200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • KatheryneLynne
    Karen...I'm from Maysville. Right on the Ohio River about halfway between Cincinnati and Ashland.
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    rain - Given my current situation, I'm open to just about anything, but my area of experience and real passion is theatre management, i.e. marketing, budgeting, fundraising, patron services. If I were in Chicago, I would have LOTS of options, but we are sticking around Central Illinois because the wife's grandpa was diagnosed with lung cancer back in February and was given less than 1 year, he's 93. The wife is a nurse and helps take care of both grandpa and grandma (she is 96 and has Alzheimer's). Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, the family decided to let them live in their own house instead of go to an assisted living facility/nursing home. It is making it extremely hard, especially when no one wants to force any decision on grandpa and he doesn't want strangers in his house to help and is now refusing to let male family members help with a now incontinent grandma.

    Sorry about that little rant there, obviously holding a wee bit of bitterness there.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Katie: I'm so sorry for the situation with the wife's grandparents. It's really hard for families to ship older people to assisted living facilities even if it would be best for the patients. When I worked in financial planning we made sure that our clients planned for such events and a lot of our clients had long term care insurance and legal documents directing the family members what their wishes are in such cases. I'm also sorry that the situation is affecting your ability to find a job in the theater. Major suckage, right there. I also refer to you ladies so often that The Hubbs "knows" a lot of you by name. (I'm glad I'm not the only one who does that)

    Megan: Yay for Southern charm! One of my best guy friends is from Georgia and he is the epitome of gentlemanly. I love a chivalrous guy.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Katie - are you like grossly not qualified? Perhaps you should look at it in a different light, and perhaps spin your cover letter that way too...maybe you aren't qualified, but you got skills, you have theater qualifications.. why don't you apply anyways? What can it hurt but just to do it. If anything it will get you out there, make your name known in that arena...
    Also some times people will hire a person based on the fact that they have the basics and are really strong in other areas, with the knowledge that they can train them how they want that person to do the job. Hiring someone who is super qualified can suck too because they already have their way of doing things, which may not work out for that company. Now I know The Arts can be different in how they look for people, its not the same as manufacturing, etc...but you got this! get them with your creative, sparkling personality! So, apply damnit!! LOL.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    I'm going to try to jump in before I get way too far behind this time!

    Kristina, red lentil thai chili sounds AWESOME!! My dinners have been kind of boring lately; I wind up making the same things over and over. I need to make something like red lentil thai chili!

    Karen, I'm the same as you when it comes to friends -- I moved from the DC area to 3 hours away in West Virginia, and my two best girl friends live in DC, so I do most of my socializing online. Also like you, my amazon list has a lot of exercise stuff too. I hope things get better for Melodie!

    Hailie, yay for a raise!! I can't stand parents like that. Don't they know that if they let their kids do whatever they want that it's only going to be worse for them in the future? Not to mention that teaching kids to be rude to people who work places they go is not a good lesson.

    KatheryneLynne, those portabella pizzas sound great! I'm going to have to try that. Somehow I think it would be hard for me to take over your sister duties at this point, but I'm sure you'll do fine. :smile: I love weddings and I love planning things in general, but I wouldn't ever want to be a professional wedding planner. I've seen Bridezillas -- some of those chicks are NUTS!

    Amy/Lacey, I'd never heard of ideeli.com before you two, and now I'm not so sure I should look into it further. Ha! Too much tempting stuff! Those dresses are fantastic.

    Kerry, you're definitely a badass. :smile: You are an inspiration!

    Megan, you gotta love southern charm!

    Katie, I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way about kids and gifts. The amount of stuff my boyfriend's nieces and nephews get is just INSANE. There's no way they miss not getting anything from us. So crazy; they get more stuff than I could've ever have hoped to get when I was a kid, and yet most of it they're sick of by the end of the day after they've gotten it. I agree with Lacey about the theater jobs -- you never know until you apply. Crossing my fingers for you that you find something great!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    HOLY CRAP everyone has been sooo chatty! I'll do my best to catch up, but no promises!

    Happy Belated Birthday KatheryneLynne!!! I hope your day was magnificent! :drinker:

    Megan, I'm stoked that your date went so well. I am also incredibly impressed that you karaoke'd on a first day. As Amy would say, "you are a stronger man than me." Is there a second date in the works???

    Lacey/everyone on the hubbs not committing to crap (from forever ago!), I personally think they can't ever commit to anything because they don't want to do anything. If my husband makes the plans, he can lock something in immediately, but if I make the plans, he'll get all wishy-washy back and forth on the finer details and take forever to make up his mind. For example, there's a concert coming up (Guster and Jack's Mannequin) on a Tuesday night in Detroit, and I really want to go, but neither of us can afford to take more time off work this summer, so I want to just go and then come home late and go to work tired. We have friends that want to go to. He hasn't said no, but he sure as hell hasn't said yes either. Urgh.

    Nava, I totally feel like you and your awesome manfriend are going to get married, (if all the parent drama will allow it!), so you will totally get to register for stuff! But I feel ya (and everyone else) on that whole thing not being fair.... having to fork over all kinds of money for people who aren't giving it back. On a side note from that, I think it can swing both ways. Chris and I's wedding was NOT cheap (we got married at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, for all you Michiganders). Our first dance was under an airplane. Our guests had free reign of the ENTIRE museum, with drinks in their hands and no one else in there, plus amazing food (filet mignon, salmon, stuffed chicken), and yet some people thought a $20 gift card to Target was a legitimate wedding gift. Yeah... that was hard. It made me feel super greedy to get upset about it, but it was hard not to.

    Katie, I don't think I could ever work from home/not work. Even if half of my social interaction at work is people yelling at me on the phone, its still interaction and I freaking thrive on that. Its gotta be hard right now to know what you want but not be there yet. I'm rooting for you to have a fast transition into the life you are dreaming about!

    Sarah, I'm totally calling my wake up time "yuck o'clock" from now on. I'm pretty sure anything before 6 am counts as this. But it is awesome that you are rockin' out P90X. Are you liking it? I'm really excited because I have FINALLY developed triceps thanks to Doc Horton. (that's what my husband calls him...lol).

    Lacey, I feel like you have been on a clothes buying spree lately and I am j-e-a-l-o-u-s. So fun. Keep your head on straight and all the busyness will pass and life will be normal again. Make sure you enjoy all the fun stuff you have coming up!

    Jenn, get back on it girl! Don't let that 1 pound gain go to 2 or 3 or 10! Its not worth it!

    Amy, I LOVE that Gabe asked about homosexual relations after you had "the talk." That's awesome. You are a rockstar mom. Add that to the list of things you do well. :smile: My sister has already started having the talk with the kids, simply because they were at my Aunt's farm and the kids got to witness horses makin' a baby. Talk about an ice breaker. :laugh:

    Hosanna, I'm glad we got you in the group! You've been so active and fun to have around! I'm sorry I haven't been able to address you more on a one-on-one basis. I, like Pam, also LOVE all things wedding, so if you need advice/want to vent, we're here! And we are totally going to need pics after!

    Kendal, your walk with Mr. Reunion sounds awesome. Its also cool that you guys are comfy enough with each other to "push" each other when it comes to fitness. That's a really positive thing.

    Rain, I hope the hubbs is recovering well from surgery! Sounds stressful! And you should totally do whatever you want for your son's birthday, grandparents/aunts/uncles be d@mned! You should get to enjoy that day and so should Brody!

    Pam, as long as you're getting the exercise in and staying under cals, I'd say you're doing amazing. I struggle with feeling like I'm failing if I don't follow my workout schedule that I made up, but seriously - if I'm getting exercise in and staying under cals, why should it matter? Plus you keep losing, so you must be doing something right!

    Kristina, YES! Finishing a run is such an awesome, awesome, indescribable feeling. I actually just a new pair of running shoes and wore them for the first time yesterday - a pair of Nike frees - they are super lightweight and also hot pink and green, and I basically feel like I'm running barefoot. Which is cool, but it will take a little getting used to. Plus my leg muscles are WAY more sore today, so they must be making me work a little harder.

    Karen, I hope that Melodie's hiney is completely on the up and up. That has been going on for SO long and I feel terrible for her. Hooray for the boys being back in school!

    Hailie, I'm glad to hear your review went well - raises are awesome!

    OK- that's all I got for now. I'm posting this before work gets crazy and I lose it.
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member

    Megan, I'm stoked that your date went so well. I am also incredibly impressed that you karaoke'd on a first day. As Amy would say, "you are a stronger man than me." Is there a second date in the works???

    I'm sure there will be another get together soon. I've already talked to him today! And yes, I did karaoke! Singing in front of people in a crowded bar isn't anything for me. (as long as I am comfortable with the song aka know the words) And besides, he bet me I wouldn't. I can't back down from a chance to win an easy bet. :)

    btw- I still don't see how all of you guys comment back on everyone. Even with 2 browsers up, that's difficult. I read everything that is posted, and I tip my hat to all of those to actively respond to everyone.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Katie: Yikes, your wife has her hands full, that is for sure. What a tough situation. Hopefully, when you move to Chicago, the opportunities will abound!

    Kerry: Hellllo! Those running shoes sound cute. I really, really need to invest in some decent shoes.

    Megan: I could never do karaoke! You are brave!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Megan - next her dares you, ask him if you get a kiss if you win.

    I canNOT shop anymore!! I have enough stuff for my trip. All I need are a pair of slacks and a pair of white leggings. And some new unders but thats a different story. Please someone stop me! I can be so good for so long...and then POOF! LOL

    I can't reply to everyone today. Hopefully tonight.
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Amy- Thanks for that! I need the kick in the butt!

    Kristina- Today is completely a new day. I was craving pancakes. We went to Denny's and I didn't eat 3/4 of 1 Healthy Wheat Pancake! I was so proud of myself! :) Working hard as this weekend I am on a retreat and I don't get a choice of what we eat. Hopefully there will be LOTS of salad!

    Katie- I know the school year gets better. I saw the preliminary schedule yesterday and I am going non-stop until 7th period (we have 8 periods) so I won't have time to munch randomly. Thankfully I am teaching newspaper 4th period so I can get a snack in.

    Kerry- I totally agree! Not worth loosing what I have done so far. I have done my fair share of beating myself up this past weekend because of it.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    bumping yet again to keep my place :smile:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'm feelin like a P90X loser. that is all.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hailie- there are plenty of gyms in town close to the U, but also you have U rec centers that you can use as well. Plus, it's nice to run around town as well.

    Kerry- I've thought about some more minimalist shoes, but I think I probably still need a fair bit of support. don't over-run in them to start. your feet will feel it, and they often aren't great for super long distances.

    Happy hour went fine, only one large glass of wine... no appetizers eaten. Was a small group... almost didn't go, but this person who I may or may not be developing a crush on was attending, I felt like I would be wasting an opportune moment to get to know him better. Success-- sort of! I'm a bit of a loss of where to go from here with it, but we'll see.

    Nice long walk with Emma when I got home tonight. Perfect weather. Probably should have ran. Will think about doing so in the morning.

    Checkin in for the night, as I don't expect to eat anything else.. BARELY under again:

    1540 eaten / 356 exercise calories / 16 UNDER.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Kerry, Guster is GREAT! I've seen them 4 times so far; the last time was in Pittsburgh this year. It's always a fun show. Your wedding sounds like it was fantastic...I can imagine being annoyed getting a $20 Target gift card if I'd planned a wedding like that.

    Lacey/Amy, you should know that I went on ideeli today and wound up buying a dress. This doesn't bode well for the future.

    Megan, keep us posted about the boy!

    Jenn, yay for choosing the healthy pancake!!

    Kristina, great job staying under your calories even after going to happy hour. And you got a walk in too! Nice.

    Lacey, the fact that you've done P90X at all makes you a winner in my book!

    Have any of you P90Xers (or anyone else) tried Power 90? I just heard about it today and from what I can gather it seems like it's like a pre-P90X for those who aren't yet ready for the full-on treatment...do you all know if that's right?
  • qofsheba
    qofsheba Posts: 72
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    Feeling a little stupid. I want to join the 6 week challenge--do I need to do anything other than post my numbers Monday and Friday?
  • DeterminedMomNeb
    Omg I hurt so bad my hip is sad. I did walk this morning and was really busy today.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hi QofSheba! We weigh in anytime between Friday and Monday. Kristina (akasullengirl) keeps a chart for us. Tell us a bit about yourself. Where are you from? What do you do? Relationship? Kids? Pets? Starting weight? Current weight? Goal weight? Whats your fav exercise/food for the moment? Welcome!!!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Wow there's a lot to catch up on!!!!!

    Amy - It's nice to know i'm not coming across as creepy!!!

    Megan - Hurrah!!! Great to hear love!! that's so cute that he even came and picked you up!!

    Nava - Yep, the zips are purchased and the dresses are hopefully being dropped at my friend's MIL's house soon to be fixed. Not taking any chances!!

    RainSarah - Sorry to hear about your super stressful day!! But it's good that family were able to step in and help out. Wishing hubby a speedy recovery! Also, good on you for taking a stand on the birthday party situation. I reckon that once the kid can actually understand what's going on, the party should be about them and who THEY want there, rather than who the older and more extended family want.

    Pam and Kerry - Of COURSE there'll be piccies of the wedding!! fingers crossed i'll be trim, taught and terriffic by then too :happy: My mum is throwing my Hen's party (well done on the terminology, Pam :tongue: ), there's 10 of us going to Melbourne for the weekend to go to the Tuthenkahmen exhibition at the Melbourne Museum. Possibly the nerdiest Hen's party ever, but i'm super SUPER excited!!! I'm way into archaeology and old things. It'll be the first time that any two of my bridesmaids have met as well! :smile:

    Lacey - I went to a christian high school, and it was pretty full on. One of the teachers nearly got sacked because he got his GIRLFRIEND pregnant - heaven forbid, a child out of wedlock. What a load of bollocks. I wish i was able to talk to my mother about sex, and i certainly want my kids to feel that they can. I was brought up in a christian household, and i'll never forget how my mother started The Talk, all those years ago. "When a Husband and Wife want to have a baby..." And there it was. I am not yet married, and therefore i do not feel as though i can talk to her, since it was impressed upon me at such a young age that it is not right for people to have sex when not married. As i said though, mum doesn't remember the conversation, and who would ever think that something that simple could cause such an impression on someone's mind? It sucks though, because pretty much the only problem that Other Half and i have is related to sex, and it distresses me greatly quite regularly, but i just CAN'T talk to my mother about it, as much as i wish i could! I'm sure she wouldn't mind, and would probably be happy that i felt i could talk to her about it (albeit a little embarrassed), but i just can't. It sucks.

    Katie - Haha yeah the problem is we pretty much have everything matching already! I asked my parents for matching cookware last christmas, and the set we got should last us forever! And we have matching towels, crockery, glassware and cuttlery... We're leaning towards asking for a Kenwood mixer, a sewing machine, a nice set of sheets, and a media player. I'm an enrolled nurse working on a general medical ward. My real passions are paediatrics, disability and sexual health/family planning, but after i did my training in Adelaide i moved out to the country where there is only a medical, surgical and midwifery ward. Pleh. Oh well, i'll just hold on to my dreams! hahaha!
    Also, i kind of feel your pain with the situation with the Wife's grandparents. My ward at the hospital is almost entirely a holding bay for people whose families can't manage them at home, but there's not enough nursing homes here for all the people that need them. I see so many examples of people who should have gone into care long ago, mainly for the families sake. there are so many families here who are stressed beyond belief, and whose own lives are suffering severely because the elderly relatives either don't realise or care that they're being such a burden on the families. It can be hard, but at the same time, i have a great deal of respect for family members who are willing to make those sacrifices for their family. My hat goes off to the Wife and her family :smile:

    It's nice to know I'm not the only one who exists in a nearly friend-less state in the local area. It's nice to have people to talk to and vent to :ohwell:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Okay, gonna start at the top of page 12 and do my best lol.

    Hosanna - you are doing good if you've made a friend already! I've been here for over five years and haven't made any. Well I made one in college but her flightyness and my having a kid with her last minute plan changes or not showing when I had to get a babysitter put that to an end pretty quickly. Keep up with the walking girl!

    Kendall - thats great Mr R is walking/running with you.. maybe you two could do P90X together when the weather gets cold and icky. And make it a game...for every work out completed you get (se)X.

    Megan - also YEAY on the date going well!!!!

    Nava - working from home rocks. I wish I could do it more. My daughter was born Sept 7th - total Christmas Eve baby :)

    Rain - 99% of the time my hubs is such a great dad. Better at that than I am in all reality. So I guess my irritation with him was more than likely fused by this fact. Also, that is effing rid-iculous about the party for your son and all those family members. I mean COME ON, are you KIDDING me? That just seriously makes my blood boil for you. I'd go simple. He isn't old enough to really be affected by the birthday party things at schools, etc. (my daughter got exposed to that last year, ugh) so why do such big events for it? Do something for him and his friends and be done with it. Its not about your family, its about him.

    Pam - yeay for not weighing yourself. I totally get you on the getting bored thing with exercise. Right now I want to smack Tony's "kids" in the face. Especially "the beati-ful Dre-Ya Web-Ber!" GAG F OFF!

    Kristina - red lentil chili? This sounds inneresting..do tell. Also, good job on the happy hour glass of wine!

    Karen - I am all sorts of alternative these days, so sorry if I keep spouting my schtuff at you. You can tell me to stop if you want. I won't get offended. I know you are having major issues with your daughters butt and you've cut milk. Have you considered cutting any other foods or buying some probiotics for her to take with her food? You've heard my whole ear infection story with my daughter right? Total Ugh. And 97% of Md's won't admit that kids can get celiacs or other food allergies or even think of suggestion trying what they consider alternative options to keep our kids off of medications and other nasty stuff. And most of them wont suggest cutting the foods for one month at a time, which seems to be the standard practice in figuring out what food allergy Something is turning her stomach to go acidic which is causing icky poo butt rash. When we took our daughter to the Nd a few years ago, she suggested buying slippery elm bark capsules and putting it into juice for G. It is an emollient which helps repair the stomach lining, which in turn allows the stomach to start producing the good digestive enzymes which we need to not have stomach aches, and butt burn/rash. Maybe it would help? You have to get in your system and keep taking it for a while. I think it can take a few days or a week to help...okay I will stop now. I just know how frustrating it can be to keep going to doctors and not get any results but more medicine.
    In other news - yeay for the boys going back to school!! And good job on running girl, proud of you!

    Hailie - that is frustrating about the mother. Good grief!

    Katheryne - I can't remember if I wished you happy birthday... Happy Birthday!

    Lauren - I like your running goals!

    Amy - purple is also my favorite color. Thanks for the pep talk - I won't give up.

    Kerry - thanks for the pep talk too. No more wallowing in self pity. You WERE the bad *kitten* in that situation.

    Katie - My parents took care of my grandpa because it was the right thing to do. He was horrible to everyone he ever met, especially to family, a racist and a child molestor we came to find out. It was the worst two plus years of my parents lives, and it nearly killed them. Their health is horrible now and all that aside, it pretty much tore the four of us apart. So I totally feel you on the taking care of the elderly. Although, I do wish we as a nation took care of our elders, lived with the whole family..kindof like China does. I can appreciate that family mentality you know?

    Pam - what dress did you buy?

    Sheba - Welcome! just keep coming back here, posting, participating, you can do it!

    Okay my kid is FREAKING OUT
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hosanna - the mere thought of talking to my mom about anything related to sex or relationships in general is total Cringe Factor - so I feel you on that one. I was married at 22 and divorced at 24 and have a theory on my x husbands sexuality and our marriage and just telling my mom that got her all flustered and I just simply stopped. Wasn't worth going into it any more. And I don't get to spend much time with my BFF anymore since I had a kid, and she has a newborn, so any sex talk is pretty much out. And thats both no fun and no fair.

    Good Grief and Heavens. A still tired husband and a super tired and cranky daughter make for world war three over hair combing at night. Gracie has large curl type hair and a very sensitive head. She fought getting her hair washed and conditioned so Jeff gave up and said fine we will comb your hair the way it is and its going to hurt. 45 minutes later, one time out, her crying uncontrollably...I stuck her skinny butt in the shower and washed her dang hair. Ay Ay Ay. She's getting a book read right now and will hopefully pass out shortly.
    You know, I love my daughter and would do anything for her...and always wanted kids when I was older growing up. I am thankful that she was a Christmas Eve accident because the older I get, the more I think that had she not happened that night I would not have had any kids and been content with that idea. I'm glad she is here now..but yeesh. One is enough lol!
    She has been complaining about itchy skin lately. I know its summer and she's outside in the sun all day. I've got hypoallergenic soap for her body but have been using my "fancy" for dyed hair shampoo on her and wonder if thats the cause..because her diet hasn't changed so I don't think its that. More experimenting. Yeay! (not).

    Okay I am going to watch Roseannes Nuts now. Have any of you watched that? Its on Lifetime and about Roseanne Barr living on her macadamia nut farm in Hawaii and its a total crack up. I just love her. She's all sorts of nutty and a total trucker mouth, which I have a soft place in my heart for.