

  • laureneva15
    [/quote]That's a good partner. It's about form first and foremost. Keep it up!

    He's great!
    He's in the Australia Army Reserves so he really knows what he's doing when it comes to working out, and he knows some of my limitations and is willing to work around them, like yesterday wanted me to use a machine that did hamstring hyperextensions, but I went to do it and I got vertigo so he switched it to leg curls instead.
    Didn't even know he had a fitness program worked out for me until Monday! lol
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    I appreciate the help the OP offers, but does anyone else find this a little high and mighty? I don't need to stand out and be told that very overweight people tend to not work as hard as they need. Thanks for telling me that those who fail are failing because they aren't doing the successful things right. I just need more Tim McCarver commentary.
    You read between the lines wrong. If it's successful then by all means keep doing it. This is for people who think they are doing it right and AREN'T getting results but think what they are doing is correct. Some people need an actual wake up call if they continue to do what they are doing without the results.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    This is great. I used to be "one of those". Now I have sweat dripping off my face, can hardly breath and feel like I'm gonna puke....and it's GREAT!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    I think there will always be those who say they want help but don't really.

    I know that if I'm going to the gym, I work, otherwise, really I can think of a million better things to do.

    My problem is I don't sweat anywhere near what most people do... no idea why, just never have, but anyone watching me will know I'm working hard, cause well, I go really red :)

    I personally don't worry about anyone but myself!
    Sweating is a genetic thing. I hardly sweat when I work out. And I'm no slouch. But I also have an issue with dry skin and ALWAYS have to put lotion on. One advantage of not sweating a lot is that acne was a minor problem.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I appreciate the help the OP offers, but does anyone else find this a little high and mighty?

    Um, no?

    I find what he said to be very truthful and helpful. I see nothing wrong with telling people the truth, especially since it was directed at people who are not getting to their goals. This could very well be why they aren't reaching them!
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    My problem is I don't sweat anywhere near what most people do... no idea why, just never have, but anyone watching me will know I'm working hard, cause well, I go really red :)

    I personally don't worry about anyone but myself!

    Meet your sister! I sweat F all but I glow! And am super red for up to an hour after
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member

    He's great!
    He's in the Australia Army Reserves so he really knows what he's doing when it comes to working out, and he knows some of my limitations and is willing to work around them, like yesterday wanted me to use a machine that did hamstring hyperextensions, but I went to do it and I got vertigo so he switched it to leg curls instead.
    Didn't even know he had a fitness program worked out for me until Monday! lol
    Keep him.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    This is great. I used to be "one of those". Now I have sweat dripping off my face, can hardly breath and feel like I'm gonna puke....and it's GREAT!
    Hit it hard!
  • Ajontheguitar
    No that's not quite what I mean. Just that it's a sad reality yes, but overweight people typically ARE doing the wrong things. It's just a little obvious and a tad self-serving.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member


    +1 for me too!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    No that's not quite what I mean. Just that it's a sad reality yes, but overweight people typically ARE doing the wrong things. It's just a little obvious and a tad self-serving.
    So then I should just shut up and let them keep doing it? Sorry, but that would be a dis service to what I do as a profession. It's called Tough Love and some people need it.
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    Amen!!! I wish those people there to talk would move aside so there is more room/machines for those there to work out. I did lunges today with a bar and struggled the last 2 sets but finished and knew I was accomplishing something!!! Thats a good feeling!
  • wlddove
    wlddove Posts: 85 Member
    Loved your topic! :o)

    I have a question, though. This whole weight loss thing is confusing me! So, you told the girls to eat 400 calories over their BMR.... I assume this is the number they would need to eat in order to lose weight. Okay, so, I calculated my BMR, and it's around 1650. Which means, if I added 400 to it, I should be eating over 2000 calories a day?!? I'm currently eating 1200. Am I doing something wrong?! I'm so confused....
    I gave a standard answer with the assumption that they worked out hard since I saw them there all the time. I usually use 400 calories over BMR because most people who work out consistently and with decent effort will burn 500 calories in an hour. Apply the calories that they do in every day life (walking, working, and even chores) and they should be in calorie deficit.
    With your BMR if you're not working out 1200 would be okay, but if you are working out hard, then I would up the calories.

    Ahhhh, okay. Thanks for the explanation!!
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    So so true. I actually don't use any dumb bells less than 17.5lbs... and that's for lateral raises. If you aren't going to kill it at the gym... why waste your time going!!! I believe some people actually don't think it has to be challenging to be effective and yes, you are right, they are fooling themselves!

    Wow you are my hero!!! lol laterals are tough!!! I am not anywhere near that weight yet... 10lbs but I will get there!
  • MsMe79
    MsMe79 Posts: 54
    My problem is I don't sweat anywhere near what most people do... no idea why, just never have, but anyone watching me will know I'm working hard, cause well, I go really red :)

    I personally don't worry about anyone but myself!

    Meet your sister! I sweat F all but I glow! And am super red for up to an hour after

    YAY! I'm not the only one! And I like the word "Glow" I'm going to use that from now on :)
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    My husband has made comments here and there about how light my weights are, but honestly, they make me huff and puff and burp up all sorts of interesting flavors. I'm always sore for at least 48 hours afterward. I'm pretty sure that I'm working hard, because there's no way I could speak during my workouts.

    I lead a fairly busy life, so when I workout, I want to get in as much hard and fast calorie burning as I can so I can get on to other things.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Great post

    After training some clients, I was approached by a female and her friend because they wanted some advice on losing the weight around the middle and their legs. They did admit that their eating needed help, but were GOOD with their training and wouldn't need help with that since they've trained before and have good form. Advice I gave them was to find their BMR and eat about 400 calories over it.

    Loved your topic! :o)

    I have a question, though. This whole weight loss thing is confusing me! So, you told the girls to eat 400 calories over their BMR.... I assume this is the number they would need to eat in order to lose weight. Okay, so, I calculated my BMR, and it's around 1650. Which means, if I added 400 to it, I should be eating over 2000 calories a day?!? I'm currently eating 1200. Am I doing something wrong?! I'm so confused....

    BMR x estimated activity = total daily energy expenditure. I assume the OP is saying that as these ladies said they have their exercise under control that they would be creating a calorific deficit to lose weight through exercise moreso than reduced calorie intake.
  • leilani♥
    leilani♥ Posts: 579
    Amen!!! I wish those people there to talk would move aside so there is more room/machines for those there to work out. I did lunges today with a bar and struggled the last 2 sets but finished and knew I was accomplishing something!!! Thats a good feeling!

    This happened to me the other night. These 2 ladies were sitting side by side in 2 different machines that I wanted to use. And they had a bunch of makeup on and trendy workout outfits talking about their woes & stress. I wanted to point them to the lobby chairs to carry on their conversation..very distracting while working out!
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Well thanks!!! A figure competition is one of my goals for next year ;) I love weight training... I say go big or go home!
    So so true. I actually don't use any dumb bells less than 17.5lbs... and that's for lateral raises. If you aren't going to kill it at the gym... why waste your time going!!! I believe some people actually don't think it has to be challenging to be effective and yes, you are right, they are fooling themselves!
    Dang girl you should do a Fitness comp! You definitely got the right goods to do it. Impressive on the laterals! Many guys don't even use that weight..................woosies.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    I think people need this talk with their eating as well.

    My flatmate often moans at me about how it's unfair I am "so skinny" and she is always on a diet blah blah. But then I watch her eat fudge and icecream every night as a "treat" for going to the gym and her day is full of "healthy" things like pasta, or fruit smoothies - which are fine in moderation, but not at all conductive to her goals. Whenever I try to offer advice she gets super defensive - fair enough it is a sensitive thing, but it gets on my grill that she then whines.

    And the exercise thing on top of that. If you leave the gym and you aren't even a little pink you know you aren't going to get anywhere!