DITR Round4 Week3



  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    MONDAY QOTD: How have you lost weight so far? What is your workout routine and eating plan if any? x

    I've lost by tracking and measuring everything I eat and working out a lot. I'm working out following a 1/2 marathon training plan. Run 3 days a week (long runs on Saturdays), cardio 1 day (generally bike or ellipitical) and strength 2 days per week. My running is still very slow but I'm more concerned about getting in the distance than speed right now! I've also really stepped the intensity of my workouts - found I can do much more than I ever thought possible!
  • CaptObvious
    MONDAY QOTD: How have you lost weight so far? What is your workout routine and eating plan if any? x

    The majority of my shedding was done through changing my eating habits ... eating clean and, believe it or not, eating more. Once I got rid of the processed/junk food, I was amazed at how much I really needed to eat to fuel my body. My eating plan is, for the majority of the week, to eat lots of fresh veggies and fruit and protein, stay away from processed foods, and have a treat now and then (whether restaurant or dessert) and not feel guilty about it. I workout 6 days a week, alternating every other day between strength training and running.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Awwww it's understandable us pinks would not be in the lead.. But we will get it next week!!

    My turn..

    MONDAY QOTD: How have you lost weight so far? What is your workout routine and eating plan if any? x

    Yep, definately a lot of factors went into the smaller numbers but hey... there is always next week!

    I haven't really followed much of a schedule... I just watch my calories, drink lots of water, and exercise at least every other day.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    RavenClaw 4lbs! That is an awesome loss! I'm in another challenge and on average everyone seams to be losing about 2-3lbs a week... so you are doing amazing! Same as TwistedSister... way to go ladies!
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    MONDAY QOTD: How have you lost weight so far? What is your workout routine and eating plan if any? x

    im on a bit of a plateau at the moment..but i am getting more muscle and looser clothes! workout routine is just to be active every day, walk when i can, ride my bike etc. always stay under!
  • DiamondsInTheRough
    Hello Diamonds!

    I would like everyone to welcome 3 new DITR members! They may be new to DITR, but not new to the Diamond Challenge in the least, and I am THRILLED to have them with us!!

    Both northernchic and skylar1907 will be joining the Yellow Diamonds and mzmonica76 will be a new "pinkie" :wink:

    Welcome ladies :flowerforyou:
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    welcome ladies!!! lets go DITR!!
  • Mommyof3loves
    MONDAY QOTD: How have you lost weight so far? What is your workout routine and eating plan if any? x

    I have just changed what I eat completely no more fast food dinners, no more crap snacks all day long and I drink tons of water as well. As for my workout routine, that changes daily, it goes between doing the Wii Fit Plus to swimming, depends on how I am feeling.

    Welcome to the new ladies!!!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    MONDAY QOTD: How have you lost weight so far? What is your workout routine and eating plan if any?

    I have been calorie counting (1lb/week = 1500 calories) - eyeballing food since I mostly eat out - but what it really comes down to is that I eat more or less the same as I ate before (I was not a super duper unhealthy eater, I just ate too much) but I never ever get a soda or juice (down from about 1 soda every 2 weeks, not a huge change) and I used to have treats a lot - I'd get a cookie or a boba tea after lunch a lot of days, for example, and I'd take fries or mashed potatoes with my meals if that was the 'standard' option - I never subbed veggies or fruit in. I've also stopped ordering the kinds of things that just blow your daily calories out of the water, like a steak and brie panini. I order a lighter option instead -- it tends to be the difference between 650 calories and 900 calories.

    So it hasn't been terribly tough although I really really REALLY miss snacks. I'm not the kind of person that sits down and eats a pint of ice cream or a bag of chips, I'm the kind of person that wants to have a handful or two of chips, then a couple spoonfuls of ice cream, 5 ounces of steak, half a scoop of mashed potatoes, a couple pieces of sourdough bread with butter ...... well you get the idea. I like to eat a LOT of flavors often rather than gorge on one flavor. so I've kind of had to just eat fewer flavors per meal - like I can't have a sweet, and a savory, and a salty-crunchy every time I eat. Its working out pretty well for me so far, I expect to maybe plateau at some point closer to my goal weight.

    For exercise, I started walking every day....did 30-40 minutes the first few days then stepped it up to an hour every day. When it got hot I bought a kinect and Dance Central to do inside. When I am walking I try to be very conscious of my posture and use my arms in controlled weighs - I pump them a specific distance and rhythm (so you have to use your muscles to stop them) or I throw punches or elbow hits out. Looks stupid but gets my heart rate up and my back actually looks REALLY good from the combination of posture + arms and also from the dance central. When I lose the last layer of fat on it I think its going to look nice.

    I *just* started working with a personal trainer on Sat - I'm going to see her 2 days a week. It was awesome and I really hope it helps me accelerate this $#!%!

    Also I don't really take rest days - its like 1 every 2-3 weeks so far. On my rest days I just head out and walk verrrry slowly (or well as fast as I feel like I can go without my legs telling me to slow the #*@% down) -- basically I just want to make sure I still do SOME activity even if its slow pathetic activity.
  • claeysm
    claeysm Posts: 85
    Monday QOTD :

    So far i've been trying many different things because nothing seemed to work but now i've (previously mentioned somewhere) discorvered zig zagging and lost 6 lb in 2 weeks!
  • michelle_eiz
    michelle_eiz Posts: 100 Member
    MONDAY QOTD: How have you lost weight so far? What is your workout routine and eating plan if any?

    I just started tracking what I eat and trying to stay within the goals that MFP set for me.

    Right now, my workout plan consists of the 30 day shred each day. I am starting level 3 of that today, thinking once that is over I just might start back at level 1 and be more consistent about doing it every day! Other than that I walk, bike or just do work around the house (staining decks, laundry, cooking). The stuff around the house I don't always count on MFP for exercise, I figure that is something that has to get done.

    A friend of mine lost 75lbs in 5 months! So I have been working with her on my eating plan.....boy is it hard to stick with what she is telling me. I know it will work if I do, but there are so many foods that would be off limits! So right now, I am trying to do that as much as possible.
  • LosingTheWeight2014
    MONDAY QOTD: How have you lost weight so far? What is your workout routine and eating plan if any? x

    I'm on a VLC nutrition plan by my doctor and nutritionist. It's similar to a plan someone who has had gastric bypass surgery would do before and after they have surgery, but for me without the surgery. I refuse to put my body through the trauma of surgery. I did this to myself by eating too much and not moving, so I can change it by moving more and eating less.

    I walk a minimum of 5 days a week for at least 30-60 minutes each time. Usually 6 days a week for about 45 minutes each.

    So far in 5 weeks I've lost over 25 lbs so I'm doing pretty good so far. I still have a long way to go, but definitely moving in the right direction! =)
  • skylar1907
    skylar1907 Posts: 156
    MONDAY QOTD: How have you lost weight so far? What is your workout routine and eating plan if any?

    I started with Wii Fit & EA Sports Active, and watching my calorie intake. that's how I lost my first 22-25lbs.

    Then I picked up 30DS and ran for a few weeks in combination with the other activities. I'm now down 36lbs.

    If I stick with any exercise program for too long I tend to hit a plateau... so I need to mix things up often, adding and subtracting stuff.

    I am running daily for the next three months to try and slim down my lower body. I am also zigzagging my calories and will be doing 30DS on and off and riding with my Cody girl (horse-see pic!).

    Eating plan is to have protein protein and protein, complex carbs & fresh fruits and veggies. I want to tone my upper body and torso and slim down my upper arms, backside & legs.
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    TUESDAY QOTD: Dining out is always a challenge, especially with large portions, lots of fried foods, desserts, etc. Please share your favorite healthy alternatives and/or what you do to stay on track when going out to eat.

    One of our favorites is Noodles and Company - it's relatively inexpensive and offers some really good healthy alternatives. Favorites there are their Japanese Pan Noodles and Pasta Fresca - both under 300 calories with shrimp. I also love their fat free Asian dressing.

    when going out, I do check nutritional information prior to going, unless I know it's going to be a splurge meal! I also generally do the "dressing on the side" trick with salads and have gotten more assertive about asking for an item prepared the way I want it. Have to admit, I do appreciate the lighter options lots of chains offer now.
  • hwilliams519
    TUESDAY QOTD: Dining out is always a challenge, especially with large portions, lots of fried foods, desserts, etc. Please share your favorite healthy alternatives and/or what you do to stay on track when going out to eat.

    I use to crave Mexican and eat it at least once a week back in my heavier days. But now I don't crave it quite as much because I can make a healhier version at home. I love to make jalapeno poppers in the summer. You cut the pepper in half (length wise), de-seed it, then spread cream cheese inside (I use the light or fat free), then wrap a piece of bacon around it (I use turkey bacon, and usually only a 1/2 pc). Then just bake it in the oven for 30-40 minutes (depending on how many you are making). They are always a hit! I also like to make my own quesadillas and tacos from home which are healthier than the restaurant.

    Even though fried food tastes yummy, I never make it home. Not only is it not good for you....but who wants to clean up all that nasty oil? Even if I buy french fries from the store, I always bake them in the oven. I make homemade sweet potatoe fries with a little olive oil and seasoning (baked of course), when I eat pasta at home I measure everything, I make veggie pizza using a tortilla wrap, and so on. There are probably a ton of foods that I make much healthier at home, but there's too many to think of.

    Eating out is tough. It is so convenient and yummy. But you just have to know your nutrition value when possible. You can find most online and some places like Panera Bread have the calories listed on the menu. (Wish more places did that!) But when possible I just try to plan ahead and get something within my calorie range, and / or add some more exercise that day. As far as large portions, I just eat what I need and take the rest home (if it's worth saving).
  • skylar1907
    skylar1907 Posts: 156
    QOTD 8/2:

    Dining out is always a challenge, especially with large portions, lots of fried foods, desserts, etc. Please share your favorite healthy alternatives and/or what you do to stay on track when going out to eat.

    Well, to be fair - I'll start by clarifying that I'm gluten-free. So those fried foods, the basket of bread on the table, and most of those desserts? I can't have them.

    If I am at a restaurant where I know the portion sizes are large - I ask for a take out box immediately. I cut the portions in half, store it in the take-out box, and put it under my purse (out of sight out of mind!). I order salads without the crutons, burgers & fajitas without the bun/wrap, dressings/mayo on the side...

    Also - use the appetizer plate! Take what you want from the dish in the middle of the table - and eat just the 15-20 chips or 1-2 potato skins. DON'T eat all of them! Split with friends or put some in a 'to go' box. Better yet - try to get a salad to nibble on until your entree arrives.

    WATER to drink. Restaurant glasses are always huge and its too easy to eat too many calories at once.

    If you're going to do dessert (because everyone else is and its awkward...) ask for sherbet or ice cream - ONE scoop. Savor it slowly & enjoy your sweet treat.

    then go for a run the next morning. lol.
  • journey2size10
    MONDAY QOTD: How have you lost weight so far? What is your workout routine and eating plan if any? x

    I've lost weight through eating healthy most of the time as well as working out hard, consistently. My workout routine is a mix of strength and cardio circuit 5 times/week along with 1-2 additional cardio days...Sometimes I have one off day a week or one off day every 7-8 days.
  • journey2size10
    TUESDAY QOTD: Dining out is always a challenge, especially with large portions, lots of fried foods, desserts, etc. Please share your favorite healthy alternatives and/or what you do to stay on track when going out to eat.

    I've started planning my food for the day early and if I know I'm going out that night, I will balance that meal with my meals for the day. I also go to the restaurants website to look for meals that will "fit" into my day and stick to it! It's working, I finally broke through my plateau and have been eating out more than I normally do. I'm actually able to have a social life again!
  • claeysm
    claeysm Posts: 85
    Tuesday QOTD :

    I do try to plan early however eating out is my HUGE downfall so im not really good at this question!

    Tommorow were getting chinese from the takeaway and i dont know what to get at all! Is it possible to ask them to not put as much oil etc in it ? Someone once said it is however i doubt its made to order is it?
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    TUESDAY QOTD: Dining out is always a challenge, especially with large portions, lots of fried foods, desserts, etc. Please share your favorite healthy alternatives and/or what you do to stay on track when going out to eat.


    Well I haven't quite master this eating out yet. However if i'm looking to really stay the course I always make sure I order protien and vegetable base meals. I try to avoid pasta, breads, etc. But I don't eat out too often so when I do go, I make sure I enjoy what I'm eating.