200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    Bobbie: Thanks for responding. I think my loss will be ok for this week. I just had such a tough weekend I can't even bear to look at myself. BLAH.

    Kmturtle (sorry I don't know your name :(): Great run! Running in the rain can be really exhilarating

    Hope everyone else is doing well! Sorry I don't have time to respond to everyone
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    Also, I'm doing C25K Week 8 Day 2 today, and I'm so proud of myself because I'm almost finished with the program. I never thought I'd get here, and I've decided that I am going to train to run a half marathon exactly one year from now. My first 5K is at the end of this month, then I'm going to run a 10K, and keep going from there :)
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Great loss Bobbie & Lacey!!

    I have to 2nd Hosanna on donuts, they are evil & addicting & irresistable!

    Megan-enjoy your date!!

    Bobbie-good luck on the sodium! I've yet to make it under MFP guidelines on that, but I do watch better than I used to! :o)

    Kristina-those little things like better choices make all the difference!

    Kendal-little yous would definitely be adorable! Glad your weekend went so well!

    Lacey-men are stupid. We love 'em, but they'll never get it or change. Just try not to commit murder or maim him too much! *hugs* I told my DH that he should figure out how bad it is when my kids will by-pass him on the computer to come ask me while I'm in the bathroom b/c they feel they'll get a better response, but he still doesn't get it.

    Amy-bad part of Casey's size...Aaron & Melodie aren't much smaller. Aaron is 4ft3in & wears 3 1/2 shoes. He's 7. Melodie wears little girl 8 shoes & 3T-4T clothes & she's 3ft3in. She's 2! At least as Casey outgrows stuff, it's still in good enough shape for Aaron to use it! And there's a lady at church that has 2 girls a bit bigger than Melodie who keeps giving me clothes, so I'm not totally broke or out of luck finding them stuff! Lots of grandparents helps too! LOL! I'm still giggling on the dog farts. Makes me glad our cat is outdoors...though she's pregnant, again! Hope the abs recover soon!

    Rikki-I keep thinking that I'll wake up thin too, esp when I've lost so much...I should be down more than one pant size, right? I'm working hard & I'm sitting at the same weight for 6 weeks. BUT, then I realize, it took me a LONG time to get this big, so it'll take at least that long to get rid of it. I've just been lucky with the first batch of weight coming off. And we'll be here to keep you going!! And only 10 over MFP calories means you had a deficit overall!! You're getting there! Baby steps girl!! You can do it!

    SGC-I'm onC25K W1D2...so I'm not too far behind you! My goal is to complete a 5K in under 50 min, even if I don't run the whole thing...by Sept!!

    Victoria-weekends with BFF are awesome! I had one last weekend!! Enjoy yours!!

    Hailie-sometimes parents are stupid when it comes to their kids!! *hugs* Hope it all gets better soon!!

    Kerry-good luck with the detox weekend!! And if you're drinking too much, it's agreeing with you weight wise! LOL! We still love ya! Let us know how that goes! Glad your run went so well!!

    I know I've run 3 times, but I hit the wrong button the 2nd night & did W1D1 twice...but it works out, b/c my Casey is running with me as of that night, so he & I just kinda started together. I know it sounds weird to have a 9 yr old run, but considering the kid gets tired after one trip up & down the soccer field...yeah, there's something wrong with that. And the boy can't touch his toes!! So I know getting him working out with me is going to be helpful to get/keep him in shape for soccer. Don't get me wrong, he's a rail! He has to wear belts with all of his pants, but he's just out of shape! I blame myself, but I'm glad he's excited & motivated to run with me & it keeps me going when I would rather skip it some nights.

    Melodie has officially "lost" her pacifier. I'm SO excited! BUT, she keeps climbing into my bed in the middle of the night, with her baby doll, her blanket, her doll's blanket, & her pillow pet (a lady bug which she has named bugga-bugga). I guess I should be glad she GOES to bed in her own bed for a few hours. OK, better get some work done!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Morning, ladies!

    Bobbie, AWESOME loss! Keep it up!

    Hosanna, this is the first "serious" relationship I've had that WASN'T long distance, so it's really kinda nice!

    Victoria, I had the realization earlier this year that my BFF and I have been friends for 20 years! It makes you feel spectacularly old. Totally envious of your trip with her though! Mine has two kids and I think doesn't like to leave them for more than 3 hours. That's a bit of an exaggeration, but you get my drift. The last time we took a trip together was in 2003!

    Megan, date update, pronto. :)

    Amy, Love the white beans in guac idea. White beans also make for good hummus.

    Kendal, Mr. Reunion's girls are SO cute. It looks like you guys had a lot of fun! And you've also given me my favorite work distraction... looking at other people's pictures. Is that weird? I love photos.

    As for me, yesterday I had some manner of tapeworm and couldn't get full to save my life. Then I went to visit my grandma and basically ate everything in sight. I don't know what's wrong with me. I've severely lost motivation. Need help. Dunno how to fix this!

    On another note, birthdayocalypse has begun. It seems like 90% of the people I know have birthdays in August and September. Do y'all have this same issue? It basically leads to being broke A LOT, eating A LOT of bad food, and having more than one party to go to every weekend. For example: last weekend, two of my friends shared a birthday party, this weekend, I have a 1-year-old's first birthday party and a friend's birthday party the same day. I'm sharing my birthday with my friend's 3-year-old (we have the same birthday and same guest list, so why not), and the following day is another friend's son's 1st birthday... it's just NEVER ENDING.
  • KatheryneLynne
    Lacey--When I was 14 years old my mother gave me the most useful advice about men I've ever heard--she followed it up with the benefits of "self-gratification" and "mutual gratification" vs intercouse, which was a highly mortifying discussion to have with my mother at any age that ended in "teen"--anyway; her advice was this: ALL men are *kitten*, you just have to figure out what you're willing to put up with for fifty or so years. So that explains it. Due to a faulty Y chromosome, men are closer to a horse's hind quarters than the human race. But we love them anyway :)

    Karen--I know what you mean about pants sizes. I dropped 50 lbs, I should have dropped more than one size. It's frustrating...of course I only went up one size as i gained the 50 lbs, but that's beside the point, right? I think wholeheartedly that we should lose sizes quicker than we gained them. Who's with me?

    Bobbie--grats on the loss, 5 lbs in one week, that's freakin' amazing!!!

    Amy--I love guac., that sounds so yummy right now. I wish my husband would eat avocados, I could have them more often then. He's such a picky eater: no onions, peppers, mushrooms, avocados, artichokes. It makes it hard to buy healthy when I'm the only one in the house that will eat them.

    And as for the great donut debate: While I agree that donuts are denizens of the nether regions of hell; hell itself is presided over by the horrific fiend known as Pizza. Pizza is the most fiendishly yummy thing in existence. And one piece alone is enough to make my weight fluctuate by four "water points" But can i resist it, no! Instead of running, screaming in the opposite direction, I am drawn to its cheesy evilness like a moth to the flame.

    As for me, calorie wise, my day is most likely already shot. It's 8 am here and I've already had a crispy kit kat and corned beef hash. I'm going to chalk it up to the horribly bad excuse of it being my birthday. We'll see how the rest of the day goes, maybe I'll manage to pull it out in the end; or maybe I'll manage to find time to squeeze in an extra-long workout this evening to make up for it.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    As for me, calorie wise, my day is most likely already shot. It's 8 am here and I've already had a crispy kit kat and corned beef hash. I'm going to chalk it up to the horribly bad excuse of it being my birthday. We'll see how the rest of the day goes, maybe I'll manage to pull it out in the end; or maybe I'll manage to find time to squeeze in an extra-long workout this evening to make up for it.

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Katheryne: I totally wish my Hubbs hated avocados cuz then I'd STILL buy them and they'd last longer than 30 seconds! I also cannot imagine having any kind of "gratification" conversation with my mom at 14. Hell, she just put me on the pill once I hit 15 and never spoke of sex within my hearing. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

    Nava; Is it wrong that I'm totally jealous of what you were just complaining about? Since moving to Germany and only having one car and homeschooling my kid I have zero friends. I go to zero parties. I spend zero dollars on other people. It would be cool with me if I was a real-life shut in but I'm not. I love my friends (who all live in America) and I'm actually quite social. So...I'm jealous. Not that I wanna buy tons of birthday presents for other people or anything, I'd just like to hang out with people in real time.

    Karen: Are you and your DH very tall? It sounds like your kids all inherited the tall gene. I hear you on being skinny and out of shape as Gabe sometimes borders on that. He can sprint faster than me but I can go longer than him. Good job getting Casey running, it will be awesome for him for soccer.

    missx: Great running goals!

    Kerry: I love hearing about your beer exploits! (and I don't think you sound like a lush) I also agree that your booze indulgences don't seem to be hindering your weight loss so, do what works for you and enjoy life!

    Hailie: Parents can be lame.

    I am so proud of me for keeping to my calorie limits while I'm out of commission. I honestly didn't think I could do it but I am. Yay!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Amy, totally not wrong! If I were in the same situation, I'd feel your pain. I'm very much a people person and love being surrounded by my friends. Mostly, I'm just griping because these two months, I don't get a single weekend to myself, and the money factor with gifts for my friends and now my friends kids is just too much.

    And I'm totally going to go on a single girl rant right now. Why is it, that when I have friends that are married, I have to buy each individual a gift for their birthdays or christmas or whatever, but when it comes time for me, I get one "joint" gift from the couple? And now, everyone's having kids, so not only do I have to buy for each of my friends, but now I have to buy for their children... so now I'm three-times getting the shaft. Not that I mind buying gifts... I actually have a bad habit of going overboard on presents, so I'm not griping about my end of the deal.

    Please don't read that as me being greedy or whatever, it just strikes me as an unmarried, unchilded, injustice that has always secretly annoyed the snot out of me.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Nava- I never really thought of that but you're totally right. I don't know how close you are to your "couple" friends but maybe you should buy only for the one who is your friend and not just because they are your friend's spouse. Get them a card and their gift can be your presence at the party lol
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Overtime has been cancelled for tonight (and possibly for the rest of the week). I'm actually kind of excited. Gonna take Lexi for a jog. :bigsmile:
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Nava- I never really thought of that but you're totally right. I don't know how close you are to your "couple" friends but maybe you should buy only for the one who is your friend and not just because they are your friend's spouse. Get them a card and their gift can be your presence at the party lol

    Kendal, that's totally the problem! Most of them I knew when they were singletons and all got married to each other, oddly enough. In the rare case, someone got married to someone I didn't already know but after knowing a person so many years and such, I feel obligated.

    My favorite joint gifters now though, are my ex boyfriend and my "friend" who's now with him. Seriously? Like... really? I wish they'd quit buying me crap so I could stop too. lol
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Nava- I never really thought of that but you're totally right. I don't know how close you are to your "couple" friends but maybe you should buy only for the one who is your friend and not just because they are your friend's spouse. Get them a card and their gift can be your presence at the party lol

    Kendal, that's totally the problem! Most of them I knew when they were singletons and all got married to each other, oddly enough. In the rare case, someone got married to someone I didn't already know but after knowing a person so many years and such, I feel obligated.

    My favorite joint gifters now though, are my ex boyfriend and my "friend" who's now with him. Seriously? Like... really? I wish they'd quit buying me crap so I could stop too. lol

    Nava - I'd say that *kitten* has got to stop! You are a better friend than me. I only buy my BF birthday presents and Christmas presents. The rest are sporadic and now that they are going into the whole having kids thing I've been in for almost five years, I might propose to only buy for the kids to them. It gets to be too expensive.

    On that note. Hi Everyone. I am here...just busy and distracted with thoughts of Europe and now going to Florida in January.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey & Nava: I buy presents for kids and the adult friends get the shaft. It's just the way of being poor and having friends with litters of children.

    Kendal: Enjoy your run with Lexi!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Amy and Lacey, I've been thinking of doing that with the friends with kids. I have one good set of friends (who introduced me to the BF) and we've always had a silent agreement to not really buy stuff, so I just get their kids things.

    Maybe I'll just slowly phase the other groups with kids into that scenario. Never the BFF though. I like to spoil her kids whenever I can, anyway.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    What has two thumbs and is already 190 calories over at 2pm?
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    What has two thumbs and is already 190 calories over at 2pm?

    oops. you'll do better tomorrow. I'm having a hard time not splurging on my normal afternoon snack because i know i'll have a couple of cocktails tonight. Where's the help when we need it most!?!
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Happy Birthday KatheryneLynne! Welcome to all the newbies!

    Monday check-in... 2988 burned / 1862 consumed / 1126 deficit - Exercise: strength training, 45 min Zumba, 35 min water aerobics.

    I was going to attempt to respond to everyone, but it's just too much. I have read through ALL 10 pages of posts now and feel like I'm getting closer to my life regaining some sense of order. The guests have all left, we still have two weeks off before the wife starts her new job and I'm still in limbo as to what I'm going to do. To recap, the wife and I just up and quit our jobs 2 weeks ago. We worked for the same hospital (she's a nurse and I worked switchboard) and were just fed up with being treated like crap. The money situation is stressing me out a little bit, but we should be fine with what we have in savings. I'm just panicking. That along with the stress of dealing with the in-laws over the last week, followed by two days of fried, sugary fair food. UGH! So, the wife and I spent 3 hrs at the gym yesterday evening and plan to go again tonight but not as long.

    I had to laugh when you ladies were discussing husbands that can't make/keep plans. Last week was evidence that it is not an exclusively Y chromosome trait. The wife's sister and four nieces visited last week. O M G my sister-in-law and mother-in-law COULD NOT f-ing decide what the f we were going to do on any given day. One minute we were suppose to take the kids to our house, then no that wouldn't work because they had to go visit some cousins the next day, then wait yes we can take them home but we have to have then back by 7pm, we get them to our house then we have to bring them back at 4pm so they can eat first, so we drive the hour back from our house and actually the S-I-L and M-I-L have already eaten now so we have to take them out to dinner. REALLY?! We just bought cellphones for the two oldest AND pay their monthly bills, AND we have to pay for their dinner. When I had already bought stuff to make food at home? AND we had just quit our job. SURE! Why not? And that was just ONE of the SEVEN days they were here. Needless to say the wife and I did a bit of stress eating last week. I do want to add that it was nice actually being able to spend time with the girls as usually I'm working every night they are here and only see them for a few hours after I would wake in the evening or I'd be too tired to enjoy doing anything with them.

    Ok, enough complaining... Other than 5 lbs lost, last challenge was an epic fail for me. I didn't meet any of my goals including my weight loss goal of 8 pounds. Oh well, it's a new challenge. I would like to get into the 220's, which means my daily/monthly fluctuations do not push me over into the 230's. Other than that, just try to find a routine and figure out what I'm going to do job-wise. We will have to rein in some of our spending, but we should be able to live off the wife's new paycheck once she starts in 2 weeks. I'm just panicking as I've never been in a position in which I didn't HAVE to work. Everything will work itself out. I have to keep repeating that.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    I am feeling a bit hungrier than normal today as well, and then the hubby says, "lets go to the fair tonight since it's free for military." Sure why not make me state at all of that fried food again this week!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Nava, I completely agree with you on the presents thing. My sister had my first niece when I was 20, and then proposed to my parents that we stop buying presents for the adults and just start focusing on the kids. UM excuse me? I was 20, she was 26. She had 6 more years of birthdays and Christmases and then wanted to stop buying gifts for everyone but expected gifts for her kids? Yeah. I totally yelled at her for that. And I have friends who have kids and they always invite us to their birthday party with all their kids' friends at them, and its just weird. I love the kids to death, but I have no desire to spend a day with a bunch of strangers kids just so I can be there for the birthday bash. Its weird.

    Then again, I'm probably a terrible person to give an opinion on this, as I don't see myself ever having kids. :laugh:
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Ok, a little more procrastination...

    This whole discussion about gifts has me thinking about the whole bridal shower/wedding gift thing. Most of my friends are married and have received gifts from me. I'm 32 and have never been married. (The wife and I are not technically married nor have we had a ceremony. I would like to, but don't know if we ever will as her family would more than likely not be in attendance.) I've either purchased my own kitchen and bath stuff, inherited it or just gone without. I've always felt that by a certain age, if you haven't married then you should be able to throw an "I'm an adult and need adult things for my home/apartment and want you to buy them for me" party.

    As for buying gifts for friends and their spouses, most of my friends and I have unspoken agreements that taking each other out for dinner and paying is sufficient. Although the same problem holds true when the couple comes and you are still single, you get jipped.