

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    I hate it when people string me along about exercising. I've gotten to the point where I won't offer help, but, if someone asks I'm more then happy to help em out! But they get one shot! If they skip or give me some lame excuse I'm done!!! I really enjoy ninerbuff's approach with the dining analogy. Seems like a nice, patient guy. Guess I'm more of a hard-*kitten*:(
    Ah, that wasn't the case before. My attitude when I started was "go hard or go home" and though I got a few clients, they were the ones who only needed minimal help. I think where it all changed is when I became a stay at home dad (still am). I had to learn patience real fast. Breathing and my punching bag at home taught me how to step back and reassess the actual situation. And I know that carried over to working with clients on the "how to" and not just focus on preaching the benefits of better fitness.
    One of the other affirmations I use with clients is when they say "I really HATE exercising. How do I change my attitude?" Most of the time my reply is "You have to hate being fat, more than you hate exercise". It usually brings a smile to their face and we resume working out.
  • lglg11
    lglg11 Posts: 344 Member
    Dave : Yes I'm sure it was ! I also saw them with Ozzy Osbourne . I was such a badass lol , or so I thought .
    And parachute pants ?? Had them , loved them , rocked them ! haha (with the paint splattered mid-drift baring tee of course!)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Haha! Sporting a mullet with big "clown" pants in the gym back in the day! Then of course came the spandex bright colors.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    In the mall today and was approached by a "mall vendor". He hit me up with the "you look like you work out, check this out" and proceeded to tell me how I could improve my performance............................with an ENERGY BAND. You know, one of those wrist bands you where that help with the "ions" in your body and help to give you balance. Wrong move.
    Totally left him dumbfounded because he couldn't explain the actual process of how they worked. But here's the sad thing, there were people standing in line to pay for them. Most of them parents with their "sports" kids.
    You're kidding yourself if you think these "bands" have anything to do with your health or performance.
  • Dave351
    Dave351 Posts: 45 Member
    Dave : Yes I'm sure it was ! I also saw them with Ozzy Osbourne . I was such a badass lol , or so I thought .
    And parachute pants ?? Had them , loved them , rocked them ! haha (with the paint splattered mid-drift baring tee of course!)

    Im sure you were a bad-*kitten*! ;) Ahhhh, the big hair 80's! :) LOL
  • Dave351
    Dave351 Posts: 45 Member
    In the mall today and was approached by a "mall vendor". He hit me up with the "you look like you work out, check this out" and proceeded to tell me how I could improve my performance............................with an ENERGY BAND. You know, one of those wrist bands you where that help with the "ions" in your body and help to give you balance. Wrong move.
    Totally left him dumbfounded because he couldn't explain the actual process of how they worked. But here's the sad thing, there were people standing in line to pay for them. Most of them parents with their "sports" kids.
    You're kidding yourself if you think these "bands" have anything to do with your health or performance.

    That's awesome!!! A few weeks back a couple youngbloods in my shop were in a "deep" discussion bout which band they were gonna buy! I reached into my desk and pulled out a bag of rubber-bands. I sat there quietly examining the rubber-bands until they asked me what I was doing. Then I choose 2 and said, "Dave's bands are the best!!! And thru a process only known to God himself these particular bands improve everything that may be negative in your life! And for the low Earl Shive price of $17.95 you'll get these two bands and free replacements for life!!!" It was hilarious!! Of course they told me to F-off but it was totally worth it!!! I tried to explain to them that the idea of a man-made piece of rubber increasing strength, endurance, sexual stamina was totally ludicriss!!! I told them to wrap the rubber bands very tightly around their genitals until their manhood fell off! Told them they were contaminating the gene pool! :) LMAO
  • Dave351
    Dave351 Posts: 45 Member
    Haha! Sporting a mullet with big "clown" pants in the gym back in the day! Then of course came the spandex bright colors.

    OMG!!!! You would not believe how many men (and women for that matter) still sport a mullet!!! It's not just akin to redneck racing (NASCAR), in the hockey world mullets reign supreme!!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    I still see them occasionally. And then I laugh to myself because I had one.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Went to the gym early and was approached by a female who wanted my input. Stated she works really hard on cardio and yoga every week and can't lose weight. Now she was a little "fluffy" so my first thought was diet. She stated her diet is spot on and she only eats clean foods. So I asked how much cardio she does and she stated 45 min on the elliptical. I asked how much she burned per session and she stated she wasn't sure, but her workout is hard. So I had her take me to the elliptical so I could see her workout. On a PRECOR, the default setting is 1 and goes up to resistance 20. She got on and put the resistance to 2. I watched her for about 15 sec, then I upped the resistance to level 8. She then started slowing down and huffing. "This is hard!" I think you found your problem, was my response.

    Quit kidding yourself if you're doing the elliptical at level 5 and under if you're decently fit. Unless the body is challenged it won't respond in kind.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Unless the body is challenged it won't respond in kind.

  • starwhisperer
    Oh fantastic just the place to ask my newest burning question! I am a military spouse so we have all sorts of things offered to us, for instance i just went in and had a Vol O2 test done. One of those walk on the treadmill with the O2 masks on tests. It came up that I am just at the average level for my age and gender. I have a couple of problems with this. A. I do a fair amount of cardio 3 to 5 days a week, and B. I feel like I was altering my breathing because of the slightly claustrophobic feeling that comes along with breaking through an O2 mask while on a treadmill. Anyway I am willing to accept that I am below where i thought I was because I did smoke for 15 years up until Jan of this year... and yes I know it is a shocking thing, but smoking screws with your lungs :) So after the test I ask the health nurse lady how to increase this number. This is where I became confused. She tells me to start working out in a lower heart rate area like between 128 and 154 for 5 min then spike my heart up into the 154-175 area for 30 seconds rinse and repeat. When I ask her why it wouldn't do me more good to continue how i have been with my heart rate up between 154 and 165 for my whole workout, she said that when I am doing that and my body isn't ready for it (because I am lame and am only in the average area) then my body is just doing whatever it can to survive, and not actually improving its ability to use the oxygen I am sucking in like a land bound fish. So, am I insane or does this make no sense at all?
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    In the mall today and was approached by a "mall vendor". He hit me up with the "you look like you work out, check this out" and proceeded to tell me how I could improve my performance............................with an ENERGY BAND. You know, one of those wrist bands you where that help with the "ions" in your body and help to give you balance. Wrong move.
    Totally left him dumbfounded because he couldn't explain the actual process of how they worked. But here's the sad thing, there were people standing in line to pay for them. Most of them parents with their "sports" kids.
    You're kidding yourself if you think these "bands" have anything to do with your health or performance.
    You're telling me there aren't shortcuts? That I can't simply *buy* fitness? It takes work? Crap.
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    I think there will always be those who say they want help but don't really.

    I know that if I'm going to the gym, I work, otherwise, really I can think of a million better things to do.

    My problem is I don't sweat anywhere near what most people do... no idea why, just never have, but anyone watching me will know I'm working hard, cause well, I go really red :)

    I personally don't worry about anyone but myself!
    Sweating is a genetic thing. I hardly sweat when I work out. And I'm no slouch. But I also have an issue with dry skin and ALWAYS have to put lotion on. One advantage of not sweating a lot is that acne was a minor problem.

    There's also an environmental consideration with sweating. I live in the desert of northern Nevada so even though my cardio is a serious workout (I do 16 mph avg. on my bike with hills, can do a 9.5 min mile, and my HR is typically well above 70% max) I rarely get drenched in sweat because it evaporates so fast it doesn't accumulate. Just sayin' is all.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Oh fantastic just the place to ask my newest burning question! I am a military spouse so we have all sorts of things offered to us, for instance i just went in and had a Vol O2 test done. One of those walk on the treadmill with the O2 masks on tests. It came up that I am just at the average level for my age and gender. I have a couple of problems with this. A. I do a fair amount of cardio 3 to 5 days a week, and B. I feel like I was altering my breathing because of the slightly claustrophobic feeling that comes along with breaking through an O2 mask while on a treadmill. Anyway I am willing to accept that I am below where i thought I was because I did smoke for 15 years up until Jan of this year... and yes I know it is a shocking thing, but smoking screws with your lungs :) So after the test I ask the health nurse lady how to increase this number. This is where I became confused. She tells me to start working out in a lower heart rate area like between 128 and 154 for 5 min then spike my heart up into the 154-175 area for 30 seconds rinse and repeat. When I ask her why it wouldn't do me more good to continue how i have been with my heart rate up between 154 and 165 for my whole workout, she said that when I am doing that and my body isn't ready for it (because I am lame and am only in the average area) then my body is just doing whatever it can to survive, and not actually improving its ability to use the oxygen I am sucking in like a land bound fish. So, am I insane or does this make no sense at all?
    She's speaking in terms of intervals. They work to build VO2 max. One of the best you can do is Tabata protocol. If done correctly you can increase your VO2 max 14%-20% in about 4 weeks.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    There's also an environmental consideration with sweating. I live in the desert of northern Nevada so even though my cardio is a serious workout (I do 16 mph avg. on my bike with hills, can do a 9.5 min mile, and my HR is typically well above 70% max) I rarely get drenched in sweat because it evaporates so fast it doesn't accumulate. Just sayin' is all.
    Tru dat!
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    I am currently using 13 pound dumbells for bicep curls and tricep extensions at home. I do 3 sets of 10 which hurts and I am usually wobbling lots on last set, yet I NEVER feel sore the next day. What's up with that?!
  • Scoobies87
    Scoobies87 Posts: 379
    After training some clients, I was approached by a female and her friend because they wanted some advice on losing the weight around the middle and their legs. They did admit that their eating needed help, but were GOOD with their training and wouldn't need help with that since they've trained before and have good form. Advice I gave them was to find their BMR and eat about 400 calories over it.

    So while I was training another group of clients, I happened to see these to yapping away while training and doing dumbell squats. Both were using 7lbs dumbells and doing 1/4 squats. No straining, no break in talking and even laughing while doing them. The rest of their workout was pathetic as well.

    Point of the story? There are many people out there who kid themselves if they really think that they are EFFECTIVELY exercising. The use of 5-7lbs dumbells, with the possible exception of curls and tricep extensions, is totally useless for bench presses, rows, shoulder presses, squats, etc. If the muscle isn't put under a decent load, YOU'RE WASTING YOUR TIME. Quit kidding yourself!

    I know that there will be some who read this and will think to themselves "this guy has no idea how hard I work". My response would be "don't confuse effort with results". If things aren't working out, then something is going on. I and others in-the-know are here to help out, but some need to quit kidding themselves into thinking they are doing it correctly.

    This may come as a surprise to you, but some women don't want to look muscly, hence why they start with small weights and do more of them. And no, you don't have any idea how hard some of us work.

    I cannot stand 'know it alls'. This site is supposed to be for encouragement and support.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    After training some clients, I was approached by a female and her friend because they wanted some advice on losing the weight around the middle and their legs. They did admit that their eating needed help, but were GOOD with their training and wouldn't need help with that since they've trained before and have good form. Advice I gave them was to find their BMR and eat about 400 calories over it.

    So while I was training another group of clients, I happened to see these to yapping away while training and doing dumbell squats. Both were using 7lbs dumbells and doing 1/4 squats. No straining, no break in talking and even laughing while doing them. The rest of their workout was pathetic as well.

    Point of the story? There are many people out there who kid themselves if they really think that they are EFFECTIVELY exercising. The use of 5-7lbs dumbells, with the possible exception of curls and tricep extensions, is totally useless for bench presses, rows, shoulder presses, squats, etc. If the muscle isn't put under a decent load, YOU'RE WASTING YOUR TIME. Quit kidding yourself!

    I know that there will be some who read this and will think to themselves "this guy has no idea how hard I work". My response would be "don't confuse effort with results". If things aren't working out, then something is going on. I and others in-the-know are here to help out, but some need to quit kidding themselves into thinking they are doing it correctly.

    This may come as a surprise to you, but some women don't want to look muscly, hence why they start with small weights and do more of them. And no, you don't have any idea how hard some of us work.

    I cannot stand 'know it alls'. This site is supposed to be for encouragement and support.

    Yet again, if you read through the thread he's not knocking the people who are giving it their all...he's knocking the ones who aren't but they think they are! Jeez people...
  • Scoobies87
    Scoobies87 Posts: 379
    After training some clients, I was approached by a female and her friend because they wanted some advice on losing the weight around the middle and their legs. They did admit that their eating needed help, but were GOOD with their training and wouldn't need help with that since they've trained before and have good form. Advice I gave them was to find their BMR and eat about 400 calories over it.

    So while I was training another group of clients, I happened to see these to yapping away while training and doing dumbell squats. Both were using 7lbs dumbells and doing 1/4 squats. No straining, no break in talking and even laughing while doing them. The rest of their workout was pathetic as well.

    Point of the story? There are many people out there who kid themselves if they really think that they are EFFECTIVELY exercising. The use of 5-7lbs dumbells, with the possible exception of curls and tricep extensions, is totally useless for bench presses, rows, shoulder presses, squats, etc. If the muscle isn't put under a decent load, YOU'RE WASTING YOUR TIME. Quit kidding yourself!

    I know that there will be some who read this and will think to themselves "this guy has no idea how hard I work". My response would be "don't confuse effort with results". If things aren't working out, then something is going on. I and others in-the-know are here to help out, but some need to quit kidding themselves into thinking they are doing it correctly.

    This may come as a surprise to you, but some women don't want to look muscly, hence why they start with small weights and do more of them. And no, you don't have any idea how hard some of us work.

    I cannot stand 'know it alls'. This site is supposed to be for encouragement and support.

    Yet again, if you read through the thread he's not knocking the people who are giving it their all...he's knocking the ones who aren't but they think they are! Jeez people...

    Why feel the need to knock anyone?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    I am currently using 13 pound dumbells for bicep curls and tricep extensions at home. I do 3 sets of 10 which hurts and I am usually wobbling lots on last set, yet I NEVER feel sore the next day. What's up with that?!
    Soreness isn't always an indication of a good workout. Soreness usually is an indication that the muscle got pushed much further than it's been used to.