hm_day Support Group



  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    Hola!! :)

    My Daily Report
    * Water intake: 64oz of water
    * Exercise: would cooking/food preparation or walking at slow pace, count? :) Tomorrow, I am going to start going to the gym :D
    * Days without smoking: 32
    * Wellness: Last night I went to bed at 10pm, thinking of doing the same today :)
    * Calf raises: I did 40 today, so.... 80/400 calf raises
    * I haven't had a salad yet, having one for dinner tomorrow :)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    So as some of you may remember, I need to have my wisdom teeth taken out. Tomorrow I'm finally going to see the oral surgeon for a consultation on what the hell they're gonna do with me. I could only eat half an apple today.. This needs to be addressed and fixed, lol. Wish me luck!
  • bonogul
    bonogul Posts: 96 Member
    So today, i didn't drink enough water for sure, i can tell just by the headache. I just got back from the gym but i forgot about the calf raises .... shoot :( I ate salad today... yeahhh i am proud of that one :)
    but slept only 5 hrs last night...
    oo by the way, its that time of the night again, when i start to do battle with my mind on what to eat.... this is my weakness: late night snacks.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    So today, i didn't drink enough water for sure, i can tell just by the headache. I just got back from the gym but i forgot about the calf raises .... shoot :( I ate salad today... yeahhh i am proud of that one :)
    but slept only 5 hrs last night...
    oo by the way, its that time of the night again, when i start to do battle with my mind on what to eat.... this is my weakness: late night snacks.

    You can do calf raises at home too :)
    I hear ya on the late night snacks. You just have to ignore it. Eventually your body will adjust and won't want late snacks. If you DO have a late night snack, eat a super low cal snack like unbuttered popcorn, or crackers.
  • tristahenry
    Just reporting an overall fail for my daily report... blah.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    That was me the other day, lol. Don't worry about it, dear. Just start over again tomorrow. :)
  • miracleminded1
    Good morning!

    Well yesterday I did okay on some points and not so well on others....

    I drank about 100 oz of water...I lost track once I left work but I'd had 3/4 of a gallon at that point, then went to Jazzercise class and had more....

    I did 90 calf raises, so 370 - 90 = 280 remaining.

    I didn't get quite 8 hours of sleep. 7 1/2 or so.

    No salad again yesterday. I work at a hospital so I already bought my salad for today from the deli on my way in to work today. It has chicken in with it, which I'll eat...and dressing which I don't use. It also has a lemon wedge, which is what I use in place of dressing. I learned to do that during a previous program to slim down. Lemon juice on my salads suits me just fine!!

    I have to admit, I'm already off to a rough start today. I stopped at McDonald's on my way to work. And I bought a latte' from the deli as well. I find in my mind I've given myself permission to blow the entire day, since I fell short already of what I think I should be doing.... I am battling with myself about that...just because I am not perfect doesn't mean I should just jump off the deep end and multiply the damage!

    I see that today is going to be an interesting one.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    My daily report!
    No salad today. Didn't really have time, lol.
    Did about a half hour of exercise, plus a little walking.
    Got my full 8 hours in last night, maybe a bit more.
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    Today, was an Okay day for me. Went to the gym for the first time in a couple of years, it was great I guess.

    * Water intake: 64oz of water
    * Exercise: 20 minutes on the treadmill of intensive interval workout (1 minute walking, 1 minute running). 30 minutes on a stationary bike (from level 1 to the 5th) and I did two other machines I don't know the name of :p:D
    * Days without smoking: 33
    * Wellness: Last night I went to bed at 10pm, thinking of doing the same today :)
    * Calf raises: I did 40 today, so.... 120/400 calf raises
    * For dinner I had half a cup of lettuce and a 1/4 cup of pico de gallo --- there it was my salad :p:)

    As for everything else, I have my routine of strength workout, so let's see how it goes from tomorrow on.

    Everyone have a wonderful evening. Good night!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Oh yeah, I forgot to log my calf raises. I did another 75 calf raises. So 150/400 :)
  • miracleminded1

    So, yesterday...I did well on my water. I didn't do any more calf raises so I'm still at 120 out of 400. I ATE A SALAD!!! And I probably got about 7 hours of sleep.

    I think that's it!!

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • bonogul
    bonogul Posts: 96 Member
    pour moi, i did about 70 calf raises, an hour of spinning, plus some ellipticals today. haven't ate salad yet but its still 430pm.
    definitely drank over 64 oz of water. But again I still didn't get over 6 hrs of sleep, but thats good enough for me.

    and TGIF... also it definitely feels nice when old clothes fits :)
    Bil~ :)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I did not have salad today. My meals were kind of skewed today, so don't judge :P
    I haven't done any calf raises yet, but I'm definitely feeling yesterday's workout (running, crosstrainer, and calf raises) in my legs. Haven't decided if I'm gonna do them today or not. If not, I'm going to the gym tomorrow.
    I'm pretty sure I got exactly 8 hours of sleep.
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    TGIF!!! I couldn't have said it better. It feels like this week went passed so slow.

    Today, was an Okay day for me. Went to the gym for the first time in a couple of years, it was great I guess.

    As for my daily report
    * Water intake: 64oz of water
    * Exercise: 30 minutes on the treadmill of intensive interval workout (1 minute walking, 1 minute running). 25 minutes on a stationary bike (from level 2), Elliptical Trainer for 20 minutes and some other machine called Top ("bicycle for your arms” that helps you train the upper half of your body in a more targeted way and faster than weights.)
    * Days without smoking: 34
    * Wellness: I have been going to bed on time around 10/10:30pm
    * Calf raises: still at 120/400 calf raises
    * Had salad for lunch today.

    I think that would be all for now.

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    hey all,

    so today i had 15 glasses of water (nd i'm still thirsty)
    i ate veges n fruit but not a salad nd got 8 hrs of sleep :)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    My daily report..

    No salad. But I did have veggies, so I wasn't completely off :)
    I did about a half hour of exercise and 75 more calf raises. So I'm at.. 225/400 calf raises.
    I definitely got more than 8 hours of sleep. Probably more like 10 at least.

    I claimed my pilates disc back, so now I have the 30DS and my Pilates DVD.
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    I gotta say I am really tired. Maybe is because I have spent the last 2 days at the gym working out a lot.

    As for my daily report
    * Water intake: 64oz of water
    * Exercise: 30 minutes on Ellipctical Trainer and did only 10 minutes on a stationary bike. (I had to go out and have lunch with my best friend)
    * Days without smoking: 35
    * Wellness: I'm going to bed about now, so that I can have my well deserved rest
    * Calf raises: still at 120/400 calf raises
    * For lunch I had a salad (lettuce, tomatoe and carrot) with 100grs of ground beef

    I guess that would be all for now.

    Have a wonderful night! Good night! Sweet dreams!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    My daily report.

    Didn't drink too much water today.
    Didn't go to the gym, but I did a lot of walking today. No new calf raises.
    I had a pita lettuce/turkey thing. Not really a sandwich but not really a salad. But it was yummy :)

    How was everyone's weekend?
  • rosaidamiddleton
    rosaidamiddleton Posts: 106 Member
    My week and weekend were actually great. I actually like the way I feel and the way I am looking. This new me is fantastic :)

    Because it was sunday I didn't do any type of exercise, not even the calf raises. Most of the day was drinkin water, juice or smoothies.

    As for my daily report
    * Water intake: 64oz of water
    * Exercise: none
    * Days without smoking: 36
    * Wellness: Have been going to bed between 10 and 11 pm, getting my 8 hours of sleep.
    * Calf raises: still at 120/400 calf raises
    * I had a salad for dinner (lettuce and tomatoe) with pico de gallo, NOMNOMNOM!! :D

    How was your weekend everyone?

    Hope you have a wonderful evening. Sweet dreams! :*
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    My weekend was busy busy! Got pants for my friend's wedding, hung out with my boyfriend and went to the gym on Saturday. Yesterday I went out to a little festival for a majority of the day and did a lot of walking, although I didn't log it.