

  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    First off, Congrats on your progress, ...

    but unfortunately this is a public forum so whatever you put out there as a pic anyone can see it. As for the creepy messages, I think all you can do is delete them and not respond at all.

    Best of luck to you with your continued success!
  • temptress75519
    temptress75519 Posts: 35 Member
    reading all of these replies it shocks me....its all "she deserves the creepy attention because she is wearing something too revealing." So if she were walking along the beach in her bikini, showing "too much" is it ok for people to walk up to her and call her a stripper or a hooker?

    If you would keep your mouth shut in person, you should do the same here. I'm disgusted by some of the people on here saying she deserved it...
  • MayaMadness
    WOW! I cannot believe the people on here who say the OP is "baiting" these people!

    1. This is a dieting/fitness website. You can't show progress as well with clothes on.
    2. This is NOT a dating website, so people shouldn't assume that the OP wants sexual attention.

    3. AND MOST IMPORTANT: The people sending the inappropriate/unwanted comments are at fault here - not the OP for posting a semi sexy photo. No matter how damn sexy she is, they should control what they write and not be such animals. Some of you blaming the OP are making the same type of "blame the victim" BS arguments that rapists made "she was asking for it b/c her skirt was too short and her boobs were out." Stop being pigs.
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Wow. I apologize if anyone has already said what I am about to say. I was too disgusted with some of the comments to read all of them.

    Those of you telling this girl that she deserves unwanted attention because of what she is wearing in this picture are absolutely disgusting. I am on the verge of closing my account after these remarks. That's like saying a woman who wears a mini skirt deserves to be raped or that someone should be raped because sex was "in the air." (Yes, someone actually got off on rape charges after a judge said that.) This girl can wear whatever she wants in her pictures. It is those sending her inappropriate messages who should stop. Wow...
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    cecrawfo and otr12-- Are you two serious!!!!!???? She is a girl who is making a serious effort to get healthy and she is looking sexy in the process! There is absolutely nothing wrong with her wanting to show it off!!!! Heck, if it were me, I'd do the exact same thing!

    I would probably do the same thing too. But I would also be flattered by the innapropriate comments that she is complaining about. If it bothered me I would change it.

    If I don't like the way the world reacts to me I change me, not tell the world they have to change.
  • Namaste1983
    Namaste1983 Posts: 603 Member
    Put on a tight tank top... bra and panties is too much if you don't want that kind of attention. You can wear a swimsuit outside with friends taking the picture or a snug dress. You look really young so i would cover it up to be honest but thats just the mamabear in me coming out.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    You're standing there in your underwear with your boobs perfectly centered in the shot.

    You catch what you bait for.

    Yup. Not sure how you expect any other response....

    Can't agree more. You can wear something more appropriate, even a bathing suit, but still...I couldn't have said it better myself.

    This is a bathing suit. It's called a bikini.

    ^^^ :heart: ithis
  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member
    To answer the original question, when you receive an inappropriate message there is a "block user" option at the top of the message window.

    I see you have already made your profile private, so that is good, and there is a block uses option. If you still want to post pictures more publicly, you may want to put on a pair of bike shorts and a fitted tank top/sports bra, and perhaps have the picture taken with a different background (looks like your bedroom). Some people are morons, and they can't keep their inane, juvenile comments to themselves. You look lovely, and you should be very proud of your weight loss!

  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    Wow, really surprised by the comments. Who cares how she's dressed, that doesn't mean she deserves to be treated with less respect than anyone else on this site. I think if you go to settings and then profile privacy settings you can make your profile completely private and only open to your friends. You don't deserve to be treated like that and neither does anyone else.

    I agree.
  • rsqsquad05
    rsqsquad05 Posts: 125
    Holy crap most of these replies are just mean! I can understand where they ae coming from because you look good and some people and creepy guys are going to say crude things. Its easy for them because it is on a computer and not to your face. I think they need to learn to just compliment you. The fact of the matter is that this is NOT a dating website it is a FITNESS web site and half of these people wish they were as far along inthere journey as you. C'mon we should be encouraging each other. On the other hand if you are getting nasty messages change your pic and block those people.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    Maybe you can't help it but you can cover up. Plenty of people post weight loss pictures fully clothed. Maybe your pics would be better received on

    I see PLENTY of people on here posing half-clothed. And I think your bra covers more than a lot of women's teeny bikinis I see in pictures! Maybe the men's COMMENTS would be better received on

    I would say maybe reply to their messages and apologize if they thought you were sending them a different message than you intended, but that they're messages are making you uncomfortable.

    Exactly. And this is how we play nice. :wink:
  • SenoraMacias
    SenoraMacias Posts: 305 Member

    Hmm I've never seen a bikini top with underwire and lace. But whatever you say....
  • phnx72
    phnx72 Posts: 47 Member
    cecrawfo and otr12-- Are you two serious!!!!!???? She is a girl who is making a serious effort to get healthy and she is looking sexy in the process! There is absolutely nothing wrong with her wanting to show it off!!!! Heck, if it were me, I'd do the exact same thing!

    I would probably do the same thing too. But I would also be flattered by the innapropriate comments that she is complaining about. If it bothered me I would change it.

    If I don't like the way the world reacts to me I change me, not tell the world they have to change.

    You would change yourself because of how the world reacts to you? That's awful and suggesting she do the same is ridiculous! Be strong enough to be yourself and in this case, not stand for being treated differently because the way you dress.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    While I personally wouldn't post a photo of myself like this, I don't think that the slamming of her is necessary. That's like saying a girl wearing a mini-skirt "provoked" her rape...totally not the case. She has a right to post whatever photo of herself that she wants, so long as it follows the "rules" of the page.

    HOWEVER, whining about creepers doesn't do squat. I had a guy just today send me a few messages that I didn't appreciate. Wanna know what I did about it? I IGNORED it and guess what? He stopped! What a kawinkidink! Stop whining about it, just ignore it.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    You're standing there in your underwear with your boobs perfectly centered in the shot.

    You catch what you bait for.

    Agree! your in your underwear and a bra ( that's defiantly not a bikini or if it is a very mismatched man)

    You can always post to your blog and make it private that way no one can see it but you.
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    Maybe you can't help it but you can cover up. Plenty of people post weight loss pictures fully clothed. Maybe your pics would be better received on

    I see PLENTY of people on here posing half-clothed. And I think your bra covers more than a lot of women's teeny bikinis I see in pictures! Maybe the men's COMMENTS would be better received on

    I would say maybe reply to their messages and apologize if they thought you were sending them a different message than you intended, but that they're messages are making you uncomfortable.

    this is a good idea! thanks for being nice and not assuming i'm a harlot for wearing a bikini in the 21st century!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    there is a difference between your picture and mine...

    there is a distinct difference between a sports bra and a lacy bra. just sayin
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    WOW! I cannot believe the people on here who say the OP is "baiting" these people!

    1. This is a dieting/fitness website. You can't show progress as well with clothes on.
    2. This is NOT a dating website, so people shouldn't assume that the OP wants sexual attention.

    3. AND MOST IMPORTANT: The people sending the inappropriate/unwanted comments are at fault here - not the OP for posting a semi sexy photo. No matter how damn sexy she is, they should control what they write and not be such animals. Some of you blaming the OP are making the same type of "blame the victim" BS arguments that rapists made "she was asking for it b/c her skirt was too short and her boobs were out." Stop being pigs.

  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    I have big boobs. I know when I wear low cut shirts men are going to look at them. I don't want them to look but they will. It is a man. Life isn't fair...what do you want me to say? I know this ahead of time...and I have pretty thick skin. I am prepared for it. But I will say with a picture like that I would expect to get messages from creepers. Such is life.

    Here are your options:

    1. Take it down OR
    2. Delete the messages's not fair but such is life...move on a worry about your weight loss.

    PS - I saw you mention the "real world." Anyone can google anything from this website FYI
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