what kind of water do you drink?



  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    I exclusively drink organic free range water which is collected in individual thimble-sized buckets, one thimble at a time, by a crew of skilled water farmers.

    Oh and I never drink any of that grass-fed stuff.

    giggles... and giggles again. Too funny!
  • BrindaP
    BrindaP Posts: 9
    Our city water I don't trust as they have failed to maintain safety standards. I can't believe the state hasn't stepped up on that yet... they are aware of the situation. It's a small rural city though, don't know if that's why the lax attitude. Anyway... we drink Dasani though if I get a water cooler I will be getting the kind where you fill your own 5 gallon container from the tap at the grocery. When I go work out at the gym, it's in the city where the water has consistently met safety guidelines. When I go there I take my own refillable container and fill it from the water fountain and again on my way home.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Tap water at home.

    1st bottle of water at work is tap from home, then Olympic Spring bottled thereafter (because our well water sucks at work) or Arrowhead if I forgot my water bottle at home; both work types are because that's what the boss supplies in lieu of our sucky work well water.
  • jemko
    jemko Posts: 91 Member
    I use a Brita Pitcher to filter my tap water - then I never leave home without a reusable bottle filled, sometimes two depending on what I'm doing.

    This. I never buy bottled water anymore, after learning about the damage the influx of plastic bottles is doing to the environment. They may reusable bottles with built in Brita filters now, so you can refill anywhere and know that you have clean, filtered water.
  • javablondie
    javablondie Posts: 411 Member
    Tap water. We have 4 aluminum bottles (BPA-free and all that jazz) we fill and keep in the fridge door so we can take one to work or just rotate through them while at home. When I lived where the water tasted more chemical-y I kept a Brita pitcher in the refrigerator to have cold, filtered water at all times.

    But are they aluminum free? ;-)
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    I drink Kirkland bottled water since the heat makes water from the tap taste nasty when left too long... or i drink sparkletts as that is what is provided by work. at home, i drink normal tap water that has been run through a filter
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I prefer getting my water straight from the drainage ditch in my yard. It has fiber in it too.
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    I love my brita pitcher. I drink tap water filtered through it at home and take it in aluminum go cups when I leave the house.
  • BrindaP
    BrindaP Posts: 9
    I bought a Brita filter, but the disclaimer says it will not filter out bacteria, which is what is in our water. So, really, a filter won't work for us. :( I wish it would because that would be so much simpler.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    I prefer getting my water straight from the drainage ditch in my yard. It has fiber in it too.

    I prefer to get my water from the sewer. That has a lot more fibre in it.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    I only drink the sweat from albino tigers, it's much cheaper than tiger blood, and the urine tastes all pi$$y.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I like my water wet
  • cindytetrault
    Hi, read your post and I drink regular water, bottled water and things that fill the bill and count as water---which are:
    iced tea-unsweetened of course, or sweetened with lo-cal sweetener, crystal light flavored drinks, flavored water is
    good, just check the calorie count that its not a high count, all these count as water choices.

    I know drinkiing 8 glasses of water daily seems a bit intimidating, but its one of the first things that I changed in my eating/dieting habits when I lost my first weight and lost 65 pounds. I once weighed 229, and I have plateaued at 164, until i lost 4 pounds this week on myfitnesspal. I have 40 more pounds to go according to my doctor (im not so sure about that). But drinking the water, or its appropriate substitute in critical to the weight loss.
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    I just fill a plastic water bottle with ice and tap water. It's easy, environmentally friendly, and cheap. :)

    and some studies have shown bottled is less healthy
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    You know Poland Spring water? Poland Spring is like 15 minutes down the road, 2 towns over. My tap water is pretty much the same stuff, the ground water here in Maine can't be beat.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    I only drink my own urine. It's the only eco-friendly thing I could come up with. Save the water for the fishies!!!
  • Kate6868
    Kate6868 Posts: 159 Member
    Tap water. At home, we have a filter under the sink because I don't like the taste of chlorine. My husband and I both have stainless steel water bottles that we fill with out filtered tap water.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    The wet stuff.

    We have a filter in our fridge line but that's it.
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    Tap water. I carry a metal water bottle pretty much everywhere and refill it from what ever water fountain or soda fountain (I always ask if they mind before using the water from a soda fountain, most don't) I used to have a faucet mounted filter, but it broke a while back and I haven't felt the need to replace it.

    I can't believe how expensive bottled water is.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    This. Or unicorn tears.

    But what's the sodium in unicorn tears?