Things only bigger people know and do...



  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I've worn maternity pants and i've never been preggers....just because they were comfortable and no muffin top!

    Dude, I've always thought preggo girls have it lucky with those! Why should they have all the comfort with none of the judging ;) I would love them at any size, especially jeans with the big elastic panel instead of a fixed waist!

    I've already told myself the next time I need to go down a size I'm going for it! It's like built in spanx but more comfy, I can just imagine :)
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    wore lots of sweatshirts and sweatpants that were really an attempt to say that "i want to be comfortable" but in reality..tried to hide my true self
  • sarahlong09
    All of you ladies should be ashamed of yourselves for the "shaving thing"

    That shaving thing is cracking me up. . . . It is nice to be all smooth and such but if men or people in general turn their nose up at me due to oh my gosh a few extra let hairs. . . Then peace out. . . I say good riddance. . . . Just my thoughts.

    Agreed! I never shave past my mid-thigh because my hair is blonde and you can barely see the hairs on my legs. If a guy seriously cared about this I'd kick him to the curb! It's not like women were born to shave. :huh:

    I have never had to shave higher than just a lil above my knees. I also have blonde hair and its less than peach fuzz if anything
  • sarahlong09
    Also I would buy patches to patch up the inside of my pants which would always develop holes due to chub rub.

    Same here ... i can wear out a pair of pants! i like the term chub rub haha
  • wildestian
    wildestian Posts: 188 Member
    Also I would buy patches to patch up the inside of my pants which would always develop holes due to chub rub.

    Oh yeap! my pants suffer from chub rub.
    When sitting on the couch at a family members house and someone wants a picture...i cover my tummy up with my arms or reach and grab a pillow because "i think i'm getting a tummy ache".

    Soooo guilty! In fact, I sit everyday at school with my bag covering my tummy. ALWAAYS
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    All of you ladies should be ashamed of yourselves for the "shaving thing"

    That shaving thing is cracking me up. . . . It is nice to be all smooth and such but if men or people in general turn their nose up at me due to oh my gosh a few extra let hairs. . . Then peace out. . . I say good riddance. . . . Just my thoughts.

    Agreed! I never shave past my mid-thigh because my hair is blonde and you can barely see the hairs on my legs. If a guy seriously cared about this I'd kick him to the curb! It's not like women were born to shave. :huh:

    I haven't either, no point they are blonde and fine, if I shaved it would only make the prickly, blah..

    Also its not something fat people do, but I used to block up the bath, if you let the water out, only the water in front would move, then when you stand up there was a massive wave :D I no where near touch the sides now and I only noticed this the other day.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    I have done the shaving thing...and when pictures were called for, I would do my best to stand behind someone or something if at all possible.

  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Yeah.. Me and the fiance used to 'assume eating position' which meant unbuttoning the top one or two buttons on the jeans (which were a larger size than we'd have liked anyway..). Ok when it's just us.. A bit embarrassing if we're in a restaurant with other folk and sneakily unbuttoning and re-buttoning when we have to get up. Ridiculous I know!
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    wear skintight shorts under your skirt so that your thighs don't rub and you end up with rash.


    My AH-HA moment came from the jean unbutton situation... I'd unbuttoned them in the pick-up, then had to do them back up when I went into the store to do some quick shopping. The entire time I kept thinking I couldn't wait until I could get back to the pick-up to unbutton them again... and when I finally got back to the truck, I realized they'd been unbuttoned the entire time I was shopping! They'd also been UNZIPPED earlier, and though I zipped them back before going into the store, I forgot to button them. So, I was miserable that whole time... while they were unbuttoned. Embarrassing AND uncomfortable.

    It was sorta funny, but it was also the moment when I realized that I'd had enough. It was on a Wednesday night, and on Thursday, I came back to MFP.
  • eml48341
    eml48341 Posts: 88 Member
    I used to go through multiple drive throughs... I usually got a burger and fries to eat while I waited in line at KFC. Not my proudest moment. :blushing:
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    Used to carry around baby powder in my purse for the inside of my thighs


    i have done this....sort of.. i have found that Avon's magix face perfector is like a silky type powdery finish on face. so i used that on my inner thighs when wearing a skirt. expensive trick but no chafing. that sounds so stupid. :frown: but in my defense, we had no baby powder in the house or i would have used that!

    okay im going to sound silly but for those of you that have seen juno paulie bleaker her baby daddy puts deodorant on his inner thighs, so i thought hell ill try it and IT REALLY WORKS i use it any time i go on long walks or runs
  • farfalledibaciodinotte
    i've always bought my belts bigger so i could leave my pants unbuttoned and just wear a belt to hide that they weren't buttoned.
    Done it.

    hahahaa my hubby used to do this in his Military digies... he was on a medical profile and wasn't allowed to exercise and got a lil bit chunky.. he even had to use that age old trick of lying on the bed to get them up.. haha

    but the shaving thing... my grandmother told me the rule was... "never shave above the knee unless you're expecting company " hahhaaa best ever. I rarely ever shave more than six inches above my knee, because sitting in the tub knees bent , the tatas get in the way and yeah.. no one likes to have to push one to the side just to shave what's already blonde.
  • farfalledibaciodinotte
    Used to carry around baby powder in my purse for the inside of my thighs


    i have done this....sort of.. i have found that Avon's magix face perfector is like a silky type powdery finish on face. so i used that on my inner thighs when wearing a skirt. expensive trick but no chafing. that sounds so stupid. :frown: but in my defense, we had no baby powder in the house or i would have used that!

    okay im going to sound silly but for those of you that have seen juno paulie bleaker her baby daddy puts deodorant on his inner thighs, so i thought hell ill try it and IT REALLY WORKS i use it any time i go on long walks or runs

    I've heard a lot of long distance runners actually put vaseline down there.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    I pick things up with my feet...can't bend over all of the time. You know you're getting fat when you bend over in jeans and lose circulation to your face... :embarassed:
  • whatshesaid
    whatshesaid Posts: 53 Member
    This thread makes me sad because I'm guilty of a lot of these things and it makes me realize how uncomfortable we all are in our own skin :/
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    This thread makes me sad because I'm guilty of a lot of these things and it makes me realize how uncomfortable we all are in our own skin :/

    It also points out how HARD it is being fat!! Very depressing indeed. But it's a good reminder of why we're all looking for a change and getting healthy!
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    LOL..I know I'm going to laugh at this thread...

    1) How your shoes turn on one side....
    2) The breathe in and jump when trying to put on jeans.or laying on the bed and taking a giant breath...
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    One time I couldn't fit into some pants I had always worn so i wrapped a ponytail holder around the button and tied it into the hole on the other side.. gave me like another inch of wiggle room.. lol how ridiculous.

    LMFAO...I had a pair of pants that I popped the button off I used a baby shoe string to tie the two side together!
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    I've done most of these. Especially the 2 dinners. Friends and family. I really think i have an addiction to food. I still slip but i haven't done 2 dinners in a long time.
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    Used to carry around baby powder in my purse for the inside of my thighs


    I'd wear tights with knickers over them to hold them up so my legs wouldn't chaf. I did the takeaway thing too and the shaving thing.
    Once on a day out my tights ripped so to prevent chaffing I had to run to the toilet every few minutes and put pressed powder makeup between my legs...

    My goal... To have the gap and no chaffing!!!