What favorite food did you give up?



  • RealMeSomeday
    So far I haven't given up any food but I have pretty much stopped drinking pop/soda but that's just because after drinking so much water it just doesn't taste as good.

    I stopped drinking soda about 3 months ago... And I haven't looked back

    oh my gosh! What did you replace diet coke with? (or whatever your pop was) I drink a ton of water but I love the taste sensation of a cold glass of diet coke!
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    It's so easy for me to overdo it, I just forgo the option all the time. Being gluten free helps to an extent, but seeing the bags of brown rice pasta just make me frown a little.. :<
    Maybe in a few weeks when I can muster just one cup, or a half cup of noodles... but not yet... :/
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I've not given up anything permanently. But I suppose I have given up diet soda for the most part. I was desperate to break though a plateau and was willing to try anything. I'm not sure it really helped, but I don't miss diet soda at all. I'll have one or two a month now, probably.
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    I thought I had to give up PB and ice cream, but I just exercise more so I can eat full fat PB daily and once a week I eat around 600 calories of lovely, wonderful, real ice cream. I just eat a bit healthier that day and exercise a bit more. Feels like I'm cheating, but I still stay under my calories goal...usually :wink:
    Same here! If I overdo it one day, I'll compensate the next. Sometimes, though, it will be a 2-day indulge day, and then the next week has to be stricter.
    Yet it's all worth it, because if I had sweet things and indulgences everyday they would not be as enjoyable :love:
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Philly soft pretzels and Cheese Steaks. I live in Philly so it was hard
  • jonniemarie1
    jonniemarie1 Posts: 77 Member
    i haven't given up anything... but i really should give up added sugar!!!i just need the willpower to do so.
  • mistyaiken
    ive given up lots of stuff like starbcks coffee , meat, soda , sugar ,sugary drinks junk food ice cream cookies . i still drink alittle juice but i add water to it so i dont get all the sugar and a few thousand food calories trying to overcome a conpulsive eatting problem i have .
  • judymari
    judymari Posts: 69 Member
    I don't mean to be a downer, but I feel like I've given up a lot of things, and still my weight loss progress does not reflect that. Butter, cream, chocolate, peanut butter, chips, ice cream. I never would eat low-fat or fat-free foods before, refused to drink skim milk. Sigh...

    now it's spray-on fake butter, no cream in my coffee, virtually no peanut butter. I make my husband pie, cookies or brownies, and scarcely do more than a tiny taste, drink skim milk, eat fat-free things, more fruit, more veges.

    alas, maybe persistence will help.