How can anyone find Victoria Beckham and Kate Moss sexy?



  • tasman11
    tasman11 Posts: 79
    To my pleasant surprise most people tend to agree with me .I completely concur with your statements regarding her horrific figure. Secondly she was poppular because of Spice Girls but now she is only a WAG. I think showing up at every function and premier doesnt make you a talented women.

    As for Kate Moss,all i can say is she is in a mess and look what happened to Amy Winehouse.! A God gifted voice silenced by her own deeds .

  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member

    This stems from jealousy, whether you acknowledge that to yourself, publicly or stay in denial. You may honestly not wish to be THAT skinny yourself however, the anti-twiggy-celebrity mentality comes from the fact that most 'regular' people feel their body could never reach those levels and in most cases, that is true.

    My 'anit-twiggy-celebrity mentaility' comes from one LONG semester of Women's Studies at the collegiate level (which I received an A in) tehe :wink: Yet, I do understand that some insecure women feel this way based on their self-perception, and also that there self-image is usually skewed as a result of imposed patriarchal expectations.

    I have a daughter, and I am PRAYING the standard of publicized beauty is shifted to a more attainable shape as she becomes an adolescent. A little WS trivia for you, only 5% of the female population have the body stats of models & celebrities with model-like structures. This opens up various issues for the rest of the 95% of females attempting to look like the women we see everywhere, from disordered eating to depression. I say that's grounds for beauty spectral broadening :flowerforyou:

    by the same standards, maybe we shouldnt have good actors as role models, because most of the population cant act for toffee. Probably shouldnt have good lawyers or scientists or anything. in fact, lets pretend that EVERYONE is as good at everything as everyone else.

    We cant have everything we want, and i think THATS the real problem people have trouble with grasping.
    I never have, and never will look like a supermodel. Do i hate them for it, and think they should only have models of MY level of attractiveness? No. I dont look like a model or a pornstar and thats ok, because im not one.
    Im not as clever as a top scientist. oh well, I dont need to be.

    Wheres the challenge or whats the beauty or joy in being elite for something if its attainable by all

    Yes, that's a darwinistic approach lol. But on a serious note, of COURSE we need examples of the best, (educationally, forms of talent, etc.).

    In no way am I saying let's glorify being morbidly obese, let's get real and less sarcastic. However, in terms of something as personal as one's body size, the only standard placed should be health-related. For my child, I'd like her to see billboards of fit, average sized women.
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Confidence in whatever body you rock is SEXY.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    How can anyone find anyone sexy?

    It is also annoying to automatically assume skinny people don't eat (I have been guilty of this in the past) My little sister is nicknamed "Stick chick" because she is tiny. She eats. I've had skinny friends that ate more than me and wished they could gain a little bit of weight but for whatever reason can't.

    And the real women have curves junk...ALL women have curves just some are more curvy than others. I have never seen a body that was completely curve less. (even Kate Moss and Victoria Beckham have friggin curves!) :explode:

    It is all about confidence and being comfortable in your own skin...when you can do can appreciate everyone's beauty no matter what shape or size. :flowerforyou:

    And that being said...some people think Vin Diesel is sexy :ohwell: ...I do not. Does that mean muscular guys aren't sexy? No.
  • bassettpig
    bassettpig Posts: 79 Member
    Real women have curves!

    Real women come in all shapes and sizes and colors.

    +a zillion! All "real women" do NOT have curves any more than all "real men" have a 6-pack and huge muscles. Check this out for photos of various Olympic-level athletes (click on each page of photos to enlarge, then click again to enlarge and focus). Clearly all are damn good at what they do. It is a very diverse group--the bodybuilders do not look like the marathoners, who do not look like the wrestlers, who do not look like the soccer players, who do not look like the even features a sprinter w/prosthetic legs. Does the marathoner have a "better" body than the shotputter? All depends on what he/she wants to do with it...

    Hope folks enjoy the photos--I just thought they were outstanding!
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    I personally think Victoria and Kate fit into the Most Beautiful In The World category for me. I love them and their delicate figures.

    I also love Kate Winslet and Catherine Zeta Jones too. They're beautiful.

    I love a nice model look though.

    For some reason I do NOT like Megan Fox. At all.
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    What I find really really sexy about Victoria Beckham is her extremely hot husband! LOL! I don't feel at all ashamed to admit it!

  • Tuffjourney
    I dont know about sexy, but I saw a picture of Victoria with her newborn baby, Mom had no make up on. It was such a beautiful picture.:smile:
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    Preference is strange. One of my co-workers bleaches her hair blond. I think it makes her look pasty. One time, she had beautiful brown hair after going to the hair dresser. She looked amazing. She kept it for about a month, and then when back to BLEACHED, because her husband likes blonds. ???? He married her. She DOESN'T have naturally blond hair.

    Strange, eh?
    This was my father. He thinks all women should have long, straight, blond hair. My mom had beautiful auburn hair growing up. Then he got ahold of her and she dyed it blond. I'm a dark brunette. Even when I was age 12, he was trying to get me to dye it. And when I permed it, he just told me it looked better straight. Nice. I vowed my husband would never tell me how to wear my hair.

    Runway models are meant to be walking hangers with pretty faces. Most designers like no curves and thin thin to better show off their designs, not the model. Somewhere along the line someone decided this body type is what all women need to be.

    Just because someone tells you you should do something, think something, look like something doesn't mean you have to believe it and follow suit. I hate when people "blame the media"......because we are all too stupid to think for ourselves?
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    For some reason I do NOT like Megan Fox. At all.

    It's her face. It's .... weird. It took me a long time to finally figure out what it was that made me think she was fugly. The face.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    For some reason I do NOT like Megan Fox. At all.

    It's her face. It's .... weird. It took me a long time to finally figure out what it was that made me think she was fugly. The face.

    It's her attitude. She has a "I'm better than you" air to her that makes her annoying and ugly. :ohwell:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I think Megan Fox's face and body are just fine, quite lovely really, but I don't like HER. Just an undefinable something about her that makes me want to slap her.

    Maybe she needs to appear on Ellen. Every celebrity I've ever seen on Ellen immediately seemed more likable to me. Even Mike Tyson... I saw an interview with him a while back and thought, "What a cool, down to earth guy!"
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Real women dig guys who use the chief as an avatar. Those that don't must be covered in warts.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    How can anyone find Victoria Beckham and Kate Moss sexy?

    Bones ! Bones!

    I know I do.....just cause you dont
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    Victoria Beckham is my biggest idol - not necessarily for her body (although I do appreciate that she understands her figure and knows how to dress it) - but for her influence on fashion, her confidence, and her humour.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member

    This stems from jealousy, whether you acknowledge that to yourself, publicly or stay in denial. You may honestly not wish to be THAT skinny yourself however, the anti-twiggy-celebrity mentality comes from the fact that most 'regular' people feel their body could never reach those levels and in most cases, that is true.

    My 'anit-twiggy-celebrity mentaility' comes from one LONG semester of Women's Studies at the collegiate level (which I received an A in) tehe :wink: Yet, I do understand that some insecure women feel this way based on their self-perception, and also that there self-image is usually skewed as a result of imposed patriarchal expectations.

    I have a daughter, and I am PRAYING the standard of publicized beauty is shifted to a more attainable shape as she becomes an adolescent. A little WS trivia for you, only 5% of the female population have the body stats of models & celebrities with model-like structures. This opens up various issues for the rest of the 95% of females attempting to look like the women we see everywhere, from disordered eating to depression. I say that's grounds for beauty spectral broadening :flowerforyou:

    by the same standards, maybe we shouldnt have good actors as role models, because most of the population cant act for toffee. Probably shouldnt have good lawyers or scientists or anything. in fact, lets pretend that EVERYONE is as good at everything as everyone else.

    We cant have everything we want, and i think THATS the real problem people have trouble with grasping.
    I never have, and never will look like a supermodel. Do i hate them for it, and think they should only have models of MY level of attractiveness? No. I dont look like a model or a pornstar and thats ok, because im not one.
    Im not as clever as a top scientist. oh well, I dont need to be.

    Wheres the challenge or whats the beauty or joy in being elite for something if its attainable by all

    Yes, that's a darwinistic approach lol. But on a serious note, of COURSE we need examples of the best, (educationally, forms of talent, etc.).

    In no way am I saying let's glorify being morbidly obese, let's get real and less sarcastic. However, in terms of something as personal as one's body size, the only standard placed should be health-related. For my child, I'd like her to see billboards of fit, average sized women.

    i dunno, average looking women dont inspire me, and its not gonna make me want to go out and buy a dress or something if its advertised by some average looking average sized chick
    The reason thin glamourous looking women are used to model stuff is because it works. It makes people wanna buy the product.
    it inspires people and makes them want that lifestyle
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    How can anyone find Megan Fox sexy?

    Ugly! Ugly!

    It's all a matter of personal preference, yo.

    I completely agree with you.
  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    Posh - no
    Kate Moss - let me see. Do I find Kate Moss attractive and would like to do nasty things to her with chocolate flavoured body paint and fluffy handcuffs. Let me see...


    Well, what do you think?

    Is that flavored body paint low cal?
  • danacho
    danacho Posts: 115 Member
    i haven't seen one pic where i thought posh was sexy, kate moss is hit and miss for me...

    its the same with cheryl cole the girl is very pretty and has a good figure but lacks sex appeal!!! fergie on the other hand isn't considered stunning but has sex appeal :)
  • corapie
    corapie Posts: 21 Member
    LOL! That's hilarious but I don't know if all that plastic looks "healthier."