DITR Round4 Week3



  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    I think I am down for Question of the Day for Thursday 4th August - but my mum is going into hospital tomorrow early so in case I don't get back in time here it is......

    We all need to dream to push ourselves just a little bit further and we all have goals we are working towards some little and some big.
    What is THE goal that you want to achieve so you can say yes this is it? And what is that dream goal that you are 99.9999% sure you cannot achieve but it would be out of this world to get to and you are willing to keep trying for no matter how small the chances of sucess?

    For me my goal which I would not have even considered 3 months ago is getting to wear UK size 14 trousers all the time, I was a size 24 at the start of my journey. I would love to say Size 14 tops too but that is asking a lot.
    My far reaching goal that I dream of is getting into Size 12 clothes - I have NEVER worn them, I went from childrens clothes into Size 14....
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    So, the past 18 days in a row, we have had 90+ degree weather with the heat indeces in the 100s. How has everyone been keeping cool, and how has the heat affected your workouts if you are in this heat wave?

    I'm in New Hampshire, we've been in the 80's here with a few spikes up into the 90's and quite a bit of humidity. I tend to walk in the evening when it's not quite so oppressive...but a post walk dip in the pools is usually a pretty welcome activity :-)
    We had 2 days with heat advisories...those days I stayed inside...I would like to say I worked on my elliptical...but that would be a fib lol
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    I think I am down for Question of the Day for Thursday 4th August - but my mum is going into hospital tomorrow early so in case I don't get back in time here it is......

    We all need to dream to push ourselves just a little bit further and we all have goals we are working towards some little and some big.
    What is THE goal that you want to achieve so you can say yes this is it? And what is that dream goal that you are 99.9999% sure you cannot achieve but it would be out of this world to get to and you are willing to keep trying for no matter how small the chances of sucess?

    For me my goal which I would not have even considered 3 months ago is getting to wear UK size 14 trousers all the time, I was a size 24 at the start of my journey. I would love to say Size 14 tops too but that is asking a lot.
    My far reaching goal that I dream of is getting into Size 12 clothes - I have NEVER worn them, I went from childrens clothes into Size 14....

    Well, though it doesnt matter much but it was my QOTD :D so lets have alot of Qs today hehehe
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    OK so it's Dawn of 4th August 2011, here is my QOTD:

    Who has been your INSPIRATION (not only in Weight Loss but in any facet of Life)?

    What do you do to Boost yourself when your Morale is low (again this applies to all aspects of Life)?
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I didn't see one posted for Wed, but here are all the ones I DID see.
    Random Q -
    So, the past 18 days in a row, we have had 90+ degree weather with the heat indeces in the 100s. How has everyone been keeping cool, and how has the heat affected your workouts if you are in this heat wave?

    Thursday (not?) Q -
    We all need to dream to push ourselves just a little bit further and we all have goals we are working towards some little and some big.
    What is THE goal that you want to achieve so you can say yes this is it? And what is that dream goal that you are 99.9999% sure you cannot achieve but it would be out of this world to get to and you are willing to keep trying for no matter how small the chances of sucess?

    4th August 2011, here is my QOTD:

    Who has been your INSPIRATION (not only in Weight Loss but in any facet of Life)?

    What do you do to Boost yourself when your Morale is low (again this applies to all aspects of Life)?

    1) I am lucky (and pay through the nose) to live in probably the most moderately temperature'd part of the US. The high so far has been 83 F and the lows in the winter at the very worst are like 40 F. By the time I go workout its around 6pm so it hasn't really been bad. When ti is, I blast the AC and play dance central.

    2) The ultimate goal would be to be a COMFORTABLE size 6. Where the 6 is spacious and has room for a large lunch around the waist band (I have heard this is a 10 UK?) not something I squeeze into. Actually I think thats also the goal I am not sure about attaining, I have never been that thin before, including in high school. But I'm working out a lot more now and I think I can make it happen, but I won't be disappointed if it doesn't.

    3) I don't really think I have someone who inspires me. And when I'm not having a great day, I grump around and/or treat myself a little (leave work early, have a little treat - LITTLE treat - or do something I enjoy). Otherwise I just try to push through, everyone has good and bad days.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    I think I am down for Question of the Day for Thursday 4th August - but my mum is going into hospital tomorrow early so in case I don't get back in time here it is......

    We all need to dream to push ourselves just a little bit further and we all have goals we are working towards some little and some big.
    What is THE goal that you want to achieve so you can say yes this is it? And what is that dream goal that you are 99.9999% sure you cannot achieve but it would be out of this world to get to and you are willing to keep trying for no matter how small the chances of sucess?

    For me my goal which I would not have even considered 3 months ago is getting to wear UK size 14 trousers all the time, I was a size 24 at the start of my journey. I would love to say Size 14 tops too but that is asking a lot.
    My far reaching goal that I dream of is getting into Size 12 clothes - I have NEVER worn them, I went from childrens clothes into Size 14....
    My first and possible goal would be to be able to fit in my 15 year old daughters pants (size 5ish). I can wear her shirts but it would be cool to fit in her pants... not that I really want to wear them but that is something that she keeps mentioning "if you get much smaller your gonna be stealing my pants!" Silly girl, she's the one gonna be stealing my clothes!

    The less possible one would be to wear a bikini again. I could probably get away with wearing one at my size right now but I have scars and stretch marks that I really don't want people to see. I guess the only way to fix that would be surgery... maybe that could be my reward once I reach my weight loss goal.
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    Oooh 3 questions!! This is great! I'm super busy right now but I WILL answer each of these when I have a moment. Just here to let you ladies know that I am going out of town till Sunday. I will be online checking any messages...so if you need something let me know :)

    Weigh In will still be on Friday!! Rock it ladies!!
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    I didn't see one posted for Wed, but here are all the ones I DID see.
    Random Q -
    So, the past 18 days in a row, we have had 90+ degree weather with the heat indeces in the 100s. How has everyone been keeping cool, and how has the heat affected your workouts if you are in this heat wave?

    Thursday (not?) Q -
    We all need to dream to push ourselves just a little bit further and we all have goals we are working towards some little and some big.
    What is THE goal that you want to achieve so you can say yes this is it? And what is that dream goal that you are 99.9999% sure you cannot achieve but it would be out of this world to get to and you are willing to keep trying for no matter how small the chances of sucess?

    4th August 2011, here is my QOTD:

    Who has been your INSPIRATION (not only in Weight Loss but in any facet of Life)?

    What do you do to Boost yourself when your Morale is low (again this applies to all aspects of Life)?

    1) I am lucky (and pay through the nose) to live in probably the most moderately temperature'd part of the US. The high so far has been 83 F and the lows in the winter at the very worst are like 40 F. By the time I go workout its around 6pm so it hasn't really been bad. When ti is, I blast the AC and play dance central.

    2) The ultimate goal would be to be a COMFORTABLE size 6. Where the 6 is spacious and has room for a large lunch around the waist band (I have heard this is a 10 UK?) not something I squeeze into. Actually I think thats also the goal I am not sure about attaining, I have never been that thin before, including in high school. But I'm working out a lot more now and I think I can make it happen, but I won't be disappointed if it doesn't.

    3) I don't really think I have someone who inspires me. And when I'm not having a great day, I grump around and/or treat myself a little (leave work early, have a little treat - LITTLE treat - or do something I enjoy). Otherwise I just try to push through, everyone has good and bad days.

    Oh OK U try to Push urself but I am really a dependent person alwez want sum1 to be there to push me hehehe & most of the time no1's there :)

    Well consider the first QOTD for 3rd of August & mine Qs for 4th of August :)
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    I think I am down for Question of the Day for Thursday 4th August - but my mum is going into hospital tomorrow early so in case I don't get back in time here it is......

    We all need to dream to push ourselves just a little bit further and we all have goals we are working towards some little and some big.
    What is THE goal that you want to achieve so you can say yes this is it? And what is that dream goal that you are 99.9999% sure you cannot achieve but it would be out of this world to get to and you are willing to keep trying for no matter how small the chances of sucess?

    For me my goal which I would not have even considered 3 months ago is getting to wear UK size 14 trousers all the time, I was a size 24 at the start of my journey. I would love to say Size 14 tops too but that is asking a lot.
    My far reaching goal that I dream of is getting into Size 12 clothes - I have NEVER worn them, I went from childrens clothes into Size 14....
    My first and possible goal would be to be able to fit in my 15 year old daughters pants (size 5ish). I can wear her shirts but it would be cool to fit in her pants... not that I really want to wear them but that is something that she keeps mentioning "if you get much smaller your gonna be stealing my pants!" Silly girl, she's the one gonna be stealing my clothes!

    The less possible one would be to wear a bikini again. I could probably get away with wearing one at my size right now but I have scars and stretch marks that I really don't want people to see. I guess the only way to fix that would be surgery... maybe that could be my reward once I reach my weight loss goal.

    Surgery hmmm do U think these Tummy Tucks & abdominplasty kind of things dont show - R they really safe? has any1 of u done them?
  • claeysm
    claeysm Posts: 85
    Random Q -
    So, the past 18 days in a row, we have had 90+ degree weather with the heat indeces in the 100s. How has everyone been keeping cool, and how has the heat affected your workouts if you are in this heat wave?

    Well, living in England i think ill just skip onto the next question!

    Thursday (not?) Q -
    We all need to dream to push ourselves just a little bit further and we all have goals we are working towards some little and some big.
    What is THE goal that you want to achieve so you can say yes this is it? And what is that dream goal that you are 99.9999% sure you cannot achieve but it would be out of this world to get to and you are willing to keep trying for no matter how small the chances of sucess?

    I know this is really cliche but i want to be tat girl who like on holiday etc everyones like "wow she looks good"... I dont think thats a realistic goal for me though because i know its distorted but my idea of looking "good" is celebrity skinny which my body just wont do...

    4th August 2011, here is my QOTD:

    Who has been your INSPIRATION (not only in Weight Loss but in any facet of Life)?

    I genuinely don think i have any inspiration in life or weight loss.. i guess i will do, but different people for different reasons... but i tend to fight my battles (weight related and life) alone so i dont look to other people much...

    What do you do to Boost yourself when your Morale is low (again this applies to all aspects of Life)?

    I tend to just let it overtake me for a while and sit in bed with a movie as i find that once you've done that you feel like you HAVE to get up and be boosted because you've allowed yourself to be a little down for a while. Not sure if this works for everyone though!
  • twistedsista0408
    8/3 QOTD: So, the past 18 days in a row, we have had 90+ degree weather with the heat indeces in the 100s. How has everyone been keeping cool, and how has the heat affected your workouts if you are in this heat wave?

    Its been hot here as well, registering around 100 degrees with the humidity making the heat index up to 120! I started walking earlier, around 7am to complete my workouts before it gets too hot. Take lots of water to ensure I stay hydrated :)
  • twistedsista0408
    4th August 2011, here is my QOTD:

    Who has been your INSPIRATION (not only in Weight Loss but in any facet of Life)?

    My inspiration has been my son, Wyatt. We worried about him as a baby because he didn't say a word until he was 4 years old. But when he finally started talking, he was speaking in complete sentences and asking the most profound questions for his age! It's just me and him now...and He still makes me laugh and surprises me when he shares his perception of things, it's amazing how observant he is and how smart! This year, he devoted his efforts to lose 68 pounds! He is only 15 years old and I guess he got tired of being slow and sluggish and sitting on his butt in front of the computer all day. He works out every day and is my total inspiration! I love him sooo much and am sooo proud of him! I cherish our time together and seek to have the confidence he exudes :).
  • hwilliams519
    Hello all. I am so sorry I have been MIA. I have been in some serious pain and it's been so bad someone else has had to log my food for me because it hurts to type. I missed my QOTD and i hope someone was able to pick up for my slack :( So since I have missed out on so much, I figured I'd try to do some make up work and ask a random question.

    So, the past 18 days in a row, we have had 90+ degree weather with the heat indeces in the 100s. How has everyone been keeping cool, and how has the heat affected your workouts if you are in this heat wave?

    It's really hot here in Tennesee! But I work in an office with men who wear suits, so the A/C is always on and kicking. I am cold natured anyways, so I am actually cold most days. Sometimes I even have to take the trash or cardboard out, just so that I can warm up for a couple of minutes. As far as exercise, here lately I have been walking in the evenings. It's not quite as hot then. I know it would be better temperture wise to go in the morning...but I am not a morning person!
  • hwilliams519
    I think I am down for Question of the Day for Thursday 4th August - but my mum is going into hospital tomorrow early so in case I don't get back in time here it is......

    We all need to dream to push ourselves just a little bit further and we all have goals we are working towards some little and some big.
    What is THE goal that you want to achieve so you can say yes this is it? And what is that dream goal that you are 99.9999% sure you cannot achieve but it would be out of this world to get to and you are willing to keep trying for no matter how small the chances of sucess?

    For me my main goal that says yes I did this, and that I know that I can achieve, is to get to 145lbs. The goal that I would like to achieve, but not sure if I can (but will continue to try) is to get to 125lbs. Like someone else mentioned, I went straight from the largest girls size to a 7/8 junior size. And that was probably in 6th grade. I have been a US size 10 since middle school. At my heaviest I was wearing a size 14, which was snug. I am currently a size 10 again, but would love to wear a size 6 (not snug) no matter what number is on the scale. I really should shoot for a size 4 because by time clothes go on clearance that's all that is left. LOL. I could save a lot of money that way. :)
  • hwilliams519
    OK so it's Dawn of 4th August 2011, here is my QOTD:

    Who has been your INSPIRATION (not only in Weight Loss but in any facet of Life)?

    What do you do to Boost yourself when your Morale is low (again this applies to all aspects of Life)?

    I have been inspired by many people with weight loss, but there's not really anyone that stands out at the moment. I think I am probably my biggest inspiration to be honest. I am the one making this happen.

    However, I have recently learned to put God first in my life, including with weight loss. So I guess you could say that God is really the one who inspires me. I know he has big plans for me, and I'm working on breaking the bad habits and start more good habits, so that I will be ready once I know my calling or his plan. And God is the one I turn to boost my morale. I often pray that he gives me the strength that I need to do this. I do also turn to my MFP pals when I need a boost too. Sometimes it helps just to hear (or read) the positive things people say to help you on your way.
  • CaptObvious
    OK so it's Dawn of 4th August 2011, here is my QOTD:

    Who has been your INSPIRATION (not only in Weight Loss but in any facet of Life)?

    What do you do to Boost yourself when your Morale is low (again this applies to all aspects of Life)?

    I have been inspired by many people with weight loss, but there's not really anyone that stands out at the moment. I think I am probably my biggest inspiration to be honest. I am the one making this happen.

    However, I have recently learned to put God first in my life, including with weight loss. So I guess you could say that God is really the one who inspires me. I know he has big plans for me, and I'm working on breaking the bad habits and start more good habits, so that I will be ready once I know my calling or his plan. And God is the one I turn to boost my morale. I often pray that he gives me the strength that I need to do this. I do also turn to my MFP pals when I need a boost too. Sometimes it helps just to hear (or read) the positive things people say to help you on your way.

    I've been trying to think how to write express these same thoughts. I dislike saying "me too" for two questions in a row but you put it so beautifully so ......... Me too! :)
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    QOTD: Thursday #1 We all need to dream to push ourselves just a little bit further and we all have goals we are working towards some little and some big.
    What is THE goal that you want to achieve so you can say yes this is it? And what is that dream goal that you are 99.9999% sure you cannot achieve but it would be out of this world to get to and you are willing to keep trying for no matter how small the chances of sucess?

    QOTD: Thursday #2 Who has been your INSPIRATION (not only in Weight Loss but in any facet of Life)?
    What do you do to Boost yourself when your Morale is low (again this applies to all aspects of Life)?

    OK...I don't know if I did the quote thing right...but here we go...

    1) My ultimate goal is to get to 150lbs...is that going to happen? I have no idea...but I've resolved myself that this is a lifestyle for me now and I will have to watch what I eat and where my weight is for the rest of my life...SO...if I hit 150 fabulous...if don't, I won't be heartbroken. My main goal is to get to a healthy weight where I FIRST and foremost stay the heck UNDER 200lbs, feel comfortable in my own skin and be able to ride without people behind me having to wonder which bum belongs to me and which belongs to the horse...a big thank you my namesake Aunt Betty for bestowing me with her “baby making hips”

    2) I have many inspirations in my life...I am VERY lucky to have a supportive and honest husband who has been with me every step of the way and has a kind way of telling me things I usually don't want to hear. The friendships I've made on MFP have REALLY impacted my ability to stay on track as well. AND on a daily basis I try to inspire myself

    Tummy Tuck Question: I will preface this by saying I’m a nurse and only get to see the “tummy tucks gone bad” population of the surgeries…but when they go bad I can tell you it’s not pretty. For me (again…MY opinion) it would definitely be a last resort. When you get there, see what you can do with toning… If you DO end up deciding to have it done, please do your homework, plastic surgery is NOT something you want to bargain shop for the best deal…and avoid the plastic surgery assembly line clinics…
  • skylar1907
    skylar1907 Posts: 156
    QOTDs 8/4:

    We all need to dream to push ourselves just a little bit further and we all have goals we are working towards some little and some big. What is THE goal that you want to achieve so you can say yes this is it? And what is that dream goal that you are 99.9999% sure you cannot achieve but it would be out of this world to get to and you are willing to keep trying for no matter how small the chances of success?

    THE goal is 22-26% body fat (athletic/fit). And... because of my life the roller coaster ride its been, I don't do dream goals of 99.999% - I know what's healthy for my body and what I can and WILL achieve. That's THE goal - I don't set myself up for failure or constant, long-term struggle.

    Who has been your INSPIRATION (not only in Weight Loss but in any facet of Life)?

    My mother. She's the strongest, most humble, loving woman I know. Life is not always fair - but she always makes the best of it for all involved.

    What do you do to Boost yourself when your Morale is low (again this applies to all aspects of Life)?

    I go riding. Cody = my heart. No matter what is wrong in my world seeing her - even if just for a few minutes - sets it right.
  • journey2size10
    I think I am down for Question of the Day for Thursday 4th August - but my mum is going into hospital tomorrow early so in case I don't get back in time here it is......

    We all need to dream to push ourselves just a little bit further and we all have goals we are working towards some little and some big.
    What is THE goal that you want to achieve so you can say yes this is it? And what is that dream goal that you are 99.9999% sure you cannot achieve but it would be out of this world to get to and you are willing to keep trying for no matter how small the chances of sucess?

    I've been thinking about my goals for awhile and see that I can't really place a weight goal any longer as I think once I hit my original goal of 175, I will want to keep going..so I think its a matter of size now..I would like to reach a comfortable size 10.
    I don't think there is an ultimate goal that I can't reach...if I make the goal and keep working at it, I will get there.
  • journey2size10
    OK so it's Dawn of 4th August 2011, here is my QOTD:

    Who has been your INSPIRATION (not only in Weight Loss but in any facet of Life)?

    What do you do to Boost yourself when your Morale is low (again this applies to all aspects of Life)?

    Unfortunately, I don't have an inspiration. When my morale is low, I've started taking quiet time where I sit in a quiet place and thing about my current situation and what I can do to change it. If I'm having a hard time determining what to do to change things, first thing I will do is do a search on the internet to see if someone has a similar situation and what they did to resolve it and then go from there.