Fit For Future Families - August 2011



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Ucaminax - Everything seems abnormally light to me, so I'm really the wrong person to ask. Until last year, I "flooded" every AF for a minimum of 2 weeks (seriously couldn't get enough leak protection)

    Batgirl - great's about getting those minigoals that makes it worth it. It's nice to know your family supports your decision, even if they don't share them :)

    Beth - good job on the goals!!!! You'll get them all this week, I know it!

    Steph - you are rocking that loss!!!!! I'm sooo proud of you!!

    Pantera - I know what you mean. For me, my dentist has done them all 1 by 1....I have 1 left to go and they think it needs to come out. For my DH, they said it was better to get it done in his 20s and be done (WE HAVE THE SAME DENTIST!!!!) GRRRR LOL Feel better!

    Ashley - see you soon!!!

    KHaverstick - good job on the goals!!!! I hear you on the cooler weather....

    Taldie - sorry to hear it :( I find focusing on the next cycle quickly seemed to get my mind off of it...

    Kim - Enjoy your anniversary!!!!!! Good plan on the skipping the stick peeing - it's a really tough one.

    AFM - U/S went well. They saw 19 Antral Follicles on the left and 22 on the right (I thought was crazy high, but apparently its a good thing: 16-30 is Normal (good) antral count, should have an excellent response to ovarian stimulation. Likely to respond well to low doses of FSH product. Very low risk for IVF cycle cancellation. Some risk for ovarian overstimulation. Best pregnancy rates overall as a group. So now I've got to go back on CD 19 (so Sept 7) for more bloodwork and then start the Lupron on day 21 daily until Day 1 and then they're going to start me on the actual fertility meds on CD 3 of the next cycle. Also, the lady at the clinic also told me she's going to look through the catalog of donors and look for someone who reminds her of my DH (she works for both companies - our fertility clinic and the donor clinic (they're both run by the same medical director). We decided on them so that the coordination of everything is easier plus if they don't have to use it it can be returned to the cryo lab.....and we don't have to pay for it. She seems really excited for su.........I think she really loves what she does, which is great because she's really my main contact at the clinic (I only see the doctor once in a while, she takes the bloodwork and does a lot of the lab stuff.....which is much more frequent.... Only downside is that we've been told we can't try this month....we've never prevented and I think that's going to be super awkward for us....LOL
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    Only downside is that we've been told we can't try this month....we've never prevented and I think that's going to be super awkward for us....LOL
    Ha ha...never really thought about that! Hope the NOT trying goes well!
  • marissa0717
    marissa0717 Posts: 6 Member
    Name: Marissa
    Age: 27
    Where you live: Arizona
    Job: Raiser's Edge Database Coordinator for a non-profit
    Length of time on the board: Just arrived!
    Marital Status: Married to the most amazing guy I know!
    Length of time you've been with SO: 3.5 years
    Do you have kids: not yet
    Length of time TTC: Our first "attempt" is next week! Hehe
    Diagnosis: Um? I think I am
    Do you chart your BBT: No, we are going to try casually first (just counting days)
    Do you use OPKs: No
    Are you on any meds for TTC: Just a prenatal
    Height: 5'0"
    Weight: 126
    Goal Weight:115
    and finally......
    Weird Fact About Yourself: I can wiggle my ears ;)
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Batgirl- are you in the military? I meant to check your profile but forgot. I am in the Coast Guard and i'm having the same problem! i wanted to push the the guy overboard yesterday. I had been mostly stressfree until this week so I'm hoping it doesn't screw things up.

    Nope I am not in the military. I am an advanced care paramedic.
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Happy Monday Everyone!

    Taldie- *Hugs* on the BFN. I'm hoping it's just too soon.

    Ucam- No help here on the DNC. Hope I never have to deal with it that by the sounds of it!

    Datx- were awesome for OPK's cheap and very fast(and free) shipping

    NewLeaf- Good luck on the no soda. That is always a hard one for me but have been off it for 2 weeks now and don't find I even crave it anymore. I just drink a lot more decaf tea.

    Stephaine- Gratz on the 3 weeks of consecutive losses. Keep rocking it!

    Pantera- I had mine removed under sedation so don't know that part of it but I had some impacted and the recovery sucked(I ended up getting infected after it too) Good luck on a speedy recovery.

    Ashley- Glad you had a good trip. I hope I can join you very soon over on the pregnancy thread.

    Kcurtis- Love the don't pee on a stick goal. Good luck keeping it.

    Pam- Great news! Good luck trying not to conceive this month(That just sounds wrong haha) How about good luck no BD'ing :)

    Marissa- Welcome. Hope your stay here is short but feel free to jump in to all of it.

    AFM- Not much new here. Just back to work today. Hoping for a relaxing stress free week. AF is scheduled to arrive on Sunday although not holding much hope for her not showing up since I received no positives on my OPK's this month. Hoping to at least get a positive OPK next month and then a BFP would be wonderful! Time will tell. Babydust to all!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    GBOH- Hope the kids have a good start to the year.

    Ucaminax- Sorry about AF showing up.

    Batgiel- Whoohoo 160s. That is AWESOME! And is it a cheat day if you are under 1500? GREAT JOB! Congratulations on getting baptized :o)

    KHaverstick and Beth- goals look great

    Pantera- OUCH! That sounds horrible, hope you start to feel better.

    Taldie- Aww man, I’m sorry! It is still a little early, I’m holding out hope for you

    Kim- Happy Anniversary! Have a great time at Niagara and I’m praying AF doesn’t show up.

    Pam- looks like things are lining up for you. Not trying at all I’m sure will be very strange.

    Marissa- Welcome. Good luck next week. Hopefully it will be a quick stay on the board :0)

    AFM- I will weigh in tomorrow, I forgot this morning. My goals this week are 1. call the OBGYN and set up my annual :grumble: 2. drink 3 large glasses of water 3. continue to track food 4. workout every other day (tues, thurs, sat.) 5. no more soda this week beside the diet Pepsi I already drank today:wink:
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Hey ladies! Sorry I've been absent lately. Hope everyone is doing great. I had a weird gross question.... what kind of discharge is normal after AF? I just had an unusual experience. Any advice would be appreciated!
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    Hey ladies, sorry I have been so absent. Students started last monday and I have been slammed.
    THREE friends of facebook had babies today. Also, another two posted photos of their bellies. Geez I want to be preggo like woah.
    I stop taking my bc next Monday.
    Hope everyone is having a good week.
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Ahh...Tuesday. So glad I took a work from home day yesterday. I got more done before noon than I do some days in the office. Thanks all for the shout outs on the loss. I think I'm addicted to the exercise now. :smile:

    Nancy (PanteraGirl) - Ouch! Having wisdom teeth taken out is no fun. Just think though, maybe it is easier to stay on the calorie plan when all your food is liquid!

    Ashley (abeare) - So glad you're moving to the other board, but we'll miss you! Feel free to keep stalking!

    Kimberly (KHaverstick) - Good luck with your hiring process. I'm in the same boat on a position and not really looking forward to sifting through resumes.

    Tara (taldie01) - :frown: Sorry about the neg test result.

    Dawn (godbless...) - More power to ya on the Bikram Yoga. I love yoga, but I cannot quite grasp the idea of doing it in a sauna!

    Kim (kcurtis..) - I love your goals!! Especially the last one. Fingers crossed for ya, girl!

    Amanda (e_amanda) - Congrats on tracking through the first week. It takes a little while to get the hang of choosing the right things to get to the calorie goals, but you learn quickly what you can eat more of without upping your numbers too much. I have become a huge fan of baby carrots as an afternoon snack.

    Pam (fitterpam) - Can't even say enough how excited I am for you to finally be at the action stage of your process. Thinking all the best thoughts for you.

    Marissa (marissa07) - Thanks for filling out your profile. What an awesome weird fact!

    Amanda (batgirlrox) - Cute new profile pic!

    Luki (lukimakamai) - Good goals this week. Again, can I say how nice it is to have you back!

    Destiny (thedestar) - I don't know what normal is. I have weird spotting for about a week and a half after AF, and it isn't consistent. There's gotta be somewhere to look that up. Anybody have any ideas?

    Julia (Juliaotwell...) - I'm with ya girl! All the friend baby announcements are crazy! Actually the thing that got me most this week was all my friends who are sending their kids back to school and posting 1st day pictures. One friend from college posted the sweetest thing about her new kindergartner, but it still cut right through and made me want kiddos so badly. She said "it's Kindergarten Eve - excitement, suspense, unknowns, etc. parenting is amazing and somehow keeps getting better"

    Wishing everyone lots of baby dust and wonderful week!!
  • klmh614
    klmh614 Posts: 13 Member
    Well it has offically been 6 months of regular cycles on my own! Never thought I would be this excited to have my period! lol

    The last 2 months I have ovulated successfully! Yay. I am on day 11 today so I started using my OPK's, hopefully I will ovulate again this month. My doctor has decided that since my meds have been successful that I don't have to come in for bloodwork or ultrasounds anymore. She has prescribed my meds for 3 more months, if I am not pregnant by then, then I have to go in and see her again.

    My desire to become a mother has also really motivated me to try and lose some of this weight. I have managed to get myself on a somewhat good track on the eating side of it. I am down 2.8 lbs in my first week. Now I just have to get the motivation for the exercise side of it.....any tips or fun things I could do please let me know!!! =)
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Ashley - see you soon!!!

    Yes you will Pam :wink:
    As will all you ladies!
  • datxdiva
    datxdiva Posts: 22 Member

    Datx- were awesome for OPK's cheap and very fast(and free) shipping
    Batgirl-Thanks! will check out later
  • newleafbeth11
    I will catch up on everyone later tonight, but I promised to weigh in - I'm down a pound! Not quite what I wanted, but down is down.
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    I hope no one was affected by the earthquake on the East coast and all you lovely ladies are safe.

    Beth- a pound is great!

    Klmh614- I'm glad your cycles have become regular. that is awesome you don;t have to go back in for three months!

    AFM: So I'm a total slacker and didn't weigh myself this morning... but, I did go shopping with my coupons and saved just over $70 :happy: I am going to make it to the gym tonight, so far so good meeting my goals this week. I scheduled my annual for Monday. I hate it, because it is a clear sign that another year has passed. I have decided I'm going to take in my temps and see if they will check for LPD. I feel I'm ovulating too late in my cycle (last three cycles day 20, 18, 20). Dr. didn't want to check previously since my a 28 day girl and my blood tests checked normal, but now I have data to show my concern. Curious to see what he says about it.
  • newleafbeth11
    gboh: Ach! Good luck with your new exercise thing.

    Pantera: Oh jeez. It's really that bad?? I am terrified of dentists and I have to go get that exact same thing done in October. :( I'll be praying for you as well.

    taldie: :( sending hugs.

    kcurtis: sorry you have to do that. It's not fun. And thanks for the ideas. :) And Happy anniversary!

    khaverstick: Yay on keeping up with goals! :)

    amanda: I hate when that happens. But hopefully with some habit changes, some scale changes are going to go with it!

    pam: good luck! fingers crossed and lots of prayers for you!

    luki: I hate when it's annual time, too. Though... I think that's fairly universal for women. Great goals though!

    thedestar: my doc has always told me that unless it's dark yellow or green, unusually uh... smelly, or clotted together, it's not an issue. It can range from clear to milky and light to lots. And obviously pain or burning w/ discharge is generally a bad sign.

    AFM: My husband abruptly decided that he doesn't want to try right now. Which isn't really that much of an issue for me, except his reasoning is rather irritating to me. I got those prenatals and he saw them on the counter, and then he gets very upset with me because we hadn't made a decision one way or the other... He thought that I was making the decision for him, and also that taking prenatal vitamins somehow makes it easier for women to get pregnant. I've tried to explain that it doesn't relate to that at all, and it's just a precaution, and that all women in their childbearing years are recommended to take them, but no change. And that's great, because I am leaning the other way strongly. Ugh!
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Hey everybody....thanks for the well wishes...Ive been getting 4 and can aaallmost close my teeth together!! But the pain has subsided!! Getting there!! LOL I hope to be able to read up all the post and respond to you all tomorow!

    Newleaf- Good luck in October...its not always this DB got all 4 impacted teeth out at the same time...and he was good in 2 days!! So was my friend! I wouldn't worry about it...the paranoia sometimes is worse!! LOL

    Just a motivational story for you all.....don't anyone ever lose hope about TTC. I just got call from a friend and all the doctors told her that she could never ever ever have kids. They have been married for over 10 years and were TTC all that time. Well once again the doctors were wrong! For all that never read my post way back....this is my second friend this happened to. My other friend gave birth this may. Positivity and hope (and if you are religious...prayer) can get you a long way!

    xoxo to all of you!!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    AFM- Not much new here. Just back to work today. Hoping for a relaxing stress free week. AF is scheduled to arrive on Sunday although not holding much hope for her not showing up since I received no positives on my OPK's this month. Hoping to at least get a positive OPK next month and then a BFP would be wonderful! Time will tell. Babydust to all!

    amanda, keeping my fingers crossed for you. i know how frustrating not ovulating can be.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Dawn (godbless...) - More power to ya on the Bikram Yoga. I love yoga, but I cannot quite grasp the idea of doing it in a sauna!

    i'm terrified. lol. but i love the heat, especially dry heat, so i hope it is a good experience.

    by the way stephanie, you are doing great with using everyone's real name!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    The last 2 months I have ovulated successfully! Yay. I am on day 11 today so I started using my OPK's, hopefully I will ovulate again this month. My doctor has decided that since my meds have been successful that I don't have to come in for bloodwork or ultrasounds anymore. She has prescribed my meds for 3 more months, if I am not pregnant by then, then I have to go in and see her again.

    great news! *fingers crossed*
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    AFM: So I'm a total slacker and didn't weigh myself this morning... but, I did go shopping with my coupons and saved just over $70 :happy: I am going to make it to the gym tonight, so far so good meeting my goals this week. I scheduled my annual for Monday. I hate it, because it is a clear sign that another year has passed. I have decided I'm going to take in my temps and see if they will check for LPD. I feel I'm ovulating too late in my cycle (last three cycles day 20, 18, 20). Dr. didn't want to check previously since my a 28 day girl and my blood tests checked normal, but now I have data to show my concern. Curious to see what he says about it.

    good idea to take in your temps. that should help (provided you have an attentive obgyn). let us know how it goes.

    p.s. great job on the savings! total couponing girl here.