Fit For Future Families - August 2011



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Thanks Luki - seems like all is well. U/S is booked for tomorrow at 8:30 and then I have to go to the clinic for bloodwork.....I'm pretty sure I'm going to be starting fertility meds tomorrow (although because it's not a monitored not-active cycle, I'm not sure)......

    I've been doing home reno stuff today waiting for DH to get home from work....was hoping to get out to do some hiking tonight, but it's just clouded over again.....Tomorrow's not going to be my day either for getting out. I've had a lot of trouble with it because of the high humidity and pollution levels, I have had increased asthmatic activity and I'm trying to limit the medications I'm taking for it....Tomorrow I am taking a few hours for all the med stuff, so lunch is probably going to be short. Afterwards we're heading 50kms to visit with friends for dinner.....I can't wait to see them and not only because it means I get to spend time with their uber-cute 9 month old little boy.

    Today's been a big planning day for me. I have a garden swap going on in a few weeks (we divide up plants from our garden and share them with friends - free garden plants is always good!), then I have a baby shower the following week, then my next door neighbour and I are going all out with halloween decorations and are setting up a full show on the driveways. Then there's my cookie exchange in early December and finally, of course, our renewal and then Christmas. So much to do and I'm not sure how I'm going to handle early pregnancy (I'm only thinking positive thoughts!!!) so I am trying to get as much done while I know I'm good to go. Add to all of that, my husband's crazy plans for getting the critical home renos done by the renewal (when we have house guests)........It's going to be a crazy month....but in a good way - in a postiive, hopeful way!!!!

    Hope your Sundays are going well :)
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi all--just got back from a family reunion at a State Park. My little extrovert of a son was in heaven the whole time. He had about 30 cousins and various relatives just smitten with him and playing and talking with him. So much more fun than just staying at home with mommy. And it was a lot of fun for hubby and I too, because DS is actually getting to the point where he can run around and play some, rather than having to be constantly watched every second. (His cousins are all older and love to "parent" him, so that helps.) Now we are home, and I've gotta figure out how to get the eating, etc. back on track. This weekend did not help. For example, this morning, here's what I said to myself--"Why not have a whoopie pie for breakfast!" And so I did...because it was there.

    I told the clinic that we are sitting out this cycle. So, another month of "waiting", but not such a stressful one, hopefully. My prego cousin was there, and for the most part it was okay. I had to walk away from some conversations when everyone started talking about morning sickness and stuff like that, but overall it was okay. The worst part was when we were trying to get everyone together for dinner one night, and she started yelling "Baby's hungry--I need to eat--let's go!" Got some twinges then, but overall, it was a great weekend, and we had a good time, and I didn't think about it much, which was good--except for those few times, and those times are just going to be a part of life, I think.

    Okay-gotta go unpack. Sorry I haven't responded to time right now. Hope everyone's week starts off good!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Tomorrow is not only the day I`m set to start AF, but it`s also the start for my IVF!!!! So in 31 days from tday, I`ll be starting another cycle and then 45 days from now, I`ll be going for an egg retrieval and then 3 days later I`ll be going for an embryo transfer (which is coincidentally my 10th wedding anniversary). I`ll be able to get a BFP in around 60 days!!!!! I`ll be announcing it officially on December 17. If we go for a single embryo - we`ll be due end of June. If we go for double embyro, we`ll be due beginning of June.....Can you tell I`m excited to start my day 1 - it starts the cycle before MY cycle!!!!

    yay pam! how awesome!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    we are home from vacation and school starts tomorrow. boy, am i not ready to send my kids off to school yet. this summer went by so quickly. plus, i am still feeling blue (for no reason). i start the extra estrogen tomorrow. not excited about that. sorry i haven't responded to anyone other than pam; i have read it all so i am caught up with everyone. it's been a busy week.
  • ucaminax
    ucaminax Posts: 157 Member
    Wow Pam! That's exciting news about the Embryo transfers coming up! It sounds like you have a busy fall coming up, but I'm sure you'll accomplish everything just fine, even if newly pregnant! That article was very interesting, and made me want to get this fat off even more.

    So this last week I didnt really count calories or exercise-I went away for a girl's weekend with my best friend and then to the beach. I had lots of fun, and am ready to start back up logging food and exercising. I was disappointed at the beach when AF showed up. It was my second AF after my second D&C. We timed BD really well this month so it was a big downer. Also, I am concerned because my periods are so much lighter esp since this last D&C. It seems like most people have a heavy period after a D&C and mine was very light. I figured I'd see how thie second AF was, and unfortunately it's seeming to be very light too. Usually I have at least 2-3 days of heavy flow, and now it seems I have a day of spotting, then a day of medium flow, then probably a day of light flow then a day of spotting (AF still isnt over yet but this is what happened last time and what is seeming to happen this time). Does this seem abnormally light to you ladies? Has anyone else had this experience? I am concerned about possible scarring in my uterus after the D&Cs. I am planning to call my doc tomorrow to set up an appointment.
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Good day all!

    Pam- So exciting for you! Keeping my fingers crossed everything goes well. :)
    Kah- Glad you had an overall good family reunion.

    Sounds like everyone is having a busy end of the summer. Good luck this week to all goals, TTC endevours, and as little stress with all of it!

    AFM- Had a wonderful day! Broke into the 160's today, mind you it was only by 0.3lbs but it was awesome seeing the 160's again! Also got baptized today and it was great. My family and DH's family were all there (which flabergasted me as my parents are not religious at all) Had a "cheat day" today which was still under 1500 calories so I was pretty impressed with myself. I'm finally feeling great other then the abdominal pain here and there which is a "normal" thing for me. So glad I have some energy and have stopped feeling nauseated and dizzy all the time. Baby dust to all!
  • datxdiva
    datxdiva Posts: 22 Member
    ucaminax- The first two periods after my last D&C where light but then I skipped a month and it was heavy for the next two months. Then I went on bromocriptine for my high prolactin levels. At that point only the first two days where heavy and my periods went from 8-10 days to 5-7 days. Unfortunately I just had my 2nd iron infusion due to low iron and ferritin levels.

    AFM- I need to get some ovulation sticks. I have two in the bathroom but I hope i dont have a 45 day cycle again.
  • newleafbeth11
    Emily: Thank you! I definitely understand how you feel re: the opposite work schedules and feeling like a bad wife. My husband and I are in the same boat, and I hate it. But I'm sure you are a fantastic wife! I know you probably know that already, but I know for me that it helps when someone reminds me of that. :) I hope you have a great time with all of the kiddos at camp!

    Pam: Yay!! That is very exciting news!

    Kah: So glad you made it through that okay. :)

    AFM... I'm logging on a bit early for goals because I have a ridiculous day tomorrow (12 hour workdays are not my friend, especially on a monday). Last week's goals: Did great on the water, got the prenatal vitamins and while I wasn't able to make it to the actual gym four days, I popped in my workout dvd during the downtime at the other job, and did that. I officially hate that workout dvd though... I have no idea why I thought I was coordinated enough to do a dance workout well... but it's not like anyone saw me and in the end, I will like the result. :) Oh. I definitely screwed up on the soda. I gave in. So... back on the horse again. And I will weigh myself tomorrow and post on Tuesday. I meant to weigh today, but I forgot. :-/ And I really don't want to weigh at the end of the day.

    We finally had our house guest leave... he was here for a full week, and while I don't begrudge my husband spending time with his friends, I was feeling more than boxed in. So I am happy to be back to just me and the husband and the pup for awhile. This week is going to be a super long week though (I have three 12 hour days and one 16 hour one). Not looking forward to it. And I definitely need to split up the prenatals... two days taking them all at once made me feel horrible. Sooo, this week's goals are:
    1. Eat healthy, even during the really really long workdays - brown bag it, so I don't hang out at that stupid vending machine.
    2. Up water intake to 72 oz per day.
    3. Actually remember to take the prenatals everyday.

    I hope everyone is doing well, and I will talk to ya on Tuesday! :)
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Happy Monday All! Quick post to weigh in today. I'm working from home to try to be a little more focused. I have a couple of big projects that have not been moving forward at all when I'm at work - too many distractions! Cross your fingers that this strategy works a little better for me.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!

    MFP SW (March 2011): 211
    Calendar week 30: 178.8 (+0.2)
    Calendar week 31: 179.8 (+1.0)
    Calendar week 32: 177.0 (-2.8)
    Calendar week 33: 175.4 (-1.6)
    Calendar week 34: 173.8 (-1.6)
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Hey Ladies.....I'm not ignoring you guys and have to do some catching up...hope everyone is well...haven't been able to read everything yet.

    I got my last two wisdom teeth out on saturday both were impacted and roots were deep down. They did not come out easy. Apparently I need more freezing that the average person. Had to stop him 4 times to give me more :( And the laughing gas didn't relax me at all. I was a nervous as heck! Since saturday I've only been able to eat 1 and a half bowls of chicken broth, 1 and half of some shake "ensure" my boyfriend bought and made me drink and 1 jumbo freezie. LOL My cheeks are still so swollen that i can't completely close my mouth!!!!

    So so frustrated! I bet some of you know how I feel!!! LOL What the hell is the point of wisdom teeth anyway!!! At least I'm done no it just me or as we get older things are harder on us? When i was in my early twenties I was out smoking and drinking the same night!! What the beans?????

    Anyway...thanks for reading my rant...I'm being a total sucky baby cuz i can't really talk!!! LOL So its typing and good old pen and paper!! LOL

    Will catch up with all of you soon!! xoxo
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Hi girls! I’m back from my vacation, and wanted to stop in here before going over to the preggo thread to say hi to all of you. I’m going to miss all of you so much, you were all the reason I didn’t go postal while TTCing! I will be stalking this board in hopes of seeing lots of BFP’s! My fingers and toes are crossed for all of you trying!
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    A lot going on in here! Will try to catch up this afternoon.

    For now, here's my weekly check-in info:

    Weight: down 1lb from last week!

    Goals for last week:
    Exercise 3 x 45 - 60 min -- DONE! (although I stuck with 45 minutes)
    Water 64oz/day -- DONE!
    Stick to my eating goals -- DONE!
    Buy a basal thermometer -- well, I ended up having to order one from I looked locally and could not find one. So I did purchase one, but it won't be here until probably Thursday.

    Goals for this week:
    Exercise 3 x 45 - 60 min
    Water 64oz/day
    Stick to my eating goals
    Start keeping a better eye on sodium intake

    According to my "average" cycle length, AF is due to show up at any time. I do feel crampy/bloated surprise. I am excited to actually start temping/charting so I can better understand what's going on.

    Otherwise, not a lot going on for me at the moment. I'm trying to make a decision about who to hire for a vacant position that I have. Tomorrow is my sister's birthday, so hopefully we can take her out to celebrate. That's about it...just hoping for cooler weather one of these days!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Broke into the 160's today, mind you it was only by 0.3lbs but it was awesome seeing the 160's again! Also got baptized today and it was great.

    double congrats! :)
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Took a test this am, neg, 3 days till expected period. Not holding out much hope. Just a lil hope left. No real symptoms either. Dammit.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I officially hate that workout dvd though... I have no idea why I thought I was coordinated enough to do a dance workout well... but it's not like anyone saw me and in the end, I will like the result. :)

    haha, i can so relate! i am going to start bikram yoga on september 1 for the month and i already know i don't get the poses (i've only done stretching/hatha yoga before). what was i thinking? lol.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Happy Monday All! Quick post to weigh in today. I'm working from home to try to be a little more focused. I have a couple of big projects that have not been moving forward at all when I'm at work - too many distractions! Cross your fingers that this strategy works a little better for me.

    *fingers crossed*
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I got my last two wisdom teeth out on saturday both were impacted and roots were deep down. They did not come out easy. Apparently I need more freezing that the average person. Had to stop him 4 times to give me more :( And the laughing gas didn't relax me at all. I was a nervous as heck! Since saturday I've only been able to eat 1 and a half bowls of chicken broth, 1 and half of some shake "ensure" my boyfriend bought and made me drink and 1 jumbo freezie. LOL My cheeks are still so swollen that i can't completely close my mouth!!!!

    ouch! will be praying for you to heal quickly.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Took a test this am, neg, 3 days till expected period. Not holding out much hope. Just a lil hope left. No real symptoms either. Dammit.

    hugs. :(
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Ok, here it goes… I trying to get back on track and not get too behind.

    Taldie~ I am right there with you in the horrible 2WW! I’ve been fighting myself not to test! Sorry for the BFN, hopefully it is just too early!! Fingers crossed!

    Luki~ Yay on a great workout! You and I will get back on track together! Dang the government. I’m so sorry for your struggles. God does have a plan. So, maybe you are right… Bio baby #1 and Adopted baby #2. Best wishes!

    Pam~ Yay for regularity! Hope your Dr. went well today! Thanking of you! And I’m wishing you the best in your crazy month!

    Karen~ I’m so glad to hear you had a good time. :flowerforyou:

    GBOH~ Wow, home the day before school starting? I wouldn’t be ready at all, but I am an A+ procrastinator… :smile:
    Ucaminax~ I’m very sorry for the disappointment of AF! I have never had a D&C, so I can’t be much help, but I wish you the best!

    Batgirl~ Congrats! Sounds like you had a great day all around.

    Newleaf & Emily~ DH and I are on opposing days off as well… I have the weekends and he has Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I usually end up leaving work a little early on Tuesdays so we can go grab an early movie or something. But it is still a bummer most of the time.

    Newleaf~ Great job on fulfilling your goals for last week! I’m with you on the soda problem. Maybe just try to cut back at first and gradually stop drinking it all together. That’s what I had to do a while back, and now I generally drink water and tea/lemonade it helps with the caffeine cravings. A little suggestion for lunch, hubs and I usually will make a dinner enough for 4 and split it for dinner and directly into containers for lunch the next day as well. It throws planning out the window as well as unnecessary trips to the vending machine. Best of luck!

    Sdavis~ Fabulous!! –1.6!!!

    Panteragirl~ So sorry about the teeth! I’ve been there and its NO fun! I was lucky to get “knocked out” so I don’t remember anything during, but the ‘after’ was horrible! Hope you have a speedy recovery!

    Ashley~ Miss you! Hope you had a great vaca. I’m crossing my fingers I get to join you very soon!

    Khaverstick~ Great job on the goals!!!

    Still holding strong at 147lbs for a few months now... Not happy about it, but not mad either...

    Goals for this week (altered from regular routine)
    1. Water Water Water! At least 66oz (3 of my glasses)
    2. Make healthy choices. (Veggies before french fries)
    3. Get moving. (no elevators, ect)
    4. DON’T PEE ON A STICK:devil:

    Hubs and I leave today for our Anniversary road trip to Niagara Falls! It’s only for a few days but we are SO excited! And today is our actual anniversary :drinker:
    I am keeping my fingers, toes, and legs crossed in hopes that AF continues to stay away! I’m not late yet, but I’m on CD 24 (8 DPO) and my cycle last month was 26 long. My temp has showed a very distinct thermal shift and is still above the cover line, and our BDing was right on target this month…SOOOOO I’m really trying not to get myself all worked up, but you all know how hard that is to control sometimes. In addition, this is my first Oing cycle!!!! My monitor never gave me a peek, but this is only the 2nd month of using it (after a long break), so I think it is still trying to “learn” my cycle and levels. Don’t stress, don’t stress, don’t stress…….
    TTFN I have to get some work done before I leave for a few days! LOL TTFN!
    Baby Dust and Best Wishes to all of you Wonderful Ladies!!!
  • e_amanda
    e_amanda Posts: 19
    ucaminax - I think it's normal for a D&C to mess up your cycle for a while. If the light bleeding continues and you're not getting pg I'd ask for a hysteroscopy to check the lining of your uterus for scarring. I had a D&C for retained placenta just a few hours after my son was born. No one told me anything about the risks at the time, it wasn't until after that I learned how easily damage can be done. We really thought this was causing our secondary IF. Turns out that wasn't the case which is good (yay! no damage) and bad (boo! still unexplained). Take care!

    AFM, I weighed myself on Thursday last week, after one week of MFP. Absolutley no change, down to the decimal, lol! I wasn't expecting anything since I started out just tracking what I was eating to see where I stood. Thursday was the first day I really used the tracking to change my eating. We were out all morning and stopped for a late afternoon lunch at McD's. I actually managed to save the day by changing my plans for dinner. Also picked up some lower calorie snacks this weekend, since those Hawkins Cheezies do me in every time ;) Hoping to see some results when I weigh in this Thursday!