

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    People, he's not knocking people who are working out, he's knocking people who think they're kicking *kitten* when they're really just half assing it...therefore, kidding themselves. He hasn't said one derogatory thing about people who might need to go slower due to injury or weight issues.

    Thanks for your support!!!
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I love this thread and it's a perfect reminder that having a personal trainer is a worthwhile expense (for me). I'd NEVER think I could do as much or as heavy without someone telling me I could and encouraging me to get my reps in.

    I, for one, don't want to waste my time :)
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    People, he's not knocking people who are working out, he's knocking people who think they're kicking *kitten* when they're really just half assing it...therefore, kidding themselves. He hasn't said one derogatory thing about people who might need to go slower due to injury or weight issues.


    yes.... and ninerbuff you have my support too!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Here's more: Sweating a lot isn't a TOTAL indication that you're working out hard and burning a lot of calories. I hear this from yoga and pilates people all the time.
    Isometric exercise, which is what yoga and pilates revolves around, builds strength. That's good. Unfortunately it doen't use a lot of calories to do it. So while you may be sweating (a people have different degrees of sweating), all this indicates in these classes it that your body is cooling itself.
    You also aren't "building long lean muscles" from it. Your muscle structure was SET when you were born. You can't lengthen them any more than you can force yourself to grow taller. The appearance seems "longer and leaner" because if you lose weight, then you have less mass between the joints (meaning less fat on the muscle).
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    This morning a new client of mine comes in 5 min late. No call, no heads up. When I asked him why, he just said "I was running late". Now the before I take on a client, we sit down and specifically map out goals and how to reach them and I have them sign a "commitment" sheet. On that sheet, it states they will be "on time" for each and every workout (unless there's a prior engagement or emergency or some comes up and I'm given a REASONABLE amount of time to reschedule). I understand that traffic can hold you up, but it' Sunday morning so I don't think that was the issue.
    I reminded him about his "commitment" and he's reply was "Hey, I'm here aren't I? If I wasn't committed I wouldn't be here." So here's where the TOUGH LOVE comes in.
    I told him to think of a bacon, eggs and toast breakfast with a glass of juice at a restaurant. Before you get ready to eat it, think about how this breakfast got to your table. It was brought by a server who was definitely involved. The cook had to prep the meal so they were involved. The delivery man who brought the food to the restaurant was involved. The baker who baked the bread for the toast was involved. The chicken who laid the eggs to eat were involved. Everyone and thing here is involved EXCEPT the bacon..................the pig was COMMITTED.
    I let him know that you could "be there" and still not be committed. If your goal is that important to you, you make the sacrifices and "buck up" the discipline it takes to reach it.
    So for those out there thinking, "well I'm doing everything............" take the time to see if you're kidding yourself and if you're really committed or if you're just along for the ride.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I like that bacon and eggs analogy.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    I like that bacon and eggs analogy.
    And the breakfast tastes good too!!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Is it me or do women try to fit into clothes that are too small for them? I swear I see females wearing pants so tight, that their legs look like the are going to go numb from compression then have this "muffin" top hanging over the top of the pants! Why wear your clothes this way? Why not wear a pair of pants that actually fit?

    It's so funny today. Women wear pants too small, and males wear pants too large (they need to pull their pants up!)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Is it me or do women try to fit into clothes that are too small for them? I swear I see females wearing pants so tight, that their legs look like the are going to go numb from compression then have this "muffin" top hanging over the top of the pants! Why wear your clothes this way? Why not wear a pair of pants that actually fit?

    It's so funny today. Women wear pants too small, and males wear pants too large (they need to pull their pants up!)

    No, its not just you and that is one of the things that annoys me the most. People do it because they think it looks "good" or they don't want to go to the next size up... I personally have been guilty of this, but no more! I swear! :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member

    No, its not just you and that is one of the things that annoys me the most. People do it because they think it looks "good" or they don't want to go to the next size up... I personally have been guilty of this, but no more! I swear! :)
    Good because I'm thinking that this "fashion trend" gives people the false sense they are getting the "look" when it's probably the "look of shock".
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member

    No, its not just you and that is one of the things that annoys me the most. People do it because they think it looks "good" or they don't want to go to the next size up... I personally have been guilty of this, but no more! I swear! :)
    Good because I'm thinking that this "fashion trend" gives people the false sense they are getting the "look" when it's probably the "look of shock".

    Oh I know.. I have a sorority sister who is over weight, liked to walk around in just a sports bra or wear really tight reveling clothing and thought she looked good..and in reality everyone was making fun of her because it did not look flattering and she looked larger then then she actually was. She also thought that one day if she lost weight, she would be able to fit into my clothes, even tho there is a good 9 inch difference between us! Still waiting on her to loose that weight and to see if she can wear my clothes..

    When I did it, it was because I hadn't come to terms with the fact that I had really gained weight and was still pretending I was a smaller size.. and I knew that it didn't look good, but I didn't care because all I wanted was that smaller size. Now though, I realize that A. thats not attractive and B. it's not about size.. its about fit. If it doesn't fit, you shouldn't be wearing it!
  • Dave351
    Dave351 Posts: 45 Member
    Guys do that stuff too! Used to be the big ole baggy pants were the trend now guys are wearing the skinny jeans and getting the muffin top effect as well! I went to Minnesota once to play in a hockey tourney. This guy in his early 20's was being chased by a cop and it was freaking hilarious!!!! The cop was a typical donut eating out of shape guy and the kid had on baggy pants that hung below his boohind. It was a serious low speed persuit!!! Well, the cop finally caught the kid. Kid says, "I can't believe your fat *kitten* caught me!" Cop says, "thank God your dumb enough to commit a crime and then basically bind your legs together so you can't run!"

    Basically I believe in the old "spandex is a privilage" statement. However, there is also something to be said for a person being confident enough to go out in public looking "not so good." Confidence is very sexy...but muffin tops...not so much:)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Basically I believe in the old "spandex is a privilage" statement. However, there is also something to be said for a person being confident enough to go out in public looking "not so good." Confidence is very sexy...but muffin tops...not so much:)
    Spandex doesn't look good on everyone............I think that people that wear them that shouldn't, have a total different view of themselves.
  • lglg11
    lglg11 Posts: 344 Member
    This thread is so funny to me :)

    I live in a neighborhood with many moms, some in shape, some not so much , all complaining that they want to exercise and be more active but doing nothing about it . I run about 4 times a week and do some strength training dvds and they all bust my chops because of it and ask me to help them get started doing stuff.

    I sent out a text msg to them (7 total) telling them we should start walking together, a few nights a week for some exercise and to give us time to catch up since we are all very busy with kids, etc. They loved the idea and were all up for it. I have sent them 7 msgs since that original text and all 7 of them answer with one reason or another of why they couldnt do it, none of them valid.
    Things like , I have to clean up after dinner or I'm waiting for the laundry to finish so I can fold it, its not a good night for me I just had a long day or its just too hot out to walk. So I completely understand OPs point. Do not complain or ask for help if you are comfortable the way you are and really don't want the help to begin with. If you do want the help than take it and be ready to work hard if you except to see results. None of them could even commit to this very small first step.

    As far as spandex goes, I wore my first pair to a Motley Crue concert at Madison Square Garden when I was 16. My girlfriends all wore them too and we all had different colors such as red (mine) blue white green and .. wait for it .. yellow!
    I have never nor will I ever wear straight spandex again! lol
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    This thread is so funny to me :)

    I live in a neighborhood with many moms, some in shape, some not so much , all complaining that they want to exercise and be more active but doing nothing about it . I run about 4 times a week and do some strength training dvds and they all bust my chops because of it and ask me to help them get started doing stuff.

    I sent out a text msg to them (7 total) telling them we should start walking together, a few nights a week for some exercise and to give us time to catch up since we are all very busy with kids, etc. They loved the idea and were all up for it. I have sent them 7 msgs since that original text and all 7 of them answer with one reason or another of why they couldnt do it, none of them valid.
    Things like , I have to clean up after dinner or I'm waiting for the laundry to finish so I can fold it, its not a good night for me I just had a long day or its just too hot out to walk. So I completely understand OPs point. Do not complain or ask for help if you are comfortable the way you are and really don't want the help to begin with. If you do want the help than take it and be ready to work hard if you except to see results. None of them could even commit to this very small first step.

    As far as spandex goes, I wore my first pair to a Motley Crue concert at Madison Square Garden when I was 16. My girlfriends all wore them too and we all had different colors such as red (mine) blue white green and .. wait for it .. yellow!
    I have never nor will I ever wear straight spandex again! lol
    Yes, even amongst some friends of mine, who always compliment my physique, will ask if I can help them. Then I give them free passes to the gym and .........................................they can't make it.
    It's about what's important to you and if it's important enough, you'll do what it takes. It's no different than having a hobby which many people will go out of their way to do. It just seems that staying fit and in shape and eating in control is something many people don't WANT to do.
  • purnurple
    purnurple Posts: 102
    now sir, my great grandma sat in her wheelchair and could hardly lift the 3 pound weight. okay my grandma didnt but i do understnad for people that are 90 plus and are in a wheelchair and havent done much moving, i understand them doing a curl with a 3 pounder. my grandmother did sit and do the pbs sit and exercise video. I understand for some people that they may not be able to do more. okay for the average cabbage, you can do more then 3 pounds.
  • Dave351
    Dave351 Posts: 45 Member
    Igig11-Motley Crew? Hmm, you're my age...when you were 16...was the the Theater of Pain tour! :) I saw that tour when I lived in Philly!!! Ahhhh, 1980's!!! Big hair and spandex!!! LMAO! Oh! And parachute pants too! ;)

    purnurple-My grandmother had spinal surgery when she was in her early 80's. She was on the verge of becoming paralyzed and the doctors said they could do the surgery but because of her age she may not be able to recover. Being a tough old Ukranian Gal she was passionate about getting the surgery...she didn't want to be bound to a wheel chair for the rest of her days. So after the surgery she astounded all her doctors and her rehab therapists! She was walking, lifting weights...all kinds of stuff! Point is that she had serious drive, determination, and willpower to not be chair bound. I love the older generations! When they put their minds to something they're like bulls! And they have the BEST stories!:) We could learn a lot from the older generations!

    I hate it when people string me along about exercising. I've gotten to the point where I won't offer help, but, if someone asks I'm more then happy to help em out! But they get one shot! If they skip or give me some lame excuse I'm done!!! I really enjoy ninerbuff's approach with the dining analogy. Seems like a nice, patient guy. Guess I'm more of a hard-*kitten*:(