

  • Katiemarie4488
    Katiemarie4488 Posts: 242 Member
    You're standing there in your underwear with your boobs perfectly centered in the shot.

    You catch what you bait for.

    Yup. Not sure how you expect any other response....

    Actually most of my FRIENDS on this site have been very supportive, so I disagree. And sorry, I can't help it if my boobs are large. It's a progress pic...! This is a weight loss site! Is there a way to make my profile picture private so non-friends can't see it?

    Try wearing a sports bra...
  • SenoraMacias
    SenoraMacias Posts: 305 Member
    Wear whatever you want just don't gripe about people making comments about it.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    And seriously people...I thought this forum was a bit nicer. I wouldn't expect somebody to bash another for having a picture showing off their progress. I'm kind of disappointed... I thought we were all here to get support and support others. Not put them down.
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    ~ Sorry but bikini really really looks like underwear. The picture may have not intended to be suggestive but it is.

    ~You didn't have your profile set to private before?!?!?!?! There are very bad people (men and women) out there who will creep, stalk, send inappropriate messages and do not care if this is not that kind of website. They are wrong. But it's up to you to be smart, be safe, take control of your life.

    ~Cover it up a bit, maybe a different angle and you'll look smashing and fit!!!

    I actually didn't realize my profile wasn't private---my fault for being naive I guess. I thought the default was private--when I checked just now the settings were on "visible to mfp community" so that was the first time I realized that. I know there are bad people.
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    I'm sorry for all of the rude responses you've received to your inquiry here.

    People are disgusting and mean spirited.
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    I wish I could smack all of you (who are saying she should expect these comments). Are you also saying that if somebody dresses sexy in public then they shouldn't be surprised if they get raped??? Seriously...that's what you're saying.

    Grrrrrr!!! I'm getting so mad just typing this.

    She's wearing a bikini and she's getting inappropriate comments. So a girl wearing a bikini to the lake deserves to have guys saying inappropriate comments just because she's wearing a bikini?

    Seriously people. It's called respect. I don't care if it's the internet or in real life. Whoever is saying these things to her are creepers who should keep their traps SHUT. She's wearing a bikini and showing off her hot bod that she's getting because of her new lifestyle. She should be showing it off and she SHOULDN'T expect guys to be nasty to her.

    Lots of things wrong with this statement. It's the internet, and respect barely applies on here (that's just the way it is). Like I've said before, if you can't handle criticism/people noticing you in your picture and saying something, burn your computer's battery and nuke it from orbit.

    "So a girl wearing a bikini to the lake deserves to have guys saying inappropriate comments just because she's wearing a bikini? "

    Not the first time it's happened before.

    "I wish I could smack all of you (who are saying she should expect these comments). Are you also saying that if somebody dresses sexy in public then they shouldn't be surprised if they get raped??? Seriously...that's what you're saying. "

    Durrrrrr hurrrrrrr. No really? That also happens in real life.

    I've picked out the following solutions for your dilemma:

    Solution #1 : Nuke your laptop or computer.
    Solution #2 : Stop crying about the reality of the internet/real life and deal with it.
    Solution #3 : Take down the pictures or make another picture the default so guys don't slobber over your chest.

  • change_happens
    I wanted to add.... you look amazing. I wish my waist was that tiny :) Don't worry... we are surrounded by creeps every single day. Just do a lot of ignoring and blocking. It will all go away... :)
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    Wow- not so sure that all that sniping was neccessary. All I can add is that you should be proud, you should post pictures, and you will just need to get used to ignoring the attention. If being thin is a new sensation to you, then you really will need to get used to the attention, as it will happen online and in the real world. In both worlds you will learn to ignore/delete :) And congrats, you look great.

    I agree. I enjoy a nice set of boobs like all true blooded men, or women, but it is not necessary to send inappropriate responses. That being said, she can block them, report them, or change into a habit which will make me upset because I enjoy looking at her
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 580 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss journey thus far. Keep up the great work. Give out the usernames of the guys sending you crude messages to all your MFP friends and ask them to inundate their e-mail with how crude they are....Good luck on the rest of your weight loss journey.
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss journey thus far. Keep up the great work. Give out the usernames of the guys sending you crude messages to all your MFP friends and ask them to inundate their e-mail with how crude they are....Good luck on the rest of your weight loss journey.

    lol--this response! Another good tactic!
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member

    You can block people. I don't know why people say **** like this on the internet. "Oh **** she's totally going to drive across state lines to **** me now!"

    I have 10 of these "Deal with it gifs". Thanks for using my favorite! ]=<
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I've been posting progress pics on my profile with every 4-5 lbs I lose. But I'm getting totally discouraged because I will get messages (3 this week) from guys who are saying completely inappropriate things. I don't wanna delete the pics--I'm proud of my weight loss so far! But is there a way to report these guys even if they're sending you a private message? Or idk, just suggestions in general?

    Creepers will be creepers. Don't let them distract you from the reason you are here in the first place.
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    By the way (just saying). I'm not condoning what these guys are doing sending inappropriate messages.

    Also, to all the people calling us mean/illogical, take a look at this via our perspective.

    You post a picture with your cleavage visible, and you expect people not to notice it? That's the problem with the situation, it's like walking around naked in a grocery store and then saying "WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT MY BODY?" which seems really nonsensical to a lot of us.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I wish I could smack all of you (who are saying she should expect these comments). Are you also saying that if somebody dresses sexy in public then they shouldn't be surprised if they get raped??? Seriously...that's what you're saying.

    Grrrrrr!!! I'm getting so mad just typing this.

    She's wearing a bikini and she's getting inappropriate comments. So a girl wearing a bikini to the lake deserves to have guys saying inappropriate comments just because she's wearing a bikini?

    Seriously people. It's called respect. I don't care if it's the internet or in real life. Whoever is saying these things to her are creepers who should keep their traps SHUT. She's wearing a bikini and showing off her hot bod that she's getting because of her new lifestyle. She should be showing it off and she SHOULDN'T expect guys to be nasty to her.

    Lots of things wrong with this statement. It's the internet, and respect barely applies on here (that's just the way it is). Like I've said before, if you can't handle criticism/people noticing you in your picture and saying something, burn your computer's battery and nuke it from orbit.

    "So a girl wearing a bikini to the lake deserves to have guys saying inappropriate comments just because she's wearing a bikini? "

    Not the first time it's happened before.

    "I wish I could smack all of you (who are saying she should expect these comments). Are you also saying that if somebody dresses sexy in public then they shouldn't be surprised if they get raped??? Seriously...that's what you're saying. "

    Durrrrrr hurrrrrrr. No really? That also happens in real life.

    I've picked out the following solutions for your dilemma:

    Solution #1 : Nuke your laptop or computer.
    Solution #2 : Stop crying about the reality of the internet/real life and deal with it.
    Solution #3 : Take down the pictures or make another picture the default so guys don't slobber over your chest.

    But it's the people on this thread who aren't even respecting her! Seriously. You guys are just making her feel bad saying she deserves to get those comments. Come on. I know there are TONS of creepers online and tons of people are going to send inappropriate message, but instead of saying she deserves it, maybe everybody should ease up a bit.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I wish I could smack all of you (who are saying she should expect these comments). Are you also saying that if somebody dresses sexy in public then they shouldn't be surprised if they get raped??? Seriously...that's what you're saying.

    Grrrrrr!!! I'm getting so mad just typing this.

    She's wearing a bikini and she's getting inappropriate comments. So a girl wearing a bikini to the lake deserves to have guys saying inappropriate comments just because she's wearing a bikini?

    It's a fricken bikini for Christ's sake!!!!!! How many of you are in the summer season right now? How many have been to the pool this year? How many people do you see in bikinis?? Would you go up to them and starting saying/doing inappropriate things because they're showing skin??

    Seriously people. It's called respect. I don't care if it's the internet or in real life. Whoever is saying these things to her are creepers who should keep their traps SHUT. She's wearing a bikini and showing off her hot bod that she's getting because of her new lifestyle. She should be showing it off and she SHOULDN'T expect guys to be nasty to her.

    Kater8er, be proud of yourself! Who cares what anybody else is saying. Yes, it's the internet so you will get pervs (most people don't have the balls to say it to people in real life so they hide online and say it here) so the best you can do is block and ignore. But no matter what people proud and keep doing your thing.

    Also, I'd suggest putting a less revealing picture for profile and others where they are hidden. That should help stop the creepers a bit.

    PS I like to wear mis matching bikinis all the time. :P

    I agree that the responses are downright rude. I personally think that most of the rude ones stem from jealousy, but we are here to encourage each other, not tear each other down.
  • emmaNEEDSskinny
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member

    omgosh emma. i just laughed so hard at this! still laughing! at work!
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member

    Yay for Emma! By the way, you are BOTH very gorgeous! (in a non creepy way)
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member

    omgosh emma. i just laughed so hard at this! still laughing! at work!

    Brittany?? smiley-laughing021.gif
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member

    Yay for Emma! By the way, you are BOTH very gorgeous! (in a non creepy way)

    Thank you! Haha back at-ya (non creepy!)
This discussion has been closed.