.

    I have my 30 week OB appt today. It will be pretty uneventful I assume. I also have to take my rambunctious 2 year old (who still acts like a pup) German Shepherd to the vet for some shots and yearly checkup...This stresses me out more than anything. Usually I take her for an extra long walk prior to to work out some energy, but with the storm on its way doesn't look like that will happen. Hoping she behaves herself for my sanity! lol!

    cutmd I carry my weight in my hips/thighs/butt so that is where my weight immediately went. For me it was like my body went into survival mode and just in case of a famine my thighs decided to cover themselves with an inch of cottage cheese! lol For someone who works out daily and eats healthy, if you were to just look at my thighs and butt, you'd say otherwise. I think for some women it is a genetic thing. My arms/back/face/etc still looks the same (which I'm grateful for)...but my butt/thighs have revolted and decided to store all the excess body fat that my body might need just in case all the food supply in the world disappears! lol Also, you can price around but the average price in my area for a 3d/4d u/s is $100-$200. It was such a wonderful experience to get a peak inside Charlee's world that I'd recommend it. They usually recommend doing them between 28-31 weeks so the baby isn't as smooshed but has some body fat so they look cute. :)

    Holly as soon as the first member on here pops out a baby we will start a post-pregnancy board that members from this board can graduate to! Keep us updated on your progress with baby. Your countdown says 1 day left...I am so excited for you!

    Welcome to any newbies! Jump right in!

    Well I hope you ladies have a wonderful healthy day! Take care of yourselves and those babies!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    misti, here is an article about swollen feet, hope it help a little...

    "Swollen extremities (edema) during pregnancy:

    Why are my ankles and feet so swollen?

    What you're experiencing is edema — that's when excess fluid collects in your tissue. It's normal to have a certain amount of swelling during pregnancy because you're retaining more water. Changes in your blood chemistry also cause some fluid to shift into your tissue.

    In addition, your growing uterus puts pressure on your pelvic veins and your vena cava (the large vein on the right side of the body that carries blood from your lower limbs back to the heart). The pressure slows the return of blood from your legs, causing it to pool, which forces fluid from your veins into the tissues of your feet and ankles.

    Edema is most often an issue during the third trimester, particularly at the end of the day. It may be worse during the summer.

    You can help relieve the increased pressure on your veins by lying on your side. Since the vena cava is on the right side of your body, left-sided rest works best.

    After you have your baby, the swelling will disappear fairly rapidly as your body eliminates the excess fluid. You may find yourself urinating frequently and sweating a lot in the first days after childbirth.
    When should I be concerned about swelling?

    A certain amount of edema is normal in the ankles and feet during pregnancy. You may also have some mild swelling in your hands.

    Call your midwife or doctor if you notice swelling in your face or puffiness around your eyes, more than slight swelling of your hands, or excessive or sudden swelling of your feet or ankles. This could be a sign of preeclampsia, a serious condition.

    Also call your caregiver if you notice that one leg is significantly more swollen than the other, especially if you have any pain or tenderness in your calf or thigh.
    What can I do to minimize the puffiness?

    Here are a few tips:

    * Put your feet up whenever possible. At work, it helps to keep a stool or pile of books under your desk. At home, lie on your left side when possible.
    * Don't cross your legs or ankles while sitting.
    * Stretch your legs frequently while sitting: Stretch your leg out, heel first, and gently flex your foot to stretch your calf muscles. Rotate your ankles and wiggle your toes.
    * Take regular breaks from sitting or standing. A short walk every so often will help keep your blood circulating.
    * Wear comfortable shoes that stretch to accommodate the swelling.
    * Don't wear socks or stockings that have tight bands around the ankles or calves.
    * Try waist-high maternity support stockings. Put them on before you get out of bed in the morning so blood doesn't have a chance to pool around your ankles.
    * Drink plenty of water. Surprisingly, this helps your body retain less water.
    * Exercise regularly, especially by walking, swimming, or riding an exercise bike. Or try a water aerobics class — immersion in water may temporarily help reduce swelling, particularly if the water level is up near your shoulders.
    * Eat well, and avoid junk food.

    Try not to let pregnancy swelling get you down. The sight of your swollen ankles will probably add to your feeling of ungainliness, but edema is a temporary condition that will pass soon after you give birth."


  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning everyone. Sorry I have been MIA for so long. I went to a wedding for my friend in the Boston area this past weekend and got to stay with my other best friends at their new condo in Cambridge. I flew by myself and was supposed to come home Sunday but because of the Hurricane my flight was cancelled so I came home yesterday. We walked a lot every day and it was really nice to be away from the humid NC air. The temperature was wonderful. I had a really great time.

    This week I am signing up for Hypnobirthing classes and am really excited. While visiting Boston I got to see my friend who is a mid wife and she said those classes are great. She just said to learn as many methods as possible because you never know what will actually happen on the day. She said the more flexible you can be the better. She said it's all about preparing yourself and trying not to stress out.

    Well since I missed work yesterday I am trying to catch up, but I just wanted to pop in to say hi.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Heather, hugs............
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    So sorry that I’ve been MIA girls, I did manage to read everyone’s posts (wow did that take a while), but there are so many that I just can’t reply to all of you. I swear I will going forward. I did want to send a quick msg to Heather, what a cute pic!

    On the topic of weight gain in the first trimester, I’m having a hard time telling if I have. Normally my weight would fluctuate between a pound or so everyday, but now its fluctuating as much a 4 pounds! One day I’ve not gained any weight, the next I gained 4lbs?!? Then the next day I only have a half lbs gain, I’m so confused.
    I did have difficulty with a dress this weekend (the one for the funeral), it’s normally form fitting, but now it just seems tight, there goes that dress for another year!

    I also started experiencing a new symptom for me, breast tenderness (or should I say nipple sensitivity), I would hear everyone mention it and was so happy to think I could possibly go without that symptom, but nope, it just came a little later in the game for me!

    Finally, the funeral was REALLY hard, my cousin did come with me but couldn’t leave the hallway. We found out when we got there that the 3 year old was being buried in his mothers coffin (so nice, because I know she’d have wanted that and on a selfish note: I didn’t want to see a child’s coffin either), this would have been fine except that they were having an open casket ceremony. Who does that?!? I’m not one that thinks open casket ever appropriate, but it’s that much less so when one of the deceased is a CHILD! This was the reason my cousin was never able to walk into the room with me. So I ended up going it alone, and wow was it hard, the moment I saw her mother I couldn’t stop crying, and didn’t stop for quite some time because she kept hugging me, I know she saw her daughter when she was looking at me, and it was that much harder. I’m glad I went because I would have really regretted not going, but I really wish I could get the image of my friend holding her son in the coffin out of my head!

    So this ended up being a long post anyway, sorry about that.

  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Alright ladies, I skipped my spin class yesterday cause I was afraid it was too much and Im still in such a delicate time right now only being 5 weeks. Those of you who run or do spin class are you keeping your heart rate at 140 or doing the talk test? I know Ive done this before but just would like to know what you ladies think?
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Ash, it broke my heart reading your post about the funeral. I'm glad they buried the child with the mother, but I can imagine how hard it was for you seeing them in the open casket. I'm not really sure why people do open casket, but everyone has different feelings on the subject I guess. I have been to some open and some closed. Closed always seems a tad easier. When a child is involved, I'm sure it's just 10x worse. I hope you start to feel better soon and you can get the image out of your head. You'll be in my thoughts. God bless
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    Heather - Love the picture, too cute!! So sorry to hear about your husband early deployment, I don't think I could handle my husband being gone that long.

    cutmd - Thanks for the prayers!!

    Heather & cutmd - I am laughing reading your posts about your thighs!! I shouldn't be but I am, because I am the exact same way, my hips, but and thighs are ginormous!!! That was the first place I gained. Nobody believes that I have gained 30 lbs, because my face & upper body look the same, except for the volleyball on my front! LOL! But every bit of my weight, I swear, is sitting in my backside & thighs.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Ash, that is super sad. Sorry to hear about all that. Funerals are hard. My most recent one was for a daughter of a co-worker. I cried like crazy when I went to give my condolences to he and his wife. I had never even met his daughter, but she was about my age and her parents are such good people I felt so bad. I cried like a fool while they both kept extremely composed. Death is hard. :(

    Heather, sorry to hear about the deployment. Sounds like you have a good attitudate about it though. I am amazed by the amount of military wives here!

    Smilegirls, hope you're enjoying maternity leave. And I hope the baby comes soon!

    Misti, sorry to hear about your swelling. Hope it gets better soon!

    Welcome to all the new peeps! I've heard a lot of the same questions about heart rate, calories, etc. I know this thread is really long (can you belive we've almost filled up 20 pages?!) but there is a lot of good info in the posts about calories and heart rates. Personally I set to maintain my first tri and set to gain 1/2 a pound a week in the 2nd tri. My doctor told me to use the talk test as means to judge my exertion, but some doctors give a heart rate number like 140. I think it's most important that we listen to our bodies in all respects - if we're hungry, if we're working too hard, if we feel totally lazy and need to get out butts in gear.

    In regards to body image issues, as you all will see I posted a prego pic I took last night. I feel like my belly looks much too big to only be only 18.5 weeks, but on the other hand I haven't gained anywhere else yet. I really don't know how this baby is going to fit in my midsection. I am short waisted. Literally I just measured from my hip bone to under my chest and I have 8 inches. Sheesh. Anyways, I hear you all on our changing bodies and how it can be hard. Probably the first couple months I was very paranoid but I have decided to embrace it know that the way my body looks is so insignificant when compared to the fact that I am creating life. So let's all embrace what we have and know our bodies are amazing and complex systems and they are doing what they need to do. Whether it is to store fat on our butts, make our thighs bigger, make our bellies pop out, our boobs get ginormous or whatever.

    I planned on coming home and running or walking the dog last nigth after work, but my husband was feeling lazy, so I decided to be lazy too. I packed a gym bag and plan on some strength and some running tonight. I made a trip to the grocery so hopefully will stick with eating in most meals this week.

    I dreamt about my ultrasound last night. I think I'm ready for it. :smile: Have a great week all!

  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    Hope you girls are feeling good today!

    I need some honest opinions on a middle name. My husband and I chose Tyson as a first name but have been having trouble agreeing on the middle name. I read a magazine article about combining mom and dad's names. We're Danielle and Gerard, which gave me Danger. I was joking at first but then it really grew on me...until my husband just finally broke down and said we could use it. My second choice is Joseph (family middle name).

    Would I be that horrible to name my kid Tyson Danger?
  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    oh...just to add...I like the name because I'm a little in love with MMA and Boxing and think it's a tough name :blushing: I think my husband just became a fan because he realized Danger is Austin Powers middle name "Danger's my middle name baby". ugh
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Thanks for the responses girls, it means a lot.
    I just wanted to share an article someone on the other preggo thread posted because I thought it was interesting:

  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    oh...just to add...I like the name because I'm a little in love with MMA and Boxing and think it's a tough name :blushing: I think my husband just became a fan because he realized Danger is Austin Powers middle name "Danger's my middle name baby". ugh

    LOL! The only thing I can say is would the middle name "Danger" become other kids' laughing subject? That's one thing when my husband is deciding on name is - whether other kids will keep making fun of it. Otherwise, I think it's quite an interesting and powerful middle name. :-)

  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    OH my goodness. I can't even attempt to respond to everyone so will just give an update on my life lol. I am now going to see my midwife every 2 weeks (just went again today), everything is on track for size, heartbeat etc, and I am renting a tub for my homebirth that we have planned. I am now swimming 3x a week, and doing my kettlebell the days I don't swim. I think swimming has helped keep me from swelling up :) This friday my husband and I are going to NY (first timers) to see the sights and eat lots of food. We are also taking in a baseball game, and going to see WICKED (the play). I am pretty excited to have a fun weekend, although I am sure I will be very tired from all the walking and will need a nap each day before we head out for dinner lol. I had my midwife write me a note saying its safe for me to fly, even though spirit lets you fly up until around 34 or 36 weeks. Better safe than sorry right!
    Anyway these next 9 weeks are going to fly by I have so much planned to keep me super busy. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hi mommies!

    I am doing good, going on my 14 weeks. My next appt is next friday 9/9/11 can't wait.

    Well i weighed myself this morning and the scale said less 3 lbs. sounds good, I amreally not dieting and I actually increased my calories.

    Well i know it's early but the hubby and I put the crib and dresser on lay away for 3 months, we just want to give ourselves time to clean out the Computer room (as we called it) but it'll be the baby's room. My mom said it was too early, but I was like no in 3 mths i'll be 6mths.

    I am craving sweets most, all the time.

    It's good to read everyone's post, sorry I don't respond individually but I try to read them.

    Thanks Heather for sharing your beautiful baby's picture!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Dmcohee, Danger is a hard one, in one way it’s cute (and I love the fact that it’s a combo of both your names) but on the other hand it can be considered tacky. If you guys go with it you just need to be both comfortable with the fact that not everyone will like it, and some will love it. Either way you both need to love it!

    Atynk, I’m so jealous that you have a midwife! They’re really hard to come by here (I’ve been on the waiting list and was basically told it might not happen), actually the stat is that one out of every five women that want to see a midwife actually get to. There aren’t many registered and lots of demand for them. There are “black market” midwives here but registering your child with the government afterwards to get a birth certificate can be nightmarish if you didn’t give birth through a registered professional.
    Enjoy NY!

    AFM, I have my 8week u/s tomorrow with the fertility clinic, and if all goes well then I get to be referred to an OB.
    I do want to know if I’m the only one having this weird thing happen, but does anyone else get a huge jolt of pain in the pelvic region almost every time they sneeze? And with it being allergy season for me, I’m sneezing a lot.

  • deanie0515
    deanie0515 Posts: 85 Member
    Hope you girls are feeling good today!

    I need some honest opinions on a middle name. My husband and I chose Tyson as a first name but have been having trouble agreeing on the middle name. I read a magazine article about combining mom and dad's names. We're Danielle and Gerard, which gave me Danger. I was joking at first but then it really grew on me...until my husband just finally broke down and said we could use it. My second choice is Joseph (family middle name).

    Would I be that horrible to name my kid Tyson Danger?

    I was trying to catch up on the thread this morning and had to pop in to say.... I LOVE Danger!!! Awesome combo of your names and sounds tough as heck!! As far as kids making school for the most part middle names are not really brought up, at least that has been my experience. A friend of mine named her little guy Caleb Havoc and I think that one is pretty awesome too. Anyway naming baby is hard and you will get lots of opinions... go with what feels right for both of you. :smile:
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    atynk - Love the Homebirth!! This will be my 5th homebirth, and have loved everyone of them! My husband was not comfortable with me having a water birth so I didn't push the issue. Be extremely careful in New York, you really don't want to over do it. I went to Atlanta earlier in my pregnancy and walked alot and had some bad muscle cramps that kept me in bed the day after we got back. Just be careful!! Have a great time!!

    abeare - Midwifes are not registered in Alabama, but my midwife is registered in Texas where she started delivering. When we fill out the paperwork for our birth certificates we don't even put her name on it. Legally whoever cuts the ambilical cord delivered the baby, so my husband always cuts the cord, so we put that the Father delivered and that is perfectly legal. Not sure what state your in or how your laws are set up, but that is how I have done it with all of mine. Hopefully you will be able to find you a midwife. I found mine by word of mouth. She practices alone, no advertising. Good luck with everything!!

    I am doing better!! Still a slight bit of swelling by the end of the day, but nothing extreme. I think some of the swelling now just may be part of the pregnancy. 8 wks and 1 day left!! Woohoo!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hope you girls are feeling good today!

    I need some honest opinions on a middle name. My husband and I chose Tyson as a first name but have been having trouble agreeing on the middle name. I read a magazine article about combining mom and dad's names. We're Danielle and Gerard, which gave me Danger. I was joking at first but then it really grew on me...until my husband just finally broke down and said we could use it. My second choice is Joseph (family middle name).

    Would I be that horrible to name my kid Tyson Danger?

    I kind of like Danger! That sounds bad *kitten*. I agree that kids usually don't know other kids' middle names and if his middle name is the worst thing he gets teased for, it's not the end of the world. Plus, he'll be so tough no one will want to mess with him. :wink:

    We conceived on Oaks Day which is the races day before the KY Derby (I live in Louisville so it's a big deal). If we have a boy, his middle name will probably be Oakes.

    We find out what we're having in 2 days! I can't wait.

    On a side note, we watched the documentary Babies last night. It is just a bunch of video of babies from all over the world - Namibia, Mongolia, Japan, and San Francisco. There is no narration or dialogue really ,but it is so interesting to see how differently babies are raised. It's a good one to check out. We got it on Netflix. If nothing else, you get to watch cute little babies for an hour and a half.