hm_day Support Group



  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Ellie!! I'm so excited that you came on here, haha. It's good to have you, hun. There are a lot of fabulous people on here!

    Kassette - I logged on a little too late to get your update, but hopefully you drank more water :)

    MY daily report!
    Nutrition: Drank 83oz of water, that's more than half my body weight in oz :)
    Exercise: Walked during my work break, and did some strength training.

    About to go take a nice long hot shower. No bath for me yet, lol.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    So my daily report..
    Nutrition: I slacked on water. Only about 32oz today because I drank ginger ale with lunch.
    Exercise: I walked a lot. Probably about an hour and a half. Going to the gym tomorrow for a real workout.

    For those that are interested, me and Ellie are doing a challenge. It's not really incorporated into this forum, and I don't expect a report or anything unless you want to (we talked about it on her status). 1000 situps (or if you have a bad back, crunches) throughout the course of the day. In Ellie's case, she's doing situps, in my case I'm doing crunches. It's up to you. But remember, they work different muscle groups :)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    And since it's not letting me edit my post, I also took a nice hot bath :)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    So me and kassette are starting the 30 Day Shred tomorrow. If anyone's interested, feel free to post your stories of success, or agony, on here :) If you're in the middle of it, that counts too. It's not a "challenge" per say, but it's just a little outside-forum activity.

    And my daily report!
    Nutrition: Only 32oz of water.. still working on my second water bottle.
    Exercise: 10min of cardio, about 40-45 of strength.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Dunno where everyone is, but how was everyone's weekend?
    I have tomorrow off for Labor Day, so I'm hitting the gym in the morning before they close and then going school supply shopping. Today I have a bridal shower so I'm breaking in the new high heels and flaunting my loose size 7 jeans :) Really want to fit in my size 5 dress pants by the day of this wedding (October 1st) so I'm really smackin' down. Started the Shred today, only 6 more days of level 1.
  • kassette
    This 30 day shred will be great! I recon you'll be fitting into them size 5 pants in no time at all!

    Almost had my two ltrs of water for today, also did 45 mins in the gym with my personal trainer and level one of 30DS

    Just got to keep up with the water!!
  • BrittanyLynne21
    BrittanyLynne21 Posts: 66 Member
    Hey I keep saying I want to join and write on here but I keep forgetting too. I thought today would be the perfect day to start because I'm finally away from home and have complete control of what I allow in my room and in my body. I already went walking for 45 min today and I'm going to the gym sometime today also. I'm hoping by November 20th I can be in the 180's. Idk if that's a realistic goal but i'm definitely going to try. working out 5 days a week. Well I hope everyone else is doing good. I'm not really sure how this works if were suppose to just talk about our day or is there a goal were suppose to achieve b/c in the beginning a lot of people talked about eating a fruit and veggie and working out in there thing. Just let me know
    Have a Great Labor day
  • kassette
    Hey Brittany :D Were doing biweekly challenges, and at the moment (if i remembered it right) we are aiming for 3 x 30 min's exercise a week, at least 2 litres (67 oz) water a day, and also to relax and have a nice bath at least once a week!

    Also we do a mix of talking bout our days and how we've hit our goals, so do both!! :)
  • kassette

    gotta run and go pee again though.........
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Welcome Brittany!
    Kassette hit it right on the head. 64oz is the goal, but obviously if you can hit more than that, that's even better. College is the best time to start anew. I tried doing that.. and then I messed up my hip and life got screwed up after that :P So my second year is the starting anew! :) I think 180s is the perfectly realistic goal for November 20th.
    We kind of do a little bit of everything here. We do daily reports with the challenges, which we'll be halfway through this upcoming Tuesday so you have plenty of time to jump in :) And like kassette said, we do them biweekly, so every other Tuesday we change challenges. You don't HAVE to do a daily report, it just keeps us up to date with who's completing the challenges to see if we should actually continue them.

    Today I had that bridal shower. I TURNED DOWN RED VELVET CAKE. I needed to put that in caps because it's a huge accomplishment for me. I was so hungry and was having a sugar crash, but I hadn't had a real dinner yet so I turned down the cake. Red velvet is my FAVORITE and looked so freakin' delicious and I said no. When the shower started, I ate a couple club crackers with cheese, and celery sticks with french onion dip. And I drank water instead of coffee or soda. I call this a success. Oh, and I won prizes with Lindt chocolate in them and I only ate ONE.

    So since I'm pretty much done eating for the night, here's my daily report.
    Nutrition: I slacked on water. Had only about 24oz today, but tomorrow will be much better. Will be working out more :)
    Exercise: Did the 30DS Level 1, so only 20 minutes, but I did help a bit with moving chairs for the shower.
  • kassette
    Well proud of you for turning down the red velvet cake! That's some strong willpower you got!! :D Its gonna be so worth it in the end!! Eyes on the prize girls haha!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Nutrition: Ughhh.. 32oz of water today. Not awful, but not great, lol.
    Exercise: 45 minutes of strength training. Didn't do 30DS today, bf was sick so I went to tend to him instead, haha.

    Now to put together some stuff for school.

    By the way, I'm down to a size 6 in pants :)
  • kassette
    CONGRATS!!! You will reach your goal in no time at all now! Just don't forget about us :)

    Yesterday I drank over 2 liters of water, and Managed half an hour cardio... well 20 mins, but its close enough right? And it was 30DS wish is extra hardcore.... so in my mind im justified in saying half an hour lol!

    Not had a bath yet..... maybe later today to soothe my poor achy muscles. Any clue how long im going to feel like this for? baring in mind that im going to be doing the 30DS every day for the next 27 days (eeek) am i going to ache the whole way through?? or will my body adjust?
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Well, each level your body will probably ache for the first day or two. When it stops aching, that's when you know you need to go to the next level :) I'll probably be doing it longer than you since I didn't do it yesterday and school's starting up tomorrow (blah).

    And I'll never forget about you! I'm gonna stay on here even after I reach my goal in order to maintain.. Or else I know I'll gain it right back, haha.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Daily report!

    Nutrition: 40oz of water.
    Exercise: 20min of spinning, 60min of strength.

    Still no 30DS! Ugh, I should have started this first thing. It's gonna be so hard now that classes have started.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Tomorrow will either be a 30DS AND gym day, or just one. I worked my *kitten* off today and even blew off going to the gym simply because I walked so damn much and busted *kitten* at work today (start of the semester, lots of new Freshman signing up for the gym.. FML!). A few NSV's today, though!

    NSV #1: 9am- Walked the 10 flights of stairs (or maybe more? lost count) to the 5th floor for my Anatomy class. Could definitely feel it, but I wasn't CRAWLING by the time I hit the 4th floor like I used to.
    NSV #2: 10am- Sitting with a friend/classmate that I haven't seen since the end of last semester. We both put on a lot of weight and have been eating healthy and losing weight. We ate fruit and she says to me "I've been watching your losses through Facebook. You can definitely notice it. You look awesome!" Why, thank you, Megan :)
    NSV #3: 10:30am- Walked from one campus to another. I did it regularly before, but dreaded it, even though it was only a 5 minute walk. Today, I didn't even look to see if a shuttle was around. I simply started walking and even ran at the end! :)

    And here's my daily report.

    Nutrition: Had a Gatorade for a majority of the day, unfortunately. But I drank about 32oz of water at work if not more. Lost count, lol.
    Exercise: Metric **** ton of walking and going up stairs. Plus work in and of itself was a fabulous workout.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Okay, so today I walked in the rain with 30lbs on my back, all over campus. Then I came home and did the Shred. I am very tired, lol.

    Daily report!
    Nutrition: Working on my water still. Downing my 24oz and then I still have tons of water left over to drink before bed. Soo bloated.
    Exercise: .. I already talked about this.

    Where is everyone?
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    I need to pay attention more, I didn't know you had this forum. Today I did 20 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill at a 7.5mph/4.5mph pace for 1 minute running and 1 minute jogging. 9 minutes with the heavy bag 3 - 3 minute rounds.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Hi! I thought you posted on here once but I must be wrong. We do biweekly challenges (this Tuesday, we'll be half way through. Next Tuesday we'll switch it up). We do nutrition, exercise and wellness. Since it's mostly women on here, this week's wellness challenge is aimed more for the women but it's absolutely open for men too! :) Here are the challenges.

    Nutrition: Drink 64oz of water per day.
    Exercise: 30min of exercise 3x per week.
    Wellness: One bath a week to relax the muscles (BATH, not shower).

    Welcome to the forum! Lots of pretty great people .. when they're around :) I'm cutting them some slack though because I know a lot of them just went back to school :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    just woke up, off to work soon but hitting the gym after my job interview tonight (: xo